Muslims Threatening More Violence in USA

A group decided to protest a radical mosque and do another drawing contest.

Of course, this immediately brings out the radicals, of which there are many. The radical Muslims are incapable of simply disagreeing and their only reaction is to kill those who offend them.

I think each and every one who has threatened to murder the protesters on social media should be arrested for making death threats. And the police should be prepared to arrest more who will crawl out of the woodwork. The left will immediately blame the protesters and say they should just leave the radical Muslims alone. I would rather send a stern message to the radicals that we don't allow their bullshit and they will pay the price. I am not willing to tiptoe around, being careful of every word just to appease a bunch of vicious assholes. I am sick of those cockroaches and alarmed at the number of them who are at the ready to kill infidels over the slightest infraction. They are the ones who need to change and start understanding that the people of this country are not obligated to bend to their rules. If they can't learn to tolerate dissenting views, they shouldn't be here. If any who are making the threats are immigrants, they need to be sent back to wherever they came from.

Why does the left seem to think that we should all just be careful not to offend the murderers? Where will that lead? If we keep giving in, the demands will become greater every year until they call the shots. Those who would actually kill people over drawings or protests are downright dangerous. Doesn't it make people feel uncomfortable knowing that cold-blooded killers live among them and they will strike the moment they feel offended?

I suspect that Obama would like to make a law that would make it a felony to insult Muslims. Some countries already treat it as a serious crime, sometimes punishable by death.

I would rather take a stand and draw out the evil little bastards and eliminate them. Anyone who would murder people over a protest or stupid drawing is beyond hope and too demented to ever be normal.

Muslims Threaten Violence Against Biker Protest at Radical Arizona Mosque Top Right News

And their response to us is worse than our's to them when our solution to middle east violence is US-led violence?

Neither side has moral superiority.

All religions should be banned, all followers medicated out of their delusional thinking and irrepreble cases euthanized. do many Christians.
We know that. The point is those who criticize Christians give Muslims a pass for even more extreme views. Hypocrisy plus.

I most certainly do not.
I give Islam LOTS of hell, especially for the gallows mentality that has come to dominate the belief.
But that does not now, and NEVER will give me the right to harm a Muslim, or interfere with his/her ability to pray as needed.
It doesn't give me the right to be a bully.
It doesn't give me the justification to be a bigot.

Govern yourself accordingly.
When mooooslims feel that way about us Christians and Jews we will relax. I don't intend to harm any mooooslims unless in self defense.

Because it is far easier to hate than to understand that all Muslims do not hate you.
You are a coward.

I know the truth of Islam, it is satans religion.

You know only gang warfare.
Grow up. do many Christians.
We know that. The point is those who criticize Christians give Muslims a pass for even more extreme views. Hypocrisy plus.

I most certainly do not.
I give Islam LOTS of hell, especially for the gallows mentality that has come to dominate the belief.
But that does not now, and NEVER will give me the right to harm a Muslim, or interfere with his/her ability to pray as needed.
It doesn't give me the right to be a bully.
It doesn't give me the justification to be a bigot.

Govern yourself accordingly.
When mooooslims feel that way about us Christians and Jews we will relax. I don't intend to harm any mooooslims unless in self defense.

Because it is far easier to hate than to understand that all Muslims do not hate you.
You are a coward.

I didn't say all Muslims hate me. I pointed out that Muslim doctrine is dated and extremely intolerant in its most moderate form.

You are doing it wrong.
Do not expect to be taken seriously.
Come back when you learn to spell 'Muslim'.
Your spew eats itself.
"But they hate homos" vs. " 'They' means the most moderate of Muslims. The rest are extremely anti-women, anti-homo"
My posts are clear and stand on their own. Maybe you need a more effective Arabic-to-English translator.

No, they are not.
Explain how your use of 'they' makes the distinction between the most moderate of Muslims and your assertion that the rest are extremely anti women, anti homo.
While you are at it, explain how these conditions are ANY different that those found in Christianity.

Vocab words for you: Misogynist
Homophobic is a propaganda misnomer and you expose your own bias by using it.
If moderate muslims are anti-women and anti-homo then it follows that extremists would be more so.

You can slug it out with Webster's then (that's a dictionary as I realize the concept is likely foreign to you):
Homophobia Definition of homophobia by Merriam-Webster

Thanks for clarifying. Your belief is that ALL Muslims are misogynist homophobes.
Scroll up.
Reread the part where I mentioned the ignorance associated with painting all Muslims (or Christians for that matter) as anything.
What is it about this that confuses you ?
Innate repulsion elicited by homo behavior is not an irrational fear which is what phobia is. Your Webster definition is more of a reflection of the hijacking of culture than it is an objective definition.

Again, argue with Merriam- Webster, it's not my definition.
Lemme know how that goes. Might as well add 'irretrievably stupid' to your resume as your fear of all those scary homos has already painted you as a real tough guy. do many Christians.
We know that. The point is those who criticize Christians give Muslims a pass for even more extreme views. Hypocrisy plus.

I most certainly do not.
I give Islam LOTS of hell, especially for the gallows mentality that has come to dominate the belief.
But that does not now, and NEVER will give me the right to harm a Muslim, or interfere with his/her ability to pray as needed.
It doesn't give me the right to be a bully.
It doesn't give me the justification to be a bigot.

Govern yourself accordingly.
What does that have to do with anything? I never suggested denying anyone the right to worship. I was just pointing out the humble goddess's hypocrisy.

Where is the "hypocrisy" in wishing the Muslims who were praying at that mosque a fine, safe, and beautifully serene evening?

In the disparagement of Christian worshippers who have less draconian conservative precepts.

