Muslims of early America

Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays

No matter the lengths of falsified and/or revised history the though police go to, our nation will never be majority Muslim, nor will we ever forgive Islam's greatest hits, with 9/11 still topping the charts.
Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays
Your link:

"The first words to pass between Europeans and Americans (one-sided and confusing as they must have been) were in the sacred language of Islam.

"Christopher Columbus had hoped to sail to Asia and had prepared to communicate at its great courts in one of the major languages of Eurasian commerce.

"So when Columbus’s interpreter, a Spanish Jew, spoke to the Taíno of Hispaniola, he did so in Arabic.

"Not just the language of Islam, but the religion itself likely arrived in America in 1492, more than 20 years before Martin Luther nailed his theses to the door, igniting the Protestant reformation."

Who knew?

the "POINT" ? a Spanish jewish interpreter-----ran into some wild primitive
people in a strange new land-----the TAINO. The jews of spain used
Arabic in the SOUK and "LADINO" which is an Hebraized form of
Spanish at home. That jewish interpreter naturally assumed that the
primitive Taino people might know the language of the primitive nomadic
people from Arabia. I am lucky---I know Taino people here in the USA----
they know NO ARABIC. I know jewish people from Arabic speaking
lands-----they still speak Ladino at home-----and Arabic in the gutter.
A few years ago------a ladino speaking relative of mine-----had an
animated conversation in SPANISH with a native south American . BACK in the time of Columbus------the Taino people had not yet been
converted to Spanish-------but now they are. They never did arabic
You should really concentrate on long-form fiction.
I imagine that it sucks even worse to have it suddenly dawn on you miscreants that many of the people you so dispise are just as American if not more so than you & yours. It has always cracked me up when the rabble rousers start their demands that Muslims be deported as well as denied their basic U.S. Constitutional rights such as in the case of one idiot who wants the Constitution altered to make Islam no longer a religion so that Muslims can be deported and denied government jobs like communist were back in the McCarthy era. I've always wondered to where do you deport a native born American citizen.
I'd disregard most of the flak you are getting in this thread.

It would not surprise me at all to learn that most of it is probably from overseas forum members that are seeded, to gin up hatred and anger against primarily middle eastern nations, which, TBH, American has no national interest in making war on.

Otherwise, it is from folks that have just watched too much TEE VEE.
There seems to be an awful lot of HATE in this thread. . . :eusa_think:

The first country whose opinions mattered that recognize the U.S. was the Netherlands, probably the only country in Europe that ever practiced neutrality and respected ours. We did so even when it hurt us, as in WW I, when the Dutch were importing our food at cheap prices and selling their own to the Germans at high prices, despite protests from France and England.

So you don't think there were any Hebrews in hiding that came to the America's with those Spaniards thus making them the second monotheistic religion from the Old World to come to the Americas.

And what makes you think that there weren't Native American tribes that were monotheistic prior to the coming of the Old World to the Americas?



The K!kes were integral to the slave trade the same as Muslims who castrated and sold some 80M Africans over a 700 year period. Yet like the typical groid you sit and praise both.
The African cannot be domesticated.

try again----the slave trade conducted by arabs extends back far more than
700 years. In fact SOMALIA (land of ILHAN OMAR)-----thrived on it for
millennia including centuries before the rapist of Mecca was born. During
those millennia-----THE fact was that slavery itself was integral in the
functioning society---------thus involving everyone in lands in which slavery
was used or the products of their labor used. The British Navy did not have
its daily aliquot of rum without the involvement of slave labor. Morocco
functioned on slavery too. An interesting point of history-----castration was
often done by Christian monks-------they were better at it than were muslim

Europeans had been practicing slavery since the foundations of Europe.In fact slavery was in all nations at one time.

very true POGOID------over the past several Millennia-----and during
the "foundation of Europe" time----the people who controlled the
black and mediterranean slave trade were "arabs" ------in bibilical literature called "ISHMAELITES"
For the interested ----the term "ISHMAELITE" (more like ishmaeli )
refers to nomadic and illiterate people ----generally from the area now
called Saudi Arabia and its precincts. The term precedes islam

They also enslaved many Europeans, which no one ever talks about...Narratives and all I guess...or too busy cryin fo dem poh black folk.
There seems to be an awful lot of HATE in this thread. . . :eusa_think:

----------------------------------- i'd call it Recognition on 'muslim' and their religion and history thread MrBeale . Its an educational thread in my opinion MrBeale .
Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays

Muslims are slave traders.
Why do the Left Wingers admire them so much.
BTW, muslims did not contribute anything to America's founding.
Nope....They didn't participate in the slaughtering of millions of Natives, and enslaving millions of take the whole credit.
Issa, when are you going to prove that you mean it by leaving America?

these spoiled little Burb Brats would never leave the U.S. and the comforts and freedoms they have here just to go promote principles; they don't have any themselves and don't want to be inconvenienced by fighting for other peoples' lack thereof.
There seems to be an awful lot of HATE in this thread. . . :eusa_think:

----------------------------------- i'd call it Recognition on 'muslim' and their religion and history thread MrBeale . Its an educational thread in my opinion MrBeale .

