"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

"My body. Not your body. My control. Not your control." - screeched the DUI suspect as he was hauled off to jail.
If only abortion was DUI, you'd have a point.

It's the same principle you're blathering about. Why the fuck is it anyone's business if I decide to get drunk and drive my car around? My body, my choice, right??

It the same way reality always works. You cannot stop someone from driving drunk, but you can arrest them and punish them if you catch them.

Same thing with abortion. You'll just have to find the pregnant woman who aborted the baby and then you can put her in jail. You CANNOT stop her from aborting the baby.

In 2015 (I think) there were well over 600,000 abortions. You probably need more jails.
No need for more jails, just a renewed education for prevention process to take place, and a renewed responsibility education, and to reinstate the conciousness of respect for human life that has been lost in all of this mess. The idoctronation of the citizens for years is something huge to undo.

Maybe some kind of boot camp, where young women are taught proper Christian values. What would the punishment be for refusing to go?

Boot camp? So what are you saying, that you think women are too stupid to modify their behavior according to changing circumstances without being herded into camps? We're all just dumb sluts who can't help spreading our legs without intensive training?
How do you know it is life? Did God tell you it was? Got it. Again, so when did you have thi9s conversation with God that someone was taking a life? Because, I know of no known definition in the womb, other than one's own philosophical or religious views. Life - Wikipedia

The pro-choice argument is akin to ripping a sapling out of the ground and saying it’s not a tree.
Is it? I seem to recall the sapling was already out of the ground? I'm not sure you can say the same for a fetus?

Don’t be an idiot. The point is, it’s not a tree yet but if you interrupt the course of nature, it never will be. And natural complications such as miscarriage notwithstanding, the ONLY reason it will never be a child is because you ripped it from the womb.
And if I cut the tree before it is a hundred years old before it matures, and use the lumber to build a house, I just interrupted nature in order to build a house. Man has been interrupting nature, since man walked this planet. Had man not interrupted nature, man would not be walking this planet.

If you think that cutting down a tree (that will never be sentient) is morally equivalent to ending the life of a child, well, therein lies your problem.

So save the bs about the "interruption." It insults my intelligence.

I certainly hope so.
So now the fetus is not just a baby but a child.

Um, babies ARE children, Noah Webster. Geez, how do you even function with such a substandard grasp of the English language?
Of course it's alive, it's an organism in the women's womb within the placenta attached uterus. If by human being, you mean it's a member of species Homo sapiens, that is also true as it is true for a human corpse. However, the connotations we associate with "being human" is not the same as being a member of the species.

Getting back to the subject of the thread, abortion. 90% of abortions occur within the 1st 13 weeks and nearly half are at the embryo stage. At 13 weeks, when most women will see their fetus for the first time through an ultrasound scan, its neural circuitry is roughly on a par with that of an earthworm or a marine snail. It's neural circuity is sufficient to preform reflex reactions without any brain involvement. Movement doesn’t mean the fetus is exploring. At this stage there’s no link between the neurons of the spinal cord and the brain. In short, the fetus at 13 weeks has no sense of pain. It has no self awareness and no self-control and is incapable of living outside of a human body. Terminating a fetus at this point is not the same as taking a human life because the existence of the fetus is not human life as we know it and in some cases, never will be.

That in red.....A human fetus is alive and developing......a human corpse is dead and has no life. A human corpse is not a 'being' because it is no longer living. A human fetus IS a being because it is alive and has human DNA and.....will MOST LIKELY develop into a human infant and eventually a separate Human being with the parents' DNA. Do I have to really explain this basic stuff to you dunder heads?
Now let me get this straight. You are saying a human corpse is actually dead and a fetus is alive.

Now let me get this straight. You are saying you actually need that explained to you.
Pretty sure there will never be an end to this topic until people learn to keep their hands to themselves and stop trying to control tissue inside another person's body.

Yes, please do take your own advice and keep your hands to yourself instead of callously killing innocents, for the sake of convenience and selfishness.

Thanks for your permission to control my body, though it is completely unnecessary. I will continue to control my body and ALL of the tissue contained inside of my body thank you very much.
Then you must be overjoyed Obamacare was axed since that program disagreed with your above statement. Remember, they DID NOT let you control your body. Pay for a crappy plan or pay the fine


To be fair, that was just controlling your wallet, not your body. No one actually fined you for not going to the doctor once you had paid an exorbitant amount of money for insurance.
I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?

Do you seriously think that by making abortion illegal it will somehow go away?

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Are you seriously making the argument that, because it won't make it all go away, we shouldn't make it illegal?

Okay then, RAPE should be legal because, what the heck, people will rape anyway.

Dumb argument.

If you keep abortion legal you keep it safe. Truth.

