My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

Then your clueless
Not really, you're just abusing a perfectly good word in order to twist it into your own worldview.

Russia progressed form serfdom to communism was that a good thing?
If you consider that progress, more power to ya. Just because something changes over a period of time doesn't mean the change is progress.

Here's another flaw in your perspective. Just because you view something as progress when it starts out doesn't mean that everything associated with it from that point is progress.

As I said progress is not always a good thing.

As I said, that has to be the dumbest thing I've read today. Well, the 2nd dumbest thing, right behind trying to justify the remark.

Question if a train moves forward it's progressing but what if the tracks aren't finished yet? Is that progress a good thing or bad thing?

You're confused. Progress is moving forward to a desirable goal. If the tracks are broken, the train is obviously no longer making progress. Faulty planning and execution = not progress.

Dude get a taste of reality progress is not a good thing when progress fundamentally will change change America. As obama promised backed in 2008
So.... instead, you want political leaders to be your master?
At least with corporations, there is a variety. You can choose which one you work for, or since "they didn't build that", you can start your own (if you paint it green, you can even get the tax payer to give you a fortune, so you can declare bankruptcy after collecting the last gov't check).

The gov't only offers 1 master and few choices when it comes to slavery.
Compare store shelves in the USA to any other country. The variety and quantity (and quality) offered has no comparison. That is because soooooo many corporations/small businesses have the freedom to offer products and the consumer chooses those that stay in business (not the gov't).
No, what I mean by slavery (modern day), is that we will be soon producing at the same levels in pay and benefits if they have their way (cheap labor), because they are unionized at the top levels in corporate thinking across the boards, and then they have government in their pockets in which helps them mash us down to the levels in which they want us at in the end. I mean this has become the problem right now in which Americans see, and are fighting about in America. The corporations have over produced in the world, and laughingly everyone is to broke in the end to seriously buy the products in which they had over produced. It has went on for years in this way, until it finally has all come to a head because the proper balancing got so far out of whack.

Yes there is a variety in corporations out there, and yes we have a choice to work for this one or that one still, but if they are getting together and looking at us as cheap labor to exploit or use up in the global economy and/or for the global economy to thrive for them, then we are caught in a corporate run socialistic/communistic stype of operations as laborers being run. They are elliminating small businesses by the thousands, so running to that safe haven is fading fast also for the American worker, and have you checked lately on how much it cost to start your own business ? Then you have the local government boards who place all kinds of regulations and red tape in the way, because they are protecting the monopolies/corporations from future competition, so they deny permits and regulate the small businessman out of business before he can even get started, and if he does get started, then he doesn't last long at all. Greed and corporate greed has created many problems in America, and especially out in the world, but our government and corporate propaghanda machines have worked overtime to keep us at bay, in the dark and confused in the whole ordeal so far.

Then let's work on equality of rules and regulations, instead of allowing the "gov't" to choose which companies "are too big to fail", or which ones get tax dollars.
Instead of allowing the government you say ? We lost that right further in America during this election, and yet sadly it probably mattered not which way this election would have went. The long black train is moving faster and faster now, and it is taking on passengers as it rolls and goes straight down into Hell.
That has to be about the dumbest thing I've read today.

Progress, by definition, is good. Where you're getting lost in your assertion is that different people have different ideas of what progress truly is.
Ok, so different people have different ideas of what progress is, but where it has all gone wrong for this nation, is when voter suppresion is found in everything we see anymore, and not just during these big elections do we see it anymore, but we see it big time now with the minority over riding the majority on a daily basis as found on the many issues, and this they are able to do because they won't allow a vote to take place upon many of the issues, thus using lawyers and judges to get the job done by bullying what they want until they get their way against us (the good moral majority). Now we have a shadow immoral minority that controls the good moral majority with their learned shadowy ways, so welcome to any place on earth you want to call this place anymore, except that of America, because America no longer exist for the good moral majority as of 2008.

