My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

Uh, no, guy. The only reason why you got reasonably close was that for a week, the Evangelicals convinced themselves that Mormons weren't cultists.

If the GOP yelled, "Abortion for everyone! Let them Gays Get married! And we're coming for your guns, Cleetus. Oh, by the way, we are still going to raise your taxes so Mitt can have another Dressage Pony!"

Nope, no way you'd ever win an election again.

Actually, yes . . . we can build a winning coalition without any problem.

Glad to see yourself outing as a dem. Good for you to be honest with yourself and with the rest of us.

Called you out correctly during the primaries . . . a concerned troll.

You are going to have to leave other people in other people's bedrooms and stay out of them, weirdo.

Same-sex marriage, partner and spousal benefits, etc. . . . that's over for you.

Support Roe v Wade with exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother.

Immigration reform.

Yup, you, not the rest of the party, has to change.


Oooho, Fakey, you really think that you can build a winning coalition with just the "Mr. Potter" Republicans.

The GOP can't survive without these social conservatives voting against their own economic interests... you drive them out, no GOP.

Which is your case is probably the goal, anyway. Too bad you can't admit it.
You silly lefties don't get it. We got rid of them in the later 1920s, we got rid of them in the later 60s, and we will get rid of them now.

Your moderates will respond favorably over the next two cycles.

I love that you sound as ridiculous as our far right does. The public wants neither then nor you.

The public wants right of center without hysteria, and from now on they will get it.
There have always been social conservatives and bible Thumpers..republicans used to be able to ignore them


They made the choice, they have to live with it.


Not necessarily.

If we were having this conversation in 1960, there wouldn't be a conversation. In 1960, of course abortion was wrong, of course homosexuality was a mental disorder. No one would be talking about these things, Democrat or Republican. And of course, Jesus was Lord.

In the 1970's, the Democrats embraced the counter culture, and you had Roe v. Wade legalize abortion when most people still wanted it to be illegal. Nixon and Reagan were able to ride resentment of the counter-culture to victory- pretty impressive ones at that.

What I think happened was, we simply got used to it. No one really likes abortion, but most sane people realize you probably can't outlaw them. And gay men might make straight men cringe, but pretending they don't exist doesn't work. But there is a faction that keeps voting on these issues, but it is getting smaller and smaller every year.

The thing is, if the GOP's interpretation of "small government" actually embraces "keeping it out of your bedroom", what do they have left to run on? That the rich don't have enough dressage ponies?

I think the GOP does need to move away from these issues because they are losers in the long run, but they also have to get right with the bread and butter economic issues. No, we aren't going to ban abortion, but we are going to make sure that you are getting fair pay and good medical benefits, so when your wife gets pregnant, abortion doesn't look like a good alternative.
You silly lefties don't get it. We got rid of them in the later 1920s, we got rid of them in the later 60s, and we will get rid of them now.

Your moderates will respond favorably over the next two cycles.

I love that you sound as ridiculous as our far right does. The public wants neither then nor you.

The public wants right of center without hysteria, and from now on they will get it.

Actually, it's far more likely the GOP will nominate a working class social conservative than a liberal plutocrat who is open about it.

So I wouldn't be putting in that call to Jon Huntsman just yet....
The election is over. The "people" have spoken. The House of Representatives has kept its "conservative" fiscal majority. The Senate and the Presidency have kept the people that want to tax and spend.

Time for compromise.

The wealthy members in the gov't (Senate, Administration, and House of Representatives should have their pay cut in half. Those members that make under $250,000 can keep their full salary. In addition, the salaries of these members of gov't should have their "spending accounts" (travel, misc, postage, etc, all other monies) cut 5% for every trillion that is on the national debt (do more with less like the rest of us). They want to re-distribute, let us start with them.

The taxes can increase, for everyone (everyone pays, its only "fair"). Pick a number (say 2%) and match that number to cut all gov't funded checks (the 2%), with the exception of Social Security (these people, for the most part actually paid into the system), which should be cut by a tenth of whatever the percentage of taxes raised is chosen (so it would be .2%). If the gov't can't control its spending, we can do this again, next year.

The debt ceiling should not be raised, the people have spoken, they have kept the financially conservative House of Representatives. Now lets get down to the ugly business of reducing the debt.
Small raise on the 250K and above crowd, extensions of the Bush tax cuts on everybody else, defense cuts, and social entitlement reform, for starters.

Next tie the above to sequestration. Make in one omnibus bill: everybody loses something, but everybody wins in the overall picture.
JoeB, the lefty, wanting to the call the shots for the GOP. Ludicrous. :lol:

Like I said, guy, the GOP is going to be wondering how it lost me, and trying its best to get me back.

I have read where you have said this before.

I don't think the GOP wants people like you and I in the party Joe. My thought is that we don't fit in to one of two catagories; we are not ultra rich and able to contribute millions to campaign efforts and 2. we are not dumb as a box of rocks and wlling to accept whatever swill the rich party members throw out the back door.

Multiple houses, money in the bank, good income. Hate scammers of all sorts. Hate waste, fraud and abuse. That's me.

Nah, why would the rethugs want people like me and you in their party? Answer; they don't.
JoeB, the lefty, wanting to the call the shots for the GOP. Ludicrous. :lol:

Like I said, guy, the GOP is going to be wondering how it lost me, and trying its best to get me back.

