My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

Jake, why am I not surprised you aren't manning up about leading the party off the cliff.

The GOP SHOULD Have won the presidency. They should have taken the senate.

But they listened to you and your sort and they didn't. Romney led them all right off the cliff.

Consider the possibility that Romney was as much a victim of the radical fiscal and social right as the Party in general

Yes, Romney was a poor candidate from a number of standpoints, but his chances might have been better if he’d not been forced to pander to the rightist fringe during the primaries, then reverse course during the election proper.

This was a collective fail by Team GOP.

You see, I don't buy that.

I think Romney's failure was nearly all of his own.

The thing is, by all math, the REpublicans should have done very well this year. 8% unemployment, $4.00 gas, we threw Carter out on his ass for a lot less.

I think a sincere conservative like Mitch Daniels would have done very well.

Romney's problem, by Jake's own admission, was that he was a liar.

Fair enough…

But it would be a big mistake by the GOP to not take measures to kick the radical right to the curb.
Consider the possibility that Romney was as much a victim of the radical fiscal and social right as the Party in general

Yes, Romney was a poor candidate from a number of standpoints, but his chances might have been better if he’d not been forced to pander to the rightist fringe during the primaries, then reverse course during the election proper.

This was a collective fail by Team GOP.

You see, I don't buy that.

I think Romney's failure was nearly all of his own.

The thing is, by all math, the REpublicans should have done very well this year. 8% unemployment, $4.00 gas, we threw Carter out on his ass for a lot less.

I think a sincere conservative like Mitch Daniels would have done very well.

Romney's problem, by Jake's own admission, was that he was a liar.

Fair enough…

But it would be a big mistake by the GOP to not take measures to kick the radical right to the curb.

And who are considering to be the "radical right"? The religious fundamentalists? The Tea Party? The libertarians?

I guess you'd only really want to see the neo-cons running the party, eh?
They listened to me about choosing the best candidate we had and thank heavens we did not support any that you were supposedly supporting, Fakey JoeBdoosh.

Now we can reach out to minorities and women, put away the soc con nonsense, and not pick on gays anymore.

We will get back the middle, drive back the far left like you, and America will be far better off.

Buh, JoeBdoosh, bye.

Jake, why am I not surprised you aren't manning up about leading the party off the cliff.

The GOP SHOULD Have won the presidency. They should have taken the senate.

But they listened to you and your sort and they didn't. Romney led them all right off the cliff.
The problem is that the takers exceed the makers, period.

I also wonder how the polls got it so wrong. I hate voting on computers.

The above is an example of the mindset that will continue to lose the GOP elections.

The democrats got tired of losing elections during the 70s and 80s; in 1992 they kicked the radical left to the curb and have now won four of the last six presidential elections.

Republicans have obviously never heard of Einstein’s definition of insanity.
JoeBdoosh is saying that Romney, like Obama, fabricated.

Shoot, JoeBdoosh has been lying since he got here.

So has his sock. :lol:
You see, I don't buy that.

I think Romney's failure was nearly all of his own.

The thing is, by all math, the REpublicans should have done very well this year. 8% unemployment, $4.00 gas, we threw Carter out on his ass for a lot less.

I think a sincere conservative like Mitch Daniels would have done very well.

Romney's problem, by Jake's own admission, was that he was a liar.

Fair enough…

But it would be a big mistake by the GOP to not take measures to kick the radical right to the curb.

And who are considering to be the "radical right"? The religious fundamentalists? The Tea Party? The libertarians?

I guess you'd only really want to see the neo-cons running the party, eh?

The radical right:

Legitimate rape, god’s will, Grover Norquist.

The TPM extremists who would rather be responsible for the Nation’s credit downgrade rather than raising revenue in the context of responsible governance.

Those seeking to deny same-sex couples equal protection rights and immigrants due process rights.

Reactionary libertarians who bemoan a tyrannical Federal government yet welcome the tyranny of state and local governments.

The radical right that has all but destroyed actual conservatism, a once noble and intelligent political philosophy predicated on individual liberty and limited government; an important political philosophy badly needed to countervail liberalism.

