My First Experience With Internet Trolls - Please See Below


I was pulled over tonight on my way home from work. The officers were standing outside of their vehicle, watching the slow line of cars inching by on the single lane road, assumedly looking for any obvious violations. I had inspired inspection stickers so as I slowly made my way by the officers, with my window down, one of them saw this and yelled out for me to pull over. I complied, and immediately pulled over and put my vehicle in park. I did not turn it off or put on my hazards, but I did make sure to have both hands on the wheel and didn't move as the officer approached. I was nervous, but not scared. I wasn't scared even with the knowledge that not only was my inspection bad, but I had a suspended drivers license, expired registration and no insurance. I did have a fleeting moment of deep concern for the gravity of my situation and considered the fact that I could (rightfully), be arrested. I've never been arrested in my life and this wasn't even close to the worst thing I've ever done or the furthest i've pushed my luck. Anyway, I acknowledged the stickers, but pretended to be unaware of all the other stuff. I still had my license on me, fully intact and was able to hand that over along with my expired registration, expired inspection (that was actually for my old car, which i honestly didn't notice when giving to him). I at least had something to give him, but it was all invalid. He went back to his vehicle to run my info and came out a few minutes later. I had turned my car off while he was running my info, and I also put on my hazards. He walked past me, and approached the other office who was finishing up with another driver (a white woman-she drove away). I could overhear him say my license was suspended and the other officer sounded surprised. The initial officer approached and informed me of what he had just learned. I feigned shock and a bit of indignation when he said I had a suspended license, I asked him when, how, where?! He said he couldn't see that information, only that it was not due to a DUI. He then mentioned that my registration was also suspended and that my drivers license had not been updated to my new address, and I was well past the time limit on updating that. He either: didn't run my insurance info, or forgot that it was expired too because he never brought it up. He clearly felt really badly to be giving me this news. He awkwardly told me that he wasn't going to give me a ticket at all, just a warning for the stickers, but now he had no choice to not let me drive away from the scene. He must have mentioned this at least four times and said they could tow my vehicle as well, but wouldn't if someone would be able to come pick me up and dive my car. I told him I didn't think that was possible as it was 5PM and anyone that would be willing to do that for me, wouldn't be able to get to where we were within a reasonable time frame. He seemed really surprised and sad at the thought of having to tow my vehicle. He then said he'd give me a few more minutes to try to contact someone while he wrote my ticket(s). The only person I could think of was my landlord and I did call him but he didn't pick up. The officer approached again and said that he really hoped I could find someone but that he wouldn't be there much longer and while he was 'not permitting me to drive the vehicle', he couldn't stop me from it once he left and that if I wanted to risk it, it was up to me. I was clearly skeptical of this (and it was not the first time I've heard this type of offer from an officer). So he again went back to his car. My landlord then called me back and said he'd be able to pick me and would be there shortly. I informed the officer of this as he re-approached my car and he seemed really relieved. He apologetically, gave me a ticket for one violation, driving on a suspended license. He said he believed me that I wasn't aware and that he was really cutting me a break (which he was) by not ticketing me for the other offenses, easily $500+ worth of tickets and other potential consequences. He then asked what I did for a living, I told him (product manager) and he said 'wow, yeah, you know you look very...professional, and I was really surprised when that came up about your license'. Just to note, I am a fairly good looking, young, blonde, white girl and I was dressed very nicely as I was coming from work (navy dress pants and a white sweater, nothing slutty at all). Then, he again spoke on how he wasn't going to ticket me at all but really gave him no choice with the license thing. He told me to not plead guilty, take care of my inspection and registration and if i did, he'd come to court and vouch for me to get my license back. To be fair, he didn't know that I had been ticketed for suspended license less then a year before that. My landlord showed up (white man) and he knew the other officer on the scene really well (my landlord knows everyone in the town we live). The guy he brought to drive my car got in and then the two officers, my landlord and myself, stood around my landlords truck laughing and joking. The two officers again reiterated, that as long as i fix the stuff, they'll make sure I don't get in trouble. The other officer said that even if my landlord hadn't come they would have driven me home. Then my landlord and I drove away in his truck, while the officers stopped traffic for us to pull out, and his buddy followed behind us in my (illegal)car.