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Abortion isn't safe, you can die from it. Also have complications that can affect a woman for life.
You can die or have complications from childbirth too.

That's like saying, "Smoking isn't bad, because you can get lung cancer and die just from living in a big city."
Here's some reality for you to ponder. You have no control over MY pregnancy. ZERO. ZILCH. NONE. NADA.

You'll never even know if I'm pregnant. How you gonna stop me?

Don't like it? Tough shit. Come for me and see what happens big boy.

This kind of attitude is why I always tell men NOT to put penis in vagina unless they have a signed contract with the woman.

Speaking as a woman, I can't argue with you on that.
Now let me get this straight. You are saying a human corpse is actually dead and a fetus is alive.

If that's all you got from my post you are either an idiot or illiterate. Maybe both.

I don't want to be mean, but after reading this entire thread, I've come to the conclusion that the ardent proaborts here fall into two categories. They're either dense as hell and willfully ignorant... OR they're completely morally bankrupt and some appear to be demonic. And I'm not even joking about that, I've seen that in other places, some really do seem like they need an excorcism.

There is no need whatever to bring Trump into this conversation.

Then why did you?
Here's some reality for you to ponder. You have no control over MY pregnancy. ZERO. ZILCH. NONE. NADA.

You'll never even know if I'm pregnant. How you gonna stop me?

Don't like it? Tough shit. Come for me and see what happens big boy.

This kind of attitude is why I always tell men NOT to put penis in vagina unless they have a signed contract with the woman.
That’s stupid. Have your ever heard of a condom? Are you aware that it is extraordinarily inexpensive and even a dumb believer in baby killing can easily use it without expert instruction.

Have YOU ever heard that condoms aren't 100% effective? Better to just not have sex with a woman whose position you're unsure of, if this issue matters to you.
Here's some reality for you to ponder. You have no control over MY pregnancy. ZERO. ZILCH. NONE. NADA.

You'll never even know if I'm pregnant. How you gonna stop me?

Don't like it? Tough shit. Come for me and see what happens big boy.

This kind of attitude is why I always tell men NOT to put penis in vagina unless they have a signed contract with the woman.
That’s stupid. Have your ever heard of a condom? Are you aware that it is extraordinarily inexpensive and even a dumb believer in baby killing can easily use it without expert instruction.

It's not 100%. But, I am all for protection as much as possible. Besides Bill Clinton taught us that there are lots of other ways to have sex. Cigar, etc. LOL

Now, now. The Democrats told us repeatedly that that was NOT sex; it's just their equivalent of a friendly handshake . . . or something.
That's all the more reason to answer the question! If you don't care if you look like a psychopath, then you should have no problem answering this question: Do you think there would be anything wrong with a woman who is minutes away from delivery butchering her full-term preborn baby who is no different than a newborn, simply because he is still inside her body? Come on! If you don't care what anyone thinks, then just answer the question.

If you don't, then you can't defend your position, not rationally or in a sincere way. All you can do is stick your fingers in your ears and yell "la la la la la" like a 3 year old, and stomp your feet like an angry rebellious teenager. How sad. Pathetic.

Who is tantrumping here? I'm presenting you with REALITY. It's not a position. Can you not understand that, realistically, you can't stop abortion?

It sucks not to have control. I get it. 3-year olds have many problems with loss of control.

I however, have NOT lost control of my body and everything inside of it.

You seem to be the one stomping around, mad and enraged that you want to control the fetus inside my uterus, but cannot.

It's clear to me now that you don't understand how debate works. None of those things you brought up matter right now. That's not even the topic here. We've been debating abortion, and you have yet to provide an argument, all you have are red herrings, and immature, selfish, unthinking responses.

How old are you, 15 maybe? That's my guess. Actually, I take that back. My 14 year old niece is FAR more mature than you.

I have a couple of 15 year old twins that could take her to school.

My ten-year-old could beat her like a bass drum in a debate.
Here's some reality for you to ponder. You have no control over MY pregnancy. ZERO. ZILCH. NONE. NADA.

You'll never even know if I'm pregnant. How you gonna stop me?

Don't like it? Tough shit. Come for me and see what happens big boy.

This kind of attitude is why I always tell men NOT to put penis in vagina unless they have a signed contract with the woman.
That’s stupid. Have your ever heard of a condom? Are you aware that it is extraordinarily inexpensive and even a dumb believer in baby killing can easily use it without expert instruction.

It's not 100%. But, I am all for protection as much as possible. Besides Bill Clinton taught us that there are lots of other ways to have sex. Cigar, etc. LOL
Yeah that the usual response. Is there anything in life 100%? I would guess condoms are about as close to 100% as anything.

