Muslims Threatening More Violence in USA

I didn't know it was liberals' job to confront/educate/moderate the muslims' hate speech towards gay. If this job is still open I can apply for it. And FYI I am not even a liberal.

It's not the liberals job. Nor is it their job to publicly harass bakeries or flower shops for holding to their beliefs, and yet the politically correct over indulge in the vilifying of the baker, and completely ignore the beliefs of the Muslims.
Yet another reason to hold them close to our bosom and love them. Hold your friends close, your enemies closer.
I didn't know it was liberals' job to confront/educate/moderate the muslims' hate speech towards gay. If this job is still open I can apply for it. And FYI I am not even a liberal.

It's not the liberals job. Nor is it their job to publicly harass bakeries or flower shops for holding to their beliefs, and yet the politically correct over indulge in the vilifying of the baker, and completely ignore the beliefs of the Muslims.

You should buy a big mixmaster.

You know, so you could make some sense.
Islamic State Is Rapidly Expanding in Southeast Asia - Bloomberg View

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has ramped up its activities in Southeast Asia so effectively that there is now an entire military unit of terrorists recruited from Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, according to Singapore's prime minister.

“Southeast Asia is a key recruitment center for ISIS,” Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said at the Shangri-La Dialogue here in Singapore Friday. He noted that this included more than 500 Indonesians and dozens of Malaysians. “ISIS has so many Indonesian and Malaysia fighters that they form a unit by themselves -- the Katibah Nusantara -- Malay Archipelago Combat Unit,” he added.

But the Crusades, the Crusades!

They were really bad too!

Don't think about this, think about the Crusades!


If any of you are surprised------try to remember ---I TOLD YOU SO ABOUT A YEAR AGO anyone who knows anything about islam knew------I am no genius-----I just know stuff about muslims and how they tick
They'll be a lot more organized now that Obama is importing Syrians. Radicals won't have to fly all that way for training anymore.
And here's another ignorant, ridiculous lie from the right – it would seem you and most other Christians don't consider lying a sin.
we consider molesting a child at 9 yrs of age like the muslim hero did a sin ! we consider fucking any thug that can get a hard on like your mother did a sin .

Um, actually, news reports were that RW hero, Josh Duggar was 14 when he was finally caught.

And then the good christians sent him to a kiddie pornographer for further training.

Other RW heros, Ted Nugent, Warren Jeffs, Phil Robertson liked them 13 and younger.

You call that a "sin"?
The Imam of the mosque should be leading those who attend his mosque and encouraging all of them to openly condemn the death threats. While no one likes protests against them, violence should still be forbidden. Not a peep from them yet regarding that.
The Imam did condemn them right after the shooting happened. ..... :cool:
The Imam did condemn them right after the shooting happened. ..... :cool:[/QUOTE]

Did he incite them in the first place?

I didn't know it was liberals' job to confront/educate/moderate the muslims' hate speech towards gay. If this job is still open I can apply for it. And FYI I am not even a liberal.

It's not the liberals job. Nor is it their job to publicly harass bakeries or flower shops for holding to their beliefs, and yet the politically correct over indulge in the vilifying of the baker, and completely ignore the beliefs of the Muslims.

That Baker's religion represents 70% of Americans.
Muslims constitute 0.9%

Which do you think has the most impact?

Shall we also villify Jews, Buddhists for their beliefs or are you content to ignore them?
Sooner or later, this country is going to have to deal with Islam. They don't want to live in peace, they don't want to compromise, they want the whole world and won't stop until they are stopped. Burying our heads in the sand won't help.

Oh? So what do you propose to do with 2.5 million Muslims in the US who, according to you "don't want to live in peace" and "don't want to compromise" and "want the whole world"?
The Imam of the mosque should be leading those who attend his mosque and encouraging all of them to openly condemn the death threats. While no one likes protests against them, violence should still be forbidden. Not a peep from them yet regarding that.
The Imam did condemn them right after the shooting happened. ..... :cool:


You're confusing them with facts.
Sooner or later, this country is going to have to deal with Islam. They don't want to live in peace, they don't want to compromise, they want the whole world and won't stop until they are stopped. Burying our heads in the sand won't help.

