

I totally irk my fellow Democratic friends.

I am pro life
I am a fiscal conservative, I believe in a balanced budget, with the least amount of taxing necessary.
I don't believe in Universal health care...
I sided with keeping Terri Schiavo alive...

I can go on and on with issues that I differ or have differed with my Democratic party on....a far left person would not do this....

A yellow dog, like MM, will usually take the party's side on most issues because he believes in those issues....and doesn't budge, holds his ground and opinion....and even if he does differ with an issue, he understands the importance of electing Democrats in order to have the power to accomplish their agenda.

I am not that involved in politics to be a far lefty!


So, you can claim to be somewhere in the middle, but Gunny can't claim to be an independent thinker, but instead must be what you refer to as a "Bushie" or "Bushbot, simply because he disagrees with your version of "facts"? That, my dear, would be a complete load of hypocritical bullshit.
So, you can claim to be somewhere in the middle, but Gunny can't claim to be an independent thinker, but instead must be what you refer to as a "Bushie" or "Bushbot, simply because he disagrees with your version of "facts"? That, my dear, would be a complete load of hypocritical bullshit.

i am a democrat, i have nothing to hide.... i differ with them on things, but i AM a democrat.

i am not an Independent.... nor do i pretend to be!

my way of veiwing things for the most part, dictates my party affiliation.

i am a democrat, i have nothing to hide.... i differ with them on things, but i AM a democrat.

i am not an Independent.... nor do i pretend to be!

my way of veiwing things for the most part, dictates my party affiliation.


So, you're not quite as "lockstep" as people see you to be, but yet you insist HE is? Try actually getting to know someone before throwing out the judgement calls. One thing he's not, is a "follower". The only thing he tends to 'wear on his sleeve' is a disdain for complete stupidity. Other than that, what you see is what you get.

If you're going to throw out terms like "Bushbot", "Lockstep", etc, expect to get things like "Partisan Hack" thrown right back at you.

(Gotta love these stupid words people make up to get their points across)
like 37 days?

I think this one may need to be placed more in the fault of Bush 41
So, you're not quite as "lockstep" as people see you to be, but yet you insist HE is? Try actually getting to know someone before throwing out the judgement calls. One thing he's not, is a "follower". The only thing he tends to 'wear on his sleeve' is a disdain for complete stupidity. Other than that, what you see is what you get.

If you're going to throw out terms like "Bushbot", "Lockstep", etc, expect to get things like "Partisan Hack" thrown right back at you.

(Gotta love these stupid words people make up to get their points across)

ye protest too much shattered! gunny is an ex marine, i am certain he can fend for himself!

i will take your advice and and sit back and see how ''individual and independent'' he really is according to you...

so point taken! ;)

ye protest too much shattered! gunny is an ex marine, i am certain he can fend for himself!

i will take your advice and and sit back and see how ''individual and independent'' he really is according to you...

so point taken! ;)


There is no such thing as an "ex" Marine.. Once a Marine, always a Marine. :)

He certainly can fend for himself - that doesn't mean I need to stay out of a public discusssion on a public forum, now does it?
There is no such thing as an "ex" Marine.. Once a Marine, always a Marine. :)

He certainly can fend for himself - that doesn't mean I need to stay out of a public discusssion on a public forum, now does it?

no, u r right!

actually, i think your involvement has been sweet, and it reminds me of me....usually trying to be the peacmaker, between MM and someone else...or an old poster named dixie and MM or someone else...

Does anyone else see something wrong with the quoting boxes? or is it just me?

No, I see it, too, but I think it's because Care screwed up one quote, thus everyone that replies to her has screwed up quotes, too...
no, u r right!

actually, i think your involvement has been sweet, and it reminds me of me....usually trying to be the peacmaker, between MM and someone else...or an old poster named dixie and MM or someone else...


Not peacemaker.. If I try and make peace. my amusements cease to exist, and he DOES amuse me. :D
Not peacemaker.. If I try and make peace. my amusements cease to exist, and he DOES amuse me. :D

I kind of feel the same way....

To me, it is boring to be posting on a board where everyone agrees with you...and it is one of the reason I am trying this board out....because there appears to be many more conservatives than my usual sites, which makes this whole message board thing much more intersting and amusing than my others....

I enjoy the challenge and enjoy the differing views.... and of course, I will try my hardest to convince and show those differing that they are wrong!:D

I kind of feel the same way....

To me, it is boring to be posting on a board where everyone agrees with you...and it is one of the reason I am trying this board out....because there appears to be many more conservatives than my usual sites, which makes this whole message board thing much more intersting and amusing than my others....

I enjoy the challenge and enjoy the differing views.... and of course, I will try my hardest to convince and show those differing that they are wrong!:D


And you expect him to just bow down and say you're right? You've a better chance of removing a raw steak from the jaws of a pitbull.

Hell, keep trying that. My amusement level should remain pretty high...

But..when you start accusing him of something I know for a fact is wrong, I'll continue to jump in.
Its a tuff job when they refuse to recognise facts and refuse to agree on anything being true.

I keep giving them quotes (some are video ) of say Bush or Cheney acttually saying things about Sadam and AQ and they turn around and say it means nothing and that it has nothing to do with 911.

I really dont understand the motivation for such beliefs.

How can you put party above truth?

More importantly why would you put party above truth?

There is nothing at all for anyone to gain by doing this, you are in essance hurting yourself and your family for the sake of what? whom?
And you expect him to just bow down and say you're right? You've a better chance of removing a raw steak from the jaws of a pitbull.

Hell, keep trying that. My amusement level should remain pretty high...

But..when you start accusing him of something I know for a fact is wrong, I'll continue to jump in.

And when he continues to attack me with those same comments, you will defend him....

I know the routine now Shattered! I will expect it in the future!


And when he continues to attack me with those same comments, you will defend him....

I know the routine now Shattered! I will expect it in the future!



I didn't defend him at all - I merely pointed out your own inconsistencies, and lies about what he believes and how he thinks.

And besides, he doesn't screech. He barks. Barking is much easier on the ears than screeching. :D

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