My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

Yes, he did. Where do you think all this anger comes from.

I busted my hump for that company for six years, putting in 60 hours a week sometimes. Then I had a medical issue, ran up 50K in medical bills, and after a year of trying to get me to quit on my own, they just fired me after offering me 10K to promise not to sue them. (in retrospect, I wish I had sued them.)

Now, I always land on my feet. Had a new job two weeks later and have been there for the last four years. Also started a side business where I write resumes for people.

But the one thing I learned from that experience was- there is a divide - The side Romney and my boss are on, the side the rest of us are on.

They can try to distract us by getting us upset about abortion or gays or guns or some other trivial bullshit. And some of that stuff worked on me, for a while.

I still think the GOP has an important message about fiscal responsbiility and self-reliance. But it has to rid itself of the plutocratic control.

Sure he did.

It's more like the GOP wondering how they ever had the vote of someone who hates the rich, thinks capitalism is evil, is an atheist and loathes the Founding Fathers.

Probably because I didn't think those things until my asshole Romney-loving boss illegally fired me for running up too many medical bills.
:eusa_boohoo: Sure you did.

Yes, he did. Where do you think all this anger comes from.

I busted my hump for that company for six years, putting in 60 hours a week sometimes. Then I had a medical issue, ran up 50K in medical bills, and after a year of trying to get me to quit on my own, they just fired me after offering me 10K to promise not to sue them. (in retrospect, I wish I had sued them.)

Now, I always land on my feet. Had a new job two weeks later and have been there for the last four years. Also started a side business where I write resumes for people.

But the one thing I learned from that experience was- there is a divide - The side Romney and my boss are on, the side the rest of us are on.

They can try to distract us by getting us upset about abortion or gays or guns or some other trivial bullshit. And some of that stuff worked on me, for a while.

I still think the GOP has an important message about fiscal responsbiility and self-reliance. But it has to rid itself of the plutocratic control.

Sure he did.

Probably because I didn't think those things until my asshole Romney-loving boss illegally fired me for running up too many medical bills.
I consider Obama to be socially and economically ruining this nation. I am not prepared to back off one subatomic particle.

I think some of you have misconstrued my message.

I'm not asking anyone to compromise their principles.

What I'm referring to is the tendency of the losing party to eat it's own.

The blame and finger pointing.

The "Romney was too moderate" blames the moderates.

The "It was the social issues" blames the social conservatives.

The "folks who wasted there vote on Paul and Johnson cost us the election" blames the libertarians.

The permutation are endless.

We are a coalition party...alienating any coalition member hurts the party.

The point of my thread is that we need time to reflect and present opinions on how to proceed...not tear off a leg of the stool berate it as the fault...the root cause of defeat.

It's just not that simple.

That's what I mean by distancing oneself from defeat..."It's not me, I'm right, it's THOSE guys who are to blame"

The ego almost demands that response.

We need to fight that urge, changeling it into something more productive.

Does that clarify my intent?

The fault is clear. Democrats cater to entitlements and what appears to be complete freedom. Republicans are never going to overcome that disadvantage, until the programs fall apart through debt.

Ummm, wrong again! I think you missed the point that the OP was making.
Democratic voters support a candidate that fights for the concerns of the middle-class, not the concerns of massive corporations.

Middle-class issues include (but are not limited to) education, voting rights, civil liberties, union rights, consumer rights, clean energy, environmental protection, social security and affordable health care. By definition, these are not "entitlements" because the recipients have paid for them.

If you disagree with the need for the above provisions, I suggest you try to imagine a nation without them (impoverished nations such as Mexico, Cuba, Libya and Yemen come to mind).

The Right wing issues (voter suppression, abortion rights suppression, union rights suppression, forcing religion on politics, corporate rights to send jobs overseas and destroy the environment, etc.) are what have driven away voters from their party.

So my point is that perhaps, in light of recent election results, it is time for the GOP and its constituents to re-examine their own views, reflect on the impact these positions have had on their own party, and find a sensible compromise to attract more voters.

In short, stop finger-pointing and look at the flaws/weaknesses within one's own party.

Just a thought...
Government can't "borrow the difference" forever. And I am not a proponent of huge deficit spending forever -- only until the economy recovers.