Real history upsets some people, so they equate making fun of fake history as posted by the usual tards as 'hate speech'.

So you don't think there were any Hebrews in hiding that came to the America's with those Spaniards thus making them the second monotheistic religion from the Old World to come to the Americas.

And what makes you think that there weren't Native American tribes that were monotheistic prior to the coming of the Old World to the Americas?



The K!kes were integral to the slave trade the same as Muslims who castrated and sold some 80M Africans over a 700 year period. Yet like the typical groid you sit and praise both.
The African cannot be domesticated.

but its only muslims that currently to this day still enslave blacks or any other race they can,,,

so while we remember history we should be more concerned with current events

So you don't think there were any Hebrews in hiding that came to the America's with those Spaniards thus making them the second monotheistic religion from the Old World to come to the Americas.

And what makes you think that there weren't Native American tribes that were monotheistic prior to the coming of the Old World to the Americas?



The K!kes were integral to the slave trade the same as Muslims who castrated and sold some 80M Africans over a 700 year period. Yet like the typical groid you sit and praise both.
The African cannot be domesticated.

I totally don't get why CRCs and deplorables are accused of being anti-semetic.

So you don't think there were any Hebrews in hiding that came to the America's with those Spaniards thus making them the second monotheistic religion from the Old World to come to the Americas.

And what makes you think that there weren't Native American tribes that were monotheistic prior to the coming of the Old World to the Americas?



The K!kes were integral to the slave trade the same as Muslims who castrated and sold some 80M Africans over a 700 year period. Yet like the typical groid you sit and praise both.
The African cannot be domesticated.

I totally don't get why CRCs and deplorables are accused of being anti-semetic.

You mean Democrats are the only people allowed to be antisemitic. You're welcome in advance for that clarification of your real meaning.

So you don't think there were any Hebrews in hiding that came to the America's with those Spaniards thus making them the second monotheistic religion from the Old World to come to the Americas.

And what makes you think that there weren't Native American tribes that were monotheistic prior to the coming of the Old World to the Americas?



The K!kes were integral to the slave trade the same as Muslims who castrated and sold some 80M Africans over a 700 year period. Yet like the typical groid you sit and praise both.
The African cannot be domesticated.

I totally don't get why CRCs and deplorables are accused of being anti-semetic.

You mean Democrats are the only people allowed to be antisemitic. You're welcome in advance for that clarification of your real meaning.

Nope...that's not what I mean at all. Surely you are not confused that easily? No........wait......:71:

So you don't think there were any Hebrews in hiding that came to the America's with those Spaniards thus making them the second monotheistic religion from the Old World to come to the Americas.

And what makes you think that there weren't Native American tribes that were monotheistic prior to the coming of the Old World to the Americas?



The K!kes were integral to the slave trade the same as Muslims who castrated and sold some 80M Africans over a 700 year period. Yet like the typical groid you sit and praise both.
The African cannot be domesticated.

I totally don't get why CRCs and deplorables are accused of being anti-semetic.

Yet, I am sure you have never looked into why.
tenor (5).gif

So you don't think there were any Hebrews in hiding that came to the America's with those Spaniards thus making them the second monotheistic religion from the Old World to come to the Americas.

And what makes you think that there weren't Native American tribes that were monotheistic prior to the coming of the Old World to the Americas?



The K!kes were integral to the slave trade the same as Muslims who castrated and sold some 80M Africans over a 700 year period. Yet like the typical groid you sit and praise both.
The African cannot be domesticated.

I totally don't get why CRCs and deplorables are accused of being anti-semetic.

Yet, I am sure you have never looked into why.
View attachment 262072

And there's the answer, in illustration. "Because someone told them to". Parrot-sheep.

It's what's for dinner for the Ignorants.
Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays

Has Aeon published any scholarly essays along these lines?

“New York Mufti says, Muslims cannot integrate: ‘Muslims should hate non-Muslims’ “The general principle… is to love and to hate for the sake of Allah,” New York Mufti says, Muslims cannot integrate: 'Muslims should hate non-Muslims' · Caldron Pool

If not, why not?

