My Bad Experience With Obamacare (Feel free to add yours)

It's not going to keep anybody from losing their houses. The IRS attaches that shit the minute you die, if you owe money for medical.
I don't know if this is an obamacare story but it is a health care story. A medical,issue came up that needed some immediate attention. Go to chiropractor, get X-ray at big X-ray house, that was no problem. X-ray was good so now go back to chiro and say need an mri. I will schedule you, ok thanks but I live an hour and a half away, is there any way we could do,it today. Go to Mri stand up place and tell them don't worry about ins I will pay cash. Well you have blue cross blue shield you can't pay cash. If you had no ins you could pay cash. But I need this done today not a week later when you find out the insurance company has denied the procedure. You mean to tell me you won't take cash. Well sir. After a major charm offensive I was able to finagle a session after a two hour wait, but any system that is offered a cash immediate payment and won't take it is not working for the people,or for common sense. P.s. The cash payment is half again more than the ins payment. Talk about screwed up.
So when my wife got laid off from the hospital she worked at for 8 years because of changes due to Obamacare, she decided she would enroll in the program. As it ended up, she didn't fully complete the enrollment procedure because she couldn't answer one of the questions on the form. The question asked "How much money do you expect to make next year".

But unbeknownst to her, they had signed her up with some insurance company and we got a bill for $500. That was for one month. She never used the insurance and didn't see a doctor or anything, but we kept getting these bills every month for $500.

We blew them off because we really didn't have the money. Soon the automated phone calls started at all hours from a GILA Corporation, which is a payment processing and call center services for governmental entities. In other words, a collection agency.

We have caller ID, so whenever they call, we just don't pick up. I'm pretty sure this is going to effect our credit rating, but whatever.

Fuck Obamacare and especially, fuck Obama. With a rusty, AIDS-infected garden rake.

I smell bullshit. No one can sign you up for an insurance coverage unless you sign for it. No one pushes you into a contract you didn't vountarily sign up for.

You can always dispute this claim against you in a court of law. But trust me, I am not buying your BS. I don't get someone to deliver a Pizza to my house unless I call for it. Same way, no one is going to sign us up for insurance policy we don't buy.

Insurance business is heavily regulated. They maintain their paperwork. All phone calls are recorded. If you really had a case, then you wouldn't be bullshitting here. You'd be complaining to your local attorney general, BBB, insurance company's customer service, your past employer or whoever automatically signed you in.

Nice try, come up with another fantasy some other time.
I was speaking to a person a few days ago, who said ''under obamacare his monthly insurance rate went to $1800. per month with a $10,000. deductible.'' the person is in good health and has three children at home. he had tears in his eyes.
I was speaking to a person a few days ago, who said ''under obamacare his monthly insurance rate went to $1800. per month with a $10,000. deductible.'' the person is in good health and has three children at home. he had tears in his eyes.

That's just awful! Horrible. This Obamacare is a train wreck!
I was speaking to a person a few days ago, who said ''under obamacare his monthly insurance rate went to $1800. per month with a $10,000. deductible.'' the person is in good health and has three children at home. he had tears in his eyes.

Red State.
I was speaking to a person a few days ago, who said ''under obamacare his monthly insurance rate went to $1800. per month with a $10,000. deductible.'' the person is in good health and has three children at home. he had tears in his eyes.

Don't know where your friend lives but for around my parts a family of 5 making 50000 peryear with ages 45, 44, 10, 8 and 6 produces this result:

I was speaking to a person a few days ago, who said ''under obamacare his monthly insurance rate went to $1800. per month with a $10,000. deductible.'' the person is in good health and has three children at home. he had tears in his eyes.

Tears in his eyes? Boner?
I was speaking to a person a few days ago, who said ''under obamacare his monthly insurance rate went to $1800. per month with a $10,000. deductible.'' the person is in good health and has three children at home. he had tears in his eyes.

Red State.
not sure what you mean by red state, but the person lives in a state that has recently had a democrat majority.

