My Bad Experience With Obamacare (Feel free to add yours)

When they first started talking about this piece of shit law.....they said it was going to be universal health care covering everyone.

Then it went down to 30 million.

Now they say 6 million are covered.

All of this fucken expense and trouble just to cover 1.7% of the population.

Not only that but there are more people uninsured now than were before.

Dismal failure on all levels.
many people are saving money....many people are not...simple as that...but it is time the country has health care system...this will hopefully evolve into something much better
Exactly. I know several people that are happy with ACA and some are not.
I think the only people that are happy with it haven't tried to use it yet. A large percentage of people that qualified for subsidies aren't paying the premiums.....and the rest are folks that say their premium payments are cheap....but they just haven't had to use the insurance and found out the deductible was massive or the fact that it doesn't cover many of the things we used to take for granted in the past as being paid for. You can't even find out what it covers unless you give them your information on the site.....which is then extremely likely to be hacked by identity thieves or the Chinese.

Banks and other institutions was hacked. This is clear how you are trying to MUDDY this program and scaring people.
Stay focus you might educated. I provided health care insurance to thousands of our employees and there are 55 employees that chooses per diem.
Of those 55 there are 8 that do not believe they need health insurance. Of those 47 there are 32 went to ACA since 1/14 the rest choose some other private insurance with other group or covered by their spouses.
Everyone of those 32 used the ACA benefits even with existing conditions. Some are happy some are not. The bottom line, IF they are unhappy with ACA they can easily just drop ACA then get coverage with our current health insurance just like the rest. We closely monitor and talk to these people regarding their healthcare because they are our responsibilities. So far I only heard few that complained but none or rare of those BS that you are trying to blame and scaring people about Obamacare. These are facts. No racism, hatred or blaming involved.
All I've been hearing is complaints about this law. The massive expense. The lying and fraud that it took to get it passed.

And the only thing positive I hear about it comes from a couple of liberals here on USMB and the administration's spokesmen.

Nobody trustworthy seems to like it.
That's because it's a criminal game changer for America. Nobody with any sense wants anything to do with it.
When they first started talking about this piece of shit law.....they said it was going to be universal health care covering everyone.

Then it went down to 30 million.

Now they say 6 million are covered.

All of this fucken expense and trouble just to cover 1.7% of the population.

Not only that but there are more people uninsured now than were before.

Dismal failure on all levels.
The primary purpose of obamacare is to give the feds a way to take your money and invade your records.
So when my wife got laid off from the hospital she worked at for 8 years because of changes due to Obamacare, she decided she would enroll in the program. As it ended up, she didn't fully complete the enrollment procedure because she couldn't answer one of the questions on the form. The question asked "How much money do you expect to make next year".

But unbeknownst to her, they had signed her up with some insurance company and we got a bill for $500. That was for one month. She never used the insurance and didn't see a doctor or anything, but we kept getting these bills every month for $500.

We blew them off because we really didn't have the money. Soon the automated phone calls started at all hours from a GILA Corporation, which is a payment processing and call center services for governmental entities. In other words, a collection agency.

We have caller ID, so whenever they call, we just don't pick up. I'm pretty sure this is going to effect our credit rating, but whatever.

Fuck Obamacare and especially, fuck Obama. With a rusty, AIDS-infected garden rake.
First, even if she was laid off, if your employer offers you insurance that can cover her if added to your policy, she is NOT ELIGIBLE for subsidies.

Second, she has to give an estimate of total FAMILY income, so your income and then zero for herself...if she gets another job then she's required to notify them of the income change and they adjust the subsidy based on new family income...or she drops the exchange policy because New job has insurance as benefit.

How hard is that to do correctly? simple.....and nobody who wrote it wants to be on it.

Want to know why?

Because they say they can't afford it.

The deductible is so high it's like not even being insured if you make over X amount.

This law is only designed to help people that qualify for subsidies. Everyone else gets the shaft.
True, the exchanges subsidies are for those who can not afford insurance on their own, and without an employer benefit. Plus it is cheaper for those with preexisting conditions, even without a subsidy....but those who make over $100k family income, get no subsidy at all...
So when my wife got laid off from the hospital she worked at for 8 years because of changes due to Obamacare, she decided she would enroll in the program. As it ended up, she didn't fully complete the enrollment procedure because she couldn't answer one of the questions on the form. The question asked "How much money do you expect to make next year".

But unbeknownst to her, they had signed her up with some insurance company and we got a bill for $500. That was for one month. She never used the insurance and didn't see a doctor or anything, but we kept getting these bills every month for $500.

