"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

nope. not a lie. if it can't survive outside the host, then it's not a person & not equivical to a post born real person with a history.

Still "it" is a living human entity. Aborting kills that life that would have developed into a 'real person.' The fetus is not meant to 'survive outside the host.' Do some of you need a crash course into human reproductive biology?

(uh-bawr-shuh) n

The modern-day child sacrifice to the God of self.

what say you about ll the innocent precious lives taken from their mamas at the border? they are as christian or even more so than your sorry ass.

Their mama's shouldn't break a nation's laws.


lol.... not good enough. you are punishing an innocent child.

OH & asking for asylum is not against our nation's laws.

you fail.

The way it's being done IS.
Life in prison no parole. Very good. That woman will NEVER have another abortion. Problem solved.

Like I said to another poster. Advocate for that. Convince society. Go for it. It's the only power you have. There's always a chance.

The tide is turning against abortion and you know it. That's why your flailing all over this thread like a lunatic. It's called desperation, sweetie. You WILL see abortion dramatically restricted, if not made outright illegal, in your lifetime. Get ready.

I'm ready. I've been ready. Come for me pal.

Also, I promise I will NEVER try to stop you from trying to get those laws passed.

By all means, continue. Those fat sexless hags running around in pussy hats have surely been a boon for your cause...

I will continue.

I think that we have pretty much cleared the board, other than the new kid, Satrebil, who has already outed himself as a RW radical. I think it is about time to wreck havoc somewhere else.

I just heard you say, "I got my ass kicked and spit on by everyone, so it's time to run away while pretending I won something."

Btw, I think you meant "wreak", not "wreck".
Maybe just innocent AMERICAN lives are sacred.
Anyone trying to compare children being separated from a parent because the parent broke the law to abortion is really grasping....and losing the debate
Is all innocent life sacred, then?

Another poster won't answer.

Border jumper children are not being killed, best find a new angle. This one isn't going to work
So another poster who won't answer.

I figured that would be an easy one.


All life is important. Until such life presents itself to be harmful or dangerous. Sure, let's let all the people in and give them all medical care. Let's preserve life whenever and wherever we possibly can.

Then again, it is a gamble on whether that life will be grateful to you or not, or whether it will be malevolent.

Being "pro life" doesn't always mean preserving life for the sake of preserving it.
let me know exactly how much of your yearly earnings you are willing to devote thru higher taxes to take care of them all who are forced to be born m'k?

$0 dollars. My wife and I had children, raised them to functioning adults an NO ONE gave us a fucking DIME!!! Some of you need to grow the fuck up.
I must have missed that in the Constitution. Maybe you should look up the article in question, and send it to chief justices who decided otherwise. As a matter of fact, even murder is not a federal crime.

"If it's not in the Constitution, it doesn't exist . . . because I'm too pig-stupid to remember more than one document!"

Abortion is here to stay. you can buy pills over the counter in Europe and do it at home. You can even order them by mail. They are available in the US by RX. Worst case scenario is that the SC reverses Roe. leaving it to states, and at least 15 of them are not going to ban it. Get over, it Cec. Take a Valium.

thankfully many states that don't drag their knuckles on the ground have abortion as a legal choice codified into their state constitutions.
The moral high ground in your tiny mind is the killing of new life? You are a sick creature.

let me know exactly how much of your yearly earnings you are willing to devote thru higher taxes to take care of them all who are forced to be born m'k?
Did you just freakin' compare owning yourself to being entitled to the fruits of someone else's labor? So, what you're saying is that if we advocate that someone own their life, and choose what to do with that life, then on the basis of advocating that, they become entitled to the fruits of your labor. By that logic, being against the death of anyone, means all of those people now are entitled to your property. So, how many people do you think shouldn't be murdered, and how much do you think that stance should cost you?
Yes. Anyone who intentionally kills an innocent in the womb, absent extenuating circumstances, deserves life in prison. IDGAF what their salutation is. As far as I'm concerned the doctor and the mother should rot together.

Life in prison no parole. Very good. That woman will NEVER have another abortion. Problem solved.

Like I said to another poster. Advocate for that. Convince society. Go for it. It's the only power you have. There's always a chance.

The tide is turning against abortion and you know it. That's why your flailing all over this thread like a lunatic. It's called desperation, sweetie. You WILL see abortion dramatically restricted, if not made outright illegal, in your lifetime. Get ready.

You'll have to employ violence to do it. And you can sure as hell expect violence in return. What you're asking for will require totalitarian government. I know you don't care but lots of us do, and we'll fight you tooth and nail.
Translation: I cant kill my baby up to, and beyond birth. I now live in a totalitarian state!