How about one on the religious perspective of Hussein Obama, and the need to guarantee nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

I look forward to their apologia on these topics.
There seems to be an awful lot of HATE in this thread. . . :eusa_think:


A plethora of ignorance too, but then that's saying the same thing isn't it.

>> Islam has been a piece of the American religious fabric since the first settlers arrived in North America.

While we do not know exactly how many African Muslims were enslaved and transported to the New World, there are clues in legal doctrines, slaveholders’ documents, and existing cultural and religious traditions. African Muslims were caught in the middle of complicated social and legal attitudes from the very moment they landed on our Eastern shores, and collections at the [Smithsonian National African American History and Culture] Museum help provide insight into their lives.

.... Despite significant obstacles, enslaved Muslims used their faith and bilingual literacy to build community, resist slavery, and pursue freedom. They left numerous written accounts of their experiences in America in the form of letters, diaries, and autobiographies, most of them in Arabic. And they strategically used Arabic to communicate with one another and to undermine slavery. Bilali Mohammad and Salih Bilali were known to be “intimate friends”; Omar ibn Sayyid and Lamine Kebe wrote letters to one another; and Ayuba Suleiman Diallo sent an Arabic letter to his father in Africa. They also wrote pages of Arabic for their slaveholders and their friends. But instead of writing what the recipients believed was a Bible verse or the Lord’s Prayer, they wrote Qur’anic verses that condemned slavery, made genealogical lists, and even pled to return home to Africa.

.... The Islam brought to America by enslaved Africans did not survive long, but it left traces that are still visible today. The practice of Ring Shout, a form of religious dance in which men and women rotate counterclockwise while singing, clapping their hands, and shuffling their feet, was directly inherited from enslaved Muslims such as Bilali Mohammed and Salih Bilali in the Georgia Sea Islands. It originally mimicked the ritual circling (or shaw’t) of the Kaaba in Mecca by Muslim pilgrims. Interviews of formerly enslaved people collected by the Works Progress Administration in the 1930s contain reminiscences of rice cakes called saraka, which were handed out during rituals and feast days. From the Arabic word sadaqah, or freewill offering, this charity is an aspect of zakat, one of the Five Pillars of Islam. And early blues singers, like those recorded by ethnomusicologist Alan Lomax in “Levee Camp Holler,” employed singing styles reminiscent of the adhan, or call to prayer. They use sweeping and extended vocalizations to fill the words with intense emotions. <<​

As luck would have it, the Original Gullah Festival is to take place this very weekend in coastal South Carolina. I'm going to try to get there.​
From The Conversation:
>> Scholars estimate that as many as 30% of the African slaves brought to the U.S., from West and Central African countries like Gambia and Cameroon, were Muslim. Among the difficulties they faced, were also those related to their faith.

As a scholar of Muslim communities in the West, I know African slaves were forced to abandon their Islamic faith and practices by their owners, both to separate them from their culture and religious roots and also to “civilize” them to Christianity.

Historian Sylviane Diouf explains how despite such efforts, many slaves retained aspects of their customs and traditions, and found new, creative ways to express them. Slave devotionals sung in the fields, for example, kept the tunes and memory of a bygone life alive well after the trauma of dislocation.

Diouf argues that blues music, one of the quintessential forms of American culture, can trace its origins to Muslim influences from the slave era. She also demonstrates how the famous blues song, “Levee Call Holler,” has a style and melody that comes from the Muslim call to prayer, the “adhan.” <<​

I'll just never understand people who deliberately choose to remain ignorant of their own history when it's readily available to them. Boggles the mind.
Muslims were not a part of early American history.

Your story is about Spanish colonialism and they outlawed bringing Muslims over, so that was the end of that.

So stop trying to justify bringing millions more of them over today. Islam is incompatible with Western values and democracy.
The history facts that i'm gonna list to you, I studied in Morocco in elementary school. I'm well aware of the general education here in the US and I wouldn't be surprised if most of you in here don't know these facts.

1. The first country that Recognized the independence of the US was a Muslim Country. (google it)

2. The first US embassy or building outside the US, also was in a Muslim country.

3. The founding fathers recognized the Islamic faith, and it's all documented here
The Founding Fathers and Islam (May 2002) - Library of Congress Information Bulletin

Your hate unsurprisingly stems from ignorance, and you need to educate yourself.
------------------------------------------ only on 'morocco' being the first to recognize the USA , Well , big deal , i think that came after the USA Kicked their azzes wasn't it 'isis' ??
It was the other way around, sorry.

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