My daughter is a Troofer.

RGS is not stupid..he just cant except that things could be this bad ,its like telling him his beloved uncle SAM who threw baseballs with him and bounced him on his knee as a child is actually serial killer...its a tough pill to swallow...

so very true.the people that serve in the military are the ones that always find it the hardest to accept that they were brainwashed and that everything they were taught to believe in while growing up is all a big lie.
Brainwashed and flagwashed. Those military dopes are the ones that go completely insane when they see an upside down flag. The dumb fucks will kill someone over that.
RGS is not stupid..he just cant except that things could be this bad ,its like telling him his beloved uncle SAM who threw baseballs with him and bounced him on his knee as a child is actually serial killer...its a tough pill to swallow...

so very true.the people that serve in the military are the ones that always find it the hardest to accept that they were brainwashed and that everything they were taught to believe in while growing up is all a big lie.
Brainwashed and flagwashed. Those military dopes are the ones that go completely insane when they see an upside down flag. The dumb fucks will kill someone over that.

Actually numbnuts most would politely ask what the emergency was before informing the owner of said flag how they are wrong if there is no immediate distress.
RGS is not stupid..he just cant except that things could be this bad ,its like telling him his beloved uncle SAM who threw baseballs with him and bounced him on his knee as a child is actually serial killer...its a tough pill to swallow...

so very true.the people that serve in the military are the ones that always find it the hardest to accept that they were brainwashed and that everything they were taught to believe in while growing up is all a big lie.
Brainwashed and flagwashed. Those military dopes are the ones that go completely insane when they see an upside down flag. The dumb fucks will kill someone over that.

You could at least fake a tiny amount of appreciation for us brainwashed dummfuks who provide you with the security and ability to use your Freedom of Speech.
so very true.the people that serve in the military are the ones that always find it the hardest to accept that they were brainwashed and that everything they were taught to believe in while growing up is all a big lie.
Brainwashed and flagwashed. Those military dopes are the ones that go completely insane when they see an upside down flag. The dumb fucks will kill someone over that.

You could at least fake a tiny amount of appreciation for us brainwashed dummfuks who provide you with the security and ability to use your Freedom of Speech.

You can be such a moron. The last president that actually did something to preserve freedom of speach was Dwight David Eisenhower when he was the comander in charge of running the Germans back into "the homeland" and squashing them like the cocroaches they are. We could be speaking our freedom in German if it were not for our boys and girls and our amazing war machine building industry in WWII. The very same one that Reagan destroyed....something the Japs and Germans couldn't do....

We would have never had to speak japoneeez cuz its just too hard. It would be easier to learn sign language.

Anyone that thinks our armed forces have done anything in the last twenty years to preserve our freedom of speach is a damned liar. If anything the military has done everything it could to hide the reasons they have been used to prop up the military industrial complex since Korea.

I suggest Gunny has done more to promote free speach than anyone in the military in recent memory... Just sayin...
Hi Retired:

Unbelievable, someone sold her a whole bill of goods. People like EOTS and Terrel need to be arrested by FEMA and carted off like they keep claiming will happen, LOL.

Your kid's idiot father cannot even spell 911Truther ...


Brainwashed and flagwashed. Those military dopes are the ones that go completely insane when they see an upside down flag. The dumb fucks will kill someone over that.

You could at least fake a tiny amount of appreciation for us brainwashed dummfuks who provide you with the security and ability to use your Freedom of Speech.

You can be such a moron. The last president that actually did something to preserve freedom of speach was Dwight David Eisenhower when he was the comander in charge of running the Germans back into "the homeland" and squashing them like the cocroaches they are. We could be speaking our freedom in German if it were not for our boys and girls and our amazing war machine building industry in WWII. The very same one that Reagan destroyed....something the Japs and Germans couldn't do....

We would have never had to speak japoneeez cuz its just too hard. It would be easier to learn sign language.

Anyone that thinks our armed forces have done anything in the last twenty years to preserve our freedom of speach is a damned liar. If anything the military has done everything it could to hide the reasons they have been used to prop up the military industrial complex since Korea.

I suggest Gunny has done more to promote free speach than anyone in the military in recent memory... Just sayin...