Actually, birth control medications used by women are more effective than condoms. Still, abstinence works better than either.
Now let me get this straight. You are saying a human corpse is actually dead and a fetus is alive.

If that's all you got from my post you are either an idiot or illiterate. Maybe both.
Now let me get this straight. You are saying a human corpse is actually dead and a fetus is alive.

If that's all you got from my post you are either an idiot or illiterate. Maybe both.
"A human fetus is a being because it is alive and has human DNA and....." This is pretty deep stuff.

No, it's really basic. The fact that you nevertheless require having it explained to you speaks volumes.
Well, today, I learned that unprotected sex is unwise. Therefor, all we have to do is to let people know that, and the whole problem is solved!

What took you so long? Alyssa Milano figured that out last week or so. Even among the brain-damaged community that is the American left, you're on the short bus.
Well, today, I learned that unprotected sex is unwise. Therefor, all we have to do is to let people know that, and the whole problem is solved!

It won't be solved unless people like YOU spread the word!! Apparently there are a lot of people unaware of the consequences or, think that killing a living being is the solution.

Well, I mentioned it to a couple of Trump supporters, and they were shocked that sex was somehow connected to pregnancy. Next, I plan on telling them that tariffs are taxes, but it is best to crawl before walking.

"Well, I thought if I made up conversations with imaginary people where I was the smartest one there, it would make up for being an insufferable moron in real life."
Huh. Then you'd really think Republicans would know better. Guess they are following the Democrats' lead.

Would know better than what?
You'd think they might have learned the folly of trying to force widespread change on society without a consensus.

Sorry, but of the two sides - pro-life and pro-abort - it's not the pro-lifers who did an end run around "the consensus".

These laws are being passed by the people the voters elected to create laws, and I'm relatively certain that the representatives passing these laws were open with the voters about where they stood on this issue. If the voters decide they don't like the laws being passed, they retain the power to replace those lawmakers and demand that the laws be changed. That is how the system is supposed to work, and is the opposite of "forcing widespread change on society without a consensus."

Pro-aborts, by contrast, looked at a nation which had laws reflecting the wishes of the voters of different states, said "That's not how I think it should be", and then bypassed the voters entirely to have a group of nine lawyers-in-robes tell hundreds of millions of people that they were wrong and this was how it was going to be and they were no longer going to have input into it. THAT is "forcing widespread change on society without a consensus."

There is no such thing as a "pro-abort".

Oh, well, if the likes of YOU tells me that militant defense of any abortion, any time, for any reason isn't really "pro-abortion", I'll get right on . . . continuing to identify it as I see it, and not giving a rat's ass what euphemisms the seedy underbelly of human intellect would prefer.

Call me when YOU start letting the right-wing dictate and define the terms YOU use, and maybe we'll talk about you getting a vote on what I call your putrescent agenda.

Ok. I am aware that the RW has their own dictionary. It includes the following terms that have been coined for their purposes: Pro-abort, gun grabber, deep state, fake news, libtard, baby killers, Dimocrats, Democrat Party, DemoRats, Trump Derangement Syndrome, etc. Anyone disagreeing is a traitor, etc. If is how the Right gets their rocks off. Far be it for me to interfere with RW Newspeak.
Dunno but, the Democrat death-cult will kill the fetus. Then the Democrat man will go find another sucker-woman.

Sad but true. Those suckers who think abortion is good for women seem oblivious to the fact that many men are all for abortion on demand because they want to use women as much as they want, without ever having to deal with any consequences.

And those foolish women continually allow that to happen, even to their own detriment, because they too don't want to be accountable for their own actions.

I have sympathy for the young women contemplating abortion who don't know any better, who have been brought up in today's messed up society that brainwashed them into thinking there's nothing wrong with abortion.

But the arrogant, adamant ones (like "NotYourBody") are truly disgusting to me, and as I said earlier, most likely demonically influenced.

Sadly, humans don't really need demons to be evil. We're pretty good at it without any help.
Well, today, I learned that unprotected sex is unwise. Therefor, all we have to do is to let people know that, and the whole problem is solved!

It won't be solved unless people like YOU spread the word!! Apparently there are a lot of people unaware of the consequences or, think that killing a living being is the solution.

Preventing unwanted pregnancies will be the only thing that stops abortion!
Wow. So enlightening.

Now what will prevent murder, rape, assault and robbery?
Indeed. That will be why abortion will never be stopped.
Okay time for some logical thinking.

Before Roe how many abortions occurred? Now compared that figure to the number after Roe? Can you come to the conclusion that when it became legal it also occurred much more often? If it is outlawed again, do you think it will occur much less often?

Interestingly enough, the numbers of unwanted pregnancies and out-of-wedlock births also went up after the legalization of abortion.

