My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat

Again, irrelevant. Trump understood the rules in place, played the game by those rules, and defeated a terrible candidate who tried to play by a different set of rules. You don't like the outcome, I get it, but pretending you were cheated out of a win is no more useful than complaining that the Super Bowl loser should have won because they held the ball longer. So now you've moved from "he stole it" to "I don't like his behavior". Any more goal post moves you want to make?

Oh, I see... It's okay that we have a crazy person in the White House who betrays us to the Russians and Saudis and violates the human rights of people because, hey, even though the people have LOUDLY said No to him, he won according to obscure rules that some slave rapists came up with 200 years ago.

Trump is unfit for office. You know it. I know it. Most of the country knows it. We've kind of lost the right to criticize ancient Rome for Caligula, at least they got rid of that guy at a certain point.

So you've doubled down on the new location of the goal posts. I guess we'll leave the whole "he stole it" garbage on the heap with the rest of the garbage.
That repeated angry demonizing ad hominen commentary only validates the concern for your group Trump syndrome.
You are being Nurse Rached (who was angry, cruel, & crazy in One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest)calling crazy
( like a Fox) Randle McMurphy
(Played by Jack Nicholson).

Randle McMurphy was a guy who molested a kid and got committed to an insane asylum to avoid prison... is that really the person you want your side to be compared to?

The ironic thing about that book and film is that it contributed to getting mental hospitals closed down... the result of which has been thousands of homeless on our streets, because the compassionate nurse Rached's of the world were told they couldn't force them to take their meds and behave themselves.
So you've doubled down on the new location of the goal posts. I guess we'll leave the whole "he stole it" garbage on the heap with the rest of the garbage.

Yes, he stole it. Yes, the system has failed. yes, he is unfit to be president and on the off chance he doesn't kill us all in a nuclear war, (I could honestly see him pushing the button when he loses in 2020) we will probably make severe changes to the system to make sure this never happens again.

Kind of like how we passed a bunch of reforms after Nixon was forced to resign.
So you've doubled down on the new location of the goal posts. I guess we'll leave the whole "he stole it" garbage on the heap with the rest of the garbage.

Yes, he stole it. Yes, the system has failed. yes, he is unfit to be president and on the off chance he doesn't kill us all in a nuclear war, (I could honestly see him pushing the button when he loses in 2020) we will probably make severe changes to the system to make sure this never happens again.

Kind of like how we passed a bunch of reforms after Nixon was forced to resign.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Flaming Butthurt ^^^
^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Flaming Butthurt ^^^

Diagnosis- Drank too much Orange Koolaid.... like a good little cultist.

So you've doubled down on the new location of the goal posts. I guess we'll leave the whole "he stole it" garbage on the heap with the rest of the garbage.

Yes, he stole it. Yes, the system has failed. yes, he is unfit to be president and on the off chance he doesn't kill us all in a nuclear war, (I could honestly see him pushing the button when he loses in 2020) we will probably make severe changes to the system to make sure this never happens again.

Kind of like how we passed a bunch of reforms after Nixon was forced to resign.

Sorry little crybaby, Trump didn't steal the electon. Nor did he commit any crimes per your (formerly) sainted Mueller. When Trump wins in 2020, your tears will likely solve any area water shortage.
Sorry little crybaby, Trump didn't steal the electon. Nor did he commit any crimes per your (formerly) sainted Mueller. When Trump wins in 2020, your tears will likely solve any area water shortage.

If the Mueller Report exonerated Trump, he'd publish it for all to see, just like they published the Starr Report in 1998.

So you got to ask... what is he hiding?
So you've doubled down on the new location of the goal posts. I guess we'll leave the whole "he stole it" garbage on the heap with the rest of the garbage.

Yes, he stole it. Yes, the system has failed. yes, he is unfit to be president and on the off chance he doesn't kill us all in a nuclear war, (I could honestly see him pushing the button when he loses in 2020) we will probably make severe changes to the system to make sure this never happens again.

Kind of like how we passed a bunch of reforms after Nixon was forced to resign.

As has been explained to you, he won by the rules in place at the time. Obviously, you don't like the rules. Equally obviously, you wouldn't have a problem with them had your candidate won. In fact, it's beyond obvious that, had she won under the same circumstances as Trump did, you would be arguing for the rules as they stand. So, in your book, winning under the rules equals stealing if the Republican wins. Sad, really sad.
Sorry little crybaby, Trump didn't steal the electon. Nor did he commit any crimes per your (formerly) sainted Mueller. When Trump wins in 2020, your tears will likely solve any area water shortage.

If the Mueller Report exonerated Trump, he'd publish it for all to see, just like they published the Starr Report in 1998.

So you got to ask... what is he hiding?

They'll publish what's legal to publish. You have Mueller as much time as he needed. What's your hurry now?
As has been explained to you, he won by the rules in place at the time. Obviously, you don't like the rules. Equally obviously, you wouldn't have a problem with them had your candidate won. In fact, it's beyond obvious that, had she won under the same circumstances as Trump did, you would be arguing for the rules as they stand. So, in your book, winning under the rules equals stealing if the Republican wins. Sad, really sad.

actually, I've been opposed to the Electoral College for some time, because it produces results just like this.

So dumb rules make it okay that we have a crazy person in there that the people rejected? Apparently you think the Constitution IS a suicide pact.
As has been explained to you, he won by the rules in place at the time. Obviously, you don't like the rules. Equally obviously, you wouldn't have a problem with them had your candidate won. In fact, it's beyond obvious that, had she won under the same circumstances as Trump did, you would be arguing for the rules as they stand. So, in your book, winning under the rules equals stealing if the Republican wins. Sad, really sad.

actually, I've been opposed to the Electoral College for some time, because it produces results just like this.

