
Horseshit. It's partisan garbage, and you know it. Unsupported lies and allegations.

You are right.

It is Partisan.

When Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, and Powell, say the same thing at every press conference, every interview, at every meeting, and it gets repeated on every network, every 24 hour news channel, and every evening on the news, and on talk shows, round the clock, and there is no alternative, it becomes propaganda.

Why? because they all said the same thing, and the news networks all said the same thing, they repeated what Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, and Powell, said, and they didnt change their tune.

O'Reilly said it best, "If you speak out against the president in a time of war you will be singled out"

That went for Everyone, and the theme carried throughout the media.

yeah people spoke out, but on minor insignificant issues, of no importance.

There was no audible counter current, no voice of dissent as loud as the MSM, who was the mouth piece for the White House.

How could anyone believe anything but what the guys in charge said over, and over, no one was allowed to say anything else, all None White House pieces of news were considered "Anti American" and the editor killed them before they got near a computer, and if they did make it in, if they were lucky enough, you can bet your ass it wasnt on the front page, it was on pg 14 or 18, buried where most readers never get to see it.

So you can take your partisan line, and shove it, cause the guys in charge were shouting WMD's, OSAMA, 9/11, TERRORIST, IMMINENT THREAT, SADDAM loud and clear, over and over.
You are right.

It is Partisan.

When Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, and Powell, say the same thing at every press conference, every interview, at every meeting, and it gets repeated on every network, every 24 hour news channel, and every evening on the news, and on talk shows, round the clock, and there is no alternative, it becomes propaganda.

Why? because they all said the same thing, and the news networks all said the same thing, they repeated what Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, and Powell, said, and they didnt change their tune.

O'Reilly said it best, "If you speak out against the president in a time of war you will be singled out"

That went for Everyone, and the theme carried throughout the media.

yeah people spoke out, but on minor insignificant issues, of no importance.

There was no audible counter current, no voice of dissent as loud as the MSM, who was the mouth piece for the White House.

How could anyone believe anything but what the guys in charge said over, and over, no one was allowed to say anything else, all None White House pieces of news were considered "Anti American" and the editor killed them before they got near a computer, and if they did make it in, if they were lucky enough, you can bet your ass it wasnt on the front page, it was on pg 14 or 18, buried where most readers never get to see it.

So you can take your partisan line, and shove it, cause the guys in charge were shouting WMD's, OSAMA, 9/11, TERRORIST, IMMINENT THREAT, SADDAM loud and clear, over and over.

You don't want me shoving shit, because it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out where it's going to go.

You can prattle on all you want. IF you weren't/aren't smart enough to find out the facts for yourself, and hear WHAT is being said instead of drawing unsupported conclusions, then YOU are just D-U-M-B.

I heard and read the same news you did. Saw the same speeches. And I NEVER once came to any of these bullshit, pulled-out-of-your-ass conclusions.
You are right.

It is Partisan.

When Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, and Powell, say the same thing at every press conference, every interview, at every meeting, and it gets repeated on every network, every 24 hour news channel, and every evening on the news, and on talk shows, round the clock, and there is no alternative, it becomes propaganda.

Why? because they all said the same thing, and the news networks all said the same thing, they repeated what Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, and Powell, said, and they didnt change their tune.

O'Reilly said it best, "If you speak out against the president in a time of war you will be singled out"

That went for Everyone, and the theme carried throughout the media.

yeah people spoke out, but on minor insignificant issues, of no importance.

There was no audible counter current, no voice of dissent as loud as the MSM, who was the mouth piece for the White House.

How could anyone believe anything but what the guys in charge said over, and over, no one was allowed to say anything else, all None White House pieces of news were considered "Anti American" and the editor killed them before they got near a computer, and if they did make it in, if they were lucky enough, you can bet your ass it wasnt on the front page, it was on pg 14 or 18, buried where most readers never get to see it.

So you can take your partisan line, and shove it, cause the guys in charge were shouting WMD's, OSAMA, 9/11, TERRORIST, IMMINENT THREAT, SADDAM loud and clear, over and over.

When anyone pushes for surrender, appeasement, and wants to undermine the President in a time of war - I do question their patriotism
You don't want me shoving shit, because it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out where it's going to go.

