"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Border jumper children are not being killed, best find a new angle. This one isn't going to work
So another poster who won't answer.

I figured that would be an easy one.


You're building a straw man, dipshit. Give it a rest
My apologies.

I admit, "is all innocent life sacred" is a real unfair, trick question.

How dare me.


All is. Now jackass point out where I've said it isn't. Then get the fuck over yourself.

Now wait for Ole Mac to once again claim a hollow victory and slither off.

We all know your game, fence sitter
You haven't said that it isn't. You haven't said anything, you've just avoided my question, become vulgar, nasty and defensive, and tried to make it about me.

If you don't want to answer it, fine. I'm certainly used to that here.
I just did you you dumbed downed, jackass.

Hint dude: I know your game, you're a pot stirrer with no real convictions. Basically a coward...I don't like cowards. Grow a set...you won't look so pathetic

Furthermore if you don't like my responses don't respond to me. Simple huh?

You're on par with that clown, Clayton Jones
Good grief, I'll explain against since English apparently isn't your first language. I did not once state that you are not CAPABLE of murdering that child, I stated over and over that the subject has always been the ethics of the act. If you like, I can go back and show you a screenshot of every single post I've made in this thread, since you either don't understand or want to keep trying to paint my argument as something it isn't.

Every single human on the planet is capable of murder, repeatedly stating that you can murder people and I can't stop you does not refute my argument that it is unethical. Do you just not understand what ethics are? Is that why you're not comprehending my posts?
Ah, there we go. You lack the attention span to read my messages, you probably don't read anyone's messages, and that's why you're just repeating yourself. Well, that, and you have no principles to explain. You legitimately DO need a profound argument to prove the ethics of your position, however you have no interest in exchanging ideas here. You're like Gollum, you don't explain why the 'ring' is yours, you only repeatedly state that something is such. This is not debate, nor argumentation, just you talking at people.
All of my statements have been fact, not nonsense, hence you being unable to refute any of it. You'd be here to exchange ideas rather than repeat yourself, if your position were legitimate.

"Pro-Choice" is a fallacious title, you're against the choice of the child to do with its own body and life as it pleases. This is something you've yet to bother to even begin to refute, and that's because you can't.

Your ethics do not trump my ethics. Your values do not trump my values. your judgement of my morality is totally irrelevant.
Then prove me wrong, explain how it's ethical to initiate force against an innocent person. You didn't even make an argument, you're just posting empty words with no explanatory power.

There are people in the world who believe that I am condemned to hell as an infidel, because I do not pray to Mecca five times per day. There are people in the world who claim that I am an evil communist, because I am a democrat. There are also people in the world who claim that I have no ethics, because I am pro-choice. I give each of these opinions the same weight, which is none at all.

You sure do bring up God and religion a lot. What comes to mind is the guy doth protest too much, methinks. It’s not even the topic here, yet it’s in most of your posts.

Interesting. And telling.

The great and mystical Karnack is divining my inner thoughts!

Pffft! As if anyone believes you have "inner thoughts".
Maybe just innocent AMERICAN lives are sacred.

Anyone trying to compare children being separated from a parent because the parent broke the law to abortion is really grasping....and losing the debate


but you wanna compare a group of cells to a post born baby. the former should have personhood status, but the latter doesn't matter cause they are brown after all. you don't mind separating them & punishing the 'child' for the act of their parents... but whine that it's not the innocent child's fault if their american 'daddy' is a rapist....

Not up to me to leave it up to God, but more like following Gods will when it comes to recognizing life, and knowing that killing that life is evil. Once there is a consensus on that, then people have the free will to gather together, and to decide by vote, and then by laws to stop those things in which they don't want going on around them. You are the one trying to ignore the free will of the people by saying that what they think doesn't matter, but what you and just a few misguided in life think is all that matters. Doesn't work that way, and now that you have lost control of your bullyism in government, the people are gaining their rights to assemble peacefully back.

Again, words on paper will not stop a pro-choice woman from getting an abortion if she makes that decision. Even if they are signed with a Sharpie.

You have not stopped abortion, no matter how much you stomp your feet and insist it is true.
This "argument" isnt winning you any points. You've been slapped around thoroughly and you just keep coming back.
I went back ten pages on this thread, and you haven't presented any logical arguments against abortion. You're a troll and a bull shitter.
Good grief, I'll explain against since English apparently isn't your first language. I did not once state that you are not CAPABLE of murdering that child, I stated over and over that the subject has always been the ethics of the act. If you like, I can go back and show you a screenshot of every single post I've made in this thread, since you either don't understand or want to keep trying to paint my argument as something it isn't.

