
Good for you.

BTW I do send it monthly, this time it will be homemade cookies( hey its what the pirate asked for)

I have never met the young man, he has sent me his picture along with some of the other boys.

He is a fine young man and is in a really bad war.

Now cant you at least be civil enough to join me in vowing to support these guys for the rest of their lives and quit being so partisan that you wont see anything done by a democrat as evil?

You know what? Fuck you. You don't know anything about me. You don't know how I think. You don't know what I do for other people. You don't know how I live my life. In fact, if you hadn't sounded so god damned condescending, and prickish, you wouldn't even know that which you just quoted, because I don't feel the need to brag about it. NOR do I feel the need to sit here, and push my beliefs onto someone else as fact.

Up yours,
Super many liberals keep saying Vietnam, quagmire, monkey, etc. Doesn't lead one necessarily to the conclusions they want.
Have you no words for her namecalling of me?

She has said much worse than little girl.

Nope. You see the difference is one is accurate and one is not.

Calling one 'little girl' for no apparent reason other than to be condescending pretty much does make you an 'asshole' and a 'chump'
Shattered ,I just complimented you on your deed.

You insulted me for my efforts.

pray tell how does that warrent me beign called a name?
Nope. You see the difference is one is accurate and one is not.

Calling one 'little girl' for no apparent reason other than to be condescending pretty much does make you an 'asshole' and a 'chump'

I guess you have not followed the thread close enough
Shattered ,I just complimented you on your deed.

You insulted me for my efforts.

pray tell how does that warrent me beign called a name?

At this point, if you have to ask, you're too stupid to understand the reply, so I'll save myself the effort.
At this point, if you have to ask, you're too stupid to understand the reply, so I'll save myself the effort.

see you again stoop to not answering because you know there is no answer to why you feel such hostility towards me for wanting our troops supported
Super many liberals keep saying Vietnam, quagmire, monkey, etc. Doesn't lead one necessarily to the conclusions they want.

But those are not fear mongering terms, Everyone in history has known that in order to rally the populous for war, they must be afraid, and angry.

9/11 provided ample anger, We just werent afraid enough to allow the Administration to do what they wanted.

So they helped us out, as best they could.
I guess you have not followed the thread close enough

I read every one of her posts. She called it like she saw it. I happenned to agree that you are an arrogant elitist condescending prick. You have proven you are one with everyone of your posts. Which is really ironic comeing from the person who has said we should take feelings into account when dealing with people. Truth hurts doesn't it....Truthmatters.

Thanks for proving my earlier point too btw.
So I assume you think that is a real picture of a 37 year old woman on her profile?

That is the kind of picture my 12 year old niece uses
So I assume you think that is a real picture of a 37 year old woman on her profile?

That is the kind of picture my 12 year old niece uses

What? What the hell are you talking about? It's an avatar.. And it has WHAT to do with ANYTHING in this conversation? Why do you keep bringing it up?

Since you've picked apart my profile, if you're still that nosey, my pic is posted someone where on this board. Go get it out of your system.
Can we talk about real issues?

I posted some good stuff, (well I thought so) and it got rolled over by your bickering.

enough of the girl on girl catfight!

I think that many americans are gullible and easily prone to misconceptions and illogical leaps. Knowing that, Team Bush gave speech after speech after speech and use the word: Saddam Hussein... Al Qaeda....9/11.... weapons of mass destruction...gassed his own people.... Saddam Hussein... Al Qaeda....9/11.... weapons of mass destruction...gassed his own people.... Saddam Hussein... Al Qaeda....9/11.... weapons of mass destruction...gassed his own people.... over and over and over again.....

Given those repetitive speeches, one should not be entirely surprised if, in the early part of 2003, 70% of Americans believed that that Saddam was involved with 9/11. Team Bush was not was exactly the result they were hoping for and exactly the result they needed to have the American people - numb with grief, fear, and revenge - get behind the idea of all but forgetting about the guys who attacked us and shifting our focus to invading a country that, in reality, had zero to do with attacking us.
I was asked a question and that was my answer.

Now would you like to comment on the congressional report we have been trying to talk about?

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