MUST SEE: Biden’s Behavior Abruptly Changes in Spliced Video Speech Released by The White House; From Sleepy-Eyed to Bug-Eyed and Not Blinking

Indeed, very much like a "Manchurian Candidate" being led around and told what to say.
Just look at the cards Joey carries around.

He carries the black binder around at times also. As he shows his false pompous grief with the worries of running the nation. The lies rolling of the multi forked tongue like he is in a gold medal winning event.
I do not give a fuck about Biden, but watching all of you meltdown daily over every little thing is pure entertainment gold.
The Gold is Nancy Lugosi pulled the AWB 2 for lack of votes ( it’s shelved until end of Midsommar for retooling )
Don’t drink but I do collect Military Firearms from the second half of the 20th Century .
Well of course because that is extraordinarily unlikely so it makes you feel better that this is just a conspiracy

Why is it unlikely?

I have a great story about cocaine. Back when I was a young LCpl in the Corps we were getting the air station ready for the upcoming air show. We were testing the base wide speaker system and just put the mic next to a radio playing the local rock station. All was well till the station played Cocaine by Clapton.

Damn the Base CO was PISSED!

Interesting... reportedly the video in the last 2 minutes is spliced 10 times.
This would explain the weird mouth movements others noticed,
And could explain the fact in ONLY the last minute of video his eyes are no longer synchronized. The left eye is not looking in the same direction as the right. Because it is an altered video.
That could also explain how he went so long without blinking, because he DID blink, but the video being spliced 10 times in 2 minutes happen to cut out when he was blinking.
More will come out later when video experts look at this weird ass video.
I noticed it the first time I saw it, like I say I thought it was a fake video on Twitter
cocaine use will do it.


So, your statement is counter to the studies.
Plying Joey Xi Bai Dung with Cocaine would only make his symptoms and dementia worse.
However, Amphetamines and methylphenidate are probably effective strategies.
Interesting... reportedly the video in the last 2 minutes is spliced 10 times.
This would explain the weird mouth movements others noticed,
And could explain the fact in ONLY the last minute of video his eyes are no longer synchronized. The left eye is not looking in the same direction as the right. Because it is an altered video.
That could also explain how he went so long without blinking, because he DID blink, but the video being spliced 10 times in 2 minutes happen to cut out when he was blinking.
More will come out later when video experts look at this weird ass video.
I noticed it the first time I saw it, like I say I thought it was a fake video on Twitter
Here is the official White House video of that speech. It looks identical to the one in the OP, but has more context at the beginning.

You can see he blinks normally until he reaches the most passionate part of his remarks.

Here is the official White House video of that speech. It looks identical to the one in the OP, but has more context at the beginning.

You can see he blinks normally until he reaches the most passionate part of his remarks.

Joey Xi mumbling incoherently...
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