Oh? So what do you propose to do with 2.5 million Muslims in the US who, according to you "don't want to live in peace" and "don't want to compromise" and "want the whole world"?
There is only one way.
Sooner or later, this country is going to have to deal with Islam. They don't want to live in peace, they don't want to compromise, they want the whole world and won't stop until they are stopped. Burying our heads in the sand won't help.

Oh? So what do you propose to do with 2.5 million Muslims in the US who, according to you "don't want to live in peace" and "don't want to compromise" and "want the whole world"?
There is only one way.

Turn them into newts?
Sooner or later, this country is going to have to deal with Islam. They don't want to live in peace, they don't want to compromise, they want the whole world and won't stop until they are stopped. Burying our heads in the sand won't help.

Oh? So what do you propose to do with 2.5 million Muslims in the US who, according to you "don't want to live in peace" and "don't want to compromise" and "want the whole world"?

Deport, arrest or at least investigate the radical Imams, there are here, we know where they are. Vigorously investigate and prosecute terrorist activity including support of any kind. Most of all, stop making idiotic excuses for them.
A group decided to protest a radical mosque and do another drawing contest.

Of course, this immediately brings out the radicals, of which there are many. The radical Muslims are incapable of simply disagreeing and their only reaction is to kill those who offend them.

I think each and every one who has threatened to murder the protesters on social media should be arrested for making death threats. And the police should be prepared to arrest more who will crawl out of the woodwork. The left will immediately blame the protesters and say they should just leave the radical Muslims alone. I would rather send a stern message to the radicals that we don't allow their bullshit and they will pay the price. I am not willing to tiptoe around, being careful of every word just to appease a bunch of vicious assholes. I am sick of those cockroaches and alarmed at the number of them who are at the ready to kill infidels over the slightest infraction. They are the ones who need to change and start understanding that the people of this country are not obligated to bend to their rules. If they can't learn to tolerate dissenting views, they shouldn't be here. If any who are making the threats are immigrants, they need to be sent back to wherever they came from.

Why does the left seem to think that we should all just be careful not to offend the murderers? Where will that lead? If we keep giving in, the demands will become greater every year until they call the shots. Those who would actually kill people over drawings or protests are downright dangerous. Doesn't it make people feel uncomfortable knowing that cold-blooded killers live among them and they will strike the moment they feel offended?

I suspect that Obama would like to make a law that would make it a felony to insult Muslims. Some countries already treat it as a serious crime, sometimes punishable by death.

I would rather take a stand and draw out the evil little bastards and eliminate them. Anyone who would murder people over a protest or stupid drawing is beyond hope and too demented to ever be normal.

Muslims Threaten Violence Against Biker Protest at Radical Arizona Mosque Top Right News

Just goes to show you, can't force fit a square wisdom into a round hate-hole. It's the devil's work to try, and it's sad. ...Why does the left seem to think that we should all just be careful not to offend murderers?... It's not about left/right, it's about holding onto whatever innocence that remains. The radical Muslims and their jihad, it's evil, and everybody knows it, you know, that's obvious enough. Letting that get under your skin, letting that evil infect you, that's where lines have to be drawn. Letting them inspire you to hurt them, recycling animosities, that doesn't work out so well. It's better they should be inspired by your compassion and joy for life, your superior ideals and better angels get under their skin for a change. That way, when the jihadist attacks, they'll regret it because the peaceful Muslims will condemn them for you.
Sooner or later, this country is going to have to deal with Islam. They don't want to live in peace, they don't want to compromise, they want the whole world and won't stop until they are stopped. Burying our heads in the sand won't help.

Oh? So what do you propose to do with 2.5 million Muslims in the US who, according to you "don't want to live in peace" and "don't want to compromise" and "want the whole world"?

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