I wanted to write this all down because something occurred to me, a little bit during, but more so once I got home; That whole situation would have gone down very differently if I had been a black man. I mentioned that to my friend while recounting the story to her, and she fully agreed but then we moved on. After we hung up, I thought about it more and got really upset. I am a person that is a stickler for fairness, and the way black people are treated, especially by the police, is not fair. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have someone (in this instance a police officer) be predisposed to disliking me, or being suspicious of me. I'm so used to being able to play on the fact that I am a cute, white girl and people generally just want to help me. I'm always given the benefit of the doubt, when I often shouldn't be. I've also been really lucky in my life to receive a lot of help from a lot of people and I am eternally grateful. I am also very aware that white people are treated better than black people are, based on nothing other than the pigmentation they possess and an inherited bias. If I were treated the way people of color are treated, I would have a very different disposition of the world. I would never even begin to pretend to know how it would feel to be treated like that, but I do feel an enormous amount of empathy for the people who do. I recognize how badly the traffic stop could have gone, and that I was given special treatment because of the way I look. I'm sure the fact that i'm a young woman, in addition to being white, helped but I think the w word is for sure the main catalyst here. and I am grateful. I'd really like to believe that these two officers would have shown any other person such leniency, but my realistic outlook tells me that they wouldn't have.
I don't know if things have gotten better or worse since the atrocious treatment of black people by police has been given more light, I am not black. I do know that as a white person, I was not held accountable for even a fraction of the things I was clearly guilty of. I was treated like an old friend and I don't think that it's fair. I think police and everyone else for that matter, should realize that we're all going through a struggle, some more so than others. That no two people are the same, and that we all matter and if there is a way to lighten someone's load when you can, you should. I don't care if police continue to cut people slack, I think that's cool, I do care if they only do it for white people. All people are created as equals, but they are definitely not treated that way.
Two things we know for sure...
You’re irresponsible and think you’re cute.

Two things we know for sure...
You’re irresponsible and think you’re cute.
Two things I know for sure...You have nothing better to do than try to discourage people from wanting to express their thoughts and that misery loves company.
If you're going to comment, please do so on the content not the title - Thanks!
I was pulled over tonight on my way home from work. The officers were standing outside of their vehicle, watching the slow line of cars inching by on the single lane road, assumedly looking for any obvious violations. I had inspired inspection stickers so as I slowly made my way by the officers, with my window down, one of them saw this and yelled out for me to pull over. I complied, and immediately pulled over and put my vehicle in park. I did not turn it off or put on my hazards, but I did make sure to have both hands on the wheel and didn't move as the officer approached. I was nervous, but not scared. I wasn't scared even with the knowledge that not only was my inspection bad, but I had a suspended drivers license, expired registration and no insurance. I did have a fleeting moment of deep concern for the gravity of my situation and considered the fact that I could (rightfully), be arrested. I've never been arrested in my life and this wasn't even close to the worst thing I've ever done or the furthest i've pushed my luck. Anyway, I acknowledged the stickers, but pretended to be unaware of all the other stuff. I still had my license on me, fully intact and was able to hand that over along with my expired registration, expired inspection (that was actually for my old car, which i honestly didn't notice when giving to him). I at least had something to give him, but it was all invalid. He went back to his vehicle to run my info and came out a few minutes later. I had turned my car off while he was running my info, and I also put on my hazards. He walked past me, and approached the other office who was finishing up with another driver (a white woman-she drove away). I could overhear him say my license was suspended and the other officer sounded surprised. The initial officer approached and informed me of what he had just learned. I feigned shock and a bit of indignation when he said I had a suspended license, I asked him when, how, where?! He said he couldn't see that information, only that it was not due to a DUI. He then mentioned that my registration was also suspended and that my drivers license had not been updated to my new address, and I was well past the time limit on updating that. He either: didn't run my insurance info, or forgot that it was expired too because he never brought it up. He clearly felt really badly to be giving me this news. He awkwardly told me that he wasn't going to give me a ticket at all, just a warning for the stickers, but now he had no choice to not let me drive away from the scene. He must have mentioned this at least four times and said they could tow my vehicle as well, but wouldn't if someone would be able to come pick me up and dive my car. I told him I didn't think