No shit, Sherlock, it was you that said earlier that the government should just spend and keep on spending like there was no tomorrow.

Bullshit, I was always arguing that spending cuts are bad only because they slow down the recovery.

You think that they are going to change their shitty spending habits if the economy recovers?

I don't know what are "they" going to do. I am only saying what should be done.

It is not going to recover the way things are going.

It is, and it has been for some time. Look at the employment numbers.
The problem, is not that their spending money to help fix things, the problem is where is the money being directed to when they are spending it ? Now is it creating more and more dependency or is it actually being spent in a way that will bring forth long term stability and hope in the many days to come ?

This is where many people differ on with their opinions in all of this, and they do know that we have a federal government that has an agenda now, and that their agenda under certain leaderships is beholding to special interest groups based upon factors that are not helpful to an overall economy, but instead cow tows to these groups based upon their specific special interest and their agenda's, and is not based upon what is good for the over all health, protections of traditions, standards and well being of this nation as a whole.

Obama has proven that he is highly subjective to special interest groups and their agenda's, in which are not particularily in step with the nation on whole, so we may see huge spending by the feds in regards to these groups and their special interest, while seeing little to no positive impact on the entire economy in regards for the nation as a whole in the coming future. Also if people see this agenda being played out right on and on under these deomocrats and some republicans, then there will be fierce resistance towards it, and that creates gridlock of mass proportions, so where are we heading now America ?

Obama knows this, and this is why he made statements like he will walk somebodies dog if he has to or wash someones car etc. just to get something done this time around. Why did he say these things ? It is because he knows that his agenda is realized by many now, and he knows why people have therefore resisted his Presidency so far all because of his agenda's, and his beholdings to these special interest groups, and in some cases their radical behaviours and radical thinkings in which they have.

So gridlock it will be and gridlock it is for the next four years, unless Barack Obama can be reprogramed to work for all Americans in this nation, and not just for those as being based upon what ?
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Jake, why am I not surprised you aren't manning up about leading the party off the cliff.

The GOP SHOULD Have won the presidency. They should have taken the senate.

But they listened to you and your sort and they didn't. Romney led them all right off the cliff.
There is NO WAY of reforming the Republican Party as long as the same old hacks continue to run it.

Look - they've already but conceded that Boehner will be Speaker even though the new members have not yet been sworn in! And, he's spouting garbage without meeting with the GOP caucas. What kind of leadership is that?

As posted in another thread, perhaps it's time for a new conservative party. Can't you see the rage from the left if the various Tea Party organizations actually got together and decided to make an effort to become a recognized political party?

One little side note - someone mentioned Gridlock. I HOPE SO!!! The less legislation coming out of Congress, the better off this nation will be!

Now, if Congress would only put a rein on administration rules and regulations!!!
Jake, why am I not surprised you aren't manning up about leading the party off the cliff.

The GOP SHOULD Have won the presidency. They should have taken the senate.

But they listened to you and your sort and they didn't. Romney led them all right off the cliff.

Consider the possibility that Romney was as much a victim of the radical fiscal and social right as the Party in general

Yes, Romney was a poor candidate from a number of standpoints, but his chances might have been better if he’d not been forced to pander to the rightist fringe during the primaries, then reverse course during the election proper.

This was a collective fail by Team GOP.
We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.

Sage advice, Mo.

I wouldn't expect it to be taken seriously here in USMB hate central, but I have no doubt serious political thinkers in the GOP quite agree with you.

You know already, I suspect, that the LADIES vote made all the difference this time around, right?

Mitt and Ryan's obvious misogynist POV and policy proposals were just enough to give Obama the win.

Republicans need to look at themselves and say "We need to stop being such assholes"

They need to act respectfully to those who disagree with them. American workers are not lazy, blacks are not just looking for handouts, President Obama is not a socialist, gays are not immoral, women are not sluts.

Romney is a good human being. But he was forced to pander to the nasty side of his party. It cost him an election

Or.......we can just await around for the "non-assholes" to fuck up.:D:D The non-assholes own it now............100% own it, which is fine for we conservatives. They have 4 years to make it bliss for all. Lets see how they do using the Japanese model.:eusa_dance:
Jake, why am I not surprised you aren't manning up about leading the party off the cliff.