Well, since the only "freedom" they care about is the freedom to kill inconvenient babies, you can see where they would consider totalitarianism to be taking away the only freedom they want to have.
but you wanna compare a group of cells to a post born baby. the former should have personhood status, but the latter doesn't matter cause they are brown after all. you don't mind separating them & punishing the 'child' for the act of their parents... but whine that it's not the innocent child's fault if their american 'daddy' is a rapist....


That "group of cells" is dividing and developing and will eventually create an autonomous human being. They are, to put it bluntly, alive....When you kill them you are taking away a human life and precluding it's development into a fully functioning human being. Now, you can rationalize that all you want but it is the truth.

eventually - if left alone certainly can develop into a full person deserving of personhood. but that's not the point. the point is the already post born person with their autonomy already having a history is what you want to force into being an incubating host against their will.
let me know exactly how much of your yearly earnings you are willing to devote thru higher taxes to take care of them all who are forced to be born m'k?

$0 dollars. My wife and I had children, raised them to functioning adults an NO ONE gave us a fucking DIME!!! Some of you need to grow the fuck up.

but but but are you saying that once you force females to carry to full term & force them to deliver - then your job is done? seems once the cord is cut that you care not about all those little persons running around.

yep. typical pro lifer.
"If it's not in the Constitution, it doesn't exist . . . because I'm too pig-stupid to remember more than one document!"

Abortion is here to stay. you can buy pills over the counter in Europe and do it at home. You can even order them by mail. They are available in the US by RX. Worst case scenario is that the SC reverses Roe. leaving it to states, and at least 15 of them are not going to ban it. Get over, it Cec. Take a Valium.

thankfully many states that don't drag their knuckles on the ground have abortion as a legal choice codified into their state constitutions.
The moral high ground in your tiny mind is the killing of new life? You are a sick creature.

let me know exactly how much of your yearly earnings you are willing to devote thru higher taxes to take care of them all who are forced to be born m'k?
Did you just freakin' compare owning yourself to being entitled to the fruits of someone else's labor? So, what you're saying is that if we advocate that someone own their life, and choose what to do with that life, then on the basis of advocating that, they become entitled to the fruits of your labor. By that logic, being against the death of anyone, means all of those people now are entitled to your property. So, how many people do you think shouldn't be murdered, and how much do you think that stance should cost you?

wtf are you babbling about? make some sense & i'll answer you.
This is a group of cells...at ten weeks.

Oh Hell kill it for convenience sake...it’s just a group of cells after all. Who gives a fuck?
View attachment 262858

except, your pic is dramatically enlarged & is not accurate... it's about the size of a strawberry & completely not viable on its own.
Means nothing killer. If that looks like a “group of cells” to you, you are much dumber than you look.
Maybe just innocent AMERICAN lives are sacred.
Anyone trying to compare children being separated from a parent because the parent broke the law to abortion is really grasping....and losing the debate
Is all innocent life sacred, then?

Another poster won't answer.

Border jumper children are not being killed, best find a new angle. This one isn't going to work
So another poster who won't answer.

I figured that would be an easy one.


All life is important. Until such life presents itself to be harmful or dangerous. Sure, let's let all the people in and give them all medical care. Let's preserve life whenever and wherever we possibly can.

Then again, it is a gamble on whether that life will be grateful to you or not, or whether it will be malevolent.

Being "pro life" doesn't always mean preserving life for the sake of preserving it.

Well if we DO NOT 'let all people in' it's not like we are sticking some instrument in their brain and killing them. I think your comparison is way off.
After you create a child it no longer has anything to do with your "reproductive system."
A fetus isn't a "child". And as long as is physically attached, it's very much a part of a women's body.

Well, thank you for that declaration of "scientific fact" from the cutting edge of 1910 or so. Also, these new-fangled automobile things are just a fad, and will never catch on.
Anyone trying to compare children being separated from a parent because the parent broke the law to abortion is really grasping....and losing the debate
Is all innocent life sacred, then?

Another poster won't answer.

Border jumper children are not being killed, best find a new angle. This one isn't going to work
So another poster who won't answer.

I figured that would be an easy one.


All life is important. Until such life presents itself to be harmful or dangerous. Sure, let's let all the people in and give them all medical care. Let's preserve life whenever and wherever we possibly can.

Then again, it is a gamble on whether that life will be grateful to you or not, or whether it will be malevolent.

