My Bad Experience With Obamacare (Feel free to add yours)

Generally you can't ignore bills. You had to SIGN UP to get the coverage and in it your agree to pay the bill.
If your wife wasn't making any money just tell them she wasn't making any money.

This is one of those where the OP is leaving something important out of the story. It doesn't add up.
If she didn't have a job anymore how can she predict what her wages would be next year?

They would be whatever she had earned up to that point. After that she would either use her projected unemployment earnings or state zero if she isn't getting unemployment. There is an exemption for hardship. The whole thing is, you ARE required to get it figured out and take action. You can't just ignore it.

Obamacare Exemptions Who is Exempt From the Affordable Care Act
That's the problem with Obamacare.

It forces you to buy a shitty product you can't afford. It covers you for sexual reassignment surgery but doesn't cover treatment for various orthopedic treatments and others as well.

At the same time, everyone who was involved in drafting, voting on, putting it into law, and keeping it a law are exempt from it. Never mind the fact that there are reports that Obamacare isn't insurance for the Middle-class but instead just a tax due to the extremely high deductibles.

"It covers you for sexual reassignment surgery but doesn't cover treatment for various orthopedic treatments and others as well."

What a silly thing to say.

For the gazillionth time, try to understand that ACA is not insurance. It is not a product you can buy. ObamaCare doesn't "cover" you for anything.

Even so, read strollingbones post above. And, in the five years since ObamaCare was passed, my family has has total knee replacement, two fractures and other "orthopedic treatments", all paid for by insurance.
So far, the two stories of negative Obamacare experiences are total bullshit.

At least I have 2 Republicans in my extended family that have admitted that their new plans cover more things and are less expensive than before. They hate to admit it though. There's another family in my extended family that likes to whine about Obamacare, but they're saving money too because one of them had a pre-existing condition before and they used to have to haggle with their insurance provider. Those days are gone. The least they could do is give Obama credit for the peace of mind they now have by not having to fight a corporation, and the extra dollars they get to keep, but no, they still do that thing where they blame Obama for "forcing them" to buy something (which in the end has given them better coverage at a cheaper cost).

I only know of two people who have real issues with Obamacare. The issue is that they're quite well-off and their cadillac plans now cost a modest sum more than before because the rich were asked to sacrifice a little in order to help everyone else out. Guess what? They're still fucking rich and 16 million new people have healthcare today.

The OP's story is bullshit. It leaves so many variables out. If an individual has lost their job, they would then qualify for Medicaid or other free to low-cost programs.

I think your story is bullshit....
I've got my 20 year old daughter on my insurance plan. She's just starting out in life, has a job, but no insurance. In the event of an emergency, she will not have to start her life filing for bankruptcy.

Thank you Obamacare!
People have been lying about their "Obamacare" experiences for 5 years.

So nice to have a lie detector posting on this site.
Yeah.....I wonder why they feel they have to lie about it?

If it's such a great deal why such a fight over it? The truth is most of the most damaging aspects of the law were intentionally delayed for several years. This piece of shit was voted on and signed way back in Obama's first year. Then it was changed in 2010 but the changes were hidden from the public until after the 2012 election. Then when it went up for the first time for Supreme Court review the lawyers had to lie to make their case....which the Chief Justice pointed out and thus changed the law to make it fit inside the confines of the constitution, stating that the legislature has the power to impose taxes....which the drafters swore up and down it was not. Then he had to make another twisted legal decision because of the supposedly damaging effects that following the letter of the law would cause. Instead he claimed he understood the law's intent...not the way it was written. Now next year millions of group plan members will be getting their letter that their insurance was canceled because of the high costs it will bring to companies. Millions of people have had their hours cut because only full-time employees need to be covered under the law. Obama spoke of strengthening the Middle-class, but he must think that fucking them in the ass without grease makes them stronger. The poor get all of the benefits and the Middle-class receives all of the hardship.

The law was designed to fail as miserably as their website....but only when it was needed to fail....soon to be replaced by Single-payer. It's effect was clearly spelled out in the national registry in 2011. As much as 55% of us will lose our insurance because of this fucked up law. The only way of preventing that was to repeal it, but as long as Obama is president that ain't happening. So even if the GOP takes back the White House millions of people will lose their insurance and 2017 will be a terrible year for America thanks to the people that put Barack Obama into the Oval Office. The government wanted to take over our health care and give America the same shitty service that veterans get today. Nothing the government does is cost efficient or well designed because amateurs are running it who don't have to produce an excellent product or provide decent service. They won't be in competition for business and thus the incentive will be gone.