Every single human on the planet is capable of murder, repeatedly stating that you can murder people and I can't stop you does not refute my argument that it is unethical. Do you just not understand what ethics are? Is that why you're not comprehending my posts?
Ah, there we go. You lack the attention span to read my messages, you probably don't read anyone's messages, and that's why you're just repeating yourself. Well, that, and you have no principles to explain. You legitimately DO need a profound argument to prove the ethics of your position, however you have no interest in exchanging ideas here. You're like Gollum, you don't explain why the 'ring' is yours, you only repeatedly state that something is such. This is not debate, nor argumentation, just you talking at people.
All of my statements have been fact, not nonsense, hence you being unable to refute any of it. You'd be here to exchange ideas rather than repeat yourself, if your position were legitimate.

"Pro-Choice" is a fallacious title, you're against the choice of the child to do with its own body and life as it pleases. This is something you've yet to bother to even begin to refute, and that's because you can't.

Your ethics do not trump my ethics. Your values do not trump my values. your judgement of my morality is totally irrelevant.

If you support or condone baby murder you have no ethics, morals or values
And you are a cut and run coward who cannot debate the very thing you so adamantly proclaim. What is your argument that it is murder? Answer, you have none, because you cowardly ran from my question. It can only be murder when you establish absolute truth through evidence as to when life begins. You can't answer that question so you are posting lies about murder, ethics, morals, and values.

Ahh shaddup ya befuddled loon. I think you're a total waste of air
Some of these people ALMOST make me want to rethink my position. But this kind of stupidity is TAUGHT. no one is born this stupid.

Now, now. It wouldn't be fair to kill an infant just because he MIGHT grow up to be a complete and total failure at humanity like these leftists.
So another poster who won't answer.

I figured that would be an easy one.


You're building a straw man, dipshit. Give it a rest
My apologies.

I admit, "is all innocent life sacred" is a real unfair, trick question.

How dare me.


All is. Now jackass point out where I've said it isn't. Then get the fuck over yourself.

Now wait for Ole Mac to once again claim a hollow victory and slither off.

We all know your game, fence sitter
You haven't said that it isn't. You haven't said anything, you've just avoided my question, become vulgar, nasty and defensive, and tried to make it about me.

If you don't want to answer it, fine. I'm certainly used to that here.
I just did you you dumbed downed, jackass.

Hint dude: I know your game, you're a pot stirrer with no real convictions. Basically a coward...I don't like cowards. Grow a set...you won't look so pathetic

Furthermore if you don't like my responses don't respond to me. Simple huh?
I like your responses.

You folks prove my points about you, every single day here.

I just toss the softballs up in the air, and you whack 'em over the fence for me.

You're not going to answer my clear & direct question. Okay, I get it.
You're building a straw man, dipshit. Give it a rest
My apologies.

I admit, "is all innocent life sacred" is a real unfair, trick question.

How dare me.


All is. Now jackass point out where I've said it isn't. Then get the fuck over yourself.

Now wait for Ole Mac to once again claim a hollow victory and slither off.

We all know your game, fence sitter
You haven't said that it isn't. You haven't said anything, you've just avoided my question, become vulgar, nasty and defensive, and tried to make it about me.

If you don't want to answer it, fine. I'm certainly used to that here.
I just did you you dumbed downed, jackass.

Hint dude: I know your game, you're a pot stirrer with no real convictions. Basically a coward...I don't like cowards. Grow a set...you won't look so pathetic

Furthermore if you don't like my responses don't respond to me. Simple huh?
I like your responses.

You folks prove my points about you, every single day here.

I just toss the softballs up in the air, and you whack 'em over the fence for me.

You're not going to answer my clear & direct question. Okay, I get it.

Gfy clownshoes, yer a nuthin.
You lie. All the Democrat candidates are pro-abortion. Your people CHEER when one of your leaders speak about having an abortion

And you republicans, who's main platform for the last 100 years is to get government out of our lives, are universally in favor of putting big government in our doctor's offices.

Our position is the same as it's always been. It is the same as you once believed.

The governments most BASIC DUTY is to protect the RIGHT TO LIFE OF THE INNOCENT.

You ARE pro abortion

I must have missed that in the Constitution. Maybe you should look up the article in question, and send it to chief justices who decided otherwise. As a matter of fact, even murder is not a federal crime.

"If it's not in the Constitution, it doesn't exist . . . because I'm too pig-stupid to remember more than one document!"

Abortion is here to stay. you can buy pills over the counter in Europe and do it at home. You can even order them by mail. They are available in the US by RX. Worst case scenario is that the SC reverses Roe. leaving it to states, and at least 15 of them are not going to ban it. Get over, it Cec. Take a Valium.

thankfully many states that don't drag their knuckles on the ground have abortion as a legal choice codified into their state constitutions.
As a conservative, I respect ALL life -- human and animal. Outside my kitchen window right now i watch as a mother Robin brings food to her 4 babies. When they see me walk past the window they open their mouths in the hope that I'll bring them some worms!

