My expert investigation reveals the source of twoofer lunacy


Self deported
Sep 27, 2008
Yes, that's right. While casually perusing the interwebs I found the source of twoofer lunacy.
I know that exposing it here may inspire existing twoofers to more lunacy, and convert some weak minded saps as well. I do believe that the risk of that is more than compensated by the entertainment value for the reasonable and intelligent people out there. I foresee weeks, even months of entertainment for several people on this board from this site alone. Additionally, posting this valuable information may save us, I mean, can they be wrong ALL the time? The old axiom that "even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes" may not hold true here. But one just never knows do they?

the link is here;
Pakalert Press - What's REALLY going on in the world

Here is a list of todays "headlines" from this informative site;

HAARP Storms Slam Canada
‘Shaking Booms’ Snapped Trees in Half Days Before Indiana Radiation Incident
Video: NATO Special Op Forces Assault Tampa, Florida
‘Genetic experiment’ terrifies Chinese city as residents fear mysterious animal is escapee from nearby research centre
Nuclear Cover-Up: Explosions, Military Helicopters Filmed Near Blacked Out Radiation Zone
The U.S. Economy By The Numbers: 70 Facts That Barack Obama Does Not Want You To See
Russia, America Race To Retrieve Alien Spacecraft
Gates and WHO Partner to Create the Global Vaccine Action Plan
Chicago cops Taser 8-month pregnant woman for parking violation
Dangerously high radiation levels reported in Indiana
Can You Answer 25 Difficult Questions That The Mainstream Media Refuses To?
TIME Magazine pushes death agenda: Remove feeding tubes from the dying elderly (and get a cash bonus!)
Rockefeller Foundation Predicts 13,000 Dead at London 2012 Olympics
NDAA unconstitutional: Federal judge bans Obama from indefinitely detaining Americans
Carnegie Institute Calls For Spraying Aerosols To Block The Sun
All-time Popular
Bad News from NASA: Proof That Comet Elenin Is Affecting Earth – Video 162742 view(s) | posted on 20/05/2011
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8 suspicious events surrounding the Miami zombie attack 97327 view(s) | posted on 31/05/2012
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US Order To Shutdown Millions Of Christian Websites Shocks World 48347 view(s) | posted on 11/07/2011
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Recent Comments
Arthur Borges on HAARP Storms Slam Canada
Tammy on ‘Genetic experiment’ terrifies Chinese city as residents fear mysterious animal is escapee from nearby research centre
Me on Video: NATO Special Op Forces Assault Tampa, Florida
Me on ‘Shaking Booms’ Snapped Trees in Half Days Before Indiana Radiation Incident
RioSam on Video: NATO Special Op Forces Assault Tampa, Florida
Archie1954 on HAARP Storms Slam Canada
End time servant on ‘Genetic experiment’ terrifies Chinese city as residents fear mysterious animal is escapee from nearby research centre
End time servant on HAARP Storms Slam Canada
Harold Bell on ‘Shaking Booms’ Snapped Trees in Half Days Before Indiana Radiation Incident
buff24seven on Video: Obama Has Signed 923 Executive Orders In 40 Months
buff24seven on Russia, America Race To Retrieve Alien Spacecraft
buff24seven on The U.S. Economy By The Numbers: 70 Facts That Barack Obama Does Not Want You To See

Yes, eots, there are videos, and videos you will enjoy. 911nutjob, you will believe everything on this site, it is made for you. Mr. Jones, there is enough anti-semite material on here to provide you with posting material for days.

Your new director of the United States Debunking Agency,
President of the United States Debunkers Union,
Illuminati Member and Rothschild family member and planner for the New World Order
S.L.Ackjawed, P.E., Dir. USDA, USDU, NWO
I seem to recall seeing most of those stories on websites all over the interwebs to include the MSM.