The GOP SHOULD Have won the presidency. They should have taken the senate.

But they listened to you and your sort and they didn't. Romney led them all right off the cliff.

Consider the possibility that Romney was as much a victim of the radical fiscal and social right as the Party in general

Yes, Romney was a poor candidate from a number of standpoints, but his chances might have been better if he’d not been forced to pander to the rightist fringe during the primaries, then reverse course during the election proper.

This was a collective fail by Team GOP.

You see, I don't buy that.

I think Romney's failure was nearly all of his own.

The thing is, by all math, the REpublicans should have done very well this year. 8% unemployment, $4.00 gas, we threw Carter out on his ass for a lot less.

I think a sincere conservative like Mitch Daniels would have done very well.

Romney's problem, by Jake's own admission, was that he was a liar.
I'm positive the liberals will lampoon this thread mercilessly.

They would like nothing better than to witness the self destruction of the Republican party.

Simply ignore it.

They have their motivation....we recognize is no threat.

Alinsky's rules only work if you allow yourself to be cowed by them.

EDIT at 9:30...I am happy to amend this post to read "Some Liberals" as some have posted gracious comments in this thread...kudos to them.

If you want to know what the Republican Party needs to do, just figure out which Republicans or former Republicans did not vote. This really isn't that difficult. You had an election where you were running against a black president who has run up a trillion dollar per year deficit with an unemployment rate of nearly 8%. How could you lose this election???????

It was simple really; you blamed Richard Lugar for problems within the party and thought Richard Mourdock was the answer. You drove Richard Lugar from the party and embraced Richard Mourdock. You got what you deserved. Obviously, I am using this as an example of what happened to the entire party. You drove moderate Republicans away. They either voted Democrat as I did, or they just stayed home and didn't vote at all. Either way, it was the reason the Republican Party lost the White House and didn't take control of the Senate.

This does not mean that the far right should be abandoned or that social conservatives should be driven from the party just to embrace moderates. What it means is that social conservatives and tea party types need to accept others with less radical views if they want the party to grow and be relevant. Otherwise, just stay the course and think that you lost because you weren't conservative enough. Nominate more far right candidates like Richard Mourdock and keep chasing away any moderates you may have. You will never win a national election again.
The problem is that the takers exceed the makers, period.

I also wonder how the polls got it so wrong. I hate voting on computers.
I'm positive the liberals will lampoon this thread mercilessly.

They would like nothing better than to witness the self destruction of the Republican party.

Simply ignore it.

They have their motivation....we recognize is no threat.

Alinsky's rules only work if you allow yourself to be cowed by them.

EDIT at 9:30...I am happy to amend this post to read "Some Liberals" as some have posted gracious comments in this thread...kudos to them.

If you want to know what the Republican Party needs to do, just figure out which Republicans or former Republicans did not vote. This really isn't that difficult. You had an election where you were running against a black president who has run up a trillion dollar per year deficit with an unemployment rate of nearly 8%. How could you lose this election???????

It was simple really; you blamed Richard Lugar for problems within the party and thought Richard Mourdock was the answer. You drove Richard Lugar from the party and embraced Richard Mourdock. You got what you deserved. Obviously, I am using this as an example of what happened to the entire party. You drove moderate Republicans away. They either voted Democrat as I did, or they just stayed home and didn't vote at all. Either way, it was the reason the Republican Party lost the White House and didn't take control of the Senate.

This does not mean that the far right should be abandoned or that social conservatives should be driven from the party just to embrace moderates. What it means is that social conservatives and tea party types need to accept others with less radical views if they want the party to grow and be relevant. Otherwise, just stay the course and think that you lost because you weren't conservative enough. Nominate more far right candidates like Richard Mourdock and keep chasing away any moderates you may have. You will never win a national election again.

why does it matter to you about obama race?
On our country's unfunded liabilites...............


Scroll past the prophet nonsense...............

