Must See: 14 Year Old Oklahoma Girl Makes The Record Books With 16 Point Buck Kill (Atta Girl)

Do you buy meat at the grocery store?
Do you have anything from the grocery store mounted on your wall?
You're bitching about hunting deer, well at least the deer has a chance and more often than not outsmarts the hunter. Cattle are bred to be slaughtered, herded their entire lives, and lined up at a meat processing plant to have their head secured into a harness and killed by a bolt gun. If you eat meat, you are a participant in this process and a hypocrite for criticizing deer hunting.
That is a wild assumption that all deer hunters field dress and have the meat processed. Many hunters can't fucking shoot straight. And then they are too lazy to chase down and finish a wounded animal. I know about this from growing up in the west. Don't fucking preach to me about something you probably know very little about. Something I am very familiar with.
To the twit:

You have no idea what "many" hunters do. Every hunter I've hunted with has been very ethical, seeking to minimize suffering, and they are excellent shots, aiming for an angle that perforates the heart and lungs and causes rapid death. You get all your information on hunters from brainwash websites like PETA.

Heart and lung? That's an amateur. Below the ear into the brain. If you can't make that shot then you're just a kid who needs to have their guns taken away
This site is going downhill. I thought Steve McCrackhead had been permanently banned with his blatantly racist avatar but then again I give the owners of USMB too much credit
To the Leftwat:

You people are the only ones threatened by diverse points of view, who set up "free speech zones" at college campuses to limit expression, and otherwise do everything in your power to suppress every point of view you don't like. That makes you assholes.
Everything in my power to suppress? You're telling me to suppress my opinion about a very racist icon allowed to remain visible on this site. That makes YOU the asshole unless I tell you to STFU
To the totalitarian statist wannabe:

Yes, you criticized USMB for not allowing just one point of view and you expressed a wish that USMB suppress viewpoints you disagree with. That makes you an asshole.

A cartoon depicting the Obamas as apes is racist. Sorry you are so fucking biased you can't see that
Do you buy meat at the grocery store?
Do you have anything from the grocery store mounted on your wall?
You're bitching about hunting deer, well at least the deer has a chance and more often than not outsmarts the hunter. Cattle are bred to be slaughtered, herded their entire lives, and lined up at a meat processing plant to have their head secured into a harness and killed by a bolt gun. If you eat meat, you are a participant in this process and a hypocrite for criticizing deer hunting.
That is a wild assumption that all deer hunters field dress and have the meat processed. Many hunters can't fucking shoot straight. And then they are too lazy to chase down and finish a wounded animal. I know about this from growing up in the west. Don't fucking preach to me about something you probably know very little about. Something I am very familiar with.
To the twit:

You have no idea what "many" hunters do. Every hunter I've hunted with has been very ethical, seeking to minimize suffering, and they are excellent shots, aiming for an angle that perforates the heart and lungs and causes rapid death. You get all your information on hunters from brainwash websites like PETA.

Heart and lung? That's an amateur. Below the ear into the brain. If you can't make that shot then you're just a kid who needs to have their guns taken away

To the Leftist dilettante:

You have no idea what you're talking about. Trying for a smaller target like the head may result in a miss and a botched killing. The heart and lungs represent a target 30% of the animal's total size and when perforated guarantees a swift death.

Please, on behalf of animals everywhere, don't hunt. You'll only cause needless suffering with your buffoonery.
This site is going downhill. I thought Steve McCrackhead had been permanently banned with his blatantly racist avatar but then again I give the owners of USMB too much credit
To the Leftwat:

You people are the only ones threatened by diverse points of view, who set up "free speech zones" at college campuses to limit expression, and otherwise do everything in your power to suppress every point of view you don't like. That makes you assholes.
Everything in my power to suppress? You're telling me to suppress my opinion about a very racist icon allowed to remain visible on this site. That makes YOU the asshole unless I tell you to STFU
To the totalitarian statist wannabe:

Yes, you criticized USMB for not allowing just one point of view and you expressed a wish that USMB suppress viewpoints you disagree with. That makes you an asshole.

A cartoon depicting the Obamas as apes is racist. Sorry you are so fucking biased you can't see that

To the Leftist hypocrite:

The Left's depiction of Bush as a monkey, Bush eating a kitten, and Bush being assassinated makes any ape comparison of the Obama's benign by comparison.
This site is going downhill. I thought Steve McCrackhead had been permanently banned with his blatantly racist avatar but then again I give the owners of USMB too much credit
To the Leftwat:

You people are the only ones threatened by diverse points of view, who set up "free speech zones" at college campuses to limit expression, and otherwise do everything in your power to suppress every point of view you don't like. That makes you assholes.
Everything in my power to suppress? You're telling me to suppress my opinion about a very racist icon allowed to remain visible on this site. That makes YOU the asshole unless I tell you to STFU
To the totalitarian statist wannabe:

Yes, you criticized USMB for not allowing just one point of view and you expressed a wish that USMB suppress viewpoints you disagree with. That makes you an asshole.

