
Shattered are you saying no one should talk about supporting the troops?

Are you saying calling for taking care of all their medical needs and giving them the best care is not worth talking about?

Its not worth you tax dollars?

How is it you see a call for taking care of our troops disengeniuos Yet you think calling for supporting the war is not.

again you failed to say anything of substance.
Shattered are you saying no one should talk about supporting the troops?

Are you saying calling for taking care of all their medical needs and giving them the best care is not worth talking about?

Its not worth you tax dollars?

How is it you see a call for taking care of our troops disengeniuos Yet you think calling for supporting the war is not.

again you failed to say anything of substance.

I'm saying you damn well have no right to talk about "support" when you're sitting on your fat worthless ass slamming everything ABOUT this war, without spending so much as 10 minutes in someone elses shoes.

I'm saying people will do what needs be done without shouting to the rafters, and WITHOUT spitting on this country.

Again, what have YOU done?
The Democrats went along with Bush because of a percieved future threat,if you read the Quotes that RSR has readily available, 90% of the Dems, said that in the future they believed that Saddam was a threat to the US.

Clinton may have agreed with Bush, but there was still not enough evidence to invade.

And as for all your intel, why did Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Powell resign?

Im sure you have the answer to that one.

Ohh a precieved threat? And how did Bush manage to doctor the intell Congress recieved to make this decision? How has he kept rank and file silent on this illegal activity to thwart Congress from recieving its own reports and briefings? How did he arrange for all our allies to lie for him to encourage this "incorrect" belief that Saddam was no future threat?

Also last but not least, How is it he managed to put Iraqi forgeries in the records of the captured documents that CLEARLY indicate that, in fact, Saddam Hussein WAS a Future threat? The documentation is clear. Saddam was going to return to mass production of Chemical and Biological weapons and Nuclear weapons research as soon as his buddies in France, Germany , Russia and China got the sanctions lifted. he was trying very hard to find a terrorist group or groups, to use to attack American interests.
I can see where you'd think sitting here yelling "Support our troops" while slandering their CiC is doing something of substance..

Put your money where your mouth is, chump.

With you dimwits insisting OUR money goes to whatever YOU think is worthwhile, beit lazy welfare recipients, raising the minimum wage for minimum brain capacity jobs, etc., it's a wonder we still have enough of our own money to manage to fund various agencies, send care packages, snatch their bill off the table and take care of it in a restaurant while we take care of our own. Have you ever even walked up to any Military member, veteran, or otherwise, and just said "Thank you."? Without spitting in their face about what you think is wrong with this war?

Our troops will come home when it's time for them to come home, and some of us will quietly do what's needed without running our mouths in an attempt to gain attention.

Thats just rude, dont hide behind the army, they are doing what they are told, and they do a VERY good job.

No one is questioning that, you can hide behind your partisan ambigious "Support the Troops" BS, the fact of the matter is, that was MANUFACTURED by PR agents to split people down the middle, and it much like the rest of the Partisan Baloney, hinges on the infallible idea of Patriotismand (which this government has done a tremendous job manhandling) it holds no substance, I support the brave men and women who obey orders.

I do not support the cowardly Civilian Armchair Generals who send them to die based on half assed intel, with no strategy, or real plan of action other than, "We will be greeted as liberators"

Now we are stuck in a losing occupation that we CANNOT walk away from, our people are dying, and many innocent civilians from the other side have been caught in the crossfire.

The Military service men and women deserve to be honored,

NOT the people who have mismanaged and bungled this operation from the beginning, the very people who resigned because they DIDNT listen to what anyone had to say and went ahead with their own agenda, and will never apologize or be held accountable for it because people like you allow them to hide behind the vast sheild of deniability.

They could admit mistakes, they could fix problems, but they dont, they hold steadfast and do their very best to crack this nation down the center through Partisan Politics.

