"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Here's some reality for you to ponder. You have no control over MY pregnancy. ZERO. ZILCH. NONE. NADA.

You'll never even know if I'm pregnant. How you gonna stop me?

Don't like it? Tough shit. Come for me and see what happens big boy.

This kind of attitude is why I always tell men NOT to put penis in vagina unless they have a signed contract with the woman.
That’s stupid. Have your ever heard of a condom? Are you aware that it is extraordinarily inexpensive and even a dumb believer in baby killing can easily use it without expert instruction.

It's not 100%. But, I am all for protection as much as possible. Besides Bill Clinton taught us that there are lots of other ways to have sex. Cigar, etc. LOL
Yeah that the usual response. Is there anything in life 100%? I would guess condoms are about as close to 100% as anything.

Actually, birth control medications used by women are more effective than condoms. Still, abstinence works better than either.
I never stated they weren’t.
Everyone can forget about the religious angle on this. God talked to me about it, and told me that he is cool with abortion. In fact, he told me that was why there is nothing in the Bible about it. He also told me that he, personally, causes miscarriages every day.

Son, just because God communicated via the jawbone of an ass once doesn't mean that every ass flapping his jawbone is speaking for God.
Here's some reality for you to ponder. You have no control over MY pregnancy. ZERO. ZILCH. NONE. NADA.

You'll never even know if I'm pregnant. How you gonna stop me?

Don't like it? Tough shit. Come for me and see what happens big boy.

This kind of attitude is why I always tell men NOT to put penis in vagina unless they have a signed contract with the woman.
That’s stupid. Have your ever heard of a condom? Are you aware that it is extraordinarily inexpensive and even a dumb believer in baby killing can easily use it without expert instruction.

Have YOU ever heard that condoms aren't 100% effective? Better to just not have sex with a woman whose position you're unsure of, if this issue matters to you.
LOL. Condoms are just about fool proof. Yes they do fail, but most infrequently.

How many abortions are the result of a failed condom? I would guess very few. What’s your guess?
If only abortion was DUI, you'd have a point.

It's the same principle you're blathering about. Why the fuck is it anyone's business if I decide to get drunk and drive my car around? My body, my choice, right??

It the same way reality always works. You cannot stop someone from driving drunk, but you can arrest them and punish them if you catch them.

Same thing with abortion. You'll just have to find the pregnant woman who aborted the baby and then you can put her in jail. You CANNOT stop her from aborting the baby.

In 2015 (I think) there were well over 600,000 abortions. You probably need more jails.
No need for more jails, just a renewed education for prevention process to take place, and a renewed responsibility education, and to reinstate the conciousness of respect for human life that has been lost in all of this mess. The idoctronation of the citizens for years is something huge to undo.

How in the hell do you educate people who assiduously ignore any and all facts in order to declare their feelings to be "science"? You can lead an idiot to knowledge, but you can't force him to think if he clings to his idiocy like a teddy bear.

What's even more fascinating, in a train wreck sort of manner, is how the pro-death crowd continues their collective cluelessness as to whom originally put the idea into their heads it was normal, natural and morally upright to murder born and unborn children. Their messiah has a name, yet they know it not. When one reveals that name, they seem to read right through or over it. Hint: He wrote The 120 Days of Sodom wherein a group of children are kidnapped and raped to death. That's the foundation of the modern pro-abortion movement and the seed of its cultural popularity. Now isn't that something to be proud of? Are we even sharing the same planet with these people?

6 precious innocent post born children dead at the border since december. you must be so proud of your leader.
I DO have control of my body and everything inside of it. Because of that FACT, I don't need to debate you.
Good grief, I'll explain against since English apparently isn't your first language. I did not once state that you are not CAPABLE of murdering that child, I stated over and over that the subject has always been the ethics of the act. If you like, I can go back and show you a screenshot of every single post I've made in this thread, since you either don't understand or want to keep trying to paint my argument as something it isn't.

Every single human on the planet is capable of murder, repeatedly stating that you can murder people and I can't stop you does not refute my argument that it is unethical. Do you just not understand what ethics are? Is that why you're not comprehending my posts?

