Muslims of early America

Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays

Muslims are slave traders.
Why do the Left Wingers admire them so much.
BTW, muslims did not contribute anything to America's founding.
Nope....They didn't participate in the slaughtering of millions of Natives, and enslaving millions of take the whole credit.

lol the natives slaughtered millions of natives, especially those Plains tribes, the ones they throw the biggest Pity Parties for. The Aztecs were probably the bloodiest people on Earth, with the exception of Muslims. And of course Africans enslaved far more Africans than anybody else as well.

Hummm... those are ancient civilization....can you talk as a bit about who has been bombing different countries and killing thousands of Civilians for the past decades? Like maybe Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and backing dictators in so many other countries...destabilizing dozens of others countries.....spending trillions of dollars on bases and weapons and bullying countries all over the world?
And how about killing each other by the thousand each year?

Ah, so now you want to keep changing the topic; I understand, you don't know squat about history and need to make a lot of apologies for genocidal scumbag terrorists, so you can't be spending time on your fake history lessons. Of course, this means you know you're lying and what the U.S. does is not even remotely comparable to what your beloved vermin scum do on a daily basis and have for thousands of years. Sucks to be losers like your pet scum.
I imagine that it sucks even worse to have it suddenly dawn on you miscreants that many of the people you so dispise are just as American if not more so than you & yours. It has always cracked me up when the rabble rousers start their demands that Muslims be deported as well as denied their basic U.S. Constitutional rights such as in the case of one idiot who wants the Constitution altered to make Islam no longer a religion so that Muslims can be deported and denied government jobs like communist were back in the McCarthy era. I've always wondered to where do you deport a native born American citizen.
Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays
Literally 5 Muslims in the entire country at that time.
why is it an issue that amongst the huge number of people sold by arab slavers there might have been a few who were by virtue of either birth or conversion---some "muslims", and some ended up in the USA? Conversion to islam in
Islamic lands by a slave confers an ADVANTAGE on that slave------theoretically----in shariah law. No matter how one cuts it-----neither islam nor
"muslims" as a people had anything to do with the actual founding of the USA.
As far as the idiot statement -----IT WAS NOT MUSLIMS who killed American
who came up with that one? American Indians died mostly from illnesses new to the continent------and alterations in their living
conditions including depletion of the resources on which they depended-------generally not massacres. Anyone know when the first Buddhist got here?
anyone care?

So you don't think there were any Hebrews in hiding that came to the America's with those Spaniards thus making them the second monotheistic religion from the Old World to come to the Americas.

And what makes you think that there weren't Native American tribes that were monotheistic prior to the coming of the Old World to the Americas?



The K!kes were integral to the slave trade the same as Muslims who castrated and sold some 80M Africans over a 700 year period. Yet like the typical groid you sit and praise both.
The African cannot be domesticated.

try again----the slave trade conducted by arabs extends back far more than
700 years. In fact SOMALIA (land of ILHAN OMAR)-----thrived on it for
millennia including centuries before the rapist of Mecca was born. During
those millennia-----THE fact was that slavery itself was integral in the
functioning society---------thus involving everyone in lands in which slavery
was used or the products of their labor used. The British Navy did not have
its daily aliquot of rum without the involvement of slave labor. Morocco
functioned on slavery too. An interesting point of history-----castration was
often done by Christian monks-------they were better at it than were muslim
Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays
Literally 5 Muslims in the entire country at that time.

Liars don't care about facts; they're just implementing Obama's claim that 'You didn't build this' nonsense and peddling the myth that minorities invented everything and built everything and you white people suck n stuff!' mentality, part of tearing it all down just to suit some whining gimps who can't pass third grade and need to claim stuff like reading and writing and arithmetic must be 'racist' as an excuse for their own stupidity and bigotry.
I imagine that it sucks even worse to have it suddenly dawn on you miscreants that many of the people you so dispise are just as American if not more so than you & yours. It has always cracked me up when the rabble rousers start their demands that Muslims be deported as well as denied their basic U.S. Constitutional rights such as in the case of one idiot who wants the Constitution altered to make Islam no longer a religion so that Muslims can be deported and denied government jobs like communist were back in the McCarthy era. I've always wondered to where do you deport a native born American citizen.

Man the Pacific Northwest is full of nitwits. No wonder once glorious cities like Portland, SF and Seattle are filth ridden sewers. Islam the religion and Islam the ideology are one in the same. There is no civilized mostly Muslim country anywhere in the world. Stop your babble.