So dumb rules make it okay that we have a crazy person in there that the people rejected? Apparently you think the Constitution IS a suicide pact.
The Constitution is what it is, and has worked for centuries. Hillary lost, that's reality, and won't change. And no, I don't believe you would be complaining about the EC if Hillary won and Trump won the popular vote.
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They'll publish what's legal to publish. You have Mueller as much time as he needed. What's your hurry now?

Well, Mueller is finished. There's no real need to delay release of the report UNLESS they are hiding something.

The problem is, the longer they delay, the more it looks like they were hiding something.
There is a very good reason to delay. You simply don't get to see the whole thing, and Barr is working with Mueller's team to release to Congress what's legal to release. It'll get there, you're just determined to read evil intent into everything, no matter how innocuous. How much experience do you have in redacting a 400 page document that can land you in prison if you let something slip?
Because Trump kicked the Dem's ass with MAGA that's why. He humiliated them, the American people rejected them. Dem's are still in the middle of a category 9 meltdown.

Trump lost by 3 million votes. The people said no.

Trump won by 30 states, 306 electoral votes and taking 3,084 of the 3,141 counties in the USA. The people said an overwhelming :yes_text12:.

Hillary got 2.8 million votes (3/4ths of 1%) counted nationally, in a national count that doesn't count for nothing.

And of the 2.8 million, an undetermined number of illegal votes because the Democrats keep blocking voter ID.

2.8 million; the equivalent of a few city blocks around Manhattan or LA.
That repeated angry demonizing ad hominen commentary only validates the concern for your group Trump syndrome.
You are being Nurse Rached (who was angry, cruel, & crazy in One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest)calling crazy
( like a Fox) Randle McMurphy
(Played by Jack Nicholson).

Randle McMurphy was a guy who molested a kid and got committed to an insane asylum to avoid prison... is that really the person you want your side to be compared to?

The ironic thing about that book and film is that it contributed to getting mental hospitals closed down... the result of which has been thousands of homeless on our streets, because the compassionate nurse Rached's of the world were told they couldn't force them to take their meds and behave themselves.
Liberal CAlifornia is known for their kicking them to the streets(release), then forcing them out of the area even droping them elsewhere, which is why Cher stated this week that "California can't even take care of their own, how are they gonna take care of all of these migrants?"
You just admited your nurse Rached act is what started the problem..*L* BY THE WAY,
why do you have a nurses outfit in your closet?
And don't tell me it's just for Halloween.
The Constitution is what it is, and has worked for centuries. Hillary lost, that's reality, and won't change. And no, I don't believe you would be complaining about the EC if Hillary won and Trump won the popular vote.

Well, I'd point out it was still a stupid system.... The thing is, Hillary, and George W. Bush, weren't crazy people who were unfit for office. The main reason why the EC has been TOLERATED for centuries is because

1) The guy who won the popular vote usually won the EC, except for 5 cases.

2) Both parties had the sense to nominate people who were actually fit for the job. You might not like George W. Bush but he clearly wasn't a crazy person.

Trump has managed to make Obama look humble, Bush look smart and Bill Clinton look ethical.
Liberal CAlifornia is known for their kicking them to the streets(release), then forcing them out of the area even droping them elsewhere, which is why Cher stated this week that "California can't even take care of their own, how are they gonna take care of all of these migrants?"

I think you are a little confused. the main cause of homelessness was a combination of liberals insisting you can't commit the mentally ill against their will unless they were immediately dangerous, and conservatives cutting funding for mental health programs because, fuck, those Dressage Horses aren't going to buy themselves.

Not that I consider Cher to be an authority on anything, but the thing about the migrants is that in a few years, they'll be holding down jobs and contributing to society.
Trump won by 30 states, 306 electoral votes and taking 3,084 of the 3,141 counties in the USA. The people said an overwhelming

No. Trump lost by 3 million votes. Winning places no one lives in isn't impressive. They system failed. The people recognized Trump was unfit for office.

The people said "NO" a little louder last year, when the house flipped. We are going to have to say it even louder in 2020, providing the crazy person you idiots in Jesusland put there doesn't kill us all first.
My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat.

It's because they can't ever compete with, nor explain, how the goal to make America better was achieved with their known resistance, sabotage, and obstruction.=That it was done without them, and in spite of them tying the govt's hands and feet.
It also equates that the last administration failed therefore needing the improvements to get better aka great again.
In political arguments it's in likeness to religious ones, whereby you'll notice that shaking up the status quo and fake mythologies while making the world a better place is fought against tooth and nail by those in claimed religious authority who failed humanity.
So we see this same fight in politics against those who find challenging & changing of the guards and making the country better a knock on their inadequacies. Therefore, personal pride is at stake and they can never admit they failed in the same way established religious authority failed and displaced blame and demonized opponents. Only in a Bizarro world do you see people opposing making
The Country and The World a better place, thus opposing statements of such. Never mind the fact that making the U.S. better makes the World better, as our success is their success they feed from. That's to obvious for the left to grasp.
America First is still World's (best interest) First because of this over looked fact.- signed Captain Obvious

The country was made great again the day Obama was elected, and the Iraq war and Bush tax cuts were pushed back.

The country now may very well be permanently damaged because of Trump. It will take a lot of effort to restore any sense of honor and decency the US represented around the world.

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