For instance:
"Rockefeller Foundation Predicts 13,000 Dead at London 2012 Olympics"
In thier own publications they do say "13,000 will be killed at London Olympics" not as a PREDICTION, but as a SCENARIO:
Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development :: News :: The Rockefeller Foundation
Page 34:
The years 2010 to 2020 were dubbed the “doom decade” for good reason: the 2012 Olympic bombing, which killed 13,000, was followed closely by an earthquake in Indonesia killing 40,000, a tsunami that almost wiped out Nicaragua, and the onset of the West China Famine, caused by a once-in-a-millennium drought linked to climate change.
Now obviously The Rockefeller Foundation exists. They put this paper out that lists possible scenarios that they could "brainstorm" over.

But what a thinking man would ask himself is: "Why are they making a scenario where 13,000 die in a Terrorist Attack at the London Games?" Why not just a simple natural disaster like farm crops failing?

A slackjawed, "tinfoil hat conspiracist" will say that they predicted it, but we can see that they're just calling that a scenario.

Only when an attack doesn't happen in London this summer, can we say it was just a coincidence. I'm not saying it will happen but the Tubes were bombed right? London/Londonistan has a big Middle Eastern/North African population right?

Ok now how about YOU pick out ANY other story you listed, and I'll check it out?
I seem to recall seeing most of those stories on websites all over the interwebs to include the MSM.

For instance:
"Rockefeller Foundation Predicts 13,000 Dead at London 2012 Olympics"
In thier own publications they do say "13,000 will be killed at London Olympics" not as a PREDICTION, but as a SCENARIO:
Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development :: News :: The Rockefeller Foundation
Page 34:
The years 2010 to 2020 were dubbed the “doom decade” for good reason: the 2012 Olympic bombing, which killed 13,000, was followed closely by an earthquake in Indonesia killing 40,000, a tsunami that almost wiped out Nicaragua, and the onset of the West China Famine, caused by a once-in-a-millennium drought linked to climate change.
Now obviously The Rockefeller Foundation exists. They put this paper out that lists possible scenarios that they could "brainstorm" over.

But what a thinking man would ask himself is: "Why are they making a scenario where 13,000 die in a Terrorist Attack at the London Games?" Why not just a simple natural disaster like farm crops failing?

A slackjawed, "tinfoil hat conspiracist" will say that they predicted it, but we can see that they're just calling that a scenario.

Only when an attack doesn't happen in London this summer, can we say it was just a coincidence. I'm not saying it will happen but the Tubes were bombed right? London/Londonistan has a big Middle Eastern/North African population right?

Ok now how about YOU pick out ANY other story you listed, and I'll check it out?

Since this one is claimed to be underway right now;
Nuclear Cover-Up: Explosions, Military Helicopters Filmed Near Blacked Out Radiation Zone | Pakalert Press

maybe someone on the board lives in that area and can confirm this for us, oh wait, they are either locked down or evacuated in that area, according to the article.
Since this one is claimed to be underway right now;
Nuclear Cover-Up: Explosions, Military Helicopters Filmed Near Blacked Out Radiation Zone | Pakalert Press
maybe someone on the board lives in that area and can confirm this for us, oh wait, they are either locked down or evacuated in that area, according to the article.
You know the Japanese Gov't and Press in Japan said the Fukushima Nuclear reactor was just fine at first, but then admitted months later that it blew up in the first few days after the Earthquake/Tsunami. What makes you think the US Gov't would be any more honest about that type of situation here? Because our flag is red, white and blue? :confused:

In fact, radiation has been pouring out of Fukushima at a fantastic rate ever since that day. Have you heard about that? No, you get a steady diet of Sports and Lady Gaga.

A screen shot of the radiation count going up by the hour was saved and posted before it was scrubbed from the official site. Did you bother to look at that? Of course not because it's far easier to swig your beer and watch the pretty girl with big tits on FoxNews giggle and jiggle right?

Well guess what? If the Radiation levels are going up (And it looks as though that's the case) YOU WILL SEE MILITARY HELICOPTERS FLYING AROUND THAT AREA! And you will NOT be told why. That's NOT a conspiracy! That's OpSec! Operations Security!