It's almost as if people actually do modify their behavior according to external circumstances.
It won't be solved unless people like YOU spread the word!! Apparently there are a lot of people unaware of the consequences or, think that killing a living being is the solution.

Preventing unwanted pregnancies will be the only thing that stops abortion!
Wow. So enlightening.

Now what will prevent murder, rape, assault and robbery?
Indeed. That will be why abortion will never be stopped.
Okay time for some logical thinking.

Before Roe how many abortions occurred? Now compared that figure to the number after Roe? Can you come to the conclusion that when it became legal it also occurred much more often? If it is outlawed again, do you think it will occur much less often?

Before Roe, physicians did not do abortions. The performed D & C's.

That is the most pathetic attempt at word-parsing I've heard since "It's not a baby, it's a fetus!"
Sad but true. Those suckers who think abortion is good for women seem oblivious to the fact that many men are all for abortion on demand because they want to use women as much as they want, without ever having to deal with any consequences.

And those foolish women continually allow that to happen, even to their own detriment, because they too don't want to be accountable for their own actions.

I have sympathy for the young women contemplating abortion who don't know any better, who have been brought up in today's messed up society that brainwashed them into thinking there's nothing wrong with abortion.

But the arrogant, adamant ones (like "NotYourBody") are truly disgusting to me, and as I said earlier, most likely demonically influenced.

Don't you think it's best that you stay away from pro-choice women? Keep yourself pure. Don't be tainted. Stay far far far away from us. Save yourself.

No, I will continue to reach the ones who are actually reasonable, sincere and open to change. And there are people like that who identify as prochoice. I've been debating this topic for years, and I've seen with my own two eyes people change their minds. (Heck, my own mind changed on this issue. I used to be on the other side.) The other types, the arrogant, angry ones that seem to be demonically influenced... well, I don't think they are reachable, but they do need prayer, so I guess I should pray for them.

No, you will not reach the women who refuse to allow anyone else to control her body or anything inside of it. That is a fact.

I'm sorry that upsets you so much.

I promise I will never try to stop you from attempting to convince women that they should follow YOUR religion, morality, values, life choices, your pregnancy rules and whatever else you think you need to control in women. And if you are successful with that, more power to you. Just leave the rest of us alone and don't pretend you can stop us with words on paper. Even if they are signed with a Sharpie.

Sorry to spoil your blind little narrative, but I HAVE actually been a part of changing people's minds. I've seen it happen more than once. It doesn't upset me at all, because as I said, I KNOW there are some reasonable, sincere people who identify as prochoice... but ultimately value truth more than their preconceived ideas or selfish desires. In other words, people unlike you.

I wouldn't bother even discussing this issue if I thought it was hopeless. Even if some people are not ready yet to learn or change, never underestimate the power of planting a seed.

And your idea that this has to do with religion just shows more of your ignorance. There are many secular prolifers, and a growing number, actually. Look up the group 'Secular Pro-life" on Facebook.

Here's an image from their page:


Too bad that you are not old enough to remember before Roe. The truth is that people saw what was happening, and made a change for the better. BTW, I fail to see how putting MD's in prison is a win/win situation.

Too bad that all your arguments are based on "I'm right just because I want to believe I'm right."

The truth is that "people" didn't make any change. Nine lawyers in black robes did, and decreed that everyone else was just going to live with it. Only fools like you who like being told what to think consider that "better".
Sorry to spoil your blind little narrative, but I HAVE actually been a part of changing people's minds. I've seen it happen more than once. It doesn't upset me at all, because as I said, I KNOW there are some reasonable, sincere people who identify as prochoice... but ultimately value truth more than their preconceived ideas or selfish desires. In other words, people unlike you.

I wouldn't bother even discussing this issue if I thought it was hopeless. Even if some people are not ready yet to learn or change, never underestimate the power of planting a seed.

And your idea that this has to do with religion just shows more of your ignorance. There are many secular prolifers, and a growing number, actually. Look up the group 'Secular Pro-life" on Facebook.

Here's an image from their page:


Well I don't really know what your reasons are for trying to control a body that is not your own, and honestly I don't care.

Again. I will not try to stop you from changing minds! Why would I even want to do that?

My position is that when you start legislating control of my body, I will start hollering. And reminding you that you don't have the power to stop me.

I thought you were upset. Sorry if I made a wrong assumption. When people resort to name calling, it seems a little defensive, jmo.

lolol. Wow. The interesting this is how you always completely leave the preborn baby out of the equation. You completely ignore that pesky little fact, in every single post, by repeating the same tired, overused, debunked phrases like "my body."

Here's another image from Secular Pro-life, that is tailor-made for you:


Look, you. How dare you tell me that "If you don't like slavery, just don't buy one" isn't a valid argument? ;)

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