I don't give a damn about your argument. I was talking about the bastardization of a perfectly fine word, if that wasn't quite obvious by my previous two posts.

I usually call people on what they did but somehow I let you slide
Here's is what I originally said

Why change the fundamentals of a good thing? Progress isn't always the best thing.

You deliberately left out the
"Why change the fundamentals of a good thing?" part of my reply which when you keep that in context to the last part of my reply it makes perfect sense and it show that you are actually doing the bastardization of a word.
Faulty planning and execution = not progress.

You perfectly descibed our government with this piece, because instead of moving foward on a steady diet and balance of power, they are constantly trying to get the train back on the tracks in which they derail on a daily basis now... Good for you..
Then your clueless
Not really, you're just abusing a perfectly good word in order to twist it into your own worldview.

If you consider that progress, more power to ya. Just because something changes over a period of time doesn't mean the change is progress.

Here's another flaw in your perspective. Just because you view something as progress when it starts out doesn't mean that everything associated with it from that point is progress.

As I said, that has to be the dumbest thing I've read today. Well, the 2nd dumbest thing, right behind trying to justify the remark.

Question if a train moves forward it's progressing but what if the tracks aren't finished yet? Is that progress a good thing or bad thing?

You're confused. Progress is moving forward to a desirable goal. If the tracks are broken, the train is obviously no longer making progress. Faulty planning and execution = not progress.

Dude get a taste of reality progress is not a good thing when progress fundamentally will change change America. As obama promised backed in 2008

This is a prime illustration of why trying to have any kind of a serious discussion is a wasted effort on the 'net. People just ignore things they don't want to hear and press on in their ignorance.
Faulty planning and execution = not progress.

You perfectly descibed our government with this piece, because instead of moving foward on a steady diet and balance of power, they are constantly trying to get the train back on the tracks in which they derail on a daily basis now... Good for you..

No shit, Sherlock. But I'm not the one calling it progress am I?
Not really, you're just abusing a perfectly good word in order to twist it into your own worldview.

If you consider that progress, more power to ya. Just because something changes over a period of time doesn't mean the change is progress.

Here's another flaw in your perspective. Just because you view something as progress when it starts out doesn't mean that everything associated with it from that point is progress.

As I said, that has to be the dumbest thing I've read today. Well, the 2nd dumbest thing, right behind trying to justify the remark.

You're confused. Progress is moving forward to a desirable goal. If the tracks are broken, the train is obviously no longer making progress. Faulty planning and execution = not progress.

Dude get a taste of reality progress is not a good thing when progress fundamentally will change change America. As obama promised backed in 2008

This is a prime illustration of why trying to have any kind of a serious discussion is a wasted effort on the 'net. People just ignore things they don't want to hear and press on in their ignorance.

Like you ignored the first part of my reply? Would that be the ignorance you are referring too?
Dude get a taste of reality progress is not a good thing when progress fundamentally will change change America. As obama promised backed in 2008

This is a prime illustration of why trying to have any kind of a serious discussion is a wasted effort on the 'net. People just ignore things they don't want to hear and press on in their ignorance.

Like you ignored the first part of my reply? Would that be the ignorance you are referring too?

No dumbass, because the statement preceding the one you used to bastardize the word progress had no effect on your twisted perception that progress can be bad.

What is and is not progress is subjective, but progress itself is inherently good. Take the abolition of slavery. To the north, that was progress. To the south, that was incomprehensible. They sure as hell didn't view it as progress.

It all comes down to values.
This is a prime illustration of why trying to have any kind of a serious discussion is a wasted effort on the 'net. People just ignore things they don't want to hear and press on in their ignorance.

Like you ignored the first part of my reply? Would that be the ignorance you are referring too?

No dumbass, because the statement preceding the one you used to bastardize the word progress had no effect on your twisted perception that progress can be bad.

What is and is not progress is subjective, but progress itself is inherently good. Take the abolition of slavery. To the north, that was progress. To the south, that was incomprehensible. They sure as hell didn't view it as progress.

