MUST SEE: Biden’s Behavior Abruptly Changes in Spliced Video Speech Released by The White House; From Sleepy-Eyed to Bug-Eyed and Not Blinking

Woah! What in the hell is going on here? Tucker was right. This guy is indeed being fed pills. Watch the video. You won't be disappointed.

Their going to keep him in the WH basement mostly now. He can't be in public anymore

Close up--Look how dilated his eyes are. One account I read said people blink an average of 15-20 times per minute.
VIDEO: Joe Biden doesn’t blink his bugged out eyes

Close up--Look how dilated his eyes are. One account I read said people blink an average of 15-20 times per minute.
VIDEO: Joe Biden doesn’t blink his bugged out eyes

Normal people blink even more when spewing lie upon lie.

Not Veggie Joe.
What a strange rant. Why would his handlers dope up the vegetable and have him come out to rant about this? What was the fucking point? They could have left him in bed but decided to do this. Why. Why would this be a priority.
Dripping in blood?

Surrounded by carnage?

Their need to overdramafy is why no one believes them
Have a look at this. Looks like a filtered goes on, without blinking, much longer than this.
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Woah! What in the hell is going on here? Tucker was right. This guy is indeed being fed pills. Watch the video. You won't be disappointed.

Simple. Double fudge banana sundae. He'll do anything for his ice cream.
The non-segue between the end of part 1 and the start of part two was sloppy and lazy; and the immediate difference in appearance and style (from his usual rambling mumbling style of speaking and his sleepy eyes) to that darker but more precise tone and less mumbling (together with the unblinking wide-awake look of his eyes) tells a story.

Only willingly gullible libs will refuse to see the evidence before their own eyes. The severely demented old man is being chemically altered. That conclusion seems inescapable.
What are we doing here?

This is literally abuse of elders. I am hyperbolic in my rhetoric like a million percent of the time, but I am serious.

He has lost it and is being manipulated. Its disgusting.
The vacant stare, at least for badger, is reminiscent of the lasix (furosemide) stare that we've seen before.
Woah! What in the hell is going on here? Tucker was right. This guy is indeed being fed pills. Watch the video. You won't be disappointed.

Wow, a great big pile of lies. xiden couldn't care less about our nations laws, if he did we wouldn't have open borders. He's allowing every kind of criminal just to walk into the country with zero vetting.

Wow, a great big pile of lies. xiden couldn't care less about our nations laws, if he did we wouldn't have open borders. He's allowing every kind of criminal just to walk into the country with zero vetting.

Cloward / Piven (The Browning of America )
How much fun will you have when your chosen party tries another steal and it sets off major violence in our streets?

This is my chosen party Home | Libertarian Party

If you people think it didn't happen and that even if it did, it was worth it to get rid of Trump, you've got one HELL of a wakeup call inbound.

It did not happen, but the pain thinking it did causes you gives me much pleasure.

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