Being "pro life" doesn't always mean preserving life for the sake of preserving it.

Well if we DO NOT 'let all people in' it's not like we are sticking some instrument in their brain and killing them. I think your comparison is way off.
sarcasm - Google Search
I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?

If it were her body, she would essentially be aborting herself.

Odd isn't it?
Abortion is here to stay. you can buy pills over the counter in Europe and do it at home. You can even order them by mail. They are available in the US by RX. Worst case scenario is that the SC reverses Roe. leaving it to states, and at least 15 of them are not going to ban it. Get over, it Cec. Take a Valium.

thankfully many states that don't drag their knuckles on the ground have abortion as a legal choice codified into their state constitutions.
The moral high ground in your tiny mind is the killing of new life? You are a sick creature.

let me know exactly how much of your yearly earnings you are willing to devote thru higher taxes to take care of them all who are forced to be born m'k?
Did you just freakin' compare owning yourself to being entitled to the fruits of someone else's labor? So, what you're saying is that if we advocate that someone own their life, and choose what to do with that life, then on the basis of advocating that, they become entitled to the fruits of your labor. By that logic, being against the death of anyone, means all of those people now are entitled to your property. So, how many people do you think shouldn't be murdered, and how much do you think that stance should cost you?

wtf are you babbling about? make some sense & i'll answer you.
Your pathetic excuse for an argument was that because individuals are against the murder of these children, they should be obligated to pay to take care of them. This is in response to the argument that as self-owning agents, they have ownership if their life as well.

By this "logic", you must believe that being against the murder of a self-owning agent, they become entitled to a portion of the advocator's property.

To say "no" is inconsistency, and to say "yes" means you must therefor be willing to support anyone and everyone that you believe should not be murdered.

TL;DR, your argument doesn't even remotely logically follow.
Hey dingbat. Only YOU have control of your "reproductive system." After you create a child it no longer has anything to do with your "reproductive system." I never realized crazy was also stupid.

THANK YOU. I was actually just about to post that to her. In case she misses the point, I'm going to post it for her as clearly as possible:

For the mentally challenged here (namely NotYourBody ) no one wants to control your reproduction.

You can have as many babies as you want. Or you can have NO babies. ONCE YOU GET PREGNANT YOU HAVE ALREADY REPRODUCED.

So any proabort who is even remotely honest (which I can see is very rare) would concede that you're not fighting for "reproductive rights." You're fighting for killing rights. At least be honest.
Which is a lie once again, because no one has established that you're killing life, because we have yet to establish when life begins. And no manner of Biological science or teaching can tell us that, because there is much, if not more, that tells us exactly the opposite. By the way, have you seen any live egg and sperm cells from human beings lying around anywhere that missed their targets? Neither have I. They must have been aborted.


I cant believe I'm even taking the time to argue something this inane. If there was no life, then you wouldn't have to get an abortion! You would just leave it, because it wouldn't grow and rapidly devlop. OF COURSE THE PREBORN IS ALIVE, come on, you guys can do better than this. This is completely ridiculous.

If you want to discuss abortion, you're pretty much going to spend 95% of your time arguing inanities, because it's very rare for a pro-abort to have anything else.
Maybe just innocent AMERICAN lives are sacred.

Anyone trying to compare children being separated from a parent because the parent broke the law to abortion is really grasping....and losing the debate


but you wanna compare a group of cells to a post born baby. the former should have personhood status, but the latter doesn't matter cause they are brown after all. you don't mind separating them & punishing the 'child' for the act of their parents... but whine that it's not the innocent child's fault if their american 'daddy' is a rapist....

Oh brother. The old “group of cells” LIE.

Do advocates of baby murder ever tire of lying?

nope. not a lie. if it can't survive outside the host, then it's not a person & not equivical to a post born real person with a history.
BS. Are you a government attorney? You are obviously a believer in the illogical.

when will y'all start advocating locking women up? after all, if you wanna go after the doctors - then you must imprison women who had or try to have an abortion. they are just as much- if not more- a part of the murrrrrrrrrderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................
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but but but are you saying that once you force females to carry to full term & force them to deliver - then your job is done? seems once the cord is cut that you care not about all those little persons running around.

yep. typical pro lifer.

First off, I never mentioned forcing any female to carry to full term. You pulled that one out your fucking ass. And no, I clearly mentioned my wife and I had children and raised them ourselves. We didn't ask for government cheese because we 'made a mistake' because we didn't. It's called RESPONSIBILITY. Of course I care about children, I just can't and shouldn't be responsible for the 'mistakes' of others.

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