And still everyone who was involved in creating this mess will be totally exempt from it's terrible effects.
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My sister's policy went up over $150 a month from the prior year. It is definitely not lowering costs. But hey......any families of four save $2500 a year like Obama promised. :lol:

Rates have increased 23% year over year. Not what was all. Key quote:

"According to official government data, the average premium paid by those signing up through the federal site this year was $101 a month, after factoring in the subsidies.

Last year, however, the average premium, net of subsidies, was $82.

That's a 23% increase."

ObamaCare Premiums Jumped 23 This Year -- After Subsidies -

When was the last time insurance rates didn't go up at least 19 dollars a year?

Didn't Obama say the ACA would lower costs? :lol: Rates rising 23% a year is not lowering costs.

As usual....Obama fucking lied. The entire ACA was built on nothing but lies.
My sister's policy went up over $150 a month from the prior year. It is definitely not lowering costs. But hey......any families of four save $2500 a year like Obama promised. :lol:

Rates have increased 23% year over year. Not what was all. Key quote:

"According to official government data, the average premium paid by those signing up through the federal site this year was $101 a month, after factoring in the subsidies.

Last year, however, the average premium, net of subsidies, was $82.

That's a 23% increase."

ObamaCare Premiums Jumped 23 This Year -- After Subsidies -

When was the last time insurance rates didn't go up at least 19 dollars a year?

Didn't Obama say the ACA would lower costs? :lol: Rates rising 23% a year is not lowering costs.

As usual....Obama fucking lied. The entire ACA was built on nothing but lies.
He said alot of things that turned out to be lies.

That it wouldn't cost us a dime....that illegals wouldn't be covered under it....that if we like our insurance or our doctor we could keep them.
many people are saving money....many people are not...simple as that...but it is time the country has health care system...this will hopefully evolve into something much better
People have been lying about their "Obamacare" experiences for 5 years.

So nice to have a lie detector posting on this site.
Yeah.....I wonder why they feel they have to lie about it?

If it's such a great deal why such a fight over it? The truth is most of the most damaging aspects of the law were intentionally delayed for several years. This piece of shit was voted on and signed way back in Obama's first year. Then it was changed in 2010 but the changes were hidden from the public until after the 2012 election. Then when it went up for the first time for Supreme Court review the lawyers had to lie to make their case....which the Chief Justice pointed out and thus changed the law to make it fit inside the confines of the constitution, stating that the legislature has the power to impose taxes....which the drafters swore up and down it was not. Then he had to make another twisted legal decision because of the supposedly damaging effects that following the letter of the law would cause. Instead he claimed he understood the law's intent...not the way it was written. Now next year millions of group plan members will be getting their letter that their insurance was canceled because of the high costs it will bring to companies. Millions of people have had their hours cut because only full-time employees need to be covered under the law. Obama spoke of strengthening the Middle-class, but he must think that fucking them in the ass without grease makes them stronger. The poor get all of the benefits and the Middle-class receives all of the hardship.

The law was designed to fail as miserably as their website....but only when it was needed to fail....soon to be replaced by Single-payer. It's effect was clearly spelled out in the national registry in 2011. As much as 55% of us will lose our insurance because of this fucked up law. The only way of preventing that was to repeal it, but as long as Obama is president that ain't happening. So even if the GOP takes back the White House millions of people will lose their insurance and 2017 will be a terrible year for America thanks to the people that put Barack Obama into the Oval Office. The government wanted to take over our health care and give America the same shitty service that veterans get today. Nothing the government does is cost efficient or well designed because amateurs are running it who don't have to produce an excellent product or provide decent service. They won't be in competition for business and thus the incentive will be gone.

And still everyone who was involved in creating this mess will be totally exempt from it's terrible effects.

If we are going to keep the abomination we might as well cave completely and go single payer. But that really was never the intent. Obama took care of the insurance companies and made their stocks skyrocket, and profits too. The drug companies also made out. So this will turn out just like everything liberal, the exact opposite of the stated intent. There is no way, even if single payer was better, that Obama and the democrats are going to put their rich democrat buddies out of business, no way.
My sister's policy went up over $150 a month from the prior year. It is definitely not lowering costs. But hey......any families of four save $2500 a year like Obama promised. :lol:

Rates have increased 23% year over year. Not what was all. Key quote:

"According to official government data, the average premium paid by those signing up through the federal site this year was $101 a month, after factoring in the subsidies.

