
I told you - HE doesn't sound like a freakin harpy. I cringe just *reading* your posts - especially the words in all caps...

ahhhh, sensitive ears....

i can now understand why you plug them! was that a screech when you typed HE in capital letters above?

you know, different people always express themselves differently, if they have a mind of their own.

and my business with gunny is NONE of yours...or, in other words...i would appreciate your quick draw mcgraw finger on the negative rep button would mind its own business and allow things to progress.

i am certain, some day, gunny and me will work this ''animosity thing'' out....or come to some sort of mutual agreement to stay away from eachother, because we BOTH are reasonable people, (just not to eachother! lol)

Oh dry up. My opinion of the extreme left does NOT make me a partisan anything. In this, the same as every other topic you post on, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

i am not the extreme left and never have been on any political test taken, i have been right zap in the center or center RIGHT, not left. i disagree with the left on a handful of their key issues and stances....which keeps me in the center on these tests, i believe...?

you have no idea what my political standing is on near everything pf importance or what matters the most to our country.... but you made your judgement off of small tiny issues that are meant to divide, and i honestly have done the same with you.

A perfect example would be your last paragraph. Please quote me where I used the word "hate."

CAN'T STAND is eqivalent to Hate, to me and to most, gunny.

I happen to be married to a liberal, the son and grandson of liberals ... was raised in a household of liberals that voted Democrat ... what's your point? You aren't proving you're any less a one-way sign than your posts indicate by stating otherwise.

I am a Democrat, i vote for democrats most of the time because i agree with them on many issues and unless the other guy is really better...which sometimes they are and will get my vote........ i have no problem stating such.

you on the otherhand, try to ''play'' the independent guy, like you really would side with dems from time to time on issues, but you are nothing of the such...and so far in front of me have never done such?

and that is confusing, and also some kind of infectious disease :)going around... now with all these ex-bushie people pretending to never agree with bush lock step.....and be ''newly independent''!

that may not be what is going on with you and maybe i have ''prejudged'' this?

I don't like one-way extremists. Particularly left-wing extremists, of which you are a perfect example. THAT is what I said.

i am not an extremist, i have never been an extremist, and you have lost your mind to think that i am an extremist..... and your clueless. period. :D it's laughable truely laughable! wait till MM reads that, or no1 or the others that have recently joined that know me...i am not an EXTREMIST for goodness sakes!

also, what makes me this extremist and not just a democrat???

being a democrat and siding with them on some issues...that's extreme? lol hahaha... come on!?

you are pretty insecure to call me an extremist gunny...though that is a common bushite or bushie tactic, to over exagerate.... you know, someone speaking in opposition is a traiter and redeploying is cutting and running and that kind of crapola they are masters at!:eusa_wall:

search your inners, you got problems!

but heh! we all fall short..... so was said!

Oh dry up. My opinion of the extreme left does NOT make me a partisan anything. In this, the same as every other topic you post on, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

i am not the extreme left and never have been on any political test taken, i have been right zap in the center or center RIGHT, not left. i disagree with the left on a handful of their key issues and stances....which keeps me in the center on these tests, i believe...?

you have no idea what my political standing is on near everything pf importance or what matters the most to our country.... but you made your judgement off of small tiny issues that are meant to divide, and i honestly have done the same with you.

A perfect example would be your last paragraph. Please quote me where I used the word "hate."

CAN'T STAND is eqivalent to Hate, to me and to most, gunny.

I happen to be married to a liberal, the son and grandson of liberals ... was raised in a household of liberals that voted Democrat ... what's your point? You aren't proving you're any less a one-way sign than your posts indicate by stating otherwise.

I am a Democrat, i vote for democrats most of the time because i agree with them on many issues and unless the other guy is really better...which sometimes they are and will get my vote........ i have no problem stating such.

you on the otherhand, try to ''play'' the independent guy, like you really would side with dems from time to time on issues, but you are nothing of the such...and so far in front of me have never done such?

and that is confusing, and also some kind of infectious disease :)going around... now with all these ex-bushie people pretending to never agree with bush lock step.....and be ''newly independent''!

that may not be what is going on with you and maybe i have ''prejudged'' this?