The radical right is consequently the aberration, what is indeed wrong with this great Nation.
Well, didn't Revelations say something about wars, rumors of war, and natural disasters?

Spookey, isn't it? Now we get earthquakes in New England and Tennessee.

Next will come several major winter blizzards.

Maybe even a massive shake-em-up out west with Baker, California becoming beachfront property.

:) :) :)
Nutjobs here talking about the GOP as if they know what they are talking about...insane.

Yeah, kick the Christians to the curb...see what happens to the GOP in the next election when most of their voters stay home.

There were some hardcore Protestants that stupidly didn't vote for the "Mormon," instead not voting at all which was a vote for Obamination in the end.

Now, choosing a losertarian type nominee that is anti-religious but conservative on fiscal policies will really keep the GOP voters home on election day. There's a reason why Ron Paul was really the 4th or 5th choice of the 5 people running for the GOP nominee.

If the GOP picked a Gary Johnson next time, Democraps would win even if Obamination destroyed the country with a second Great Depression.
ooooooooooooooooooooooo.....those big, bad Libertarians are...



EAT UP!!!!!!

An anti-military, pot pushing, closet homo like Gary Johnson is the anti-Christian nominee for people that didn't like Obamination's fiscal policies.

He is a liberal that doesn't like high taxes and intrustion into his life.


GOP absolutists don't understand the difference between not being controlled by the hardcore Christian Right and being "anti-religious".

So here we are.

Actually, in the upcoming GOP Civil War, you are going to lose and lose badly.

You don't get to call the shots when your guy fucked it up so bad for everyone else.

They listened to me about choosing the best candidate we had and thank heavens we did not support any that you were supposedly supporting, Fakey JoeBdoosh.

Now we can reach out to minorities and women, put away the soc con nonsense, and not pick on gays anymore.

We will get back the middle, drive back the far left like you, and America will be far better off.

Buh, JoeBdoosh, bye.

Jake, why am I not surprised you aren't manning up about leading the party off the cliff.

The GOP SHOULD Have won the presidency. They should have taken the senate.

But they listened to you and your sort and they didn't. Romney led them all right off the cliff.
Nutjobs here talking about the GOP as if they know what they are talking about...insane.

Yeah, kick the Christians to the curb...see what happens to the GOP in the next election when most of their voters stay home.

There were some hardcore Protestants that stupidly didn't vote for the "Mormon," instead not voting at all which was a vote for Obamination in the end.


We aren't talking about kicking the "Christians" to the Curb, just the whackadoos who think that we need to guide our lives by a 3000 year old book of superstition they haven't read.

Incidently, I expected Romney's Mormonism to be a bigger deal, but the media didn't talk about it, Obama didn't talk about it, and even the Comedians left it alone for the most part.
Nutjobs here talking about the GOP as if they know what they are talking about...insane.

Yeah, kick the Christians to the curb...see what happens to the GOP in the next election when most of their voters stay home.

There were some hardcore Protestants that stupidly didn't vote for the "Mormon," instead not voting at all which was a vote for Obamination in the end.


We aren't talking about kicking the "Christians" to the Curb, just the whackadoos who think that we need to guide our lives by a 3000 year old book of superstition they haven't read.

Incidently, I expected Romney's Mormonism to be a bigger deal, but the media didn't talk about it, Obama didn't talk about it, and even the Comedians left it alone for the most part.
[ame=]Chris Rock "White People Have Gotten Less Crazy" - YouTube[/ame]
Actually, JoeBdoosh, you have no clue.

We the People want no far left or far right in America. The dems can't keep your drivel out but watch as we drive the far right weirdos out just as we drove you out..


Actually, in the upcoming GOP Civil War, you are going to lose and lose badly. You don't get to call the shots when your guy fucked it up so bad for everyone else.
They listened to me about choosing the best candidate we had and thank heavens we did not support any that you were supposedly supporting, Fakey JoeBdoosh.

