
I find it interesting that those on the right find it impossible to believe that Americans might draw any inferences from things suggested but never stated specifically.

If Team Bush gives speech after speech after speech where the words "Al Qaeda", "9/11", "Saddam Hussein", "weapons of mass destruction", "gassed his own people", "mushroom clouds over American cities", "Al Qaeda", "9/11", "Saddam Hussein", "weapons of mass destruction", "gassed his own people","mushroom clouds over American cities", BUT NEVER "OSAMA BIN LADEN"over and over and over again, should they, or anyone else, for that matter, be that surprised that 70% of Americans came to believe that Saddam had something to do with 9/11 and he was ready willing and able to gas us like he did his own people on a moment's notice? Is anyone surprised that those 70% of Americans - driven by fear and revennge - would fully support invading a country that, in reality, had abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING to do with 9/11, and abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING to do with the war against islamic extremists?
Ok lets run this down.

I gave you verified quotes of what and when they said them.

I gave you polls and their coresponding dates to assert the verasity of the puplic opinions.

The quotes all contain Bush and Cheney talking about Sadam ,terror ,AQ , before and after 911.

You guys gave what facts?

If this is all the republican party has left in its arsenal then your party will likely not survive.
I find it interesting that those on the right find it impossible to believe that Americans might draw any inferences from things suggested but never stated specifically.

If Team Bush gives speech after speech after speech where the words "Al Qaeda", "9/11", "Saddam Hussein", "weapons of mass destruction", "gassed his own people", "mushroom clouds over American cities", "Al Qaeda", "9/11", "Saddam Hussein", "weapons of mass destruction", "gassed his own people","mushroom clouds over American cities", BUT NEVER "OSAMA BIN LADEN"over and over and over again, should they, or anyone else, for that matter, be that surprised that 70% of Americans came to believe that Saddam had something to do with 9/11 and he was ready willing and able to gas us like he did his own people on a moment's notice? Is anyone surprised that those 70% of Americans - driven by fear and revennge - would fully support invading a country that, in reality, had abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING to do with 9/11, and abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING to do with the war against islamic extremists?

When it's THIS far-fetched? I wouldn't find it surprising if NO ONE came to such a grasping-at-straws, pulled-out-of-the-ass, illogical conclusion.
When it's THIS far-fetched? I wouldn't find it surprising if NO ONE came to such a grasping-at-straws, pulled-out-of-the-ass, illogical conclusion.

oddly enough, the majority of Americans are not as perceptive and are more gullible than you or me.

congratulations, gunny.

And note, for the record, that I have never - since our rapproachment - ever suggested that you were otherwise.
I find it interesting that those on the right find it impossible to believe that Americans might draw any inferences from things suggested but never stated specifically.

If Team Bush gives speech after speech after speech where the words "Al Qaeda", "9/11", "Saddam Hussein", "weapons of mass destruction", "gassed his own people", "mushroom clouds over American cities", "Al Qaeda", "9/11", "Saddam Hussein", "weapons of mass destruction", "gassed his own people","mushroom clouds over American cities", BUT NEVER "OSAMA BIN LADEN"over and over and over again, should they, or anyone else, for that matter, be that surprised that 70% of Americans came to believe that Saddam had something to do with 9/11 and he was ready willing and able to gas us like he did his own people on a moment's notice? Is anyone surprised that those 70% of Americans - driven by fear and revennge - would fully support invading a country that, in reality, had abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING to do with 9/11, and abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING to do with the war against islamic extremists?

I'd like to agree, but remember so many discussions where the same types of inferences were used about say Kennedy, Murtha, Biden, Kerry, etc. Time after time, you warned that literal was necessary and what they said, not what some others might read into what they said, was necessary.
Saddam Hussein has longstanding, direct and continuing ties to terrorist networks. Senior members of Iraqi intelligence and al Qaeda have met at least eight times since the early 1990s.. Iraq has sent bomb-making and document forgery experts to work with al Qaeda Iraq has also provided al Qaeda with chemical and biological weapons training. And an al Qaeda operative was sent to Iraq several times in the late 1990s for help in acquiring poisons and gases.

Iraq has sent bomb-making and document forgery experts to work with al Qaeda

this is literal
I'd like to agree, but remember so many discussions where the same types of inferences were used about say Kennedy, Murtha, Biden, Kerry, etc. Time after time, you warned that literal was necessary and what they said, not what some others might read into what they said, was necessary.

and it is, for objective analysis..... but are you suggesting that the adminstration was SURPRISED...even pleasantly surprised by the misinterpretation of their words?

and please show my how anyone's misinterpretation of Kennedy or Murtha or Biden or Kerry's words have led to America invading, conquering and occupying a country that had nothing to do with the attacks upon us at a cost of 28K dead and wounded Americans, countless thousands of dead Iraqis, a trillion dollars of American taxpayer's money that could have been used in innumerable ways to protect us against our real enemies, not to mention the total degradation of our standing around the world in general and our standing with our allies in specific.

I'll wait.
I find it interesting that those on the right find it impossible to believe that Americans might draw any inferences from things suggested but never stated specifically.

