Must the usa face judgment??

Very true. I like to say if you don't believe you'll die jumping off a 100 story building and you jump? You'll still die.
Evolutionary science has been debunked. Where have you been? Do you not realise the motive of Darwin was to diminish Gods greatest creation? Genesis 1:26 We were made in the image of God, Konrad. Not so for the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, the beast of the field.. of the animal kingdom we were given dominion to rule over.

Please explain to me how you could be evolving and dominating from the very beginning! It is one or the other, Konrad.

No. I will tell you what the problem is. This idea of Darwins is satanic in its origin which is why Darwin was the spiritual father of Marx & Communism. He would have the world to believe that man is like any other dumb beast on four legs looking to fill his stomach and not much more. Hardly what God had in mind when he created man in his own image. Think about it. You've been duped.

Update* Charles Darwin did accept Jesus Christ on his deathbed and became a christian before he died.

Adam and Eve are not allegories. Adam was the first man who was supernaturally created by God - not born of human flesh. This is why the bible refers to Jesus as the second Adam. He was supernaturally created in Marys womb by the Holy Spirit and was the Son of a Virgin.

I know it's one or the other. We didn't dominate from the beginning, we had to wait for the dinosaurs to die off so that our ancestors could crawl out of their holes and stand a fighting chance of not being eaten. As I said, Genesis is an allegory about good and evil, NOT science and history. Evolution has not been debunked, the fossil record and the study of DNA reinforce it on a daily basis. Studying the Bible for life's guiding principles is all well and good, but you're wasting your time trying to turn its morality stories into facts.
MUST THE USA FACE JUDGMENT?? Many of our people reject GOD and GOD'S WORD, many live in the abomination of sick sexual perversion, and the abomination of abortion has killed over 40 million of our nation's children! OUR ONLY HOPE IS ===2 Chronicles 7:14 ►
GOD SAYS=if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Fortunately there is no ‘god,’ so not to worry.
Evolutionary science has been debunked. Where have you been? Do you not realise the motive of Darwin was to diminish Gods greatest creation? Genesis 1:26 We were made in the image of God, Konrad. Not so for the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, the beast of the field.. of the animal kingdom we were given dominion to rule over.

Please explain to me how you could be evolving and dominating from the very beginning! It is one or the other, Konrad.

No. I will tell you what the problem is. This idea of Darwins is satanic in its origin which is why Darwin was the spiritual father of Marx & Communism. He would have the world to believe that man is like any other dumb beast on four legs looking to fill his stomach and not much more. Hardly what God had in mind when he created man in his own image. Think about it. You've been duped.

Update* Charles Darwin did accept Jesus Christ on his deathbed and became a christian before he died.

Adam and Eve are not allegories. Adam was the first man who was supernaturally created by God - not born of human flesh. This is why the bible refers to Jesus as the second Adam. He was supernaturally created in Marys womb by the Holy Spirit and was the Son of a Virgin.

I know it's one or the other. We didn't dominate from the beginning, we had to wait for the dinosaurs to die off so that our ancestors could crawl out of their holes and stand a fighting chance of not being eaten. As I said, Genesis is an allegory about good and evil, NOT science and history. Evolution has not been debunked, the fossil record and the study of DNA reinforce it on a daily basis. Studying the Bible for life's guiding principles is all well and good, but you're wasting your time trying to turn its morality stories into facts.

Ah! Got it. You are hung up on how old the earth is. Is that it? It happens inbetween Genesis 1 verse 1 and verse 2. Here it is: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Stop there. In between that time there was life on this earth and something going on which we are not privy too.

Whatever happened led to the chaotic aftermath found in very next verse..........

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters... okay,, lets go to next verse 3 ... And God said, LET there be light. And there was light.


Why the word LET? It is a word that speaks of ALLOWING, PERMITTING.. in my opinion - there is a gulf of time between verse 1 and verse 2 that could be millions of years. No telling how many years in between those two verses. Perhaps an ice age? NO LIGHT means NO WARMTH. There was light before is my belief but then a time of darkness which is why God chose the word LET. - Jeri
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Evolutionary science has been debunked. Where have you been? Do you not realise the motive of Darwin was to diminish Gods greatest creation? Genesis 1:26 We were made in the image of God, Konrad. Not so for the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, the beast of the field.. of the animal kingdom we were given dominion to rule over.

Please explain to me how you could be evolving and dominating from the very beginning! It is one or the other, Konrad.

No. I will tell you what the problem is. This idea of Darwins is satanic in its origin which is why Darwin was the spiritual father of Marx & Communism. He would have the world to believe that man is like any other dumb beast on four legs looking to fill his stomach and not much more. Hardly what God had in mind when he created man in his own image. Think about it. You've been duped.

Update* Charles Darwin did accept Jesus Christ on his deathbed and became a christian before he died.

Adam and Eve are not allegories. Adam was the first man who was supernaturally created by God - not born of human flesh. This is why the bible refers to Jesus as the second Adam. He was supernaturally created in Marys womb by the Holy Spirit and was the Son of a Virgin.

I know it's one or the other. We didn't dominate from the beginning, we had to wait for the dinosaurs to die off so that our ancestors could crawl out of their holes and stand a fighting chance of not being eaten. As I said, Genesis is an allegory about good and evil, NOT science and history. Evolution has not been debunked, the fossil record and the study of DNA reinforce it on a daily basis. Studying the Bible for life's guiding principles is all well and good, but you're wasting your time trying to turn its morality stories into facts.

