My Conversation with a Veteran Today About Chick-fil-A and Freedom


College Conservative
Jun 1, 2012
CUT FOR CONTENT. READ ENTIRE STORY AT Cameron Harris: A Veteran Speaks About Chick-fil-A and Freedom

During lunchtime today, I ventured to the closest Chick-fil-A to grab lunch and to show my support. It became evident pretty quickly that everyone else in the state of North Carolina decided to do the same. It took me nearly 45 minutes to even get close enough to the restaurant to park, and then another 30 minutes to get my food. I don’t regret a single minute of it, though.

As I was standing around waiting for my lunch, an elderly lady standing near me began to strike up a conversation. She asked me how old I was, where I was from, and then she asked me why I had decided to eat at Chick-fil-A this afternoon. I told her it was because I wanted to support the traditional, Biblical view of marriage, and I also wanted to support the rights of Chick-fil-A and other public companies to voice their own opinions, no matter what side of the political spectrum those opinions may fall. She said that her reasons were much of the same, and then she mentioned that she would like me to meet her husband.

She turned to her left and there, sitting in a wheelchair, was an older man whom she introduced to me as her husband. The conversation that I and this man had was one of the most insightful, eye-opening conversations of my life, so I will try to summarize the life and beliefs of this man for you.

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For me, this is not just about politics; this is about being American, being free.”

That is what the gays feel about the issue of parity on marriage.
If they are denied the same right as other loving couples in the USA, then the Bible should not stand in their way.
I respect the man's view ad concurr with what he said, but you can't be a free nation is you deny people the right to have a loving relationship, and to be married to represent that love and devotion.
We are a nation of secular laws and no religion has the right to tell people how to live their freedoms as long as that action does not infringe on the rights of another citizen.
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CUT FOR CONTENT. READ ENTIRE STORY AT Cameron Harris: A Veteran Speaks About Chick-fil-A and Freedom

During lunchtime today, I ventured to the closest Chick-fil-A to grab lunch and to show my support. It became evident pretty quickly that everyone else in the state of North Carolina decided to do the same. It took me nearly 45 minutes to even get close enough to the restaurant to park, and then another 30 minutes to get my food. I don’t regret a single minute of it, though.

As I was standing around waiting for my lunch, an elderly lady standing near me began to strike up a conversation. She asked me how old I was, where I was from, and then she asked me why I had decided to eat at Chick-fil-A this afternoon. I told her it was because I wanted to support the traditional, Biblical view of marriage, and I also wanted to support the rights of Chick-fil-A and other public companies to voice their own opinions, no matter what side of the political spectrum those opinions may fall. She said that her reasons were much of the same, and then she mentioned that she would like me to meet her husband.

She turned to her left and there, sitting in a wheelchair, was an older man whom she introduced to me as her husband. The conversation that I and this man had was one of the most insightful, eye-opening conversations of my life, so I will try to summarize the life and beliefs of this man for you.

CUT FOR CONTENT. READ ENTIRE STORY AT Cameron Harris: A Veteran Speaks About Chick-fil-A and Freedom

:clap2::clap2: It's about our right to have free speech. God Bless that veteran and the countless heroes before and after him. Thank you for this thread, BlackFlag.
Those who wish to silence those with whom they disagree truly have no understanding of America.

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