Now we can reach out to minorities and women, put away the soc con nonsense, and not pick on gays anymore.

We will get back the middle, drive back the far left like you, and America will be far better off.

Buh, JoeBdoosh, bye.

Jake, why am I not surprised you aren't manning up about leading the party off the cliff.

The GOP SHOULD Have won the presidency. They should have taken the senate.

But they listened to you and your sort and they didn't. Romney led them all right off the cliff.
Nutjobs here talking about the GOP as if they know what they are talking about...insane.

Yeah, kick the Christians to the curb...see what happens to the GOP in the next election when most of their voters stay home.

There were some hardcore Protestants that stupidly didn't vote for the "Mormon," instead not voting at all which was a vote for Obamination in the end.

Now, choosing a losertarian type nominee that is anti-religious but conservative on fiscal policies will really keep the GOP voters home on election day. There's a reason why Ron Paul was really the 4th or 5th choice of the 5 people running for the GOP nominee.

If the GOP picked a Gary Johnson next time, Democraps would win even if Obamination destroyed the country with a second Great Depression.

It’s hard to hear the truth, it’s difficult to hear criticism.

And republicans seem oblivious to the warning signs.
On our country's unfunded liabilites...............


Scroll past the prophet nonsense...............

Consider the distinct possibilities

■The inevitable breakup of the European Union with the consequences of massive bank defaults in Europe triggering worldwide bank defaults as the interconnected trillions of derivatives are lit like a string of firecrackers.
■A sudden Greece like surge in interest rates on Japanese bonds results in a collapse of their debt ridden economic system, with reverberations throughout the world.
■The Middle East tinderbox explodes as Israel attacks Iran and the law of unintended consequences takes hold. Alliances and treaties would draw Turkey into war with Syria and Iran. Russia and China could side against the U.S. Iran and their vassals would unleash terrorist attacks and disruption of Middle Eastern oil would drive prices over $200 per barrel, crushing the American economy.
■A showdown on the debt ceiling and/or fiscal cliff results in a stock market crash, derailing the pitiful fledgling recovery created by Ben Bernanke’s QE to infinity measures.
■A tipping point is reached with regards to the amount of debt that can be accumulated by our Federal, State and Local governments. A cascade of defaults could lead to a loss of faith in the U.S. dollar and a surge in interest rates. The defaults and increased interest on the national debt could lead to mass depression or in a worst case scenario – hyperinflation.
■A large terrorist attack in one or more American cities would cause chaos, panic and fear, leading to more government control over our daily lives. This could trigger a counter response by those fed up with an overbearing government presence.
■A catastrophic natural disaster or series of natural disasters would reveal the fragile nature of our just in time economic system. A breakdown of our logistical and infrastructure systems would lead to chaos and mass hysteria as the citizens who believed their government leaders would keep them safe, secure, warm, and fed realized it was all a sham. Their leaders were in it for the power and riches, not looking out for the best interests of the common folk.

Perhaps the bomb goes off before 2016!!!:D:D

In any case.......I made sure to add to my personal arsenal on Friday FTW. This thing is the shit..............

Mossberg 500 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

About $600 with a good supply of shot.

I urge any conservative to be smart and prepare now...........if this asshole flips the court, the 2nd amendment is gone
The reason for all this is simple, we became dependent on others nations for our silver and gold lined pockets afterwards in a trade off, and in this becoming connected and then dependent upon, we have to now as a nation speak in these terms or ways in which you speak.

We should be independent as we claim to be, and not dependent on this being connected to this entire world in trade there of without strict demands protecting our soveriegnty and currency always in the deals, especially to nations that are totally out of sink with us and our beliefs as Americans, so it is evil (imho) to be connected and worried in these ways now. Our nation has vast resources available within it still, and it shouldnot be connected to the world in the ways that we speak of now, so how do we fix this or can it even be be fixed now ? First we must go back and define who we are as a nation, and then begin to capitalize on our beliefs and resources once again, as so to show the world that we are not this dependent nation that has become weak and a complete push over now in the world.

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