I have read where you have said this before.

I don't think the GOP wants people like you and I in the party Joe. My thought is that we don't fit in to one of two catagories; we are not ultra rich and able to contribute millions to campaign efforts and 2. we are not dumb as a box of rocks and wlling to accept whatever swill the rich party members throw out the back door.

Multiple houses, money in the bank, good income. Hate scammers of all sorts. Hate waste, fraud and abuse. That's me.

Nah, why would the rethugs want people like me and you in their party? Answer; they don't.

No "gov't party" wants you. You are the slave element that is to be taxes and not represented. If you disagree with something in the gov't, the gov't will show you, how the "mob" should be represented over you, the productive. You should work your fingers to the bone and give it to "undocumented workers" and those that are unwilling to work (oh, BTW, there are a "few" people in that batch that "actually" need help, so the gov't can justify the whip on your back).

Sorry, that is how it is. I am in the same boat. Now, do we go with the party that supports corruption, gov't financed murder of innocents (even though it is legal), and euthanasia? Or do we support a party that encourages wealth production and opportunity for all (yes the top tier will have more money than the rest of us, but at least we will not be "poor"), otherwise known as "property rights" and liberty?

Do we really want a system that promotes mediocracy and lowers standards to encourage people of darker skin colors that they are not "equal" enough to compete on the open market? That they should be promoted even when they have done nothing of merit, over those that have proven themselves (better leadership and strategic thinking)? That women are not capable of getting an education, starting a family or supporting a family, without gov't assistance? This is the democrat party, today.

Do you want a gov't that applies the law "equally" (if this person murders, the punishment is the same for a person that murders in a similar fashion, no matter what sexual preference, sex, religion, party affiliation, or color of the skin)? Do you want a gov't that offers "freedom" of choice in how you spend your own earnings [YOU KEEP WHAT YOU KILL (earn)]? Do you want a gov't that will punish countries and foreigners for brutally murdering or kidnapping Americans (making the world safer for all travelers)? Do you want a gov't that believes the USA is the best country in the world, and will preserve it, using the Constitution, and following the gov't practices that made this country the best in the world? This is the republican party, today (with continual arm twisting, from us, the beaten down workers).

The choice is corruption (evil) or integrity.

Another way to look at it: if my daughter/sister/mother was going to "marry", which canidate would I want her to choose (a provider, or a mobster)?
JoeB, the lefty, wanting to the call the shots for the GOP. Ludicrous. :lol:

Like I said, guy, the GOP is going to be wondering how it lost me, and trying its best to get me back.

It's more like the GOP wondering how they ever had the vote of someone who hates the rich, thinks capitalism is evil, is an atheist and loathes the Founding Fathers.
NOt sure who you are...

Up until the election, I got nothing but mail and phone calls trying to get me to support Walsh when I was actually out working for Duckworth...

Romney even sent me a fundraising letter. I filled the Pre-paid envelope with heavy tiles and sent it back to him so his campaign got stuck with the maximum mailing weight.

We are glad you are gone, JoeB, and we are not doubting about the wisdom of kicking you out. Don't need losahs like youah.

JoeB, the lefty, wanting to the call the shots for the GOP. Ludicrous. :lol:

Like I said, guy, the GOP is going to be wondering how it lost me, and trying its best to get me back.
JoeB, the lefty, wanting to the call the shots for the GOP. Ludicrous. :lol:

Like I said, guy, the GOP is going to be wondering how it lost me, and trying its best to get me back.

It's more like the GOP wondering how they ever had the vote of someone who hates the rich, thinks capitalism is evil, is an atheist and loathes the Founding Fathers.

Probably because I didn't think those things until my asshole Romney-loving boss illegally fired me for running up too many medical bills.
Romney sent everybody a fundraising letter, s0n.

Good riddance, JoeBdoosh: have fun on the left.
Sure he did.

Like I said, guy, the GOP is going to be wondering how it lost me, and trying its best to get me back.

It's more like the GOP wondering how they ever had the vote of someone who hates the rich, thinks capitalism is evil, is an atheist and loathes the Founding Fathers.

Probably because I didn't think those things until my asshole Romney-loving boss illegally fired me for running up too many medical bills.
JoeB, the lefty, wanting to the call the shots for the GOP. Ludicrous. :lol:

Like I said, guy, the GOP is going to be wondering how it lost me, and trying its best to get me back.

I have read where you have said this before.

I don't think the GOP wants people like you and I in the party Joe. My thought is that we don't fit in to one of two catagories; we are not ultra rich and able to contribute millions to campaign efforts and 2. we are not dumb as a box of rocks and wlling to accept whatever swill the rich party members throw out the back door.

Multiple houses, money in the bank, good income. Hate scammers of all sorts. Hate waste, fraud and abuse. That's me.

Nah, why would the rethugs want people like me and you in their party? Answer; they don't.

And that's the thing. The Republican Party I joined was the one that was into strong defense, fiscal responsbility, and traditional values.

the GOP of today is into Wars to make douchebags rich, tax cuts to make douchebags richer while the country runs up huge debts, and pandering to the religous crazies in the hope they don't notice.

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