My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

America has changed, you wads in the far right, libertarian, soc con, and neo-con wings.

We had 8% unemployment and a one-debate headstart and we lost, because of you. End of story.

More whiny BS. The game was fixed nothing could have changed the outcome it is obvious. If you want to become one of them then shut the f... up and do it. I rather lose then be a democrat or compromise morality to win an election.
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America has changed, you wads in the far right, libertarian, soc con, and neo-con wings.

We had 8% unemployment and a one-debate headstart and we lost, because of you. End of story.

Republicans like you we want to work with. Get rid of the limbaugh tea party racist.
America has changed, you wads in the far right, libertarian, soc con, and neo-con wings.

We had 8% unemployment and a one-debate headstart and we lost, because of you. End of story.

More whiny BS. The game was fixed nothing could have changed the outcome it is obvious. If you want to become one of them then shut the f... up and do it. I rather lose then be a democrat or compromise morality to win an election.

This poster is right. Start your own kkk party and leave all the sane people alone
Get the haters on the far right out of the party.

We should have won, and the worms cost us the election.

We are the great majority, we will not change, and if the wack minority won't, they are gone.
That makes no sense, logical4u.

We are in the 21st century not the 18th.

You and "sense" don't exactly go together.

"Work" will always be required for man's survival. It seems the issue today is: if the individual gets to choose who they work for:
the gov't, a corporation, or themselves
the gov't (rules and regulations added making products, services and systems inefficient and slow)

It "appears" that those on the left (that would be "you", even though you throw out some moderate view, occassionally) want to remove "free choice" from individuals, and replace it with gov't "chains" and shackles.

Now if that is not easy enough for you to understand, here is a question for you: how have "people" changed in 3 hundred years to justify eliminating a system that has proven itself and replacing it with systems that have been proven to fail.
Do people have more integrity than they did in the last 3 hundred years?
Are there still people that would rather drink (or do drugs) than work?
Do people still need energy (manpower, hydro, electric, or petro) to accomplish work?

Come on, brain child, explain why we should desert a system that built this country into the most productive, the most generous country in the world, for a system that ruins cultures and countries, EVERYWHERE, it is implemented.

No answer, yet?
Get the haters on the far right out of the party.

We should have won, and the worms cost us the election.

We are the great majority, we will not change, and if the wack minority won't, they are gone.

The left wanted Romney because they wanted a mirror image of obama in place if Romney had won.
You sound like you have a lot of hate so are you leaving the Republican party?
That makes no sense, logical4u.

We are in the 21st century not the 18th.

You and "sense" don't exactly go together.

"Work" will always be required for man's survival. It seems the issue today is: if the individual gets to choose who they work for:
the gov't, a corporation, or themselves
the gov't (rules and regulations added making products, services and systems inefficient and slow)

It "appears" that those on the left (that would be "you", even though you throw out some moderate view, occassionally) want to remove "free choice" from individuals, and replace it with gov't "chains" and shackles.

Now if that is not easy enough for you to understand, here is a question for you: how have "people" changed in 3 hundred years to justify eliminating a system that has proven itself and replacing it with systems that have been proven to fail.
Do people have more integrity than they did in the last 3 hundred years?
Are there still people that would rather drink (or do drugs) than work?
Do people still need energy (manpower, hydro, electric, or petro) to accomplish work?

Come on, brain child, explain why we should desert a system that built this country into the most productive, the most generous country in the world, for a system that ruins cultures and countries, EVERYWHERE, it is implemented.

No answer, yet?

And don't expect one. but reminding others about how the fake republican is would be almost as good as getting an answer from him.
The America that House and bigrebnc and bripat and the rest will destroy America.

That won't happen, because they either support the new GOP as it will become, or they will be excluded.

jokey House is not the Dr. House
Your dream to fundamentally change America will not work.

Dr House ran away when Obama was reelected
That makes no sense, logical4u.

We are in the 21st century not the 18th.

You and "sense" don't exactly go together.

"Work" will always be required for man's survival. It seems the issue today is: if the individual gets to choose who they work for:
the gov't, a corporation, or themselves
the gov't (rules and regulations added making products, services and systems inefficient and slow)

It "appears" that those on the left (that would be "you", even though you throw out some moderate view, occassionally) want to remove "free choice" from individuals, and replace it with gov't "chains" and shackles.

