
actually shattered, I did ask a question - to no one in particular - about your avatar in post # 326

Any moron knows that wasn't an actual question.. But, if you want to pretend it so just to back your buddy, knock yourself out.
Any moron knows that wasn't an actual question.. But, if you want to pretend it so just to back your buddy, knock yourself out.

I am not pretending anything and I am not trying to back my buddy....

I was just making a leetle joke to lighten the mood.
just like I was trying to do in post #326

(and #377)

but someone took me waaaaay too seriously and neg repped me! Imagine my surprise!
You guys are ruthless, Neg repping someone into the stone age cause you cant let it go, I realise he did not drop it, but being the senior members you are, you could have ended this long ago.

NOW lets get back to my post #360 which re-enforces MM's claims of Propaganda.

Shall we.
just like I was trying to do in post #326

(and #377)

but someone took me waaaaay too seriously and neg repped me! Imagine my surprise!

*shrug* Neg rep back - makes no difference to me.. Yours was a hypocritical comment, given the way you and RSR go at it. Such hypocrisy is worthy of a slap alongside the head.
all I can say is it was meant in jest...and I really have nothing to neg rep you about.... you always play it straight.
Someone loves the power of the little red squares , one poster has given me like ten today.

I will never stoop to giving anyone a red square.

I may take part in the green ones someday but as for the red ones I will hand out none in my time here.
You guys are ruthless, Neg repping someone into the stone age cause you cant let it go, I realise he did not drop it, but being the senior members you are, you could have ended this long ago.

NOW lets get back to my post #360 which re-enforces MM's claims of Propaganda.

Shall we.

the right doesn't want to acknowledge the fact that Team Bush implied a connection between Saddam and 9/11 over and over again. The administration's speech writers were smart enough to not make the connection claim overtly...but it certainly was made...and it worked. That is the greatest proof of it all: in January of '03, 70% of Americans thought Saddam was involved with 9/11. Believing that, there was little reason on the public's part to push back and object to invading a country that did not have anything to do with 9/11 for the simple reason that they thought it had.
ooppss your right shattered you have only given me 5 today, my mistake.

I always admitt when Im wrong.

Some people see that as a good charactor trait.
ooppss your right shattered you have only given me 5 today, my mistake.

I always admitt when Im wrong.

Some people see that as a good charactor trait.

Good.. Next, we'll work on your grammar skills. Soon, we'll be able to dress you up AND take you out...
the right doesn't want to acknowledge the fact that Team Bush implied a connection between Saddam and 9/11 over and over again. The administration's speech writers were smart enough to not make the connection claim overtly...but it certainly was made...and it worked. That is the greatest proof of it all: in January of '03, 70% of Americans thought Saddam was involved with 9/11. Believing that, there was little reason on the public's part to push back and object to invading a country that did not have anything to do with 9/11 for the simple reason that they thought it had.

The evidence for this is well lined out in even the 2004 report from the congess.

Being they had to have a mixed panel to do the report they Rs couldnt just deny there was ANY basis to it.

We almost had oversight for a second there.
Oh dry up. My opinion of the extreme left does NOT make me a partisan anything. In this, the same as every other topic you post on, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

i am not the extreme left and never have been on any political test taken, i have been right zap in the center or center RIGHT, not left. i disagree with the left on a handful of their key issues and stances....which keeps me in the center on these tests, i believe...?

Your posts indicated otherwise.

you have no idea what my political standing is on near everything pf importance or what matters the most to our country.... but you made your judgement off of small tiny issues that are meant to divide, and i honestly have done the same with you.

Your post make where you stand pretty obvious.

A perfect example would be your last paragraph. Please quote me where I used the word "hate."

CAN'T STAND is eqivalent to Hate, to me and to most, gunny.

Bullshit. "Can't stand" equates to "dislike." "Hate" equates to "hate."

I happen to be married to a liberal, the son and grandson of liberals ... was raised in a household of liberals that voted Democrat ... what's your point? You aren't proving you're any less a one-way sign than your posts indicate by stating otherwise.

I am a Democrat, i vote for democrats most of the time because i agree with them on many issues and unless the other guy is really better...which sometimes they are and will get my vote........ i have no problem stating such.

you on the otherhand, try to ''play'' the independent guy, like you really would side with dems from time to time on issues, but you are nothing of the such...and so far in front of me have never done such?

Obviously, you haven't done your homework because I HAVE, on this very board, took the liberal side on more than one occasion.

and that is confusing, and also some kind of infectious disease :)going around... now with all these ex-bushie people pretending to never agree with bush lock step.....and be ''newly independent''!

I have no idea WHO you are talking about. I have stated on more than one occasion, for YEARS on this board that the only political party I EVER belonged to was the Democrat party. I have been a registered independent since I jumped that sinking ship. That was 1980. Please DO try and find where I have claimed otherwise.

that may not be what is going on with you and maybe i have ''prejudged'' this?

I don't like one-way extremists. Particularly left-wing extremists, of which you are a perfect example. THAT is what I said.

i am not an extremist, i have never been an extremist, and you have lost your mind to think that i am an extremist..... and your clueless. period. :D it's laughable truely laughable! wait till MM reads that, or no1 or the others that have recently joined that know me...i am not an EXTREMIST for goodness sakes!

Sure. How about dismissive wannabe elitist then? " Where did you learn that? You're just saying what your party told you to" is NOT an legitimate response to anything. It's a condescending cop-out. The fact that you are capable of seeing only one side of an issue makes you extreme.
also, what makes me this extremist and not just a democrat???

being a democrat and siding with them on some issues...that's extreme? lol hahaha... come on!?

you are pretty insecure to call me an extremist gunny...though that is a common bushite or bushie tactic, to over exagerate.... you know, someone speaking in opposition is a traiter and redeploying is cutting and running and that kind of crapola they are masters at!:eusa_wall:

search your inners, you got problems!

but heh! we all fall short..... so was said!


LMAO. Now you want to try and play the "I have issues" card? Any issue I may have has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with anything you wish to insinuate, and I'm about as insecure as the Rock of Gibraltar.

And you just feel free to find where I have called ANYONE a traitor for speaking in opposition. Since you want to make the accusation, feel free to find it and post it RIGHT HERE in this thread. You're talking out your ass.

Same goes for redeploying. I call redeploying exactly what it is. I call cutting and running exactly what it is. If the shoe fits .... tough shit.

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