Must the usa face judgment??

GOD SAYS=if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

And, just who is it that has to humble themselves, pray, seek His face and turn from their wicked ways? Who is creating the problem here? If the nation comes under judgment, who's to blame?

""ALL"" mankind are sinners,all of mankind needs to pray, seek His face and turn from their wicked ways.

While what you say is true, GISMYS, you quoted a scripture that is referring to us, not the atheists, agnostics, unbelievers of the world. Who is 7:14 Chronicles addressing? If My People, who are called by My Name............ will!

Who are Gods people? The church & the house of Israel ( all the Jews ) I do not find the current state of America to have anything to do with the Jews but rather the church itself. So that is why I responded - the church - G-d won't hold Israel or the Jews responsible for something the church was called to do in the USA.
and, just who is it that has to humble themselves, pray, seek his face and turn from their wicked ways? Who is creating the problem here? If the nation comes under judgment, who's to blame?

""all"" mankind are sinners,all of mankind needs to pray, seek his face and turn from their wicked ways.

while what you say is true, gismys, you quoted a scripture that is referring to us, not the atheists, agnostics, unbelievers of the world. Who is 7:14 chronicles addressing? If my people, who are called by my name............ Will!

Who are gods people? The church & the house of israel ( all the jews ) i do not find the current state of america to have anything to do with the jews but rather the church itself. So that is why i responded - the church - g-d won't hold israel or the jews responsible for something the church was called to do in the usa.

""all"" true believers are children of god.
MUST THE USA FACE JUDGMENT?? Many of our people reject GOD and GOD'S WORD, many live in the abomination of sick sexual perversion, and the abomination of abortion has killed over 40 million of our nation's children! OUR ONLY HOPE IS ===2 Chronicles 7:14 ►
GOD SAYS=if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

God will not judge us collectively.

I'm sorry Lonestar, but God will indeed judge us collectively, as a nation, based on our treatment of His nation, Israel.:

Joel 3:2
I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.

As a Nation we are the ones trying to get them to give up their land, and are responsible for putting anti Semites in positions of power, so we collectively are responsible for our Nation's behavior. Our tax dollars pay the wages of the Muslim Brotherhood advisers that Obama has on his payroll.

Gis, You'll find a definite anti Semitic strain of teaching in our public schools and universities now, and we will be one of the nations coming against Israel, after we convince them that we will keep them safe.

As far as America's continued blessings, as per the Abraham covenant, (I will bless those that bless you) we can kiss them good by. I've quoted before that If God doesn't let America have it, He owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology. Strange flesh is America's new normal.

He places the hairs on the heads of the infants that we rip from the womb and stab to death on the birthing table. We let our children go hungry in order to bankroll anti Semitic Nations who want to wipe God's people off the map.

We have told God His protection of America is no longer necessary. When He leaves He takes the "restrainer" (Holy Spirit) with Him, so now we can expect planes running into buildings, crops drying up, floods, fires, terrorism, bombs, and money woes, on a scale never seen in America, and it will continue to escalate.

When you reach the point where "the world" sickens you, then pray for Christ's return sooner rather than later. And be not troubled by what you see because when these things come to pass, look up, the redeemer has His hand on the door.
Maranatha. :eusa_angel:
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Before the US can face judgement, it first must make the appointment.

So when is court in sesdion? OH yeah--you don't know...So I guess we can't answer until it occurs--if it occurs.
TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION, GOD gave you another day to choose to believe and receive JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR but beware,for any and all of us there may be no tomorrow.
TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION, GOD gave you another day to choose to believe and receive JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR but beware,for any and all of us there may be no tomorrow.

Jesus is a fraud--I mean really--what kind of person gets invited to a persons house for dinner, insults his host all the while being serviced by a woman of questionable character?
Opnly a total fool would allow satan to blind them and use them as his tool,fool,puppet!!!and you??

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