Do you seriously believe we would still be free had we not had a strong military the past 20 years? Whether they" did anything" or not.
Brainwashed and flagwashed. Those military dopes are the ones that go completely insane when they see an upside down flag. The dumb fucks will kill someone over that.

You could at least fake a tiny amount of appreciation for us brainwashed dummfuks who provide you with the security and ability to use your Freedom of Speech.

You can be such a moron. The last president that actually did something to preserve freedom of speach was Dwight David Eisenhower when he was the comander in charge of running the Germans back into "the homeland" and squashing them like the cocroaches they are. We could be speaking our freedom in German if it were not for our boys and girls and our amazing war machine building industry in WWII. The very same one that Reagan destroyed....something the Japs and Germans couldn't do....

We would have never had to speak japoneeez cuz its just too hard. It would be easier to learn sign language.

Anyone that thinks our armed forces have done anything in the last twenty years to preserve our freedom of speach is a damned liar. If anything the military has done everything it could to hide the reasons they have been used to prop up the military industrial complex since Korea.

I suggest Gunny has done more to promote free speach than anyone in the military in recent memory... Just sayin...

I'm smart enough to tell the difference between Policy and the soldiers as individual people. Are you?
Brainwashed and flagwashed. Those military dopes are the ones that go completely insane when they see an upside down flag. The dumb fucks will kill someone over that.

You could at least fake a tiny amount of appreciation for us brainwashed dummfuks who provide you with the security and ability to use your Freedom of Speech.

You can be such a moron. The last president that actually did something to preserve freedom of speach was Dwight David Eisenhower when he was the comander in charge of running the Germans back into "the homeland" and squashing them like the cocroaches they are. We could be speaking our freedom in German if it were not for our boys and girls and our amazing war machine building industry in WWII. The very same one that Reagan destroyed....something the Japs and Germans couldn't do....

We would have never had to speak japoneeez cuz its just too hard. It would be easier to learn sign language.

Anyone that thinks our armed forces have done anything in the last twenty years to preserve our freedom of speach is a damned liar. If anything the military has done everything it could to hide the reasons they have been used to prop up the military industrial complex since Korea.

I suggest Gunny has done more to promote free speach than anyone in the military in recent memory... Just sayin...

I'm smart enough to tell the difference between Policy and the soldiers as individual people. Are you?

To be sure, with medias distortion and manipuation, you have correctly divided the way many people think today. Of course some think with general policy as Huggy defined over many years and while they might not define their positions as individuals, then others have the individual perspective that assumes any participation in the US military defends all things American.

With that distortion of media mentioned, it seems more a matter of an individual accurately identifying the underlying principles of the Constitution and how they serve us all and positioning it within policy or how they see their military service protecting those principles, that matters.

In my first thread here I provided the most robust definition of the "greater meaning of free speech that can be defined",

It came from the indigenous American people and is psychologically, sociologically complete or correct.
Conspiracy Theories really are fun. She's just having fun. Conspiracy Buffs get to have it both ways all the time. They never have to prove anything because they always fall back on their standard "The Evil Government covered it up" explanation. They don't have to sound credible or even sane. They can just make up anything and then say they can't prove it though because the Government covered it all up. It's all just a Win/Win for them in the end. Your daughter will figure this out at some point. Let her have fun for awhile though. She'll come around on her own eventually.
Conspiracy Theories really are fun. She's just having fun. Conspiracy Buffs get to have it both ways all the time. They never have to prove anything because they always fall back on their standard "The Evil Government covered it up" explanation. They don't have to sound credible or even sane. They can just make up anything and then say they can't prove it though because the Government covered it all up. It's all just a Win/Win for them in the end. Your daughter will figure this out at some point. Let her have fun for awhile though. She'll come around on her own eventually.

fuck are you retarded
Conspiracy Theories really are fun. She's just having fun. Conspiracy Buffs get to have it both ways all the time. They never have to prove anything because they always fall back on their standard "The Evil Government covered it up" explanation. They don't have to sound credible or even sane. They can just make up anything and then say they can't prove it though because the Government covered it all up. It's all just a Win/Win for them in the end. Your daughter will figure this out at some point. Let her have fun for awhile though. She'll come around on her own eventually.

fuck are you retarded

smoke another bowl and chill out....:cuckoo:
Conspiracy Theories really are fun. She's just having fun. Conspiracy Buffs get to have it both ways all the time. They never have to prove anything because they always fall back on their standard "The Evil Government covered it up" explanation. They don't have to sound credible or even sane. They can just make up anything and then say they can't prove it though because the Government covered it all up. It's all just a Win/Win for them in the end. Your daughter will figure this out at some point. Let her have fun for awhile though. She'll come around on her own eventually.

fuck are you retarded

smoke another bowl and chill out....:cuckoo:

smoke another ? are you on something ? is it the new meds..I am concerned you might try to hurt yourself again
You could at least fake a tiny amount of appreciation for us brainwashed dummfuks who provide you with the security and ability to use your Freedom of Speech.