that was possible as it was 5PM and anyone that would be willing to do that for me, wouldn't be able to get to where we were within a reasonable time frame. He seemed really surprised and sad at the thought of having to tow my vehicle. He then said he'd give me a few more minutes to try to contact someone while he wrote my ticket(s). The only person I could think of was my landlord and I did call him but he didn't pick up. The officer approached again and said that he really hoped I could find someone but that he wouldn't be there much longer and while he was 'not permitting me to drive the vehicle', he couldn't stop me from it once he left and that if I wanted to risk it, it was up to me. I was clearly skeptical of this (and it was not the first time I've heard this type of offer from an officer). So he again went back to his car. My landlord then called me back and said he'd be able to pick me and would be there shortly. I informed the officer of this as he re-approached my car and he seemed really relieved. He apologetically, gave me a ticket for one violation, driving on a suspended license. He said he believed me that I wasn't aware and that he was really cutting me a break (which he was) by not ticketing me for the other offenses, easily $500+ worth of tickets and other potential consequences. He then asked what I did for a living, I told him (product manager) and he said 'wow, yeah, you know you look very...professional, and I was really surprised when that came up about your license'. Just to note, I am a fairly good looking, young, blonde, white girl and I was dressed very nicely as I was coming from work (navy dress pants and a white sweater, nothing slutty at all). Then, he again spoke on how he wasn't going to ticket me at all but really gave him no choice with the license thing. He told me to not plead guilty, take care of my inspection and registration and if i did, he'd come to court and vouch for me to get my license back. To be fair, he didn't know that I had been ticketed for suspended license less then a year before that. My landlord showed up (white man) and he knew the other officer on the scene really well (my landlord knows everyone in the town we live). The guy he brought to drive my car got in and then the two officers, my landlord and myself, stood around my landlords truck laughing and joking. The two officers again reiterated, that as long as i fix the stuff, they'll make sure I don't get in trouble. The other officer said that even if my landlord hadn't come they would have driven me home. Then my landlord and I drove away in his truck, while the officers stopped traffic for us to pull out, and his buddy followed behind us in my (illegal)car.

I wanted to write this all down because something occurred to me, a little bit during, but more so once I got home; That whole situation would have gone down very differently if I had been a black man. I mentioned that to my friend while recounting the story to her, and she fully agreed but then we moved on. After we hung up, I thought about it more and got really upset. I am a person that is a stickler for fairness, and the way black people are treated, especially by the police, is not fair. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have someone (in this instance a police officer) be predisposed to disliking me, or being suspicious of me. I'm so used to being able to play on the fact that I am a cute, white girl and people generally just want to help me. I'm always given the benefit of the doubt, when I often shouldn't be. I've also been really lucky in my life to receive a lot of help from a lot of people and I am eternally grateful. I am also very aware that white people are treated better than black people are, based on nothing other than the pigmentation they possess and an inherited bias. If I were treated the way people of color are treated, I would have a very different disposition of the world. I would never even begin to pretend to know how it would feel to be treated like that, but I do feel an enormous amount of empathy for the people who do. I recognize how badly the traffic stop could have gone, and that I was given special treatment because of the way I look. I'm sure the fact that i'm a young woman, in addition to being white, helped but I think the w word is for sure the main catalyst here. and I am grateful. I'd really like to believe that these two officers would have shown any other person such leniency, but my realistic outlook tells me that they wouldn't have.
I don't know if things have gotten better or worse since the atrocious treatment of black people by police has been given more light, I am not black. I do know that as a white person, I was not held accountable for even a fraction of the things I was clearly guilty of. I was treated like an old friend and I don't think that it's fair. I think police and everyone else for that matter, should realize that we're all going through a struggle, some more so than others. That no two people are the same, and that we all matter and if there is a way to lighten someone's load when you can, you should. I don't care if police continue to cut people slack, I think that's cool, I do care if they only do it for white people. All people are created as equals, but they are definitely not treated that way.
Two things we know for sure...
You’re irresponsible and think you’re cute.

Two things we know for sure...
You’re irresponsible and think you’re cute.
Two things I know for sure...You have nothing better to do than try to discourage people from wanting to express their thoughts and that misery loves company.
If you're going to comment, please do so on the content not the title - Thanks!
I’m waiting for the Hallmark movie.