We blew them off because we really didn't have the money. Soon the automated phone calls started at all hours from a GILA Corporation, which is a payment processing and call center services for governmental entities. In other words, a collection agency.

We have caller ID, so whenever they call, we just don't pick up. I'm pretty sure this is going to effect our credit rating, but whatever.

Fuck Obamacare and especially, fuck Obama. With a rusty, AIDS-infected garden rake.
First, even if she was laid off, if your employer offers you insurance that can cover her if added to your policy, she is NOT ELIGIBLE for subsidies.

Second, she has to give an estimate of total FAMILY income, so your income and then zero for herself...if she gets another job then she's required to notify them of the income change and they adjust the subsidy based on new family income...or she drops the exchange policy because New job has insurance as benefit.

How hard is that to do correctly? simple.....and nobody who wrote it wants to be on it.

Want to know why?

Because they say they can't afford it.

The deductible is so high it's like not even being insured if you make over X amount.

This law is only designed to help people that qualify for subsidies. Everyone else gets the shaft.
True, the exchanges subsidies are for those who can not afford insurance on their own, and without an employer benefit. Plus it is cheaper for those with preexisting conditions, even without a subsidy....but those who make over $100k family income, get no subsidy at all...
And they also get poor insurance.....increased premium costs.......and they also get the shaft.

The primary purpose of obamacare is to give the feds a way to take your money and invade your records.

The stupid bill was so convoluted so who knows what the hell they were trying to do?

You theory may be valid.

However, my theory is that Obama wanted to do reparations for Blacks.

Before ACA they had access to health care through government clinics and various welfare programs.

Obamacare takes them out of the welfare clinics and puts them in your doctor's office. It gives them an entitlement to something they never earned and you and I are paying for it.

I think that is what the whole damn thing is about.
When they first started talking about this piece of shit law.....they said it was going to be universal health care covering everyone.

Then it went down to 30 million.

Now they say 6 million are covered.

All of this fucken expense and trouble just to cover 1.7% of the population.

Not only that but there are more people uninsured now than were before.

Dismal failure on all levels.
More uninsured now than before? At least provide a link before you throw your bullshit.
many people are saving money....many people are not...simple as that...but it is time the country has health care system...this will hopefully evolve into something much better
Exactly. I know several people that are happy with ACA and some are not.
I think the only people that are happy with it haven't tried to use it yet. A large percentage of people that qualified for subsidies aren't paying the premiums.....and the rest are folks that say their premium payments are cheap....but they just haven't had to use the insurance and found out the deductible was massive or the fact that it doesn't cover many of the things we used to take for granted in the past as being paid for. You can't even find out what it covers unless you give them your information on the site.....which is then extremely likely to be hacked by identity thieves or the Chinese.

Banks and other institutions was hacked. This is clear how you are trying to MUDDY this program and scaring people.
Stay focus you might educated. I provided health care insurance to thousands of our employees and there are 55 employees that chooses per diem.
Of those 55 there are 8 that do not believe they need health insurance. Of those 47 there are 32 went to ACA since 1/14 the rest choose some other private insurance with other group or covered by their spouses.
Everyone of those 32 used the ACA benefits even with existing conditions. Some are happy some are not. The bottom line, IF they are unhappy with ACA they can easily just drop ACA then get coverage with our current health insurance just like the rest. We closely monitor and talk to these people regarding their healthcare because they are our responsibilities. So far I only heard few that complained but none or rare of those BS that you are trying to blame and scaring people about Obamacare. These are facts. No racism, hatred or blaming involved.
All I've been hearing is complaints about this law. The massive expense. The lying and fraud that it took to get it passed.

And the only thing positive I hear about it comes from a couple of liberals here on USMB and the administration's spokesmen.

Nobody trustworthy seems to like it.
So far you and most of your friends just concentrated on hatred and racism with your worthless bullshit.
I do not gain any in supporting or against ACA. I'm telling you the real facts.
Didnt complete the app...ignored phone calls. You seem pretty irresponsible to me. Also sounds like you are just blamng that negro obama for your wife getting fired
Yes, it's awesome when the government levies fees against you for *services* you didn't request or use.

They'll attach all their tax returns too. Also any settlements they get.

What a shithole our country has become.

If a dem or rino gets elected in 2016 i'm seriously considering renouncing my citizenship. Tired of the high taxes and a government that doesnt represent me.
Don't let the door hit ya!
Didnt complete the app...ignored phone calls. You seem pretty irresponsible to me. Also sounds like you are just blamng that negro obama for your wife getting fired
Yes, it's awesome when the government levies fees against you for *services* you didn't request or use.

They'll attach all their tax returns too. Also any settlements they get.