Consider the distinct possibilities

■The inevitable breakup of the European Union with the consequences of massive bank defaults in Europe triggering worldwide bank defaults as the interconnected trillions of derivatives are lit like a string of firecrackers.
■A sudden Greece like surge in interest rates on Japanese bonds results in a collapse of their debt ridden economic system, with reverberations throughout the world.
■The Middle East tinderbox explodes as Israel attacks Iran and the law of unintended consequences takes hold. Alliances and treaties would draw Turkey into war with Syria and Iran. Russia and China could side against the U.S. Iran and their vassals would unleash terrorist attacks and disruption of Middle Eastern oil would drive prices over $200 per barrel, crushing the American economy.
■A showdown on the debt ceiling and/or fiscal cliff results in a stock market crash, derailing the pitiful fledgling recovery created by Ben Bernanke’s QE to infinity measures.
■A tipping point is reached with regards to the amount of debt that can be accumulated by our Federal, State and Local governments. A cascade of defaults could lead to a loss of faith in the U.S. dollar and a surge in interest rates. The defaults and increased interest on the national debt could lead to mass depression or in a worst case scenario – hyperinflation.
■A large terrorist attack in one or more American cities would cause chaos, panic and fear, leading to more government control over our daily lives. This could trigger a counter response by those fed up with an overbearing government presence.
■A catastrophic natural disaster or series of natural disasters would reveal the fragile nature of our just in time economic system. A breakdown of our logistical and infrastructure systems would lead to chaos and mass hysteria as the citizens who believed their government leaders would keep them safe, secure, warm, and fed realized it was all a sham. Their leaders were in it for the power and riches, not looking out for the best interests of the common folk.

Perhaps the bomb goes off before 2016!!!:D:D

In any case.......I made sure to add to my personal arsenal on Friday FTW. This thing is the shit..............

About $600 with a good supply of shot.

I urge any conservative to be smart and prepare now...........if this asshole flips the court, the 2nd amendment is gone
Last edited:
I'm positive the liberals will lampoon this thread mercilessly.

They would like nothing better than to witness the self destruction of the Republican party.

Simply ignore it.

They have their motivation....we recognize is no threat.

Alinsky's rules only work if you allow yourself to be cowed by them.

EDIT at 9:30...I am happy to amend this post to read "Some Liberals" as some have posted gracious comments in this thread...kudos to them.

If you want to know what the Republican Party needs to do, just figure out which Republicans or former Republicans did not vote. This really isn't that difficult. You had an election where you were running against a black president who has run up a trillion dollar per year deficit with an unemployment rate of nearly 8%. How could you lose this election???????

It was simple really; you blamed Richard Lugar for problems within the party and thought Richard Mourdock was the answer. You drove Richard Lugar from the party and embraced Richard Mourdock. You got what you deserved. Obviously, I am using this as an example of what happened to the entire party. You drove moderate Republicans away. They either voted Democrat as I did, or they just stayed home and didn't vote at all. Either way, it was the reason the Republican Party lost the White House and didn't take control of the Senate.

This does not mean that the far right should be abandoned or that social conservatives should be driven from the party just to embrace moderates. What it means is that social conservatives and tea party types need to accept others with less radical views if they want the party to grow and be relevant. Otherwise, just stay the course and think that you lost because you weren't conservative enough. Nominate more far right candidates like Richard Mourdock and keep chasing away any moderates you may have. You will never win a national election again.


Imagine what this election would have been like if the economy were good.

The Republicans are like the guy who couldn't get laid in a whorehouse.
I'm positive the liberals will lampoon this thread mercilessly.

They would like nothing better than to witness the self destruction of the Republican party.

Simply ignore it.

They have their motivation....we recognize is no threat.

Alinsky's rules only work if you allow yourself to be cowed by them.

EDIT at 9:30...I am happy to amend this post to read "Some Liberals" as some have posted gracious comments in this thread...kudos to them.

If you want to know what the Republican Party needs to do, just figure out which Republicans or former Republicans did not vote. This really isn't that difficult. You had an election where you were running against a black president who has run up a trillion dollar per year deficit with an unemployment rate of nearly 8%. How could you lose this election???????

It was simple really; you blamed Richard Lugar for problems within the party and thought Richard Mourdock was the answer. You drove Richard Lugar from the party and embraced Richard Mourdock. You got what you deserved. Obviously, I am using this as an example of what happened to the entire party. You drove moderate Republicans away. They either voted Democrat as I did, or they just stayed home and didn't vote at all. Either way, it was the reason the Republican Party lost the White House and didn't take control of the Senate.