You can be such a moron. The last president that actually did something to preserve freedom of speach was Dwight David Eisenhower when he was the comander in charge of running the Germans back into "the homeland" and squashing them like the cocroaches they are. We could be speaking our freedom in German if it were not for our boys and girls and our amazing war machine building industry in WWII. The very same one that Reagan destroyed....something the Japs and Germans couldn't do....

We would have never had to speak japoneeez cuz its just too hard. It would be easier to learn sign language.

Anyone that thinks our armed forces have done anything in the last twenty years to preserve our freedom of speach is a damned liar. If anything the military has done everything it could to hide the reasons they have been used to prop up the military industrial complex since Korea.

I suggest Gunny has done more to promote free speach than anyone in the military in recent memory... Just sayin...

Do you seriously believe we would still be free had we not had a strong military the past 20 years? Whether they" did anything" or not.

OK in truth it has been thirty years. Ya Ollie, from the perspective of this free american, the military has been missdirected and used mainly for political gain and cover for the theft by multinational corporations of other countries natural resources.

Blowhards like Reagan were clamouring about the horrors of communism at the same time these behemouths were crumbling under thier own weight. Did you know that?

I understand that you have been indoctrinated continually on the virtue and fashion of waving and wearing the flag. But don't get your stars and stripes thong in a bunch. I do appreciate the need for a "ready" military. I even believe there could be a need for atomic weapons. ....Not because russians or chineeeze or viet nameeez are evil... and stupid....and ....not respectable... like you have been told over and over...but because thier leaders and our leaders are pompus ignorant assholes and being stupid...they very well could have for the worst of reasons put us in a position where we would have to use them as a means of last resort.

Freedom of speach? protected mine? Oh Please. I can protect my own shit thankyou. Our biggest threat from freedom isn't any foreign is the influence peddlers that sell off and have sold off america peice by peice until there is no manufacturing base to fight a real war which has always been about who could make the most bombs, planes and food for thier soldiers. If you don't underget that then you are over your head in this thread.
You can be such a moron. The last president that actually did something to preserve freedom of speach was Dwight David Eisenhower when he was the comander in charge of running the Germans back into "the homeland" and squashing them like the cocroaches they are. We could be speaking our freedom in German if it were not for our boys and girls and our amazing war machine building industry in WWII. The very same one that Reagan destroyed....something the Japs and Germans couldn't do....

We would have never had to speak japoneeez cuz its just too hard. It would be easier to learn sign language.

Anyone that thinks our armed forces have done anything in the last twenty years to preserve our freedom of speach is a damned liar. If anything the military has done everything it could to hide the reasons they have been used to prop up the military industrial complex since Korea.

I suggest Gunny has done more to promote free speach than anyone in the military in recent memory... Just sayin...

Do you seriously believe we would still be free had we not had a strong military the past 20 years? Whether they" did anything" or not.

OK in truth it has been thirty years. Ya Ollie, from the perspective of this free american, the military has been missdirected and used mainly for political gain and cover for the theft by multinational corporations of other countries natural resources.

Blowhards like Reagan were clamouring about the horrors of communism at the same time these behemouths were crumbling under thier own weight. Did you know that?

I understand that you have been indoctrinated continually on the virtue and fashion of waving and wearing the flag. But don't get your stars and stripes thong in a bunch. I do appreciate the need for a "ready" military. I even believe there could be a need for atomic weapons. ....Not because russians or chineeeze or viet nameeez are evil... and stupid....and ....not respectable... like you have been told over and over...but because thier leaders and our leaders are pompus ignorant assholes and being stupid...they very well could have for the worst of reasons put us in a position where we would have to use them as a means of last resort.

