Must be time for another election, Marxists/Demofascists using "fear" once again to scare the elderly. Mean ole Repubs going to take SS away.

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Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
The House Budget Committee's advancement of the Fiscal Commission Act of 2023 has ignited a debate over potential Social Security changes.
Amid concerns over national debt topping $34 trillion, the Fiscal Commission Act of 2023, H.R. 5779, proposes a bipartisan commission to review federal spending, but it faces strong opposition for allegedly endangering Social Security. Critics, including influential Democrats and advocacy organizations, warn of possible cuts to the program, fueling political confrontation over the future of essential social safety nets.
Every time there is an election, the Marxists/Demofascist pull out the old playbook, where murdering babies is going to be stopped by the Republicans, so very angry women should vote for allowing babies to be murdered. Also the old people's "supplemental" income is going to be axed, so the elderly, whose income cant keep up with Joe Bidumb's inflation should continue to vote for the very guy that caused all their inflationary problems in the first place. And what is worse, is that too many stupid, Joe Bidumb voters will actually believe what the Marxists/Demofascists tell them to believe..

MSN Every time there is an election, the Marxists/Demofascist pull out the old playbook, where murdering babies is going to be stopped by the Republicans, so very angry women should vote for allowing babies to be murdered. Also the old people's "supplemental" income is going to be axed, so the elderly, whose income cant keep up with Joe Bidumb's inflation should continue to vote for the very guy that caused all their inflationary problems in the first place. And what is worse, is that too many stupid, Joe Bidumb voters will actually believe what the Marxists/Demofascists tell them to believe..

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Happens EVERY SINGLE ELECTION CYCLE. It's almost as if they really believe we're stupid enough to not see them trying the same lies, OVER AND OVER AND OVER!

MSN Every time there is an election, the Marxists/Demofascist pull out the old playbook, where murdering babies is going to be stopped by the Republicans, so very angry women should vote for allowing babies to be murdered. Also the old people's "supplemental" income is going to be axed, so the elderly, whose income cant keep up with Joe Bidumb's inflation should continue to vote for the very guy that caused all their inflationary problems in the first place. And what is worse, is that too many stupid, Joe Bidumb voters will actually believe what the Marxists/Demofascists tell them to believe..

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Medicare, and SS, are all compromised by the right-wing Republican attitude toward government programs and entitlements. You're less likely to lose your benefits under Democrats than Republicans.
Yeah, he didnt push grandma over the cliff, he pushed the whole US over the cliff....

Clinton didn't really 'hate' America. Truth is -- He was sort of indifferent to it. To him, everything was a plus or a minus. The words escapes me, but you know the type. Politics was just an opportunity to him.

Now -- Ubercunt?? That whore hates America. She hates everything about America. Always has

The Bastard Son of Frank Marshall Davis also hates America. Learned it from his whore mother who learned it from her totally and completely useless parents.

Biden is a mixture of the two. One part of him hates America while another part of him sees it as just another opportunity. One in which he has a license to steal.

The dimocrap scum party has become, whether intended or not, the Anti-America Party. And anybody that still loves our Country is their enemy.

We need to return the favor. In spades
MSN Every time there is an election, the Marxists/Demofascist pull out the old playbook, where murdering babies is going to be stopped by the Republicans, so very angry women should vote for allowing babies to be murdered. Also the old people's "supplemental" income is going to be axed, so the elderly, whose income cant keep up with Joe Bidumb's inflation should continue to vote for the very guy that caused all their inflationary problems in the first place. And what is worse, is that too many stupid, Joe Bidumb voters will actually believe what the Marxists/Demofascists tell them to believe..

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I think it was House Republicans that intentionally crawled on that third rail in an election year. I guess they thought there would be no sparks and nobody would notice, this time.
Medicare, and SS, are all compromised by the right-wing Republican attitude toward government programs and entitlements. You're less likely to lose your benefits under Democrats than Republicans.
Fact-Checking the Obama Campaign's Defense of its $716 Billion Cut to Medicare
By contrast, Obamacare cut $716 billion from Medicare in order to fund $1.9 trillion in new health care spending, through the law’s expansion of Medicaid and its new subsidized exchanges.
I think it was House Republicans that intentionally crawled on that third rail in an election year. I guess they thought there would be no sparks and nobody would notice, this time.
Yeah, sure they did, just like back in the old days.....Every election cycle since William Jefferson Clinton(i did not have sexual relations with that woman) always used the fear of Repubs cutting Social Security to get the old folks vote, but no cuts ever happened. But Obama did cut Medicare for old folks so he could then fund his "give illegals free healthcare shit". Which is now full force in Californication...Thanks Obama...
Yeah, sure they did, just like back in the old days.....Every election cycle since William Jefferson Clinton(i did not have sexual relations with that woman) always used the fear of Repubs cutting Social Security to get the old folks vote, but no cuts ever happened. But Obama did cut Medicare for old folks so he could then fund his "give illegals free healthcare shit". Which is now full force in Californication...Thanks Obama...
I did not remember him doing that. Did he push it through in 2012 while the re-election campaign was going on? I kind of doubt, as he was re-elected.
I did not remember him doing that. Did he push it through in 2012 while the re-election campaign was going on? I kind of doubt, as he was re-elected.
Of course you dont remember that, because that is how the Marxists/Demofascists always get back in power, by the lack of brain cells of their voters.....
I did not remember him doing that. Did he push it through in 2012 while the re-election campaign was going on? I kind of doubt, as he was re-elected.
It was part of his, "If you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor" frontal assault on The American People.

I'm not 1000% certain, but I don't recall Republicans ever cutting SS or Medicare.

But they get accused of plotting it every single election cycle. That, and putting Blacks back in chains. Because, you know, Abraham Lincoln was such a democrat. As was US Grant who fought the KKK, a Republican organization founded in Tennessee by that evil Republican, Nathan Bedford Forrest.

Everybody knows that.... :dunno:

It didn't affect coverage:

In the above article, it shows what the Republicans were planning back then. It was even worse.

I never said that Dems are socialists who would die before abandoning Medicare, Medicaid, and SS, but in general, Dems tend to be friendlier towards the working class concerning benefits and government services. Republicans are more averse or antagonistic toward the government offering citizens social services, which they see as money wasted on bums. Whenever the working class gets help from the government, they're fiscally irresponsible and lazy, but when the rich get help from the government through bailouts, subsidies..etc, they're just being smart, "good for them".
Of course you dont remember that, because that is how the Marxists/Demofascists always get back in power, by the lack of brain cells of their voters.....
It is not like you gave a link or even answered the question. I don't know if what you said is true or not, and certainly have no idea when he supposedly did it. Does that mean, you don't know either?

I am just speaking to the fact Social Security is one of the third rails of politics and there is no escaping getting shocked or electrocuted, in an election year, so usually avoided in election years. What are the house Republicans going to try to pass next in this election year, abortion legislation? Maybe they could push to shut down the government in the election year. That's always popular to get out the vote, right?
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