Does this state have its own health insurance exchange?
I was speaking to a person a few days ago, who said ''under obamacare his monthly insurance rate went to $1800. per month with a $10,000. deductible.'' the person is in good health and has three children at home. he had tears in his eyes.

Red State.
not sure what you mean by red state, but the person lives in a state that has recently had a democrat majority.

Does this state have its own health insurance exchange?
I was speaking to a person a few days ago, who said ''under obamacare his monthly insurance rate went to $1800. per month with a $10,000. deductible.'' the person is in good health and has three children at home. he had tears in his eyes.

Red State.
not sure what you mean by red state, but the person lives in a state that has recently had a democrat majority.

Does this state have its own health insurance exchange?

Okay, so if the man you spoke to were to go to that state's health insurance website, he would find that there are much better plans on offer. Too much disinformation has been promulgated by the "I ain't buying into no Gubmint scam!" people in the media and on message boards and people act as if the site is going to steal their soul.

If you know this man, or encounter him again (and for your own curiosity, check your state's site), please urge him to look further.
I've got good news for OP if he's still reading this, you can't have your credit pinged for not paying an Obamacare bill. Only if you don't pay an actual hospital bill can they come after you. I know this because I signed up for one month, December, last year until my employee health coverage kicked in on Jan 1. I called them in Janary, Febuary, March, April and May. I told them I have health insurance I'm not paying these bills and if you touch my credit I will personally sue the shit out of everyone who ever touched my account. I never got another bill and it cancelled because I stopped paying. But since it's insurance, you can't get pinged. If you don't pay your car insurance they cancel your coverage, they don't come after you.

Tell them to get bent.
I was speaking to a person a few days ago, who said ''under obamacare his monthly insurance rate went to $1800. per month with a $10,000. deductible.'' the person is in good health and has three children at home. he had tears in his eyes.

Red State.
not sure what you mean by red state, but the person lives in a state that has recently had a democrat majority.

Does this state have its own health insurance exchange?
I don't believe your friend did the right thing with the exchange, he probably chose a bronze plan, (or is just joshing you), thinking it would be the cheapest but he needed to select a ''Silver Level'' plan, then the gvt would have helped him with Cost Sharing.

Look at Freewill's post right above, for a silver plan, family of 5, making 50k a year, pays $224 a month for the entire family and only has $1000 deductible for the entire family.

Even if your friend's income was $60k or $70k or even $80k, he would NOT have an insurance plan as expensive as he told you it was so, beware....he IS joshing you.
I was speaking to a person a few days ago, who said ''under obamacare his monthly insurance rate went to $1800. per month with a $10,000. deductible.'' the person is in good health and has three children at home. he had tears in his eyes.

Don't know where your friend lives but for around my parts a family of 5 making 50000 peryear with ages 45, 44, 10, 8 and 6 produces this result:

View attachment 47593

Don't really understand all these nightmares about ACA here on internet. I know quite a bit of people under ACA and I don't hear any of these bad news.
I have 8 employees that are per diem. The rest are under our care plan. Of the 8 there are 3 that don't believe they need insurance 5 choose ACA. They enrolled 12/13 again in 12/14. Our HR regularly monitor these employees because they are our responsibility. If they did not like their health insurance. Why didn't they dump ACA? This is just one example.
I was speaking to a person a few days ago, who said ''under obamacare his monthly insurance rate went to $1800. per month with a $10,000. deductible.'' the person is in good health and has three children at home. he had tears in his eyes.

Don't know where your friend lives but for around my parts a family of 5 making 50000 peryear with ages 45, 44, 10, 8 and 6 produces this result:

View attachment 47593

Don't really understand all these nightmares about ACA here on internet. I know quite a bit of people under ACA and I don't hear any of these bad news.
I have 8 employees that are per diem. The rest are under our care plan. Of the 8 there are 3 that don't believe they need insurance 5 choose ACA. They enrolled 12/13 again in 12/14. Our HR regularly monitor these employees because they are our responsibility. If they did not like their health insurance. Why didn't they dump ACA? This is just one example.