Rumsfeld Wolfowitz Cheney and Bush arent idiots, they didnt make any mistakes, they either made bad decisions on poor intel, or they just made bad decisions, and our armed forces are dying because of it. while the nation pays the bill to clean it up.
The congress was fed LIES about Saddam as well as the people.

They were also the target of this scam.
I'm saying you damn well have no right to talk about "support" when you're sitting on your fat worthless ass slamming everything ABOUT this war, without spending so much as 10 minutes in someone elses shoes.

I'm saying people will do what needs be done without shouting to the rafters, and WITHOUT spitting on this country.

Again, what have YOU done?

Yet again no substance, there is not ONE verifiable fact in this statement.

You see my dear this is why the American people no longer are falling for the lies.

I dont know what your motivation is to keep lapping them up like paplum but Im sure you are probably a nice girl in alot of ways.

Somedaymaybe you will aspire to be a Woman.

Then you will seek Proof ,documentation and verifacation for the things you believe.
Yet again no substance, there is not ONE verifiable fact in this statement.

You see my dear this is why the American people no longer are falling for the lies.

I dont know what your motivation is to keep lapping them up like paplum but Im sure you are probably a nice girl in alot of ways.

Somedaymaybe you will aspire to be a Woman.

Then you will seek Proof ,documentation and verifacation for the things you believe.

And maybe someday someone will knock you off of your condecsending high horse and you will be able to manage a modicum of humility.

We can each hope I guess.

"Someday you will aspire to be a woman."?

Is that substance?

Do us all a favor and take two minutes out of your day to get over yourself.
Ohh a precieved threat? And how did Bush manage to doctor the intell Congress recieved to make this decision?

I seem to remember alluminum tubes? repeatedy from Rice's mouth.

and a Students diagrams from a project finding their way in front of congress, in the hands of Powell?

How has he kept rank and file silent on this illegal activity to thwart Congress from recieving its own reports and briefings? How did he arrange for all our allies to lie for him to encourage this "incorrect" belief that Saddam was no future threat?

Saddam couldnt do anything unless the world let him. The US invaded against the wishes of the UN and many other countries.

Anyone that didnt back the US would face a backlash, not unlike the threat the world bank is now facing.

What about Iran? they seem to be more of a threat now than Saddam EVER was?

Also last but not least, How is it he managed to put Iraqi forgeries in the records of the captured documents that CLEARLY indicate that, in fact, Saddam Hussein WAS a Future threat? The documentation is clear. Saddam was going to return to mass production of Chemical and Biological weapons and Nuclear weapons research as soon as his buddies in France, Germany , Russia and China got the sanctions lifted. he was trying very hard to find a terrorist group or groups, to use to attack American interests.

France Germany and Russia!!,

Your saying - The US and the rest of the world would have allowed the sanctions to be lifted in order to give Saddam (an obvious precieved threat) the means to manufacture WMD's?

What are the likely chances of that?

WOW talk about Conspiracy theories, are you sure you're a conservative?
Yet again no substance, there is not ONE verifiable fact in this statement.

You see my dear this is why the American people no longer are falling for the lies.

I dont know what your motivation is to keep lapping them up like paplum but Im sure you are probably a nice girl in alot of ways.

Somedaymaybe you will aspire to be a Woman.

Then you will seek Proof ,documentation and verifacation for the things you believe.

Answer the fucking question, asshole. The question was: Other than sitting on your fat ass here, arguing with people, what have YOU done to support them?
When have you ever answered any of my questions?

Here little girl.

I have a Iraqi troop who I regularly send packages to, I send him huge boxes of stuff so he can share them with his fellow soldiers.

I pay taxes and willingly (unlike many) to ensure that they have what they need now and forever.

I vote to keep them funded and out of Stupid ass wars like this one were they are being used as IUD fodder for a pack of Oil company profiteers.

I will continue to vote and speak for the Funding of their care and support to their families.

I will willingly pay whatever it takes to ensure they are honored for their service.