And until the truth is found out (If ever), EVERY POSSIBLE SCENARIO IS POSSIBLE!
Since this one is claimed to be underway right now;
Nuclear Cover-Up: Explosions, Military Helicopters Filmed Near Blacked Out Radiation Zone | Pakalert Press
maybe someone on the board lives in that area and can confirm this for us, oh wait, they are either locked down or evacuated in that area, according to the article.
You know the Japanese Gov't and Press in Japan said the Fukushima Nuclear reactor was just fine at first, but then admitted months later that it blew up in the first few days after the Earthquake/Tsunami. What makes you think the US Gov't would be any more honest about that type of situation here? Because our flag is red, white and blue? :confused:

In fact, radiation has been pouring out of Fukushima at a fantastic rate ever since that day. Have you heard about that? No, you get a steady diet of Sports and Lady Gaga.

A screen shot of the radiation count going up by the hour was saved and posted before it was scrubbed from the official site. Did you bother to look at that? Of course not because it's far easier to swig your beer and watch the pretty girl with big tits on FoxNews giggle and jiggle right?

Well guess what? If the Radiation levels are going up (And it looks as though that's the case) YOU WILL SEE MILITARY HELICOPTERS FLYING AROUND THAT AREA! And you will NOT be told why. That's NOT a conspiracy! That's OpSec! Operations Security!

And until the truth is found out (If ever), EVERY POSSIBLE SCENARIO IS POSSIBLE!

This article is not about Japan. But I will play along, even while they said "no problem", it was all over the mainstream news, pictures and everything.
Oh, forgot, the government agencies in Canada and the USA have said that there was a malfucntion in the sensor devices in this case, and that it has happened on numerous occasions. I don't drink, can't. I am old, don't care bout jiggly girls.
Oh, forgot, the government agencies in Canada and the USA have said that there was a malfucntion in the sensor devices in this case, and that it has happened on numerous occasions. I don't drink, can't. I am old, don't care bout jiggly girls.
"Defective Equipment", just like the Gov't of Japan said! They too scrubbed and stopped the radiation detecting sites that report on the area around Fukushima.

You know we pay for the gov't to run these sites as an Early Warning so we can have time to react right? But when we think somethings happening they shut that shit down and tell us "nothings going on". Doesn't anyone else have any common sense? Am I the only one that doesn't just watch Basketball all the f*ckin time? :confused:

But hey, it worked there, so it's gotta' work here right? Just like a while back when the Stock Market took a huge dive of like 1,000 points within a minute, it's was blamed on "fat fingers" hitting the wrong buttons!

Fat Fingers! And I'm supposed to believe that shit? :lol:
Oh, forgot, the government agencies in Canada and the USA have said that there was a malfucntion in the sensor devices in this case, and that it has happened on numerous occasions. I don't drink, can't. I am old, don't care bout jiggly girls.
"Defective Equipment", just like the Gov't of Japan said! They too scrubbed and stopped the radiation detecting sites that report on the area around Fukushima.

You know we pay for the gov't to run these sites as an Early Warning so we can have time to react right? But when we think somethings happening they shut that shit down and tell us "nothings going on". Doesn't anyone else have any common sense? Am I the only one that doesn't just watch Basketball all the f*ckin time? :confused:

But hey, it worked there, so it's gotta' work here right? Just like a while back when the Stock Market took a huge dive of like 1,000 points within a minute, it's was blamed on "fat fingers" hitting the wrong buttons!

Fat Fingers! And I'm supposed to believe that shit? :lol:

lol, could be, I am not there and know nobody there. You are welcome to believe what you wish. At some point the truth will come out, unless all the people that live in that area have been transported to those fema camps.......
lol, could be, I am not there and know nobody there. You are welcome to believe what you wish. At some point the truth will come out, unless all the people that live in that area have been transported to those fema camps.......
I have friends and family in Japan and in the Fukushima area.

Interesting article came out just today about those FEMA Camps that don't exist:
Articles: New Nationwide FEMA Camps Should Raise Eyebrows
Last edited:
I seem to recall seeing most of those stories on websites all over the interwebs to include the MSM.