I don't need a profound argument. I don't need to transform the subject. I don't need your permission to state my position over and over. I don't need to argue against you. Honestly I don't even read your entire posts. I don't have the patience for your bloviation.
Ah, there we go. You lack the attention span to read my messages, you probably don't read anyone's messages, and that's why you're just repeating yourself. Well, that, and you have no principles to explain. You legitimately DO need a profound argument to prove the ethics of your position, however you have no interest in exchanging ideas here. You're like Gollum, you don't explain why the 'ring' is yours, you only repeatedly state that something is such. This is not debate, nor argumentation, just you talking at people.
I am merely here to tell you, because you need to be aware, that all your nonsense will not change anything for a pro-choice woman who has made a decision to terminate her pregnancy. None at all.
All of my statements have been fact, not nonsense, hence you being unable to refute any of it. You'd be here to exchange ideas rather than repeat yourself, if your position were legitimate.

"Pro-Choice" is a fallacious title, you're against the choice of the child to do with its own body and life as it pleases. This is something you've yet to bother to even begin to refute, and that's because you can't.

Your ethics do not trump my ethics. Your values do not trump my values. your judgement of my morality is totally irrelevant.

Punkin Row isn't saying her ethics and values and morality are better than yours; she's denying the existence of yours entirely.
Everyone can forget about the religious angle on this. God talked to me about it, and told me that he is cool with abortion. In fact, he told me that was why there is nothing in the Bible about it. He also told me that he, personally, causes miscarriages every day.
That wasn't God but rather just the little voices in your toaster that inform so many leftarded opinions. Very sad.

Actually, I don't have a toaster. God told me that toasted bread is an abomination. If you have one, you must get rid of it, or you will be on the road to hell.

You went off your meds again, didn't you? You know the doctor told you not to do that.
Maybe just innocent AMERICAN lives are sacred.
Anyone trying to compare children being separated from a parent because the parent broke the law to abortion is really grasping....and losing the debate
Is all innocent life sacred, then?

Another poster won't answer.

Border jumper children are not being killed, best find a new angle. This one isn't going to work
So another poster who won't answer.

I figured that would be an easy one.

Maybe just innocent AMERICAN lives are sacred.
Anyone trying to compare children being separated from a parent because the parent broke the law to abortion is really grasping....and losing the debate
Is all innocent life sacred, then?

Another poster won't answer.

Border jumper children are not being killed, best find a new angle. This one isn't going to work
So another poster who won't answer.

I figured that would be an easy one.


You're building a straw man, dipshit. Give it a rest
Everyone can forget about the religious angle on this. God talked to me about it, and told me that he is cool with abortion. In fact, he told me that was why there is nothing in the Bible about it. He also told me that he, personally, causes miscarriages every day.
That wasn't God but rather just the little voices in your toaster that inform so many leftarded opinions. Very sad.

Actually, I don't have a toaster. God told me that toasted bread is an abomination. If you have one, you must get rid of it, or you will be on the road to hell.
Yeah ... AOC heard that also. She now believes it's best to avoid talking to your toaster:


Well, and the toaster is smarter than she is, like virtually everything else on Earth.
Maybe just innocent AMERICAN lives are sacred.
Anyone trying to compare children being separated from a parent because the parent broke the law to abortion is really grasping....and losing the debate
Is all innocent life sacred, then?

Another poster won't answer.

Border jumper children are not being killed, best find a new angle. This one isn't going to work
So another poster who won't answer.

I figured that would be an easy one.


You're building a straw man, dipshit. Give it a rest
My apologies.

I admit, "is all innocent life sacred" is a real unfair, trick question.

How dare me.

Anyone trying to compare children being separated from a parent because the parent broke the law to abortion is really grasping....and losing the debate
Is all innocent life sacred, then?

Another poster won't answer.

Border jumper children are not being killed, best find a new angle. This one isn't going to work
So another poster who won't answer.

I figured that would be an easy one.


You're building a straw man, dipshit. Give it a rest
My apologies.

I admit, "is all innocent life sacred" is a real unfair, trick question.

How dare me.


All is. Now jackass point out where I've said it isn't. Then get the fuck over yourself.

Now wait for Ole Mac to once again claim a hollow victory and slither off.

We all know your game, fence sitter
It won't be solved unless people like YOU spread the word!! Apparently there are a lot of people unaware of the consequences or, think that killing a living being is the solution.

Preventing unwanted pregnancies will be the only thing that stops abortion!
Wow. So enlightening.

Now what will prevent murder, rape, assault and robbery?
Indeed. That will be why abortion will never be stopped.
Okay time for some logical thinking.

Before Roe how many abortions occurred? Now compared that figure to the number after Roe? Can you come to the conclusion that when it became legal it also occurred much more often? If it is outlawed again, do you think it will occur much less often?