Now my fine little girl what do you do and what will you do?
I think that many americans are gullible and easily prone to misconceptions and illogical leaps. Knowing that, Team Bush gave speech after speech after speech and use the word: Saddam Hussein... Al Qaeda....9/11.... weapons of mass destruction...gassed his own people.... Saddam Hussein... Al Qaeda....9/11.... weapons of mass destruction...gassed his own people.... Saddam Hussein... Al Qaeda....9/11.... weapons of mass destruction...gassed his own people.... over and over and over again.....

Given those repetitive speeches, one should not be entirely surprised if, in the early part of 2003, 70% of Americans believed that that Saddam was involved with 9/11. Team Bush was not was exactly the result they were hoping for and exactly the result they needed to have the American people - numb with grief, fear, and revenge - get behind the idea of all but forgetting about the guys who attacked us and shifting our focus to invading a country that, in reality, had zero to do with attacking us.
When have you ever answered any of my questions?

Here little girl.

I have a Iraqi troop who I regularly send packages to, I send him huge boxes of stuff so he can share them with his fellow soldiers.

I pay taxes and willingly (unlike many) to ensure that they have what they need now and forever.

I vote to keep them funded and out of Stupid ass wars like this one were they are being used as IUD fodder for a pack of Oil company profiteers.

I will continue to vote and speak for the Funding of their care and support to their families.

I will willingly pay whatever it takes to ensure they are honored for their service.

Now my fine little girl what do you do and what will you do?

You send a whole fucking care package? Wahoo!! Been there. Done that. Dio that monthly, thanks.

What did you do last Veterans Day, Truth? Want to know what I did, since you seem to think I'm empty and lacking substance?

I went to my bank, took a chunk of money out of my savings account ($1000 if you want an exact total), got a few friends together, loaded up my car with coffee and donuts, hit every store in my town that I knew had Vets sitting outside selling carnations for $1.00, bought each and every one of those carnations from each and every Vet I encountered, left each one of them with hot coffee, and donuts, took each and every one of those carnations I bought to my local VA hospital, and deposited one on each gravesite in the attached cemetary until I ran out of carnations.

THAT money at least went to something worthwhile.

Now, get off your mother fucking high horse, and tell me what the hell you've done besides drop a fucking mailing label on a box for someone you know.
Again, I refer you to the INVESTIGATION the Congress did. They found absolutely NO evidence of what you claim. I am still waiting for you to explain HOW Bush managed this feat.

Please read page 454 the bottom line is very informative on this exact subject
When have you ever answered any of my questions?

Here little girl.

I have a Iraqi troop who I regularly send packages to, I send him huge boxes of stuff so he can share them with his fellow soldiers.

I pay taxes and willingly (unlike many) to ensure that they have what they need now and forever.

I vote to keep them funded and out of Stupid ass wars like this one were they are being used as IUD fodder for a pack of Oil company profiteers.

I will continue to vote and speak for the Funding of their care and support to their families.

I will willingly pay whatever it takes to ensure they are honored for their service.

Now my fine little girl what do you do and what will you do?

Have you considered that perhaps people may be more inclined to evaluate what you say if you changed your tone?

'little girl" and 'someday you will aspire to be a woman' is not much of substance either.

Again Ihumbly request taht you get over yourself
You send a whole fucking care package? Wahoo!! Been there. Done that. Dio that monthly, thanks.

What did you do last Veterans Day, Truth? Want to know what I did, since you seem to think I'm empty and lacking substance?

I went to my bank, took a chunk of money out of my savings account ($1000 if you want an exact total), got a few friends together, loaded up my car with coffee and donuts, hit every store in my town that I knew had Vets sitting outside selling carnations for $1.00, bought each and every one of those carnations from each and every Vet I encountered, left each one of them with hot coffee, and donuts, took each and every one of those carnations I bought to my local VA hospital, and deposited one on each gravesite in the attached cemetary until I ran out of carnations.

THAT money at least went to something worthwhile.

Now, get off your mother fucking high horse, and tell me what the hell you've done besides drop a fucking mailing label on a box for someone you know.