Ah! Got it. You are hung up on how old the earth is. Is that it? It happens inbetween Genesis 1 verse 1 and verse 2. Here it is: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Stop there. In between that time there was life on this earth and something going on which we are not privy too.

Whatever happened led to the chaotic aftermath found in very next verse..........

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters... okay,, lets go to next verse 3 ... And God said, LET there be light. And there was light.


Why the word LET? It is a word that speaks of ALLOWING, PERMITTING.. in my opinion - there is a gulf of time between verse 1 and verse 2 that could be millions of years. No telling how many years in between those two verses. Perhaps an ice age? NO LIGHT means NO WARMTH. There was light before is my belief but then a time of darkness which is why God chose the word LET. - Jeri

I'm not hung up on it, you are. There's no evidence of the kind of creation you speak of, but mountains of evidence for evolution. How do explain species appearing millions to billions of years apart if the fish and birds were all created at the same time? The fossil record shows that to be totally false.
I know it's one or the other. We didn't dominate from the beginning, we had to wait for the dinosaurs to die off so that our ancestors could crawl out of their holes and stand a fighting chance of not being eaten. As I said, Genesis is an allegory about good and evil, NOT science and history. Evolution has not been debunked, the fossil record and the study of DNA reinforce it on a daily basis. Studying the Bible for life's guiding principles is all well and good, but you're wasting your time trying to turn its morality stories into facts.

Ah! Got it. You are hung up on how old the earth is. Is that it? It happens inbetween Genesis 1 verse 1 and verse 2. Here it is: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Stop there. In between that time there was life on this earth and something going on which we are not privy too.

Whatever happened led to the chaotic aftermath found in very next verse..........

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters... okay,, lets go to next verse 3 ... And God said, LET there be light. And there was light.


Why the word LET? It is a word that speaks of ALLOWING, PERMITTING.. in my opinion - there is a gulf of time between verse 1 and verse 2 that could be millions of years. No telling how many years in between those two verses. Perhaps an ice age? NO LIGHT means NO WARMTH. There was light before is my belief but then a time of darkness which is why God chose the word LET. - Jeri

I'm not hung up on it, you are. There's no evidence of the kind of creation you speak of, but mountains of evidence for evolution. How do explain species appearing millions to billions of years apart if the fish and birds were all created at the same time? The fossil record shows that to be totally false.

I'm not hung up on the timeline. I'm hung on the Torah & NT which combined make up my bible. I don't know how people survive in this world without a relationship with God. I seriously don't. I can be a jerk just as quickly as anyone else. I'm just not staying there. I can't. Now your first claim there is no evidence of the kind of creation I speak of? I beg to differ! Look around! The heavens declare Gods glory! The ocean, the trees, the mountains, God created it all, Konrad! How awesome is that??! All for you!

Think about these species you claim refute the evidence of Gods creation. How so? I believe it is the very opposite according to the scientific evidence! Did you ever wonder why none of these creatures are evolving today? If certain species appeared at different stages why isn't that happening today?

Let's just take a look at one example here: there is a beetle which ejects some chemical to protect itself when in danger. Scientists say this beetle has not evolved but has remained the same. They have found evidence of this and proven it. They say had the beetle evolved and no longer ejected that fluid it would have become less effective.

I can look it up for you so you can read the full story on it. There are a group of scientists that believe that the universe, this planet, the design - as described in the bible - is in perfect alignment with God being the creator. There are also several stories of sightings of Noahs ark being discovered on a mountain near Turkey border I believe. It is mostly covered by ice and partially exposed. It is a restricted area and they have not been able to go in. But from the sky they have taken plenty of photos of what they believe to be the Ark. So that is another possible discovery. Don't ask me for photos as I can barely post a link here. You can consider other possibilites for creation as the one I suggested to you. It would be good for you to expand your imagination a bit.

Think about it!
Dear God, Whitehall! Let's not even think such a thing! We pray to avert it, delay it or cancel it! We certainly are not praying for it to happen. Nor commit any such act. There is only 1 judge. God!
GOD SAYS=if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
I do believe God, Gismys. I believe individual Americans will turn to God but others won't. That is what I believe is going to happen. That is between each person and God personally. However that works out.
I do believe God, Gismys. I believe individual Americans will turn to God but others won't. That is what I believe is going to happen. That is between each person and God personally. However that works out.

I choose to believe GOD'S WORD!!!===I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
GOD SAYS=if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

And, just who is it that has to humble themselves, pray, seek His face and turn from their wicked ways? Who is creating the problem here? If the nation comes under judgment, who's to blame?
GOD SAYS=if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

And, just who is it that has to humble themselves, pray, seek His face and turn from their wicked ways? Who is creating the problem here? If the nation comes under judgment, who's to blame?

""ALL"" mankind are sinners,all of mankind needs to pray, seek His face and turn from their wicked ways.
MUST THE USA FACE JUDGMENT?? Many of our people reject GOD and GOD'S WORD, many live in the abomination of sick sexual perversion, and the abomination of abortion has killed over 40 million of our nation's children! OUR ONLY HOPE IS ===2 Chronicles 7:14 ►
GOD SAYS=if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Or not.


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