
Its a tuff job when they refuse to recognise facts and refuse to agree on anything being true.

I keep giving them quotes (some are video ) of say Bush or Cheney acttually saying things about Sadam and AQ and they turn around and say it means nothing and that it has nothing to do with 911.

I really dont understand the motivation for such beliefs.

I don't understand it either TM...?

Ok, Care.. It IS you mucking up quotes. Either go fix it by putting the missing / back at the end of the quote, or take a quick HHTML course so you know HOW to fix it. :)
I think the issue of truth is a little more important than quotes we can figure out anyway.
I think the issue of truth is a little more important than quotes we can figure out anyway.

If that's the same lack of care and thought you put into everything, it's no wonder people don't take you seriously.
I have yet to see you say anything of substance.

No facts , no links to facts ,no verification of anything just "Im cool and your not ,look at the phoney picture of me aint I cute?"
I have yet to see you say anything of substance.

No facts , no links to facts ,no verification of anything just "Im cool and your not ,look at the phoney picture of me aint I cute?"

I just gave ya some substance to wallow in.
Shattered can you tell us what your opinion is on the evidence that the Bush administration lied to the American people to get them to back the Iraq war?

Please a little substance dear?
How about telling us wether you support giving the troops all the support they will need after their service in Iraq ,including raising the vast amounts of money needed to supply the level of medical care they will need?

Please something ....anything of substance?
Do you think giving me a red square is substansive?

Do you think that proves anything?

knock your little self out my Oh so cute ,cookie loving ,bowling for shots self delouded fool.

You are 37 years old and its time to start reading up about menopause and facing you are not a little girl anymore and will have to start being a WOMAN someday.

You cant seem to keep up with the adults so you pass out little red squares as if they have any more subsatnce than the fool Bush you blindly support.

Please prove me wrong say something ...anything of substance just once.

Try it you may find you can be the WOMAN you were meant to be instead of clinging desperately to adolesance.
Shattered can you tell us what your opinion is on the evidence that the Bush administration lied to the American people to get them to back the Iraq war?

Please a little substance dear?

There is no evidence. In order for this to be true Bush would have had to have lying for him the entire Clinton Administration, the UN and just about every Intell Agency in the world. Not to mention almost every democrat in Congress.
could you show me some proof they all thought Sadam had ties to AQ which would tie him to 911?
I think the issue of truth is a little more important than quotes we can figure out anyway.
You have no grasp of what the truth IS. You have yet to proved one Quote where Bush or Cheney have said anything you claimed. Your entire defense is " well everyone where I live can read between the lines"
There is no evidence. In order for this to be true Bush would have had to have lying for him the entire Clinton Administration, the UN and just about every Intell Agency in the world. Not to mention almost every democrat in Congress.

So the verified quotes I gave you were Bush and Cheney trying to say what?
could you show me some proof they all thought Sadam had ties to AQ which would tie him to 911?

Here you go again, NO ONE said Saddam was connected to 9/11. And your either an idiot or a serial liar by continueing to claim it.

Not even Congress agrees with you. They investigated the whole " Bush lied" claim and found absolutely no evidence to support it.

Lets try this one more time....

If Bush lied how did he get all those democrats to go along with him? How did he get all the worlds intel agencies to agree with him? How did he get the UN to agree with him? How did he get Clinton to agree with him for 8 years BEFORE 9/11? How did he get our intel services, which are full of liberal rank and file, to lie for him, to doctor evidence illegally when briefing Congress and to remain silent about it all these years?
How about telling us wether you support giving the troops all the support they will need after their service in Iraq ,including raising the vast amounts of money needed to supply the level of medical care they will need?

Please something ....anything of substance?

I can see where you'd think sitting here yelling "Support our troops" while slandering their CiC is doing something of substance..

Put your money where your mouth is, chump.

With you dimwits insisting OUR money goes to whatever YOU think is worthwhile, beit lazy welfare recipients, raising the minimum wage for minimum brain capacity jobs, etc., it's a wonder we still have enough of our own money to manage to fund various agencies, send care packages, snatch their bill off the table and take care of it in a restaurant while we take care of our own. Have you ever even walked up to any Military member, veteran, or otherwise, and just said "Thank you."? Without spitting in their face about what you think is wrong with this war?

Our troops will come home when it's time for them to come home, and some of us will quietly do what's needed without running our mouths in an attempt to gain attention.
If Bush lied how did he get all those democrats to go along with him? How did he get all the worlds intel agencies to agree with him? How did he get the UN to agree with him? How did he get Clinton to agree with him for 8 years BEFORE 9/11? How did he get our intel services, which are full of liberal rank and file, to lie for him, to doctor evidence illegally when briefing Congress and to remain silent about it all these years?

The Democrats went along with Bush because of a percieved future threat,if you read the Quotes that RSR has readily available, 90% of the Dems, said that in the future they believed that Saddam was a threat to the US.

Clinton may have agreed with Bush, but there was still not enough evidence to invade.

And as for all your intel, why did Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Powell resign?

Im sure you have the answer to that one.

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