Based on linguistic evidence, it appears that the Iroquian-speaking people Jacques Cartier encountered in 1535 on the St. Lawrence River at Hochelaga (Montreal) were Huron. Sometime after Cartier's last visit in 1541, Hochelaga was abandoned probably due to wars with the Iroquois and Algonquins. Two groups of these so-called Laurentian Iroquois from the St. Lawrence, the Arendahronon and Tahonaenrat, moved west and by 1570 had combined with an older alliance of the Attignawantan and Attigneenongnahac to form the Huron Confederacy. Other Iroquian tribes in the region organized themselves in a similar manner, the most notable example being the Iroquois League in upstate New York. The Huron occupied the area of central Ontario at the south end of Georgian Bay. To the west, in the hills near the southeast end of Lake Huron, were the Tionontati, and southwest between Detroit and Niagara Falls were the Neutrals, another large confederacy so called because they remained neutral in the wars between the Huron and Iroquois.

A relatively small group, the Wenro, lived west of the Iroquois in southwest New York (Jamestown) and protected itself through alliances with the Neutrals to the north, and the Erie whose territory extended inland from the southern shore of Lake Erie near Erie, Pennsylvania westward across northern Ohio. South of the Iroquois along the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania were the Susquehannock, a traditional Iroquois enemy. To the east, the Mohawk and Oneida of the Iroquois League faced Algonquins: the Mahican of the Hudson Valley; and the Adirondack, an unidentified Algonquin group who may have been Western Abenaki or the Pequot-Mohegan before they moved to eastern Connecticut. Along the St. Lawrence the Montagnais and Algonkin after 1541 had moved into the territory vacated by the Laurentian Iroquois and were fighting with the Iroquois.

While the Iroquois generally fought with their neighbors, the Huron had good relations with many of theirs through a pattern of trade which extended north through the Ottawa and Nipissing to the Ojibwe at Sault Ste. Marie. The rivalry and warfare which existed between the Huron and Iroquois before the arrival of the French was balanced by extensive trade. However, warfare was pervasive enough that it had caused the rival confederations to group their large, fortified villages into compact areas for mutual support. No borders existed in the European sense, with most of the lands in between the relatively compact areas of occupation either being shared or disputed, depending on the circumstances. Lured by the fur trade, the French returned to the St. Lawrence in 1603 and established their first permanent settlement at Tadoussac. The quality of fur obtained from the local Montagnais and the Algonkin through the Ottawa River Valley encouraged the French to push farther west. Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec in 1608 and the following year, through Algonkin traders, he had his first meeting with the Arendaronon of the Huron Confederacy.

Unfortunately for the French and their hopes for the fur trade, the St. Lawrence west of Quebec was a war zone and had been this way for at least 50 years before their arrival. It was a disputed area claimed by the Iroquois, Huron, Algonkin, and Montagnais. After listening to the complaints of his trading partners against the Iroquois, Champlain decided in July, 1609 to accompany a mixed Algonkin, Montagnais, and Huron war party against the Mohawk. In a battle fought at the north end of Lake Champlain, the Iroquois had their first experience with French firearms, and the French had found themselves a new and dangerous enemy. After this French-assisted victory, the Huron signed their first trade agreement with Champlain. The destruction of a Mohawk fort on the Richelieu River the following year helped drive the Iroquois south and opened the upper St. Lawrence to French trade. The French impression of the Huron was not favorable at first, and with their villages so distant, they were inclined to focus on their trade with the Algonkin. However, this soon changed after Étienne Brulé visited the Huron villages in 1611 and remained through the winter. He learned the Huron not only had better fur than the Algonkin and Iroquois, but access through trade with other tribes to areas of even higher quality. If the French had doubts about siding with the Huron against the Iroquois, they ended right there, and in 1614 a formal treaty of trade and alliance between the French and Huron was signed at Quebec. The following year, Champlain made the long journey to the Huron villages and, while there, joined a Huron-Algonkin attack on Oneida and Onondaga villages to the south in upstate New York. After 1616, the Huron were the middlemen for the French fur trade with the Nipissing, Ottawa, and Algonquins in the western Great Lakes.

... and much more at the link. They were murdering genocidal savages before we got there, so tough for you sniveling commie vermin and your fantasy indians being some sort of ancient Ghandi-like pot smoking hippies or something.ruined by Da Evul Xian Whitey.