Good for you.

BTW I do send it monthly, this time it will be homemade cookies( hey its what the pirate asked for)

I have never met the young man, he has sent me his picture along with some of the other boys.

He is a fine young man and is in a really bad war.

Now cant you at least be civil enough to join me in vowing to support these guys for the rest of their lives and quit being so partisan that you wont see anything done by a democrat as evil?
Have you considered that perhaps people may be more inclined to evaluate what you say if you changed your tone?

'little girl" and 'someday you will aspire to be a woman' is not much of substance either.

Again Ihumbly request taht you get over yourself

Have you no words for her namecalling of me?

She has said much worse than little girl.
The danger to America requires action on many fronts all at once. We are reorganizing the federal government to protect the nation against further attack. The new Department of Homeland Security will gather under one roof the capability to identify threats, to check them against our vulnerabilities, and to move swiftly to protect the nation.

At the same time, we realize that wars are never won on the defensive. We must take the battle to the enemy. We will take every step necessary to make sure our country is secure, and we will prevail.

Much has happened since the attacks of 9/11. But as Secretary Rumsfeld has put it, we are still closer to the beginning of this war than we are to its end. The United States has entered a struggle of years -- a new kind of war against a new kind of enemy. The terrorists who struck America are ruthless, they are resourceful, and they hide in many countries. They came into our country to murder thousands of innocent men, women, and children. There is no doubt they wish to strike again, and that they are working to acquire the deadliest of all weapons.

Against such enemies, America and the civilized world have only one option: wherever terrorists operate, we must find them where they dwell, stop them in their planning, and one by one bring them to justice.

In Afghanistan, the Taliban regime and al Qaeda terrorists have met the fate they chose for themselves. And they saw, up-close and personal, the new methods and capabilities of America's armed services. (Applause.) May I say, as a former Secretary of Defense, that I have never been more proud of the America's military..............

.....IIn this war we've assembled a broad coalition of civilized nations that recognize the danger and are working with us on all fronts. The President has made very clear that there is no neutral ground in the fight against terror. Those who harbor terrorists share guilt for the acts they commit. Under the Bush Doctrine, a regime that harbors or supports terrorists will be regarded as hostile to the United States.

The Taliban has already learned that lesson, but Afghanistan was only the beginning of a lengthy campaign. Were we to stop now, any sense of security we might have would be false and temporary. There is a terrorist underworld out there, spread among more than 60 countries. The job we have will require every tool at our means of diplomacy, of finance, of intelligence, of law enforcement, and of military power. But we will, over time, find and defeat the enemies of the United States. In the case of Osama bin Laden -- as President Bush said recently -- "If he's alive, we'll get him. If he's not alive -- we already got him."

But the challenges to our country involve more than just tracking down a single person or one small group. Nine-eleven and its aftermath awakened this nation to danger, to the true ambitions of the global terror network, and to the reality that weapons of mass destruction are being sought by determined enemies who would not hesitate to use them against us.

It is a certainty that the al Qaeda network is pursuing such weapons, and has succeeded in acquiring at least a crude capability to use them. We found evidence of their efforts in the ruins of al Qaeda hideouts in Afghanistan. And we've seen in recent days additional confirmation in videos recently shown on CNN -- pictures of al Qaeda members training to commit acts of terror, and testing chemical weapons on dogs. Those terrorists who remain at large are determined to use these capabilities against the United States and our friends and allies around the world.

As we face this prospect, old doctrines of security do not apply. In the days of the Cold War, we were able to manage the threat with strategies of deterrence and containment. But it's a lot tougher to deter enemies who have no country to defend. And containment is not possible when dictators obtain weapons of mass destruction, and are prepared to share them with terrorists who intend to inflict catastrophic casualties on the United States.

This was Cheney,

This is just one speach, ONE. and its not even all of it.

And it was on EVERY MSM network.

They made these speaches ALOT.

This is all Left wing Conspiracy theory though.

Nothing to worry about.

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