Last year, however, the average premium, net of subsidies, was $82.

That's a 23% increase."

ObamaCare Premiums Jumped 23 This Year -- After Subsidies -

When was the last time insurance rates didn't go up at least 19 dollars a year?

Didn't Obama say the ACA would lower costs? :lol: Rates rising 23% a year is not lowering costs.

As usual....Obama fucking lied. The entire ACA was built on nothing but lies.
He said alot of things that turned out to be lies.

That it wouldn't cost us a dime....that illegals wouldn't be covered under it....that if we like our insurance or our doctor we could keep them.

You should know better than that by now. There about 200k that fell into that category because they have insurance called sub-standard that covers only minor illnesses. They do not offer that kind of health insurance now. You failed to mention how many millions that was able to keep their doctor. Stop telling lies.
People have been lying about their "Obamacare" experiences for 5 years.

So nice to have a lie detector posting on this site.
Yeah.....I wonder why they feel they have to lie about it?

If it's such a great deal why such a fight over it? The truth is most of the most damaging aspects of the law were intentionally delayed for several years. This piece of shit was voted on and signed way back in Obama's first year. Then it was changed in 2010 but the changes were hidden from the public until after the 2012 election. Then when it went up for the first time for Supreme Court review the lawyers had to lie to make their case....which the Chief Justice pointed out and thus changed the law to make it fit inside the confines of the constitution, stating that the legislature has the power to impose taxes....which the drafters swore up and down it was not. Then he had to make another twisted legal decision because of the supposedly damaging effects that following the letter of the law would cause. Instead he claimed he understood the law's intent...not the way it was written. Now next year millions of group plan members will be getting their letter that their insurance was canceled because of the high costs it will bring to companies. Millions of people have had their hours cut because only full-time employees need to be covered under the law. Obama spoke of strengthening the Middle-class, but he must think that fucking them in the ass without grease makes them stronger. The poor get all of the benefits and the Middle-class receives all of the hardship.

The law was designed to fail as miserably as their website....but only when it was needed to fail....soon to be replaced by Single-payer. It's effect was clearly spelled out in the national registry in 2011. As much as 55% of us will lose our insurance because of this fucked up law. The only way of preventing that was to repeal it, but as long as Obama is president that ain't happening. So even if the GOP takes back the White House millions of people will lose their insurance and 2017 will be a terrible year for America thanks to the people that put Barack Obama into the Oval Office. The government wanted to take over our health care and give America the same shitty service that veterans get today. Nothing the government does is cost efficient or well designed because amateurs are running it who don't have to produce an excellent product or provide decent service. They won't be in competition for business and thus the incentive will be gone.

And still everyone who was involved in creating this mess will be totally exempt from it's terrible effects.

If we are going to keep the abomination we might as well cave completely and go single payer. But that really was never the intent. Obama took care of the insurance companies and made their stocks skyrocket, and profits too. The drug companies also made out. So this will turn out just like everything liberal, the exact opposite of the stated intent. There is no way, even if single payer was better, that Obama and the democrats are going to put their rich democrat buddies out of business, no way.
I think it will become such a problem that even the GOP will offer single-payer as the only solution left out of the mess that will become evident in the next few years.
Didnt complete the app...ignored phone calls. You seem pretty irresponsible to me. Also sounds like you are just blamng that negro obama for your wife getting fired
Yes, it's awesome when the government levies fees against you for *services* you didn't request or use.

They'll attach all their tax returns too. Also any settlements they get.

What a shithole our country has become.
many people are saving money....many people are not...simple as that...but it is time the country has health care system...this will hopefully evolve into something much better

No....per the Congressional Budget office the average American under the ACA will see their healthcare premiums rise 23% this year.

Again....that was not what Obama promised. He lied. Again.
Didnt complete the app...ignored phone calls. You seem pretty irresponsible to me. Also sounds like you are just blamng that negro obama for your wife getting fired
Yes, it's awesome when the government levies fees against you for *services* you didn't request or use.

They'll attach all their tax returns too. Also any settlements they get.

What a shithole our country has become.

If a dem or rino gets elected in 2016 i'm seriously considering renouncing my citizenship. Tired of the high taxes and a government that doesnt represent me.

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