There are no nightmares.

ACA is the same as buying healthcare on your own. You choose a company, Anthem or Blue Cross or other, choose a plan from them, then your monthly premium is calculated on your income. ACA pays a percentage of the premium, up to 80-90% of the premium each month depending on your income.

But you don't have to use ACA. If you can get a health plan from any healthcare insurance company cheaper then you can do that. ACA is for people that cannot afford normal healthcare financially.

The only real problems that are arising are for those people in states who's Republican Governor didn't set up a state exchange for ACA.

So you people in those states, you get what you vote for.
I was speaking to a person a few days ago, who said ''under obamacare his monthly insurance rate went to $1800. per month with a $10,000. deductible.'' the person is in good health and has three children at home. he had tears in his eyes.

Don't know where your friend lives but for around my parts a family of 5 making 50000 peryear with ages 45, 44, 10, 8 and 6 produces this result:

View attachment 47593

Don't really understand all these nightmares about ACA here on internet. I know quite a bit of people under ACA and I don't hear any of these bad news.
I have 8 employees that are per diem. The rest are under our care plan. Of the 8 there are 3 that don't believe they need insurance 5 choose ACA. They enrolled 12/13 again in 12/14. Our HR regularly monitor these employees because they are our responsibility. If they did not like their health insurance. Why didn't they dump ACA? This is just one example.

There are no nightmares.

ACA is the same as buying healthcare on your own. You choose a company, Anthem or Blue Cross or other, choose a plan from them, then your monthly premium is calculated on your income. ACA pays a percentage of the premium, up to 80-90% of the premium each month depending on your income.

But you don't have to use ACA. If you can get a health plan from any healthcare insurance company cheaper then you can do that. ACA is for people that cannot afford normal healthcare financially.

The only real problems that are arising are for those people in states who's Republican Governor didn't set up a state exchange for ACA.

So you people in those states, you get what you vote for.

What I don't understand is why the law is so complicated. You are right it makes it easier to buy insurance. I live in a state without exchanges and the web site still offers a selection of plans, the same as going to the insurance companies web site. States not setting up web sites was not to restrict access it was because if they did they had to also expand medicaid. The majority of states, the last I looked, oped to not expand medicaid.

One down side is, and I think you will disagree or say it doesn't happen, that companies are dropping people off their health care rolls. My personal experience is with retirees. They were promised a benefit and it was taken away. Deferred compensation in my opinion. The company I know of got the union to agree to drop health care for those retiring after 2016. Well guess what that is causing. Everyone that was on the border of retirement now has an easy decision. Considering for a man and wife easily 1000 per month could be spent, but more around 800. That is a big big deal. The company is losing trained very experience personnel all because they want to save a buck.

What I have learned, companies are lying MFer's that can't be trusted. That doesn't make me anti-company it is just a statement of fact as I see it.
I was speaking to a person a few days ago, who said ''under obamacare his monthly insurance rate went to $1800. per month with a $10,000. deductible.'' the person is in good health and has three children at home. he had tears in his eyes.

Don't know where your friend lives but for around my parts a family of 5 making 50000 peryear with ages 45, 44, 10, 8 and 6 produces this result:

View attachment 47593

Don't really understand all these nightmares about ACA here on internet. I know quite a bit of people under ACA and I don't hear any of these bad news.
I have 8 employees that are per diem. The rest are under our care plan. Of the 8 there are 3 that don't believe they need insurance 5 choose ACA. They enrolled 12/13 again in 12/14. Our HR regularly monitor these employees because they are our responsibility. If they did not like their health insurance. Why didn't they dump ACA? This is just one example.

What are they going to bitch about? It is what it is. As I noted the cost seems to me to be less then when I first priced it about a year ago. But that could be just because of the deductibles and out of pocket expense went up. Don't know didn't save the information.

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