It all comes down to values.

You keep all the comment I made in that post it makes perfect sense but you wanted to ignore the first part and bitch about bastardization of a word.
Progress is never good when you try to fundamentally change a good thing.
Now do your bastardization on what I just posted.
Like you ignored the first part of my reply? Would that be the ignorance you are referring too?

No dumbass, because the statement preceding the one you used to bastardize the word progress had no effect on your twisted perception that progress can be bad.

What is and is not progress is subjective, but progress itself is inherently good. Take the abolition of slavery. To the north, that was progress. To the south, that was incomprehensible. They sure as hell didn't view it as progress.

It all comes down to values.

You keep all the comment I made in that post it makes perfect sense but you wanted to ignore the first part and bitch about bastardization of a word.
Progress is never good when you try to fundamentally change a good thing.
Now do your bastardization on what I just posted.


Now, I'm done here.
No dumbass, because the statement preceding the one you used to bastardize the word progress had no effect on your twisted perception that progress can be bad.

What is and is not progress is subjective, but progress itself is inherently good. Take the abolition of slavery. To the north, that was progress. To the south, that was incomprehensible. They sure as hell didn't view it as progress.

It all comes down to values.

You keep all the comment I made in that post it makes perfect sense but you wanted to ignore the first part and bitch about bastardization of a word.
Progress is never good when you try to fundamentally change a good thing.
Now do your bastardization on what I just posted.


Now, I'm done here.

That's what I thought short bus with no driver.
Faulty planning and execution = not progress.

You perfectly descibed our government with this piece, because instead of moving foward on a steady diet and balance of power, they are constantly trying to get the train back on the tracks in which they derail on a daily basis now... Good for you..

No shit, Sherlock. But I'm not the one calling it progress am I?
You complain about what you don't want to hear coming out of someones mouth, and you resort to attacks in your speak if someone is speaking something you don't want to hear or in ways that you don't want to hear them, and now do you know what this says about you? It says that you are an egotistical one sided/closed minded person, whom feels that you must convince everyone else of their wrong in their life, and that you are never wrong in which is why you act out like you do when found in a civil conversation, and yet saying the things that you do in that conversation like you are saying, especially if challenges your self created egotistical intelect in which you have. Just sayin...
You perfectly descibed our government with this piece, because instead of moving foward on a steady diet and balance of power, they are constantly trying to get the train back on the tracks in which they derail on a daily basis now... Good for you..

No shit, Sherlock. But I'm not the one calling it progress am I?
You complain about what you don't want to hear coming out of someones mouth, and you resort to attacks in your speak if someone is speaking something you don't want to hear or in ways that you don't want to hear them, and now do you know what this says about you? It says that you are an egotistical one sided/closed minded person, whom feels that you must convince everyone else of their wrong in their life, and that you are never wrong in which is why you act out like you do when found in a civil conversation, and yet saying the things that you do in that conversation like you are saying, especially if challenges your self created egotistical intelect in which you have. Just sayin...

Yeah, and?

I'm sorry... were you trying to pass along something that you didn't feel was already glaringly obvious?

Thanks, I guess.
The America that House and bigrebnc and bripat and the rest will destroy America.

That won't happen, because they either support the new GOP as it will become, or they will be excluded.
The America that House and bigrebnc and bripat and the rest will destroy America.

That won't happen, because they either support the new GOP as it will become, or they will be excluded.

jokey House is not the Dr. House
Your dream to fundamentally change America will not work.
The America that House and bigrebnc and bripat and the rest will destroy America.

That won't happen, because they either support the new GOP as it will become, or they will be excluded.

jokey House is not the Dr. House
Your dream to fundamentally change America will not work.

I dunno. It might. Corporatist fascism is the trend worldwide. It all depends on whether voters wake up or not. I can't say I'm betting on enlightenment.
America has changed, you wads in the far right, libertarian, soc con, and neo-con wings.

We had 8% unemployment and a one-debate headstart and we lost, because of you. End of story.

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