What a shithole our country has become.

If a dem or rino gets elected in 2016 i'm seriously considering renouncing my citizenship. Tired of the high taxegovernment that doesnt represent me.
If republican win the 2016 your tax complain will not go away. Renouncing your citizenship is a major undertaking. I suggest you consult with an attorney that specialize with this process. I know of two individuals that back off. Consider your savings like 401k or ss retirement. Good luck with that.

You are apparently woefully misinformed.
Giving Up US Citizenship Expat Info Desk
Think again make sure you discuss this with your attorney for your own sake. Good lord. Just like me or you and the rest of American people are sick paying high taxes. Don't you think half of the population already left the country and renounce US citizenship. That's your life you can do whatever you like. All I'm saying is think hard.

You obviously dont know shit about capital gains and how to use them to your advantage.
I see that as a good thing coming from a liberal.
Didnt complete the app...ignored phone calls. You seem pretty irresponsible to me. Also sounds like you are just blamng that negro obama for your wife getting fired
Yes, it's awesome when the government levies fees against you for *services* you didn't request or use.

They'll attach all their tax returns too. Also any settlements they get.

What a shithole our country has become.

If a dem or rino gets elected in 2016 i'm seriously considering renouncing my citizenship. Tired of the high taxes and a government that doesnt represent me.
Don't let the door hit ya!

If you think where I Iive will effect the quality of my life other than to make it better you're a complete moron.
Go ahead with your liberal utopian dream and see where it gets you...I for one wont be paying for it.
And neither will anyone with an oz of sense or money.
Didnt complete the app...ignored phone calls. You seem pretty irresponsible to me. Also sounds like you are just blamng that negro obama for your wife getting fired
Yes, it's awesome when the government levies fees against you for *services* you didn't request or use.

They'll attach all their tax returns too. Also any settlements they get.

What a shithole our country has become.

If a dem or rino gets elected in 2016 i'm seriously considering renouncing my citizenship. Tired of the high taxes and a government that doesnt represent me.
Don't let the door hit ya!

If you think where I Iive will effect the quality of my life other than to make it better you're a complete moron.
Go ahead with your liberal utopian dream and see where it gets you...I for one wont be paying for it.
And neither will anyone with an oz of sense or money.

I've bookmarked this page so I'll have it in writing. :D Can I get a promise?

"If a dem or rino gets elected in 2016 i'm seriously considering renouncing my citizenship."--nutter
Yes, it's awesome when the government levies fees against you for *services* you didn't request or use.

They'll attach all their tax returns too. Also any settlements they get.

What a shithole our country has become.

If a dem or rino gets elected in 2016 i'm seriously considering renouncing my citizenship. Tired of the high taxegovernment that doesnt represent me.
If republican win the 2016 your tax complain will not go away. Renouncing your citizenship is a major undertaking. I suggest you consult with an attorney that specialize with this process. I know of two individuals that back off. Consider your savings like 401k or ss retirement. Good luck with that.

You are apparently woefully misinformed.
Giving Up US Citizenship Expat Info Desk
Think again make sure you discuss this with your attorney for your own sake. Good lord. Just like me or you and the rest of American people are sick paying high taxes. Don't you think half of the population already left the country and renounce US citizenship. That's your life you can do whatever you like. All I'm saying is think hard.

You obviously dont know shit about capital gains and how to use them to your advantage.
I see that as a good thing coming from a liberal.
From what you are telling me you don't know SHIT. You are the one that want to renounce your citizenship because of tax because of democrat. HELLO remember stupid?. Let me repeat it to you. If republican win 2016 what made you think you tax bullshit will change? Renouncing your citizenship because of tax. I said that is your fucking life you can do whatever the fuck you want. What is capital gains got to do with your bullshit? Stupid.
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Didnt complete the app...ignored phone calls. You seem pretty irresponsible to me. Also sounds like you are just blamng that negro obama for your wife getting fired
Yes, it's awesome when the government levies fees against you for *services* you didn't request or use.

They'll attach all their tax returns too. Also any settlements they get.

What a shithole our country has become.

If a dem or rino gets elected in 2016 i'm seriously considering renouncing my citizenship. Tired of the high taxes and a government that doesnt represent me.
Don't let the door hit ya!

If you think where I Iive will effect the quality of my life other than to make it better you're a complete moron.
Go ahead with your liberal utopian dream and see where it gets you...I for one wont be paying for it.
And neither will anyone with an oz of sense or money.

I've bookmarked this page so I'll have it in writing. :D Can I get a promise?