I don't like one-way extremists. Particularly left-wing extremists, of which you are a perfect example. THAT is what I said.

i am not an extremist, i have never been an extremist, and you have lost your mind to think that i am an extremist..... and your clueless. period. :D it's laughable truely laughable! wait till MM reads that, or no1 or the others that have recently joined that know me...i am not an EXTREMIST for goodness sakes!

also, what makes me this extremist and not just a democrat???

being a democrat and siding with them on some issues...that's extreme? lol hahaha... come on!?

you are pretty insecure to call me an extremist gunny...though that is a common bushite or bushie tactic, to over exagerate.... you know, someone speaking in opposition is a traiter and redeploying is cutting and running and that kind of crapola they are masters at!:eusa_wall:

search your inners, you got problems!

but heh! we all fall short..... so was said!


Your so far left you can't see the center, usual claim by liberals " Ohh I am a moderate" That explains why Fox is considered a right wing network and the rest are moderate, cause you can't understand what a moderate is.

And I see I will have to start lumping you in with Truthmatters if your going to be the great Arbitor on what words mean outside standard definitions. I can't stand lots of things, but I don't hate anything. They sure as hell don't mean the same thing. I know you make these ludicrous claims and I will start parseing what you REALLY mean also. Sound fair? Since you claim can't stand means hate, I have decided that if you don't like something, that means you hate it also. You are such a hateful person with all these things you don't like.
and it is, for objective analysis..... but are you suggesting that the adminstration was SURPRISED...even pleasantly surprised by the misinterpretation of their words?

and please show my how anyone's misinterpretation of Kennedy or Murtha or Biden or Kerry's words have led to America invading, conquering and occupying a country that had nothing to do with the attacks upon us at a cost of 28K dead and wounded Americans, countless thousands of dead Iraqis, a trillion dollars of American taxpayer's money that could have been used in innumerable ways to protect us against our real enemies, not to mention the total degradation of our standing around the world in general and our standing with our allies in specific.

I'll wait.

I do not agree that I wrote anything about the administration being surprised or not. I believe somewhere in this mess I even said Bush could use more lessons in nuanced speaking. I believe it was in a post to your very learned friend and his possible admiration for Chomsky?

Words mean something important, each and every one, or it is considered legitimate for us to make reasonable inferences-not just when it serves an argument.
Oh dry up. My opinion of the extreme left does NOT make me a partisan anything. In this, the same as every other topic you post on, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

i am not the extreme left and never have been on any political test taken, i have been right zap in the center or center RIGHT, not left. i disagree with the left on a handful of their key issues and stances....which keeps me in the center on these tests, i believe...?

you have no idea what my political standing is on near everything pf importance or what matters the most to our country.... but you made your judgement off of small tiny issues that are meant to divide, and i honestly have done the same with you.

A perfect example would be your last paragraph. Please quote me where I used the word "hate."

CAN'T STAND is eqivalent to Hate, to me and to most, gunny.

I happen to be married to a liberal, the son and grandson of liberals ... was raised in a household of liberals that voted Democrat ... what's your point? You aren't proving you're any less a one-way sign than your posts indicate by stating otherwise.

I am a Democrat, i vote for democrats most of the time because i agree with them on many issues and unless the other guy is really better...which sometimes they are and will get my vote........ i have no problem stating such.

you on the otherhand, try to ''play'' the independent guy, like you really would side with dems from time to time on issues, but you are nothing of the such...and so far in front of me have never done such?

and that is confusing, and also some kind of infectious disease :)going around... now with all these ex-bushie people pretending to never agree with bush lock step.....and be ''newly independent''!

that may not be what is going on with you and maybe i have ''prejudged'' this?