You can prattle on all you want. IF you weren't/aren't smart enough to find out the facts for yourself, and hear WHAT is being said instead of drawing unsupported conclusions, then YOU are just D-U-M-B.

I heard and read the same news you did. Saw the same speeches. And I NEVER once came to any of these bullshit, pulled-out-of-your-ass conclusions.

"Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist."

You think they didnt know that by creating a climate of fear they were creating support for war?

Do you think they are that stupid?

That they dont know how to manipulate the very system they work in?

Where do you think partisan politics came from?

They chose their words very carefully.

These geniuses in power manipulating the masses to sway and control, to get what they want.

look back in history, it proves it.
"Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist."

You think they didnt know that by creating a climate of fear they were creating support for war?

Do you think they are that stupid?

That they dont know how to manipulate the very system they work in?

Where do you think partisan politics came from?

They chose their words very carefully.

These geniuses in power manipulating the masses to sway and control, to get what they want.

look back in history, it proves it.

The left has a long history of appeasement and they never learn from their past mistakes
And just to further shoot down your bullshit, kneejerk accusation, I have NOTHING to be partisan to. I can't stand the left, and YOU are a perfect example of why. I used to be there myself until I figured out who was actually doing the brainwashing. Obviously, you haven't. said it!

You "Can't stand the Left" and "you can't stand me, as a "perfect example" of the left"....

You wear your emotions on your coat sleeve every time you post crap like this....

your opinion is predisposed....

you are a partisan hack. You, HATE (can't stand) the left....

Unlike YOU, I do not hate the RIGHT..... I happen to be HAPPILY married to a life long Republican.

so you can take your partisan bullshit and shove it wear the sun don't shine, I'm tired of you and your "hate" for me, as you pointed out so clearly.

Care said it!

You "Can't stand the Left" and "you can't stand me, as a "perfect example" of the left"....

You wear your emotions on your coat sleeve every time you post crap like this....

your opinion is predisposed....

you are a partisan hack. You, HATE (can't stand) the left....

Unlike YOU, I do not hate the RIGHT..... I happen to be HAPPILY married to a life long Republican.

so you can take your partisan bullshit and shove it wear the sun don't shine, I'm tired of you and your "hate" for me, as you pointed out so clearly.


Having a problem with the facts, Care?
"Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist."

You think they didnt know that by creating a climate of fear they were creating support for war?

Do you think they are that stupid?

That they dont know how to manipulate the very system they work in?

Where do you think partisan politics came from?

They chose their words very carefully.

These geniuses in power manipulating the masses to sway and control, to get what they want.

look back in history, it proves it.

Key word being "deliberate." You can prove this? No, you can't.

Republicans no more choose their words carefully than Democrats do. This entire war has reached the point it is at from the left picking and choosing only negative words and negative images.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. said it!

You "Can't stand the Left" and "you can't stand me, as a "perfect example" of the left"....

You wear your emotions on your coat sleeve every time you post crap like this....

your opinion is predisposed....

you are a partisan hack. You, HATE (can't stand) the left....

Unlike YOU, I do not hate the RIGHT..... I happen to be HAPPILY married to a life long Republican.

so you can take your partisan bullshit and shove it wear the sun don't shine, I'm tired of you and your "hate" for me, as you pointed out so clearly.


**plugs ears**
**plugs ears**

oh pleaseeeeeeeeee!

Cut me a break Shattered!

Tell me those virgin ears get plugged every time your Gunny says something so "shattering"!

Be FAIR, or butt out, you had no right to negative zap me for my response to Gunny's negative comment about me and YOU know it!

Love ya!

Key word being "deliberate." You can prove this? No, you can't.

Republicans no more choose their words carefully than Democrats do. This entire war has reached the point it is at from the left picking and choosing only negative words and negative images.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Im not saying it doesnt swing both ways.

What did you think of "An Inconvient Truth"

Cause it was Propaganda. said it!

You "Can't stand the Left" and "you can't stand me, as a "perfect example" of the left"....

You wear your emotions on your coat sleeve every time you post crap like this....

your opinion is predisposed....

you are a partisan hack. You, HATE (can't stand) the left....

Unlike YOU, I do not hate the RIGHT..... I happen to be HAPPILY married to a life long Republican.

so you can take your partisan bullshit and shove it wear the sun don't shine, I'm tired of you and your "hate" for me, as you pointed out so clearly.


