My 2 Most Hated, Useless words in the English Language


Gold Member
Feb 1, 2016
"Natural" and "organic." In this post I intend to prove, in SEVERAL different ways, that those close sister-words are the stupidest, most utterly meaningless words in the entire language, which with hippies have completely wiped their asses and made into a verbal cult objects. You could remove both words from all existence and it wouldn't change human discourse in the slightest.

A. Just because something is natural doesn't make it good for you. Earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, poison mushrooms, arsenic, viruses, infections, lightening, cosmic radiation, falling from high distances due to NATURAL gravity - none of those things make a person healthier. Even the nuclear reactions hippies hate are 100% natural - what the fuck do you think every star in this universe is doing even as you're reading this post? I'll give you a funny example of "naturality": since gravity is a natural function of all matter, if a person falls to their death like Wile E. Coyote, you could factually argue that the victim died of NATURAL causes - see how stupid that word is?

B. With the exception of lab-synthesized radioactive elements heavier than uranium, ALL normal matter in the universe is made from combinations of 92 NATURAL atomic elements, whether assembled by humans or not. The windowpane just to the left to me is 100% natural, it's made from the two naturally occurring elements of silicon and oxygen. So if you go back a little ways, every particle of matter around you is 100% natural. See, nature includes everything; it's not just pretty trees, flowers and endangered spotted owls; Nature includes EVERYTHING, including us human beings.

C. Our human brains formed NATURALLY, which means anything human beings do or think of - good or bad - is automatically natural.

D. Now let's get to the word "organic." It doesn't mean food being grown in some magical, ultra-healthy way. The definition of organic - to the chagrin of drooling hippie retards - simply means ITS MOLECULES ARE BASED ON CARBON. That's ALL it means. ALL food is organic. For fuck's sake, the gasoline in your car's tank is 100% organic, but that doesn't mean it's healthy for you to drink. The ultra-deadly CO in your car's exhaust is 100% ORGANIC! Every shit you have ever taken is 100% organic. When a mean, violent, obnoxious binge-drunk drinks himself to a liver cirrhotic death he/she deserves, I assure you that every particle of ethanol which entered his body was 100% doesn't that make you feel better about how LOVELY every "organic" substance known to man is, lol?
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right-----but don't let it bother you--------the chit chat of the gutter
is just that------of the gutter
Here's another example of just how vegetative-DUMB hippies are: hippie smokers love to buy American Spirit cigarettes simply because it says "natural" on the pack (as opposed to the Marlboros I smoke). Well guess what you HORSES' ASSES, all tobacco is natural! It's a plant of the nightshade family somewhat related to tomatoes! And smoking NATURAL tobacco causes cancer regardless of what the brand advertises. Dumb, health-food hippie cretins.
Here's another example of just how vegetative-DUMB hippies are: hippie smokers love to buy American Spirit cigarettes simply because it says "natural" on the pack (as opposed to the Marlboros I smoke). Well guess what you HORSES' ASSES, all tobacco is natural! It's a plant of the nightshade family somewhat related to tomatoes! And smoking NATURAL tobacco causes cancer regardless of what the brand advertises. Dumb, health-food hippie cretins.

At least when those dumb hippies are dying of lung cancer, it will be natural, organic lung cancer, as opposed to the lung cancer from which you will die.



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right-----but don't let it bother you--------the chit chat of the gutter
is just that------of the gutter

I understand, I try not to get too annoyed and I'm actually not feeling that annoyed (I just wanted to state a few linguistic absolutes about those words).....but I do like to point out that stupidity so other people don't get automatically sucked into that stupidity. The 1300's bubonic plague was 100% natural and 100% organic....if you follow their pompous, preening non-logic.
Here's another example of just how vegetative-DUMB hippies are: hippie smokers love to buy American Spirit cigarettes simply because it says "natural" on the pack (as opposed to the Marlboros I smoke). Well guess what you HORSES' ASSES, all tobacco is natural! It's a plant of the nightshade family somewhat related to tomatoes! And smoking NATURAL tobacco causes cancer regardless of what the brand advertises. Dumb, health-food hippie cretins.

At least when those dumb hippies are dying of lung cancer, it will be natural, organic lung cancer, as opposed to the lung cancer from which you will die.

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Hahaha, when those NATURAL, ORGANIC American Spirit smokers get lung cancer, all of their hard-core anti-cancer drugs will give them very NICE delusions and drug-hallucinations filled with sparkly rainbows, unicorns, fresh Febreeze scents, etc. And if my 30-year butt habit ever leads me to cancer, mine will be a lot less pleasant, yes?
I am reminded of a vaguely-remembered TV commercial from many years ago, for some brand of “natural” ice cream. The spokesfag on the commercial was naming some of the ingredients in a mainstream example of ice cream, to try to make the case that it contained bad, unpronounceable chemicals. The one ingredient that I specifically remember being named was carrageenan. Long name, obviously something nasty and toxic and unnatural, right? I wonder if the spokesfag had any idea what carrageenan is, or where it comes from, or why it is often an ingredient in ice cream.
While you are correct about the word "natural," and consumers should be aware when they read food labels when it states "natural flavoring" as that is often deceptive, there is a world of difference between organically grown food and commercially grown food.

If you are in denial about this, then that ignorance and refusal to do that research is on you.

Most troubling of late, is that since this is an unregulated arena though, I do have to concede, the smart consumer has to be knowledge about the sources and methods of claimed organics.

Organic food - Wikipedia
I am reminded of a vaguely-remembered TV commercial from many years ago, for some brand of “natural” ice cream. The spokesfag on the commercial was naming some of the ingredients in a mainstream example of ice cream, to try to make the case that it contained bad, unpronounceable chemicals. The one ingredient that I specifically remember being named was carrageenan. Long name, obviously something nasty and toxic and unnatural, right? I wonder if the spokesfag had any idea what carrageenan is, or where it comes from, or why it is often an ingredient in ice cream.

Actually, this post reminds me of a silly thing I see on labels of all bottled water. It always says NATURAL spring water. And I've always wondered, what the fuck other kind of water is there besides natural? Artificial water synthesized in a space-rocket reaction of hydrogen and oxygen, like the rain cloud that condensed out of the 1986 Challenger explosion? According to astronomers, H2O is the most common, NATURAL simple compound in the entire universe (which means there are a gazillion planets in this universe with some amount of this NATURAL water on them, like Earth)! Even if I were to use the hippies' own standards, isn't water a NATURAL ingredient of every scientific, NATURAL function on this planet? This NATURAL substance does manage to cover 2/3ds of it.....So that brings me right back to my rhetorical question: What other kind of water is there besides NATURAL? So why do bottled water labels need to remind me of how NATURAL their water is?
Actually, this post reminds me of a silly thing I see on labels of all bottled water. It always says NATURAL spring water. And I've always wondered, what the fuck other kind of water is there besides natural? Artificial water synthesized in a space-rocket reaction of hydrogen and oxygen, like the rain cloud that condensed out of the 1986 Challenger explosion? According to astronomers, H2O is the most common, NATURAL simple compound in the entire universe (which means there are a gazillion planets in this universe with some amount of this NATURAL water on them, like Earth)! Even if I were to use the hippies' own standards, isn't water a NATURAL ingredient of every scientific, NATURAL function on this planet? This NATURAL substance does manage to cover 2/3ds of it.....So that brings me right back to my rhetorical question: What other kind of water is there besides NATURAL? So why do bottled water labels need to remind me of how NATURAL their water is?

I have it on good authority that much of the water we drink is contaminated with a nasty chemical called di-hydrogen monoxide, or DHMO.

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