Interestingly enough, the numbers of unwanted pregnancies and out-of-wedlock births also went up after the legalization of abortion.

It's almost as if people actually do modify their behavior according to external circumstances.

everything i can find on that subject shows just the opposite, including this article.

The American abortion rate is at an all-time low

perhaps you can give me some unbiased stats from a credible source that say otherwise?
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Is all innocent life sacred, then?

Another poster won't answer.

Border jumper children are not being killed, best find a new angle. This one isn't going to work
So another poster who won't answer.

I figured that would be an easy one.


You're building a straw man, dipshit. Give it a rest
My apologies.

I admit, "is all innocent life sacred" is a real unfair, trick question.

How dare me.


All is. Now jackass point out where I've said it isn't. Then get the fuck over yourself.

Now wait for Ole Mac to once again claim a hollow victory and slither off.

We all know your game, fence sitter
You haven't said that it isn't. You haven't said anything, you've just avoided my question, become vulgar, nasty and defensive, and tried to make it about me.

If you don't want to answer it, fine. I'm certainly used to that here.
I DO have control of my body and everything inside of it. Because of that FACT, I don't need to debate you.
Good grief, I'll explain against since English apparently isn't your first language. I did not once state that you are not CAPABLE of murdering that child, I stated over and over that the subject has always been the ethics of the act. If you like, I can go back and show you a screenshot of every single post I've made in this thread, since you either don't understand or want to keep trying to paint my argument as something it isn't.

Every single human on the planet is capable of murder, repeatedly stating that you can murder people and I can't stop you does not refute my argument that it is unethical. Do you just not understand what ethics are? Is that why you're not comprehending my posts?

I don't need a profound argument. I don't need to transform the subject. I don't need your permission to state my position over and over. I don't need to argue against you. Honestly I don't even read your entire posts. I don't have the patience for your bloviation.
Ah, there we go. You lack the attention span to read my messages, you probably don't read anyone's messages, and that's why you're just repeating yourself. Well, that, and you have no principles to explain. You legitimately DO need a profound argument to prove the ethics of your position, however you have no interest in exchanging ideas here. You're like Gollum, you don't explain why the 'ring' is yours, you only repeatedly state that something is such. This is not debate, nor argumentation, just you talking at people.
I am merely here to tell you, because you need to be aware, that all your nonsense will not change anything for a pro-choice woman who has made a decision to terminate her pregnancy. None at all.
All of my statements have been fact, not nonsense, hence you being unable to refute any of it. You'd be here to exchange ideas rather than repeat yourself, if your position were legitimate.

"Pro-Choice" is a fallacious title, you're against the choice of the child to do with its own body and life as it pleases. This is something you've yet to bother to even begin to refute, and that's because you can't.

Your ethics do not trump my ethics. Your values do not trump my values. your judgement of my morality is totally irrelevant.
Then prove me wrong, explain how it's ethical to initiate force against an innocent person. You didn't even make an argument, you're just posting empty words with no explanatory power.

There are people in the world who believe that I am condemned to hell as an infidel, because I do not pray to Mecca five times per day. There are people in the world who claim that I am an evil communist, because I am a democrat. There are also people in the world who claim that I have no ethics, because I am pro-choice. I give each of these opinions the same weight, which is none at all.

You sure do bring up God and religion a lot. What comes to mind is the guy doth protest too much, methinks. It’s not even the topic here, yet it’s in most of your posts.

Interesting. And telling.

If it weren't for straw men, Vandal wouldn't have any friends at all.
Dunno but, the Democrat death-cult will kill the fetus. Then the Democrat man will go find another sucker-woman.

Sad but true. Those suckers who think abortion is good for women seem oblivious to the fact that many men are all for abortion on demand because they want to use women as much as they want, without ever having to deal with any consequences.

And those foolish women continually allow that to happen, even to their own detriment, because they too don't want to be accountable for their own actions.

I have sympathy for the young women contemplating abortion who don't know any better, who have been brought up in today's messed up society that brainwashed them into thinking there's nothing wrong with abortion.

But the arrogant, adamant ones (like "NotYourBody") are truly disgusting to me, and as I said earlier, most likely demonically influenced.

Sadly, humans don't really need demons to be evil. We're pretty good at it without any help.

Yep, that's why objective (instead of subjective) morality is so important to a cohesive society. It keeps humans from frequently exercising their evil side. Objective (or traditional) morality is always supplanted by relative morality when someone or a group wants to overturn a societal system.

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