They were EGGS a week ago, but the mother wasnt selfish. She didnt destroy the fertilized eggs, like a tard human would do, but carefully tended to and protected the new LIFE.

They will fly away in another week, but this MOTHER has far more sense and love than a tard human.

I'm gonna miss them!

Amen. Same here. It's why I'm vegan. I have a heart for the underdog, the innocent, vulnerable and defenseless. Which happen to be the very beings that ruthless humans target, simply because they can. As Christians we are told to be a voice for the voiceless. And that's exactly what I want to do.

And old christian friends used to say, humans have the ability to CHOOSE to live as "gods" (small 'g') during our time on this earth, or like demons. We are always forced to make this choice daily. Its always the right choice to live like sons and daughters of the Creator.

That seems like a mixed message to me, since god knowingly sacrificed his own son's life.

No, He didn't. Jesus sacrificed Himself. Do not attempt to cite the Bible when what you actually know about it would fit in a gnat's ear.
That's riveting, however opinions are subjective, while ethics are objective. This is why I asked you to justify the initiation of force. If you can't, you have no argument against deontological ethics.

If that makes you feel better..... but your ethics are still not more valid than mine.
Not my ethics, objective ethics. Feelings are irrelevant. If you had an argument against deontological ethics, you'd have made it instead of making filler posts. I suspect you're only responding, despite having no argument, to make yourself feel better. That would make your previous post projection.

Ok. I'll go there for a few minutes. I have a question. If the USA were to draft you, and tell you that you are going to go to some country in the Middle East, and kill people who live there whose religion offends us, would you go?
No. They have no legitimacy to demand that I murder anyone, especially on their behalf. They're just an organization of robbers, murderers, and kidnappers, who write opinions on paper, and back them with violence. I have no moral or ethical obligation to do anything they demand of me, and in fact, if they demand that I initiate force against someone else, I have a moral and ethical obligation NOT to do as I'm told.

Well, good for you! So, I have now established that at least one of your ethics is as valid as mine! Congratulations!

Yeah, I'm sure Punkin was just dying to have her ethics "validated" by the likes of you. You continue to imagine that your opinions - and you - mean something to people.
everything i can find o that subject shows just the opposite, including this article.

The American abortion rate is at an all-time low

perhaps you can give me some unbiased stats from a credible source that say otherwise?

I found this...

"Medication abortions increased from 6% of all nonhospital abortions in 2001 to 31% in 2014, even while the overall number of abortions continued to decline. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that the average time of abortion has shifted earlier within the first trimester; this is likely due, in part, to the availability of medication abortion services.11"

Induced Abortion in the United States

Medication abortions seem to be on the rise. Probably the wave of the future in abortions because women have been convinced that conception does not equate to life and an early medication abortion is less harmful to the uterus.

Maybe just innocent AMERICAN lives are sacred.

Anyone trying to compare children being separated from a parent because the parent broke the law to abortion is really grasping....and losing the debate


but you wanna compare a group of cells to a post born baby. the former should have personhood status, but the latter doesn't matter cause they are brown after all. you don't mind separating them & punishing the 'child' for the act of their parents... but whine that it's not the innocent child's fault if their american 'daddy' is a rapist....

Oh brother. The old “group of cells” LIE.

Do advocates of baby murder ever tire of lying?

(uh-bawr-shuh) n

The modern-day child sacrifice to the God of self.

what say you about ll the innocent precious lives taken from their mamas at the border? they are as christian or even more so than your sorry ass.

Their mama's shouldn't break a nation's laws.


lol.... not good enough. you are punishing an innocent child.

OH & asking for asylum is not against our nation's laws.

you fail.
And you republicans, who's main platform for the last 100 years is to get government out of our lives, are universally in favor of putting big government in our doctor's offices.
Our position is the same as it's always been. It is the same as you once believed.

The governments most BASIC DUTY is to protect the RIGHT TO LIFE OF THE INNOCENT.

You ARE pro abortion

I must have missed that in the Constitution. Maybe you should look up the article in question, and send it to chief justices who decided otherwise. As a matter of fact, even murder is not a federal crime.

"If it's not in the Constitution, it doesn't exist . . . because I'm too pig-stupid to remember more than one document!"

Abortion is here to stay. you can buy pills over the counter in Europe and do it at home. You can even order them by mail. They are available in the US by RX. Worst case scenario is that the SC reverses Roe. leaving it to states, and at least 15 of them are not going to ban it. Get over, it Cec. Take a Valium.

thankfully many states that don't drag their knuckles on the ground have abortion as a legal choice codified into their state constitutions.
The moral high ground in your tiny mind is the killing of new life? You are a sick creature.
Yes. Anyone who intentionally kills an innocent in the womb, absent extenuating circumstances, deserves life in prison. IDGAF what their salutation is. As far as I'm concerned the doctor and the mother should rot together.