I don't like one-way extremists. Particularly left-wing extremists, of which you are a perfect example. THAT is what I said.

i am not an extremist, i have never been an extremist, and you have lost your mind to think that i am an extremist..... and your clueless. period. :D it's laughable truely laughable! wait till MM reads that, or no1 or the others that have recently joined that know me...i am not an EXTREMIST for goodness sakes!

also, what makes me this extremist and not just a democrat???

being a democrat and siding with them on some issues...that's extreme? lol hahaha... come on!?

you are pretty insecure to call me an extremist gunny...though that is a common bushite or bushie tactic, to over exagerate.... you know, someone speaking in opposition is a traiter and redeploying is cutting and running and that kind of crapola they are masters at!:eusa_wall:

search your inners, you got problems!

but heh! we all fall short..... so was said!


you are a proud member of the far left care, pure and simple
ahhhh, sensitive ears....

i can now understand why you plug them! was that a screech when you typed HE in capital letters above?

you know, different people always express themselves differently, if they have a mind of their own.

and my business with gunny is NONE of yours...or, in other words...i would appreciate your quick draw mcgraw finger on the negative rep button would mind its own business and allow things to progress.

i am certain, some day, gunny and me will work this ''animosity thing'' out....or come to some sort of mutual agreement to stay away from eachother, because we BOTH are reasonable people, (just not to eachother! lol)


So long as you post on a public forum, and I have eyes, and can read, it's my business.

Yiou are just as entitled to negative rep as you are to positive rep, no matter who it comes from, regardless of the fact that you think otherwise.
So long as you post on a public forum, and I have eyes, and can read, it's my business.

Yiou are just as entitled to negative rep as you are to positive rep, no matter who it comes from, regardless of the fact that you think otherwise.

Touche! I'll buy that!

As I have the right to bitch about it! ;)

you are a proud member of the far left care, pure and simple


I totally irk my fellow Democratic friends.

I am pro life
I am a fiscal conservative, I believe in a balanced budget, with the least amount of taxing necessary.
I don't believe in Universal health care...
I sided with keeping Terri Schiavo alive...

I can go on and on with issues that I differ or have differed with my Democratic party on....a far left person would not do this....

A yellow dog, like MM, will usually take the party's side on most issues because he believes in those issues....and doesn't budge, holds his ground and opinion....and even if he does differ with an issue, he understands the importance of electing Democrats in order to have the power to accomplish their agenda.

I am not that involved in politics to be a far lefty!


I totally irk my fellow Democratic friends.

I am pro life
I am a fiscal conservative, I believe in a balanced budget, with the least amount of taxing necessary.
I don't believe in Universal health care...
I sided with keeping Terri Schiavo alive...

I can go on and on with issues that I differ or have differed with my Democratic party on....a far left person would not do this....

A yellow dog, like MM, will usually take the party's side on most issues because he believes in those issues....and doesn't budge, holds his ground and opinion....and even if he does differ with an issue, he understands the importance of electing Democrats in order to have the power to accomplish their agenda.

I am not that involved in politics to be a far lefty!


Then why do you want to coddle terrorists like a panty wearing liberal?
Then why do you want to coddle terrorists like a panty wearing liberal?
I am a DOVE not a HAWK.

I am against the War because I am a Christian.... Christians are not ever suppose to go to war unless it is an absolute self defense situation.

The war in Iraq, was an UNJUST WAR, not a Just War and not handled in the Just War Theory manner that it should have followed. We were NOT under an attack or in an imminent threat situation.

War involves killing human kind, it should not be done as an option or a choice of many options....

I believe in turning the other cheek.... and walking the extra mile by choice with ones adversary in order to convince them to change.

When my father went off to vietnam when I was a child...8/9 years old...I lived every day for a year thinking that I would never see him again, that he would be killed in Viet Nam....I cried myself to sleep every night and prayed, and also made myself sick over it.... I still hold those scars near 40 years later....

I don't want any child to have to go through the agony and fear that I had to go through unless it is absolutely necessary....imminent threat of an attack, true self defense.... I do not believe in a war of choice, increased diplomacy is the way to go unless under an attack or an attack is imminent.

To USE our military men for a war of choice, and having them lose their lives over such, is a disgrace to our national values and our country and our Constitution imo and unnecessarily puts another child in fear of losing her daddy to war!

I am a DOVE not a HAWK.

