My apologies to the Democratic Party

I hope NYC takes on a new "blue" look. ;)


There is no migrant/border crisis. Our borders are secure and Democrat led cities would never prioritize illegals over US Citizens. Please forgive me. Voting only blue from now on.
FYI, fellow Americans. . At least 50 million of us U.S. citizens felt the tremendous crushing financial and social burden, plus the criminal element, of the border states having to deal with this unasked for crisis --- long before it dawned un Mayor Adams of NYC. . Is that what it takes for a liberal to take notice or care, to wait until it is at their doorstep?

Face it, the democrats and the deep state are out to bring this nation down in so many different ways.
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"Hmmmm. Our racism and hysteria failed bigly in 2022 ... so .... let's try more!"

Sucks to be you, Trump cult losers.
Sucks even worse being of your ilk hope you like crime in the streets of blue cities.
"Hmmmm. Our racism and hysteria failed bigly in 2022 ... so .... let's try more!"

Sucks to be you, Trump cult losers.
We'll see how well it works out for them in 2024.

Hint: I'm looking forward to it.

We'll see how well it works out for them in 2024.

I'm actually probably one of the few conservatives that wishes Trump won't run in 2024. I want DeSantis instead and although I would still vote for him if given no other options, I don't see Trump winning another election.
I'm actually probably one of the few conservatives that wishes Trump won't run in 2024. I want DeSantis instead and although I would still vote for him if given no other options, I don't see Trump winning another election.
Why do you think you're one of the few though?
Why do you think you're one of the few though?

It appears that every time I criticize that buffoon the Trumpers start to circle like sharks. I used to like him too and I still think he was a great president,.. that mouth of his is what I can't stand.
"Hmmmm. Our racism and hysteria failed bigly in 2022 ... so .... let's try more!"

Sucks to be you, Trump cult losers.
What is going on that Biden Cult losers are so blind to what this regime is doing to this nation and to American citizens. Are American citizens supposed to just sit idly by while our borders are thrown open to every kind of criminal. Are we supposed to open our homes to these folk while the current regime robs us of every cent we have? our property, our kids' welfare and lives to accomodate third world America haters.

I'm all for...America for Americans. Countries do not survive this type of 'leadership' we are enduring right now.

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