Main site is here:

Compact Histories

They apparently haven't got around to the Sioux vermin yet; they were famous for their wiping out of whole tribes as they conquered the plains regions. It was in fact the U.S. Army that saved many of the smaller tribes from total extinction by the animals; small tribes like the Osage were so desperate to survive the Sioux's genocides they began firing arrows at steamboats hoping to get invaded and captured by the Army and get a reservation under U.S. protection, and it worked. Many small tribes today only exist because of U.S. efforts.
I imagine that it sucks even worse to have it suddenly dawn on you miscreants that many of the people you so dispise are just as American if not more so than you & yours. It has always cracked me up when the rabble rousers start their demands that Muslims be deported as well as denied their basic U.S. Constitutional rights such as in the case of one idiot who wants the Constitution altered to make Islam no longer a religion so that Muslims can be deported and denied government jobs like communist were back in the McCarthy era. I've always wondered to where do you deport a native born American citizen.

I would deport you haters to where ever 'social justice warriror's are needed, like back to Africa, to your beloved Red China, Iran, Pakistan, there are all kinds of places who need your valuable insights and armchair 'radicalism'. Deportation of citizens is just fine with me, as it was with Jefferson and the 'Founders', and also fine with Abraham Lincoln.

And, Islam is a political ideology, not a religion, and we ban Nazis and other ilk from immigrating, so we should have the common sense to do so with Muslims. Pandering to racist idiots like yourself isn't something sane and smart people need to encourage.
I imagine that it sucks even worse to have it suddenly dawn on you miscreants that many of the people you so dispise are just as American if not more so than you & yours. It has always cracked me up when the rabble rousers start their demands that Muslims be deported as well as denied their basic U.S. Constitutional rights such as in the case of one idiot who wants the Constitution altered to make Islam no longer a religion so that Muslims can be deported and denied government jobs like communist were back in the McCarthy era. I've always wondered to where do you deport a native born American citizen.

to whom are you addressing your post, Mariyam. Let's do a fun exercise.
Did you know that there were jews in the land called SOMALIA long
before there was islam there? Christianity too. There were also people called in English "arabs" who functioned in slave trade. In fact Somalia like Sudan was something like a slave trading post colony "harvesting" black persons in sub-Saharan Africa and selling them far and wide. When islam
happened, it was spread thruout Somalia------and the Jewish and Christian
populations were oppressed out of existence under the details of shariah law. Do the details of Shariah law 'crack you up'? For information on
how to get rid of "others"----read the Koran. People were not DEPORTED
from Arabia----or Somalia----they were either enslaved or they RAN
I imagine that it sucks even worse to have it suddenly dawn on you miscreants that many of the people you so dispise are just as American if not more so than you & yours
You should thank ALLAH that NONE of these people got a foothold in this country and that it was built by the BRITISH in their moral golden age.

And because a member of a specific race or religion set foot here does NOT make yhem AMERICAN.

If MUZZIES were dominant here your low IQ peeps would still be in chains and your lifespan would be 35 years you ungrateful African!
I imagine that it sucks even worse to have it suddenly dawn on you miscreants that many of the people you so dispise are just as American if not more so than you & yours
You should thank ALLAH that NONE of these people got a foothold in this country and that it was built by the BRITISH in their moral golden age.

And because a member of a specific race or religion set foot here does NOT make yhem AMERICAN.

If MUZZIES were dominant here your low IQ peeps would still be in chains and your lifespan would be 35 years you ungrateful African!

well----it was built by persons of British background-----Not BY THOSE
BLOODY LIMEYS. Speaking of THE CONSTITUTION----(and declaration
of independence) ------very British. ---and based on roman and
Christian ethos. ----nothing from the Koran or from the pact of omar
Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays
Your link:

"The first words to pass between Europeans and Americans (one-sided and confusing as they must have been) were in the sacred language of Islam.

"Christopher Columbus had hoped to sail to Asia and had prepared to communicate at its great courts in one of the major languages of Eurasian commerce.

"So when Columbus’s interpreter, a Spanish Jew, spoke to the Taíno of Hispaniola, he did so in Arabic.

"Not just the language of Islam, but the religion itself likely arrived in America in 1492, more than 20 years before Martin Luther nailed his theses to the door, igniting the Protestant reformation."

Who knew?

So you don't think there were any Hebrews in hiding that came to the America's with those Spaniards thus making them the second monotheistic religion from the Old World to come to the Americas.

And what makes you think that there weren't Native American tribes that were monotheistic prior to the coming of the Old World to the Americas?