A cartoon depicting the Obamas as apes is racist. Sorry you are so fucking biased you can't see that
Who cares, they're racist pigs themselves.
Do you buy meat at the grocery store?
Do you have anything from the grocery store mounted on your wall?
You're bitching about hunting deer, well at least the deer has a chance and more often than not outsmarts the hunter. Cattle are bred to be slaughtered, herded their entire lives, and lined up at a meat processing plant to have their head secured into a harness and killed by a bolt gun. If you eat meat, you are a participant in this process and a hypocrite for criticizing deer hunting.
That is a wild assumption that all deer hunters field dress and have the meat processed. Many hunters can't fucking shoot straight. And then they are too lazy to chase down and finish a wounded animal. I know about this from growing up in the west. Don't fucking preach to me about something you probably know very little about. Something I am very familiar with.
To the twit:

You have no idea what "many" hunters do. Every hunter I've hunted with has been very ethical, seeking to minimize suffering, and they are excellent shots, aiming for an angle that perforates the heart and lungs and causes rapid death. You get all your information on hunters from brainwash websites like PETA.

Heart and lung? That's an amateur. Below the ear into the brain. If you can't make that shot then you're just a kid who needs to have their guns taken away. The shot you are describing could result in a painful and prolonged death of the animal you fucking stupid idiot. I bet your buddies throw food on the ground and then climb into tree blinds with their guns, too

The difference is whether it's a trophy kill. Those jackasses don't care about a clean, humane kill.

I grew up with guns and hunting. The hunters who brag about being ethical are the ones who are too lazy to finish the animal. Same slime that leaves their empty Bud Lite cans and trash. Later they'll say they got off a "sound shot", a "gut shot" as though it's something to be proud of.

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This site is going downhill. I thought Steve McCrackhead had been permanently banned with his blatantly racist avatar but then again I give the owners of USMB too much credit
To the Leftwat:

You people are the only ones threatened by diverse points of view, who set up "free speech zones" at college campuses to limit expression, and otherwise do everything in your power to suppress every point of view you don't like. That makes you assholes.
Everything in my power to suppress? You're telling me to suppress my opinion about a very racist icon allowed to remain visible on this site. That makes YOU the asshole unless I tell you to STFU
To the totalitarian statist wannabe:

Yes, you criticized USMB for not allowing just one point of view and you expressed a wish that USMB suppress viewpoints you disagree with. That makes you an asshole.

A cartoon depicting the Obamas as apes is racist. Sorry you are so fucking biased you can't see that
Who cares, they're racist pigs themselves.

So saying someone else is racist gives you permission to be as well.

Ignorant RW racists can't think for themselves.

Besides, you're the last one who should be lecturing about ethics.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
To the Leftwat:

You people are the only ones threatened by diverse points of view, who set up "free speech zones" at college campuses to limit expression, and otherwise do everything in your power to suppress every point of view you don't like. That makes you assholes.
Everything in my power to suppress? You're telling me to suppress my opinion about a very racist icon allowed to remain visible on this site. That makes YOU the asshole unless I tell you to STFU
To the totalitarian statist wannabe:

Yes, you criticized USMB for not allowing just one point of view and you expressed a wish that USMB suppress viewpoints you disagree with. That makes you an asshole.

A cartoon depicting the Obamas as apes is racist. Sorry you are so fucking biased you can't see that
Who cares, they're racist pigs themselves.

So saying someone else is racist gives you permission to be as well.

Ignorant RW racists can't think for themselves.

Besides, you're the last one who should be lecturing about ethics.

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What you're saying is true Neddy. But the Obama's, and Eric Holder are about the biggest racist I've ever seen
I see the deer wasn't armed, thats a fair hunt, only hope it had was to run away.
I don't understand the whole trophy thing for killing an animal just because it has a big set of antlers.
Go kill a animal that if you miss with your gun, the animal fights back, that is a trophy.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Do you buy meat at the grocery store?
Do you have anything from the grocery store mounted on your wall?
You're bitching about hunting deer, well at least the deer has a chance and more often than not outsmarts the hunter. Cattle are bred to be slaughtered, herded their entire lives, and lined up at a meat processing plant to have their head secured into a harness and killed by a bolt gun. If you eat meat, you are a participant in this process and a hypocrite for criticizing deer hunting.

You've actually made a point there. That's 1/2 of the reason I quit eating meat.
Watch the hunt 'n' grunts lie that they make herd stronger by "harvesting" the old and sick.

Wish they would harvest each other. With any luck, the dumb twit will shoot herself.

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I suspect they would've passed on this deer if it had been a doe. Too many hunt for the antlers and not the venison. Tip: Head for Jackson hole and just gather up some antlers off the ground near the reserve.

In most places, it is not LEGAL to shoot a doe!
I see the deer wasn't armed, thats a fair hunt, only hope it had was to run away.
I don't understand the whole trophy thing for killing an animal just because it has a big set of antlers.
Go kill a animal that if you miss with your gun, the animal fights back, that is a trophy.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Do you buy meat at the grocery store?
Do you have anything from the grocery store mounted on your wall?
You're bitching about hunting deer, well at least the deer has a chance and more often than not outsmarts the hunter. Cattle are bred to be slaughtered, herded their entire lives, and lined up at a meat processing plant to have their head secured into a harness and killed by a bolt gun. If you eat meat, you are a participant in this process and a hypocrite for criticizing deer hunting.

You've actually made a point there. That's 1/2 of the reason I quit eating meat.

Eating meat from the grocery store is far crueler than taking a deer in its natural habitat. The public can no longer claim ignorance as videos like this are out there to show exactly what these large scale meat processing plants do. This is a cause very dear to my wife who does the shopping for us. We don't eat a lot of meat, but when we do, it's either game that I've taken, or free range organic. A lot of times we'll go through an entire very tasty meal and find to our surprise that there wasn't any meat in it at all. It's a guessing game we play with my wife.

Good for you, making a conscientious decision to avoid meat altogether. We're not quite there, but we're very aware of where our meat comes from and don't participate in the cruelty industry.

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