"If a dem or rino gets elected in 2016 i'm seriously considering renouncing my citizenship."--nutter
I can guarantee you. Never. He doesn't have a clue what he is saying.
If a dem or rino gets elected in 2016 i'm seriously considering renouncing my citizenship. Tired of the high taxegovernment that doesnt represent me.
If republican win the 2016 your tax complain will not go away. Renouncing your citizenship is a major undertaking. I suggest you consult with an attorney that specialize with this process. I know of two individuals that back off. Consider your savings like 401k or ss retirement. Good luck with that.

You are apparently woefully misinformed.
Giving Up US Citizenship Expat Info Desk
Think again make sure you discuss this with your attorney for your own sake. Good lord. Just like me or you and the rest of American people are sick paying high taxes. Don't you think half of the population already left the country and renounce US citizenship. That's your life you can do whatever you like. All I'm saying is think hard.

You obviously dont know shit about capital gains and how to use them to your advantage.
I see that as a good thing coming from a liberal.
From what you are telling me you don't know SHIT. You are the one that want to renounce your citizenship because of tax because of democrat. HELLO remember stupid?. Let me repeat it to you. If republican win 2016 what made you think you tax bullshit will change? Renouncing your citizenship because of tax. I said that is your fucking life you can do whatever the fuck you want. What is capital gains got to do with your bullshit? Stupid.

You're a complete dumbass. People leave the U.S. for tax purposes all the time.
And I've already shown you that yes a different president can make a difference in you CG tax rate.
Didnt complete the app...ignored phone calls. You seem pretty irresponsible to me. Also sounds like you are just blamng that negro obama for your wife getting fired
Yes, it's awesome when the government levies fees against you for *services* you didn't request or use.

They'll attach all their tax returns too. Also any settlements they get.

What a shithole our country has become.

If a dem or rino gets elected in 2016 i'm seriously considering renouncing my citizenship. Tired of the high taxes and a government that doesnt represent me.
Don't let the door hit ya!

If you think where I Iive will effect the quality of my life other than to make it better you're a complete moron.
Go ahead with your liberal utopian dream and see where it gets you...I for one wont be paying for it.
And neither will anyone with an oz of sense or money.

I've bookmarked this page so I'll have it in writing. :D Can I get a promise?

"If a dem or rino gets elected in 2016 i'm seriously considering renouncing my citizenship."--nutter

I find it hilarious that liberals constantly cry about jobs and businesses leaving the country due to high taxes. Now people are doing it for the same reason at historic rates.
Have fun in your liberal utopia without a tax base .....
Yes, it's awesome when the government levies fees against you for *services* you didn't request or use.

They'll attach all their tax returns too. Also any settlements they get.

What a shithole our country has become.

If a dem or rino gets elected in 2016 i'm seriously considering renouncing my citizenship. Tired of the high taxes and a government that doesnt represent me.
Don't let the door hit ya!

If you think where I Iive will effect the quality of my life other than to make it better you're a complete moron.
Go ahead with your liberal utopian dream and see where it gets you...I for one wont be paying for it.
And neither will anyone with an oz of sense or money.

I've bookmarked this page so I'll have it in writing. :D Can I get a promise?

"If a dem or rino gets elected in 2016 i'm seriously considering renouncing my citizenship."--nutter

I find it hilarious that liberals constantly cry about jobs and businesses leaving the country due to high taxes. Now people are doing it for the same reason at historic rates.
Have fun in your liberal utopia without a tax base .....

Sure thing, drama queen.
the high deducts are killer ...we looked at all the the time you take into account.....the payments vs the deducts and the continued co payments with the may as well just go with the cheap ass bronze take the hit of the high deduct and mustard on....if you look closely, all the plans end up costing you about the same....
It would have been a good idea for all states to set up their own exchange. I've talked to a number of people in California and they say when you call in they are very accommodating. Some questions on the signup form were confusing so they called in and everything was explained, as were the plan options. If you are getting unemployment they figure income based on that. If you run out of UI and can't afford the premium for your ACA plan you can cancel and go to Medicaid or whatever your state has.

Out of pocket maximum for the couple of plans I saw were $2,250 single and $4,500 family. As noted in another post, this keeps families from going bankrupt and losing their house. This compares to health insurance provided by many employers.

Its simple, the exchange just presents real health insurance plans from real insurance companies and you pick one. They then have a formula for how much of a subsidy you will get to help pay the premium if you can't afford the entire premium for that policy.

If you can afford your own health insurance or you get it through work you don't have to sign up for ACA.

It isn't brain surgery. But you DO have to pay the premiums once you select a plan just as with any insurance. If you have a problem with a website then call in and expain the situation. Shite happens. But also as with any bill you can't just ignore it.

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