This does not mean that the far right should be abandoned or that social conservatives should be driven from the party just to embrace moderates. What it means is that social conservatives and tea party types need to accept others with less radical views if they want the party to grow and be relevant. Otherwise, just stay the course and think that you lost because you weren't conservative enough. Nominate more far right candidates like Richard Mourdock and keep chasing away any moderates you may have. You will never win a national election again.

why does it matter to you about obama race?

It doesn't matter to me, but it does to a substantial percentage of voters. Denying this would only make you stupid. If Obama was white, he would have won this election by more than ten million votes. The only reason it was as close as it was is that he is black.
If you want to know what the Republican Party needs to do, just figure out which Republicans or former Republicans did not vote. This really isn't that difficult. You had an election where you were running against a black president who has run up a trillion dollar per year deficit with an unemployment rate of nearly 8%. How could you lose this election???????

It was simple really; you blamed Richard Lugar for problems within the party and thought Richard Mourdock was the answer. You drove Richard Lugar from the party and embraced Richard Mourdock. You got what you deserved. Obviously, I am using this as an example of what happened to the entire party. You drove moderate Republicans away. They either voted Democrat as I did, or they just stayed home and didn't vote at all. Either way, it was the reason the Republican Party lost the White House and didn't take control of the Senate.

This does not mean that the far right should be abandoned or that social conservatives should be driven from the party just to embrace moderates. What it means is that social conservatives and tea party types need to accept others with less radical views if they want the party to grow and be relevant. Otherwise, just stay the course and think that you lost because you weren't conservative enough. Nominate more far right candidates like Richard Mourdock and keep chasing away any moderates you may have. You will never win a national election again.

why does it matter to you about obama race?

It doesn't matter to me, but it does to a substantial percentage of voters. Denying this would only make you stupid. If Obama was white, he would have won this election by more than ten million votes. The only reason it was as close as it was is that he is black.

Horse shit, it must matter you felt the need to point out the obvious.
On our country's unfunded liabilites...............


Scroll past the prophet nonsense...............

Consider the distinct possibilities

■The inevitable breakup of the European Union with the consequences of massive bank defaults in Europe triggering worldwide bank defaults as the interconnected trillions of derivatives are lit like a string of firecrackers.
■A sudden Greece like surge in interest rates on Japanese bonds results in a collapse of their debt ridden economic system, with reverberations throughout the world.
■The Middle East tinderbox explodes as Israel attacks Iran and the law of unintended consequences takes hold. Alliances and treaties would draw Turkey into war with Syria and Iran. Russia and China could side against the U.S. Iran and their vassals would unleash terrorist attacks and disruption of Middle Eastern oil would drive prices over $200 per barrel, crushing the American economy.
■A showdown on the debt ceiling and/or fiscal cliff results in a stock market crash, derailing the pitiful fledgling recovery created by Ben Bernanke’s QE to infinity measures.
■A tipping point is reached with regards to the amount of debt that can be accumulated by our Federal, State and Local governments. A cascade of defaults could lead to a loss of faith in the U.S. dollar and a surge in interest rates. The defaults and increased interest on the national debt could lead to mass depression or in a worst case scenario – hyperinflation.
■A large terrorist attack in one or more American cities would cause chaos, panic and fear, leading to more government control over our daily lives. This could trigger a counter response by those fed up with an overbearing government presence.
■A catastrophic natural disaster or series of natural disasters would reveal the fragile nature of our just in time economic system. A breakdown of our logistical and infrastructure systems would lead to chaos and mass hysteria as the citizens who believed their government leaders would keep them safe, secure, warm, and fed realized it was all a sham. Their leaders were in it for the power and riches, not looking out for the best interests of the common folk.

Perhaps the bomb goes off before 2016!!!:D:D

In any case.......I made sure to add to my personal arsenal on Friday FTW. This thing is the shit..............

Mossberg 500 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

About $600 with a good supply of shot.

I urge any conservative to be smart and prepare now...........if this asshole flips the court, the 2nd amendment is gone

Why would the 2nd amendment be gone? There are a lot of Democrats who want to keep their guns too. Democrats might need their guns if you righties go off the deep end.:lol:

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