Now if that is not easy enough for you to understand, here is a question for you: how have "people" changed in 3 hundred years to justify eliminating a system that has proven itself and replacing it with systems that have been proven to fail.
Do people have more integrity than they did in the last 3 hundred years?
Are there still people that would rather drink (or do drugs) than work?
Do people still need energy (manpower, hydro, electric, or petro) to accomplish work?

Come on, brain child, explain why we should desert a system that built this country into the most productive, the most generous country in the world, for a system that ruins cultures and countries, EVERYWHERE, it is implemented.

No answer, yet?

There’s no response, nor should there be, because the entire premise is idiocy.

For example, no one on the ‘left’ is seeking to remove "free choice" and replace it with government “chains and shackles.” No one on the ‘left’ is advocating that the things which have made America successful be replaced.
... no one on the ‘left’ is seeking to remove "free choice" and replace it with government “chains and shackles."

Sure they are. (So are people "on the right", but that's another story). They want to limit our freedom and increase the power and scope of government. They wouldn't refer to it as "chains and shackles" - they see it as a good thing; a reasonable tradeoff for a presumed increase in security.

But many of us don't see it that way. And since most of these reform plans don't tolerate dissent, it starts to look very much like the kind of authoritarian oppression you're denying.
... no one on the ‘left’ is seeking to remove "free choice" and replace it with government “chains and shackles."

Sure they are. (So are people "on the right", but that's another story). They want to limit our freedom and increase the power and scope of government. They wouldn't refer to it as "chains and shackles" - they see it as a good thing; a reasonable tradeoff for a presumed increase in security.

But many of us don't see it that way. And since most of these reform plans don't tolerate dissent, it starts to look very much like the kind of authoritarian oppression you're denying.

What do you mean "don't tolerate dissent"?
They want to limit our freedom and increase the power and scope of government. They wouldn't refer to it as "chains and shackles" - they see it as a good thing; a reasonable tradeoff for a presumed increase in security.

I thought Dubya was a Republican?
... no one on the ‘left’ is seeking to remove "free choice" and replace it with government “chains and shackles."

Sure they are. (So are people "on the right", but that's another story). They want to limit our freedom and increase the power and scope of government. They wouldn't refer to it as "chains and shackles" - they see it as a good thing; a reasonable tradeoff for a presumed increase in security.

But many of us don't see it that way. And since most of these reform plans don't tolerate dissent, it starts to look very much like the kind of authoritarian oppression you're denying.

What do you mean "don't tolerate dissent"?

Your precious ACA, for one. Forcing people or businesses to buy a product is the very definition of authoritarian, and any 'dissent', in the form of non-participation, is met with fines, penalties and the long arm of the IRS.

Need I go on?
Sure they are. (So are people "on the right", but that's another story). They want to limit our freedom and increase the power and scope of government. They wouldn't refer to it as "chains and shackles" - they see it as a good thing; a reasonable tradeoff for a presumed increase in security.

But many of us don't see it that way. And since most of these reform plans don't tolerate dissent, it starts to look very much like the kind of authoritarian oppression you're denying.

What do you mean "don't tolerate dissent"?

Your precious ACA, for one. Forcing people or businesses to buy a product is the very definition of authoritarian, and any 'dissent', in the form of non-participation, is met with fines, penalties and the long arm of the IRS.

Need I go on?

Some might also call that enforcing a law.
Some might also call that enforcing a law.

I don't think that was ever under debate. The legitimacy of it being a law to be enforced against citizens, however, seems to be the way the conversation is flowing.
We have suffered a major setback...there is no denying that.

The natural kneejerk reaction it's to lash out, point fingers, distance oneself from defeat.

Instead, I would ask that you take time to process the election results and thoughtfully consider the ramifications of the election, the constructive criticism that you glean from that reflection, and how we can rectify the shortfall we suffered here.

What we need is an After Action Review, not a rerun of the Blame Game.

Defeat is a fork in the path leads to internal destruction, the other to strength through adversity.

Today we choose...choose wisely.

Very admirable and a correct path for republicans.
However I doubt that most of them will take your advice.

The OP was directed at conservatives, not to republicans.
It's hard arguing with dupes who live in an alternate universe. Sorry about freeloading swine RWers with no health care. When you find out how it works you'll love it...It's a GOP plan, not communism! Ay caramba!
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America has changed, you wads in the far right, libertarian, soc con, and neo-con wings.

We had 8% unemployment and a one-debate headstart and we lost, because of you. End of story.

Republicans like you we want to work with. Get rid of the limbaugh tea party racist.

There will be no compromise with any liberal who wants to fundamentally change America. It is not going to happen and jokey isn't a republican.

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