Oh dry up. My opinion of the extreme left does NOT make me a partisan anything. In this, the same as every other topic you post on, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

A perfect example would be your last paragraph. Please quote me where I used the word "hate."

I happen to be married to a liberal, the son and grandson of liberals ... was raised in a household of liberals that voted Democrat ... what's your point? You aren't proving you're any less a one-way sign than your posts indicate by stating otherwise.

I don't like one-way extremists. Particularly left-wing extremists, of which you are a perfect example. THAT is what I said.

And don't kid yourself. I wear NOTHING ob my sleeve. You hear what I decide you will hear.
Oh dry up. My opinion of the extreme left does NOT make me a partisan anything. In this, the same as every other topic you post on, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

A perfect example would be your last paragraph. Please quote me where I used the word "hate."

I happen to be married to a liberal, the son and grandson of liberals ... was raised in a household of liberals that voted Democrat ... what's your point? You aren't proving you're any less a one-way sign than your posts indicate by stating otherwise.

I don't like one-way extremists. Particularly left-wing extremists, of which you are a perfect example. THAT is what I said.

And don't kid yourself. I wear NOTHING ob my sleeve. You hear what I decide you will hear.

I will not make a smartass comment.
I will not make a smartass comment.
I will not make a smartass comment.
I will not make a smartass.....
oh pleaseeeeeeeeee!

Cut me a break Shattered!

Tell me those virgin ears get plugged every time your Gunny says something so "shattering"!

Be FAIR, or butt out, you had no right to negative zap me for my response to Gunny's negative comment about me and YOU know it!

Love ya!


Perhaps she knows me better than you and knows you have no freakin' idea what you're talking about in regard to me? That's what happens when you're head's so full of shit it clogs your ears. You HEAR nothing and assume a lot.
oh pleaseeeeeeeeee!

Cut me a break Shattered!

Tell me those virgin ears get plugged every time your Gunny says something so "shattering"!

Be FAIR, or butt out, you had no right to negative zap me for my response to Gunny's negative comment about me and YOU know it!

Love ya!


I told you - HE doesn't sound like a freakin harpy. I cringe just *reading* your posts - especially the words in all caps...
Here is some Left wing Bullshit for you to ignore.

Some Conspiracy theory, that does lean little toward so called "question of intent"

Have you ever heard of "Project for the New American Century?"

"Not surprisingly, the roots of PNAC go back to the first Bush Administration. In 1992, then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney asked two of his top aides, Paul Wolfowitz (now assistant secretary of Defense) and Lewis Libby (now Cheney's chief of staff), to draw up a "Defense Guidance Plan" to shape American strategy in the post-Cold War world.

They produced an aggressive, ambitious document calling for the unilateral use of American military might to "discourage advanced industrial nations from challenging our leadership or even aspiring to a larger regional or global role." Military intervention would be "a constant fixture" of what Wolfowitz and Libby called a "new order" which the United States – not the United Nations – would "establish and protect."

The goal was to seize the opportunity offered by the collapse of the Soviet Union – which left the United States without a serious international rival – and extend this "unipolar moment" of American dominance for decades to come; indeed, into a "New American Century
Here is some Left wing Bullshit for you to ignore.

Some Conspiracy theory, that does lean little toward so called "question of intent"

Have you ever heard of "Project for the New American Century?"

"Not surprisingly, the roots of PNAC go back to the first Bush Administration. In 1992, then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney asked two of his top aides, Paul Wolfowitz (now assistant secretary of Defense) and Lewis Libby (now Cheney's chief of staff), to draw up a "Defense Guidance Plan" to shape American strategy in the post-Cold War world.

They produced an aggressive, ambitious document calling for the unilateral use of American military might to "discourage advanced industrial nations from challenging our leadership or even aspiring to a larger regional or global role." Military intervention would be "a constant fixture" of what Wolfowitz and Libby called a "new order" which the United States – not the United Nations – would "establish and protect."

The goal was to seize the opportunity offered by the collapse of the Soviet Union – which left the United States without a serious international rival – and extend this "unipolar moment" of American dominance for decades to come; indeed, into a "New American Century

Please loosen your tin foil hat - I am getting worried about you

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