Freedom of speach? protected mine? Oh Please. I can protect my own shit thankyou. Our biggest threat from freedom isn't any foreign is the influence peddlers that sell off and have sold off america peice by peice until there is no manufacturing base to fight a real war which has always been about who could make the most bombs, planes and food for thier soldiers. If you don't underget that then you are over your head in this thread.

So, if you can't personally protect something, you're not entitled to it?
Do you seriously believe we would still be free had we not had a strong military the past 20 years? Whether they" did anything" or not.

OK in truth it has been thirty years. Ya Ollie, from the perspective of this free american, the military has been missdirected and used mainly for political gain and cover for the theft by multinational corporations of other countries natural resources.

Blowhards like Reagan were clamouring about the horrors of communism at the same time these behemouths were crumbling under thier own weight. Did you know that?

I understand that you have been indoctrinated continually on the virtue and fashion of waving and wearing the flag. But don't get your stars and stripes thong in a bunch. I do appreciate the need for a "ready" military. I even believe there could be a need for atomic weapons. ....Not because russians or chineeeze or viet nameeez are evil... and stupid....and ....not respectable... like you have been told over and over...but because thier leaders and our leaders are pompus ignorant assholes and being stupid...they very well could have for the worst of reasons put us in a position where we would have to use them as a means of last resort.

Freedom of speach? protected mine? Oh Please. I can protect my own shit thankyou. Our biggest threat from freedom isn't any foreign is the influence peddlers that sell off and have sold off america peice by peice until there is no manufacturing base to fight a real war which has always been about who could make the most bombs, planes and food for thier soldiers. If you don't underget that then you are over your head in this thread.

So, if you can't personally protect something, you're not entitled to it?

Huh? That isn't within a mile of the point. I can't number the times I've heard these selfrighteous military blowhards tell me how they have been saving americas freedoms all over the planet. Brainwashed stooges.
Fact is that if the USA did not maintain a strong Military these past "30" years, then we would probably not be the USA today. The USSR did not collapse into or upon itself, but because it could not keep up with the spending during the cold war. A direct result of our strong military. Our military doesn't have to do anything except stay strong. By doing so they are protecting the USA.

No, I don't expect Huggy to understand the concept.
People just need to lighten up. Most Conspiracy Buffs are just having fun. It's a hobby for them. Some Conspiracy Theories have some credibility but most do not. Most of the time you're forced to just take the Conspiracy Buff's word for it. They rarely have any credible proof for their assertions. They don't have their proof because "The Evil Government covered everything up." They just have way too much confidence in our Government's competence. Our Government couldn't pull off any of these vast & complicated Conspiracy Theories.

It's like the "Alien Abductees",we're just supposed to take their word for it. They have no evidence at all but we're just supposed to believe everything anyway. If you have no credible proof for your assertions then you have been proven wrong. It can't always be that the Evil Government covered everything up. That's just not good enough. People just need to accept Conspiracy Theories for what they are most of the time. They're just something to discuss and have some fun with. The ones that take it too seriously are the ones that are a bit off. Hey just my opinion anyway.
Fact is that if the USA did not maintain a strong Military these past "30" years, then we would probably not be the USA today. The USSR did not collapse into or upon itself, but because it could not keep up with the spending during the cold war. A direct result of our strong military. Our military doesn't have to do anything except stay strong. By doing so they are protecting the USA.

No, I don't expect Huggy to understand the concept.

[Fact is that if the USA did not maintain a strong Military these past "30" years, then we would probably not be the USA today./B]

That's funny...Ollie has a concept.:lol::lol::lol:

This is the unmitigated blowviating to which I refer. Just what nation in the last thirty years has or had enough firepower to land on our shores? We in Washington do not need your help. There are millions of weapons in the hands of hundreds of thousands of excellent shots(hunters), vets. Ya...Ya... blah...blahhhhh. "A strong Military"...By that you mean spending wasted billions in STAR WARS.... You are so full of shit. You are not smart enough to know more than the military information officers allows you to.

Your self serving self engrandizing fear mongering may work on the weak sheep on the least coast but doesn't buy you anything in my neighborhood. I can see how you are afraid of the boogyman communists and such... You follow idiots.... Me not so much... I don't have to worry about my enemies... You it takes weeks to couple of seconds.

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