The K!kes were integral to the slave trade the same as Muslims who castrated and sold some 80M Africans over a 700 year period. Yet like the typical groid you sit and praise both.
The African cannot be domesticated.

try again----the slave trade conducted by arabs extends back far more than
700 years. In fact SOMALIA (land of ILHAN OMAR)-----thrived on it for
millennia including centuries before the rapist of Mecca was born. During
those millennia-----THE fact was that slavery itself was integral in the
functioning society---------thus involving everyone in lands in which slavery
was used or the products of their labor used. The British Navy did not have
its daily aliquot of rum without the involvement of slave labor. Morocco
functioned on slavery too. An interesting point of history-----castration was
often done by Christian monks-------they were better at it than were muslim

Europeans had been practicing slavery since the foundations of Europe.In fact slavery was in all nations at one time.
Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays
Your link:

"The first words to pass between Europeans and Americans (one-sided and confusing as they must have been) were in the sacred language of Islam.

"Christopher Columbus had hoped to sail to Asia and had prepared to communicate at its great courts in one of the major languages of Eurasian commerce.

"So when Columbus’s interpreter, a Spanish Jew, spoke to the Taíno of Hispaniola, he did so in Arabic.

"Not just the language of Islam, but the religion itself likely arrived in America in 1492, more than 20 years before Martin Luther nailed his theses to the door, igniting the Protestant reformation."

Who knew?

the "POINT" ? a Spanish jewish interpreter-----ran into some wild primitive
people in a strange new land-----the TAINO. The jews of spain used
Arabic in the SOUK and "LADINO" which is an Hebraized form of
Spanish at home. That jewish interpreter naturally assumed that the
primitive Taino people might know the language of the primitive nomadic
people from Arabia. I am lucky---I know Taino people here in the USA----
they know NO ARABIC. I know jewish people from Arabic speaking
lands-----they still speak Ladino at home-----and Arabic in the gutter.
A few years ago------a ladino speaking relative of mine-----had an
animated conversation in SPANISH with a native south American . BACK in the time of Columbus------the Taino people had not yet been
converted to Spanish-------but now they are. They never did arabic
Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays

Muslims are slave traders.
Why do the Left Wingers admire them so much.
BTW, muslims did not contribute anything to America's founding.
Nope....They didn't participate in the slaughtering of millions of Natives, and enslaving millions of take the whole credit.
Issa, when are you going to prove that you mean it by leaving America?

So you don't think there were any Hebrews in hiding that came to the America's with those Spaniards thus making them the second monotheistic religion from the Old World to come to the Americas.

And what makes you think that there weren't Native American tribes that were monotheistic prior to the coming of the Old World to the Americas?



The K!kes were integral to the slave trade the same as Muslims who castrated and sold some 80M Africans over a 700 year period. Yet like the typical groid you sit and praise both.
The African cannot be domesticated.

try again----the slave trade conducted by arabs extends back far more than
700 years. In fact SOMALIA (land of ILHAN OMAR)-----thrived on it for
millennia including centuries before the rapist of Mecca was born. During
those millennia-----THE fact was that slavery itself was integral in the
functioning society---------thus involving everyone in lands in which slavery
was used or the products of their labor used. The British Navy did not have
its daily aliquot of rum without the involvement of slave labor. Morocco
functioned on slavery too. An interesting point of history-----castration was
often done by Christian monks-------they were better at it than were muslim

Europeans had been practicing slavery since the foundations of Europe.In fact slavery was in all nations at one time.

very true POGOID------over the past several Millennia-----and during
the "foundation of Europe" time----the people who controlled the
black and mediterranean slave trade were "arabs" ------in bibilical literature called "ISHMAELITES"
For the interested ----the term "ISHMAELITE" (more like ishmaeli )
refers to nomadic and illiterate people ----generally from the area now
called Saudi Arabia and its precincts. The term precedes islam
For the interested ----the term "ISHMAELITE" (more like ishmaeli )
refers to nomadic and illiterate people ----generally from the area now
called Saudi Arabia and its precincts. The term precedes islam
The children of Ishmael -- Abraham's bastard children, born of sin. The world has paid dearly for Abraham's mistake.
Muslims were not a part of early American history.

Your story is about Spanish colonialism and they outlawed bringing Muslims over, so that was the end of that.

So stop trying to justify bringing millions more of them over today. Islam is incompatible with Western values and democracy.
The history facts that i'm gonna list to you, I studied in Morocco in elementary school. I'm well aware of the general education here in the US and I wouldn't be surprised if most of you in here don't know these facts.

1. The first country that Recognized the independence of the US was a Muslim Country. (google it)

2. The first US embassy or building outside the US, also was in a Muslim country.

3. The founding fathers recognized the Islamic faith, and it's all documented here
The Founding Fathers and Islam (May 2002) - Library of Congress Information Bulletin

Your hate unsurprisingly stems from ignorance, and you need to educate yourself.
------------------------------------------ only on 'morocco' being the first to recognize the USA , Well , big deal , i think that came after the USA Kicked their azzes wasn't it 'isis' ??
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