Life in prison no parole. Very good. That woman will NEVER have another abortion. Problem solved.

Like I said to another poster. Advocate for that. Convince society. Go for it. It's the only power you have. There's always a chance.

The tide is turning against abortion and you know it. That's why your flailing all over this thread like a lunatic. It's called desperation, sweetie. You WILL see abortion dramatically restricted, if not made outright illegal, in your lifetime. Get ready.

Fortunately, they still train gynecologists to do D&C's, so even Hobby Lobby will have to start paying their employees through their insurance plan to have this done. Personally, I appreciate the irony!

You're seriously babbling at this point. Why would Hobby Lobby have to start paying for abortions just because gynecologists are trained to do dilation and curettage? And why would we believe you would recognize irony if it were crawling up your pants leg?
everything i can find o that subject shows just the opposite, including this article.

The American abortion rate is at an all-time low

perhaps you can give me some unbiased stats from a credible source that say otherwise?

I found this...

"Medication abortions increased from 6% of all nonhospital abortions in 2001 to 31% in 2014, even while the overall number of abortions continued to decline. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that the average time of abortion has shifted earlier within the first trimester; this is likely due, in part, to the availability of medication abortion services.11"

Induced Abortion in the United States

Medication abortions seem to be on the rise. Probably the wave of the future in abortions because women have been convinced that conception does not equate to life and an early medication abortion is less harmful to the uterus.

so your post even states that the OVERALL number of abortions have declined.

just like i said. it makes sense that medically induced abortions would have risen as the more favorable method once it became available because that way, females in their EARLIEST stage of pregnancy would much rather use that with much more privacy instead of trying to cross a bunch of extremist lunatics screaming at them.

This is a group of cells...at ten weeks.

Oh Hell kill it for convenience sake...it’s just a group of cells after all. Who gives a fuck?
Maybe just innocent AMERICAN lives are sacred.

Anyone trying to compare children being separated from a parent because the parent broke the law to abortion is really grasping....and losing the debate


but you wanna compare a group of cells to a post born baby. the former should have personhood status, but the latter doesn't matter cause they are brown after all. you don't mind separating them & punishing the 'child' for the act of their parents... but whine that it's not the innocent child's fault if their american 'daddy' is a rapist....

Oh brother. The old “group of cells” LIE.

Do advocates of baby murder ever tire of lying?

nope. not a lie. if it can't survive outside the host, then it's not a person & not equivical to a post born real person with a history.
but you wanna compare a group of cells to a post born baby. the former should have personhood status, but the latter doesn't matter cause they are brown after all. you don't mind separating them & punishing the 'child' for the act of their parents... but whine that it's not the innocent child's fault if their american 'daddy' is a rapist....


That "group of cells" is dividing and developing and will eventually create an autonomous human being. They are, to put it bluntly, alive....When you kill them you are taking away a human life and precluding it's development into a fully functioning human being. Now, you can rationalize that all you want but it is the truth.
Our position is the same as it's always been. It is the same as you once believed.

The governments most BASIC DUTY is to protect the RIGHT TO LIFE OF THE INNOCENT.

You ARE pro abortion

I must have missed that in the Constitution. Maybe you should look up the article in question, and send it to chief justices who decided otherwise. As a matter of fact, even murder is not a federal crime.

"If it's not in the Constitution, it doesn't exist . . . because I'm too pig-stupid to remember more than one document!"

Abortion is here to stay. you can buy pills over the counter in Europe and do it at home. You can even order them by mail. They are available in the US by RX. Worst case scenario is that the SC reverses Roe. leaving it to states, and at least 15 of them are not going to ban it. Get over, it Cec. Take a Valium.

thankfully many states that don't drag their knuckles on the ground have abortion as a legal choice codified into their state constitutions.
The moral high ground in your tiny mind is the killing of new life? You are a sick creature.

let me know exactly how much of your yearly earnings you are willing to devote thru higher taxes to take care of them all who are forced to be born m'k?
Maybe just innocent AMERICAN lives are sacred.

Anyone trying to compare children being separated from a parent because the parent broke the law to abortion is really grasping....and losing the debate


but you wanna compare a group of cells to a post born baby. the former should have personhood status, but the latter doesn't matter cause they are brown after all. you don't mind separating them & punishing the 'child' for the act of their parents... but whine that it's not the innocent child's fault if their american 'daddy' is a rapist....

Oh brother. The old “group of cells” LIE.

Do advocates of baby murder ever tire of lying?

nope. not a lie. if it can't survive outside the host, then it's not a person & not equivical to a post born real person with a history.
BS. Are you a government attorney? You are obviously a believer in the illogical.

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