My Chattanooga Rant


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Sullivan


Lance Corporal Squire “Skip” Wells


Staff Sergeant David A. Wyatt


Sergeant Carson Holmquist (and his recent widow)

(I'm purposely ignoring the other 9 threads on her about this)

They're no longer just numbers or news bits. They're real, live human beings serving this nation who were killed by a MUSLIM who believed the teachings of his local Mosque and other Muslims living in the Middle East.
Investigators search for motive in Tennessee shooting rampage

I tread this aljazeera headline in disbelief. Then pure anger. Finally – resignation. What else can be expected of liberals and their media sources?

The piece of shit was a MUSLIM for God's sake! What in the hell do they need to search for a motive? Muslims believe in killing non-believers and this can be nothing more than seeking revenge for attacks on other Muslims.

Read more of this crap @ FBI Investigates Motive Behind Tennessee Shooting Al Jazeera America
And this is the letter I wrote my Senator and Representative:

Jihad in America

“There are so many Muslim radicals that the FBI can't keep track of them.”

What the hell? What is my government allowing to happen here in America?

And why are our military personnel STILL not permitted to carry weapons when they're at work on military bases of other installations?

Our Commander-in-Chief is clearly not going to do anything about it. So, without platitudes, what are YOU, a representative of the American people, going to do about it?

I am so furious that I am doing everything I can to spread the word across the web and urge others to share their rage and disgust with me.

Don't just talk about it – DO SOMETHING!


Master Sergeant, US Army, Retired
And then this:

ISIS Praises Shooting of Four Tennessee Marines @ ISIS Praises Shooting of Four Tennessee Marines - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - Make you feel all warm and fuzzy?

The July 16th 2015 Chattanooga Terrorist Attack: Six Things You Need to Know NOW

And this is the most bone-chilling: ) ISIS sent out a threat specifically targeting Chattanooga. The day before the attack, an ISIS-affiliated Twitter account broadcasted an eerie warning that Chattanooga would soon “see wonders.” In the past, these kinds of threats never materialized into something tangible. Maybe this time was different.

From The July 16th 2015 Chattanooga Terrorist Attack Six Things You Need to Know NOW WITH LINKS

Obama Honors Islam Before Dead Marines Killed by Islamic Terrorist; Americans Furious

White House sent out ‘happy Ramadan’ statement before commenting on Chattanooga attack.

When will people learn that our Kenyan in the White House is a MUSLIM?

House Committee Passed Legislation to Create Special Domestic Terror Unit the Day Before Chattanooga Shooting

Act ignores role of FBI in creating terror attack plots H>R> 2899 – CVE Act @ Text - H.R.2899 - 114th Congress 2015-2016 CVE Act Library of Congress
They don't care, longknife. Progressives want terrorists to shoot us up.

Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Sullivan


Lance Corporal Squire “Skip” Wells


Staff Sergeant David A. Wyatt


Sergeant Carson Holmquist (and his recent widow)

(I'm purposely ignoring the other 9 threads on her about this)

They're no longer just numbers or news bits. They're real, live human beings serving this nation who were killed by a MUSLIM who believed the teachings of his local Mosque and other Muslims living in the Middle East.

Good for you.

I think yours is the first RW post that talks about the victims.

koshergrl still has not posted one word about the men who were killed or the loss to their families. Instead, she continues to use their deaths for her own nasty, vile and very warped agenda.

We all need to give some real thought to what their families are feeling and thinking tonight. Their lives are forever changed. There is a gaping hole where their loved ones used to be.
Marine Recruiters Told to Not Wear their Uniforms to Work!

Unbelievable! Too much to not want to barf.

On Friday evening ABC News Pentagon reporter Luis Martinez reported on Twitter the Marine Corps ordered recruiters to not wear their uniforms at work.

On top of that, Army chief of staff Gen. Ray Odierno said on Friday he has no plans to arm recruiters or add security patrols to military recruitment centers in the wake of the Islamist terror attacks on unarmed, unguarded military offices in Chattanooga, Tennessee on Thursday. Odierno basically said he doesn’t trust his troops to handle their weapons properly.

With more @ PENTAGON Recruiting Centers to Remain Unarmed Unguarded Recruiters Told to Not Wear Uniforms - The Gateway Pundit

You trust them in combat but not at home? - Domestic Terrorism @ One Marine s View You trust them in combat but not at home - Domestic Terrorism


Armed with a loaded AR-15 outside a Virginia recruiting station.

The man said he had been warmly welcomed from the individuals at the Winchester recruitment offices, telling WTTG that they had come to visit him, bringing lunch and thanking him for what he is doing.

Read more @ After Chattanooga Military Members Noticed Man Outside Recruitment Center They Paid Him a Visit Video

The Fallen Heroes of Chattanooga Shooting Massacre: Purple Heart Recipients, Sons, Dads and Husbands. Here’s What We Know About Their Lives @ The Fallen Heroes of Chattanooga Shooting Massacre Purple Heart Recipients Sons Dads and Husbands. Here s What We Know About Their Lives

Girlfriend Got Text From Marine in Final Moments @ Girlfriend Got Text From Marine in Final Moments will make you gulp

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