Prove it.
Prove that they were disparaging christians by attending Friday prayers.
I defy you to do so.
Islam has destroyed the middle east and we better not allow it to destroy the new world. If we do = mars for us.
Fair and balanced, huh ?

Congrats on being part of the problem.
We know that. The point is those who criticize Christians give Muslims a pass for even more extreme views. Hypocrisy plus.

I most certainly do not.
I give Islam LOTS of hell, especially for the gallows mentality that has come to dominate the belief.
But that does not now, and NEVER will give me the right to harm a Muslim, or interfere with his/her ability to pray as needed.
It doesn't give me the right to be a bully.
It doesn't give me the justification to be a bigot.

Govern yourself accordingly.
What does that have to do with anything? I never suggested denying anyone the right to worship. I was just pointing out the humble goddess's hypocrisy.

Where is the "hypocrisy" in wishing the Muslims who were praying at that mosque a fine, safe, and beautifully serene evening?

In the disparagement of Christian worshippers who have less draconian conservative precepts.

I have just as much respect for Christianity as I do for Islam, and Judaism. I feel no desire to take sides. Devout followers of all those religions worship the same God I do, albeit in different ways.

Easy for you to say.
We know that. The point is those who criticize Christians give Muslims a pass for even more extreme views. Hypocrisy plus.

I most certainly do not.
I give Islam LOTS of hell, especially for the gallows mentality that has come to dominate the belief.
But that does not now, and NEVER will give me the right to harm a Muslim, or interfere with his/her ability to pray as needed.
It doesn't give me the right to be a bully.
It doesn't give me the justification to be a bigot.

Govern yourself accordingly.
When mooooslims feel that way about us Christians and Jews we will relax. I don't intend to harm any mooooslims unless in self defense.

Because it is far easier to hate than to understand that all Muslims do not hate you.
You are a coward.

I didn't say all Muslims hate me. I pointed out that Muslim doctrine is dated and extremely intolerant in its most moderate form.

You are doing it wrong.
Do not expect to be taken seriously.
Come back when you learn to spell 'Muslim'.
My posts are clear and stand on their own. Maybe you need a more effective Arabic-to-English translator.

No, they are not.
Explain how your use of 'they' makes the distinction between the most moderate of Muslims and your assertion that the rest are extremely anti women, anti homo.
While you are at it, explain how these conditions are ANY different that those found in Christianity.

Vocab words for you: Misogynist
Homophobic is a propaganda misnomer and you expose your own bias by using it.
If moderate muslims are anti-women and anti-homo then it follows that extremists would be more so.

You can slug it out with Webster's then (that's a dictionary as I realize the concept is likely foreign to you):
Homophobia Definition of homophobia by Merriam-Webster

Thanks for clarifying. Your belief is that ALL Muslims are misogynist homophobes.
Scroll up.
Reread the part where I mentioned the ignorance associated with painting all Muslims (or Christians for that matter) as anything.
What is it about this that confuses you ?
Innate repulsion elicited by homo behavior is not an irrational fear which is what phobia is. Your Webster definition is more of a reflection of the hijacking of culture than it is an objective definition.

Again, argue with Merriam- Webster, it's not my definition.
Lemme know how that goes. Might as well add 'irretrievably stupid' to your resume as your fear of all those scary homos has already painted you as a real tough guy.
I just explained is as much detail as possible and you still don't get it. Because you don't want to. You just made the troll list.
No, they are not.
Explain how your use of 'they' makes the distinction between the most moderate of Muslims and your assertion that the rest are extremely anti women, anti homo.
While you are at it, explain how these conditions are ANY different that those found in Christianity.

Vocab words for you: Misogynist
Homophobic is a propaganda misnomer and you expose your own bias by using it.
If moderate muslims are anti-women and anti-homo then it follows that extremists would be more so.

You can slug it out with Webster's then (that's a dictionary as I realize the concept is likely foreign to you):
Homophobia Definition of homophobia by Merriam-Webster

Thanks for clarifying. Your belief is that ALL Muslims are misogynist homophobes.
Scroll up.
Reread the part where I mentioned the ignorance associated with painting all Muslims (or Christians for that matter) as anything.
What is it about this that confuses you ?
Innate repulsion elicited by homo behavior is not an irrational fear which is what phobia is. Your Webster definition is more of a reflection of the hijacking of culture than it is an objective definition.

Again, argue with Merriam- Webster, it's not my definition.
Lemme know how that goes. Might as well add 'irretrievably stupid' to your resume as your fear of all those scary homos has already painted you as a real tough guy.
I just explained is as much detail as possible and you still don't get it. Because you don't want to. You just made the troll list.

You merely exposed your willful ignorance of reality. Typical contemporary conservative trait. Obama is a constitutional scholar who doesn't know the constitution. The Pope doesn't know religion.
Scientists don't know what they have proven........
You are merely a clown amoung a multitude of clowns.
I most certainly do not.
I give Islam LOTS of hell, especially for the gallows mentality that has come to dominate the belief.
But that does not now, and NEVER will give me the right to harm a Muslim, or interfere with his/her ability to pray as needed.
It doesn't give me the right to be a bully.
It doesn't give me the justification to be a bigot.

Govern yourself accordingly.
When mooooslims feel that way about us Christians and Jews we will relax. I don't intend to harm any mooooslims unless in self defense.

Because it is far easier to hate than to understand that all Muslims do not hate you.
You are a coward.

I didn't say all Muslims hate me. I pointed out that Muslim doctrine is dated and extremely intolerant in its most moderate form.

You are doing it wrong.
Do not expect to be taken seriously.
Come back when you learn to spell 'Muslim'.

I see.....
When your alien leaders abandoned you here, they should have briefed you on how message boards work.
Clearly, they had reason for discharge. come back when you can hang with the grown ups.

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