For instance:
"Rockefeller Foundation Predicts 13,000 Dead at London 2012 Olympics"
In thier own publications they do say "13,000 will be killed at London Olympics" not as a PREDICTION, but as a SCENARIO:
Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development :: News :: The Rockefeller Foundation
Page 34:
The years 2010 to 2020 were dubbed the “doom decade” for good reason: the 2012 Olympic bombing, which killed 13,000, was followed closely by an earthquake in Indonesia killing 40,000, a tsunami that almost wiped out Nicaragua, and the onset of the West China Famine, caused by a once-in-a-millennium drought linked to climate change.
Now obviously The Rockefeller Foundation exists. They put this paper out that lists possible scenarios that they could "brainstorm" over.

But what a thinking man would ask himself is: "Why are they making a scenario where 13,000 die in a Terrorist Attack at the London Games?" Why not just a simple natural disaster like farm crops failing?

A slackjawed, "tinfoil hat conspiracist" will say that they predicted it, but we can see that they're just calling that a scenario.

Only when an attack doesn't happen in London this summer, can we say it was just a coincidence. I'm not saying it will happen but the Tubes were bombed right? London/Londonistan has a big Middle Eastern/North African population right?

Ok now how about YOU pick out ANY other story you listed, and I'll check it out?

[ame=]7/7 London Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Terrorist Attack - YouTube[/ame]
yes, there actually is a fema "camp" in holbrook, near me in the old railroad yard. I understand that it is to be used for emergencies. Thats the official statement anyway.

I just wonder if the fact that it was discussed for so long as a conspiracy gave the govt the idea to do it.

chicken-egg syndrome.

Honestly I can see where it would be a good thing, say instead of taking hurricane refugees to the houston superdome. Although I will acknowledge that it could be used for a nefarious purpose as well.

Next time I am in Holbrook I'll take pictures if you like.
I seem to recall seeing most of those stories on websites all over the interwebs to include the MSM.

For instance:
"Rockefeller Foundation Predicts 13,000 Dead at London 2012 Olympics"
In thier own publications they do say "13,000 will be killed at London Olympics" not as a PREDICTION, but as a SCENARIO:
Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development :: News :: The Rockefeller Foundation
Page 34:
The years 2010 to 2020 were dubbed the “doom decade” for good reason: the 2012 Olympic bombing, which killed 13,000, was followed closely by an earthquake in Indonesia killing 40,000, a tsunami that almost wiped out Nicaragua, and the onset of the West China Famine, caused by a once-in-a-millennium drought linked to climate change.
Now obviously The Rockefeller Foundation exists. They put this paper out that lists possible scenarios that they could "brainstorm" over.

But what a thinking man would ask himself is: "Why are they making a scenario where 13,000 die in a Terrorist Attack at the London Games?" Why not just a simple natural disaster like farm crops failing?

A slackjawed, "tinfoil hat conspiracist" will say that they predicted it, but we can see that they're just calling that a scenario.

Only when an attack doesn't happen in London this summer, can we say it was just a coincidence. I'm not saying it will happen but the Tubes were bombed right? London/Londonistan has a big Middle Eastern/North African population right?

Ok now how about YOU pick out ANY other story you listed, and I'll check it out?

[ame=]7/7 London Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Terrorist Attack - YouTube[/ame]

yup eots, that happened. I remember it being reported. Glad you found a youtube for it though bud, you never let me down.
can you say...modus operandi.

[ame=]9/11 Coincidences pt 6-19 - Terror Drills on 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]
almost amusing eots, but not convincing to me and kind of boring to tell the truth. Needs more action, some special effects maybe. yes i cut it off early
when committing a false flag terror attack it is best to run simultaneous terror drills, that way if any of your operatives are found in a compromising position they can claim to be part of the drill and not the real terror attack
You sound as if you may have been involved in a false flag op. just kidding!

valid point though, if such a thing were to happen. Additionally, we the people would be kept ignorant about it for some time.

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