If Team Bush gives speech after speech after speech where the words "Al Qaeda", "9/11", "Saddam Hussein", "weapons of mass destruction", "gassed his own people", "mushroom clouds over American cities", "Al Qaeda", "9/11", "Saddam Hussein", "weapons of mass destruction", "gassed his own people","mushroom clouds over American cities", BUT NEVER "OSAMA BIN LADEN"over and over and over again, should they, or anyone else, for that matter, be that surprised that 70% of Americans came to believe that Saddam had something to do with 9/11 and he was ready willing and able to gas us like he did his own people on a moment's notice? Is anyone surprised that those 70% of Americans - driven by fear and revennge - would fully support invading a country that, in reality, had abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING to do with 9/11, and abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING to do with the war against islamic extremists?

It's called brain washing, mind control....

Do a google ..... IF ANY OF YOU on the right really care to know the truth...

The administration has the "science" down to a tee! and most advertisers do also....coming from Marketing.... it takes so many times of repeating something before the audience or consumer believes it....

just keep running the ad during heavy trafffic times..... advertisers don't spend millions doing this exact thing for no reason at all....

The American people were HAD.... it is SO obvious by the polls regarding Saddam's association with 911.....

And the administration is the one that HAD them...
It's called brain washing, mind control....

Do a google ..... IF ANY OF YOU on the right really care to know the truth...

The administration has the "science" down to a tee! and most advertisers do also....coming from Marketing.... it takes so many times of repeating something before the audience or consumer believes it....

just keep running the ad during heavy trafffic times..... advertisers don't spend millions doing this exact thing for no reason at all....

The American people were HAD.... it is SO obvious by the polls regarding Saddam's association with 911.....

And the administration is the one that HAD them...

Do you do ANY thinking for yourself? Freakin' pathetic. And they call RSR a puppet.:rolleyes:
Horseshit. It's partisan garbage, and you know it. Unsupported lies and allegations.

What is?

Are you calling 'Propaganda' lies?

What is the repetition of this?

Al Qaeda", "9/11", "Saddam Hussein", "weapons of mass destruction", "gassed his own people", "mushroom clouds over American cities"

I would call that effective brainwashing.

You do know that the GOP has their own PR staff right?
Horseshit. It's partisan garbage, and you know it. Unsupported lies and allegations.

ONLY someone who does NOT think for himself would call what I said unsupported lies and ridiculous and pathetic.

you are such a partisan hack trying to pretend in "sheeps clothing" THAT you are not,....ya twit!!!

Horseshit. It's partisan garbage, and you know it. Unsupported lies and allegations.

I know that if you say "al qaeda saddam 9/11 weapons of mass destruction gassed his own people mushroom clouds over american cities al qaeda saddam 9/11 weapons of mass destruction gassed his own people mushroom clouds over american cities al qaeda saddam 9/11 weapons of mass destruction gassed his own people mushroom clouds over american cities al qaeda saddam 9/11 weapons of mass destruction gassed his own people mushroom clouds over american cities" over and over again..

.if the American people who heard that over and over and over again come to the mistaken conclusion that Saddam had something to do with 9/11 and that he has weapons of mass destruction that he has used on his own people and will nuke an american city if we give him the chance by leaving him in power and not invading him TODAY. it ought not to come as a big surprise and it is probably what you were hoping for when you repeated all that crap over and over again in the first place.
ONLY someone who does NOT think for himself would call what I said unsupported lies and ridiculous and pathetic.

you are such a partisan hack trying to pretend in "sheeps clothing" THAT you are not,....ya twit!!!


There's nothing partisan about anything I've posted, so that blows THAT bullshti right out of the water. Not believing lies has absolutely NOTHING to do with my political ideology.

And for someone who parrots every damned baseless, left-wing extremist talking point and lie perpetuated into myth, you got some nerve calling anyone anything.
And just to further shoot down your bullshit, kneejerk accusation, I have NOTHING to be partisan to. I can't stand the left, and YOU are a perfect example of why. I used to be there myself until I figured out who was actually doing the brainwashing. Obviously, you haven't.

I know that if you say "al qaeda saddam 9/11 weapons of mass destruction gassed his own people mushroom clouds over american cities al qaeda saddam 9/11 weapons of mass destruction gassed his own people mushroom clouds over american cities al qaeda saddam 9/11 weapons of mass destruction gassed his own people mushroom clouds over american cities al qaeda saddam 9/11 weapons of mass destruction gassed his own people mushroom clouds over american cities" over and over again..

.if the American people who heard that over and over and over again come to the mistaken conclusion that Saddam had something to do with 9/11 and that he has weapons of mass destruction that he has used on his own people and will nuke an american city if we give him the chance by leaving him in power and not invading him TODAY. it ought not to come as a big surprise and it is probably what you were hoping for when you repeated all that crap over and over again in the first place.
What is?

Are you calling 'Propaganda' lies?

What is the repetition of this?

Al Qaeda", "9/11", "Saddam Hussein", "weapons of mass destruction", "gassed his own people", "mushroom clouds over American cities"

I would call that effective brainwashing.

You do know that the GOP has their own PR staff right?

Why does the left continue to try and undermine the war, and continue to fight battles they have already lost?

And again, I never had a problem differentiating between OBL-AQ-9-11, and Saddam Hussein. All I did was read or listen to what was there.

And I'm sorry, but saying Saddam had tenuous ties to AQ is IMO in NO WAY saying he had any part in 9/11. I infact discouted him right off the bat. He'd have to have been a bigger fool than he already proved to be to involve himself in something like that knowing he was going to be the first person any-and-everyone looked at.

If people assumed that because at one time 9/11 and Saddam Hussein were th top two problems for this Nation that they were the SAME problem, that is clearly on them.

Blaming the Bush Administration for it is stretching it a bit too thin, in my book.

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