I am against the War because I am a Christian.... Christians are not ever suppose to go to war unless it is an absolute self defense situation.

The war in Iraq, was an UNJUST WAR, not a Just War and not handled in the Just War Theory manner that it should have followed. We were NOT under an attack or in an imminent threat situation.

War involves killing human kind, it should not be done as an option or a choice of many options....

I believe in turning the other cheek.... and walking the extra mile by choice with ones adversary in order to convince them to change.

When my father went off to vietnam when I was a child...8/9 years old...I lived every day for a year thinking that I would never see him again, that he would be killed in Viet Nam....I cried myself to sleep every night and prayed, and also made myself sick over it.... I still hold those scars near 40 years later....

I don't want any child to have to go through the agony and fear that I had to go through unless it is absolutely necessary....imminent threat of an attack, true self defense.... I do not believe in a war of choice, increased diplomacy is the way to go unless under an attack or an attack is imminent.

To USE our military men for a war of choice, and having them lose their lives over such, is a disgrace to our national values and our country and our Constitution imo and unnecessarily puts another child in fear of losing her daddy to war!


So you are an appeaser

To show their thanks to you, the terrorists will kill you and your family last
I am a DOVE not a HAWK.

I am against the War because I am a Christian.... Christians are not ever suppose to go to war unless it is an absolute self defense situation.

The war in Iraq, was an UNJUST WAR, not a Just War and not handled in the Just War Theory manner that it should have followed. We were NOT under an attack or in an imminent threat situation.

War involves killing human kind, it should not be done as an option or a choice of many options....

I believe in turning the other cheek.... and walking the extra mile by choice with ones adversary in order to convince them to change.

When my father went off to vietnam when I was a child...8/9 years old...I lived every day for a year thinking that I would never see him again, that he would be killed in Viet Nam....I cried myself to sleep every night and prayed, and also made myself sick over it.... I still hold those scars near 40 years later....

I don't want any child to have to go through the agony and fear that I had to go through unless it is absolutely necessary....imminent threat of an attack, true self defense.... I do not believe in a war of choice, increased diplomacy is the way to go unless under an attack or an attack is imminent.

To USE our military men for a war of choice, and having them lose their lives over such, is a disgrace to our national values and our country and our Constitution imo and unnecessarily puts another child in fear of losing her daddy to war!


An accused enemy combatant held at Guantanamo Bay told a military hearing

He was physically as well as mentally tortured there
by having to read a newsletter full of 'crap,'
being forced to use unscented deodorant and shampoo
and having to play sports with a ball that would not bounce.
(Fox News),2933,272492,00.html
I will be here until all the damn liberals are gone


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Tell us again how diplomacy worked during the Clinton years when terrorists attacked and killed Americans five times - and all we did was talk to them?
how many times have we been attacked by terrorists and Americans killed under President Bush? at least 3700 deaths by terrorists in iraq, and another 3000 or so with the world trade center/pentegon, then the brittish attack and the french attack, and the austratian attack in bali then the attack in istanbul etc, etc, etc..... DEATHS from terrorism and terrorism attacks HAVE INCREASED since 911 according to government studies.

why is it OK for Americans to be killed ''over there'' via terrorism vs here in the usa? they are all americans, or do you think so low of our military that they don't deserve the right to live, as us citizens on our own soil?

how many times have we been attacked by terrorists and Americans killed under President Bush? at least 3700 deaths by terrorists in iraq, and another 3000 or so with the world trade center/pentegon, then the brittish attack and the french attack, and the austratian attack in bali then the attack in istanbul etc, etc, etc..... DEATHS from terrorism and terrorism attacks HAVE INCREASED since 911 according to government studies.

why is it OK for Americans to be killed ''over there'' via terrorism vs here in the usa? they are all americans, or do you think so low of our military that they don't deserve the right to live, as us citizens on our own soil?


One time - 9/11

Thanks to appeasing terrorists
thats some quest you are on...


some people enjoy their kids, pet the dog or get a hobby..

but RSR?

fuck all that having a life shit...

he's on a mission!

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