I was pulled over tonight on my way home from work. The officers were standing outside of their vehicle, watching the slow line of cars inching by on the single lane road, assumedly looking for any obvious violations. I had inspired inspection stickers so as I slowly made my way by the officers, with my window down, one of them saw this and yelled out for me to pull over. I complied, and immediately pulled over and put my vehicle in park. I did not turn it off or put on my hazards, but I did make sure to have both hands on the wheel and didn't move as the officer approached. I was nervous, but not scared. I wasn't scared even with the knowledge that not only was my inspection bad, but I had a suspended drivers license, expired registration and no insurance. I did have a fleeting moment of deep concern for the gravity of my situation and considered the fact that I could (rightfully), be arrested. I've never been arrested in my life and this wasn't even close to the worst thing I've ever done or the furthest i've pushed my luck. Anyway, I acknowledged the stickers, but pretended to be unaware of all the other stuff. I still had my license on me, fully intact and was able to hand that over along with my expired registration, expired inspection (that was actually for my old car, which i honestly didn't notice when giving to him). I at least had something to give him, but it was all invalid. He went back to his vehicle to run my info and came out a few minutes later. I had turned my car off while he was running my info, and I also put on my hazards. He walked past me, and approached the other office who was finishing up with another driver (a white woman-she drove away). I could overhear him say my license was suspended and the other officer sounded surprised. The initial officer approached and informed me of what he had just learned. I feigned shock and a bit of indignation when he said I had a suspended license, I asked him when, how, where?! He said he couldn't see that information, only that it was not due to a DUI. He then mentioned that my registration was also suspended and that my drivers license had not been updated to my new address, and I was well past the time limit on updating that. He either: didn't run my insurance info, or forgot that it was expired too because he never brought it up. He clearly felt really badly to be giving me this news. He awkwardly told me that he wasn't going to give me a ticket at all, just a warning for the stickers, but now he had no choice to not let me drive away from the scene. He must have mentioned this at least four times and said they could tow my vehicle as well, but wouldn't if someone would be able to come pick me up and dive my car. I told him I didn't think that was possible as it was 5PM and anyone that would be willing to do that for me, wouldn't be able to get to where we were within a reasonable time frame. He seemed really surprised and sad at the thought of having to tow my vehicle. He then said he'd give me a few more minutes to try to contact someone while he wrote my ticket(s). The only person I could think of was my landlord and I did call him but he didn't pick up. The officer approached again and said that he really hoped I could find someone but that he wouldn't be there much longer and while he was 'not permitting me to drive the vehicle', he couldn't stop me from it once he left and that if I wanted to risk it, it was up to me. I was clearly skeptical of this (and it was not the first time I've heard this type of offer from an officer). So he again went back to his car. My landlord then called me back and said he'd be able to pick me and would be there shortly. I informed the officer of this as he re-approached my car and he seemed really relieved. He apologetically, gave me a ticket for one violation, driving on a suspended license. He said he believed me that I wasn't aware and that he was really cutting me a break (which he was) by not ticketing me for the other offenses, easily $500+ worth of tickets and other potential consequences. He then asked what I did for a living, I told him (product manager) and he said 'wow, yeah, you know you look very...professional, and I was really surprised when that came up about your license'. Just to note, I am a fairly good looking, young, blonde, white girl and I was dressed very nicely as I was coming from work (navy dress pants and a white sweater, nothing slutty at all). Then, he again spoke on how he wasn't going to ticket me at all but really gave him no choice with the license thing. He told me to not plead guilty, take care of my inspection and registration and if i did, he'd come to court and vouch for me to get my license back. To be fair, he didn't know that I had been ticketed for suspended license less then a year before that. My landlord showed up (white man) and he knew the other officer on the scene really well (my landlord knows everyone in the town we live). The guy he brought to drive my car got in and then the two officers, my landlord and myself, stood around my landlords truck laughing and joking. The two officers again reiterated, that as long as i fix the stuff, they'll make sure I don't get in trouble. The other officer said that even if my landlord hadn't come they would have driven me home. Then my landlord and I drove away in his truck, while the officers stopped traffic for us to pull out, and his buddy followed behind us in my (illegal)car.

I wanted to write this all down because something occurred to me, a little bit during, but more so once I got home; That whole situation would have gone down very differently if I had been a black man. I mentioned that to my friend while recounting the story to her, and she fully agreed but then we moved on. After we hung up, I thought about it more and got really upset. I am a person that is a stickler for fairness, and the way black people are treated, especially by the police, is not fair. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have someone (in this instance a police officer) be predisposed to disliking me, or being suspicious of me. I'm so used to being able to play on the fact that I am a cute, white girl and people generally just want to help me. I'm always given the benefit of the doubt, when I often shouldn't be. I've also been really lucky in my life to receive a lot of help from a lot of people and I am eternally grateful. I am also very aware that white people are treated better than black people are, based on nothing other than the pigmentation they possess and an inherited bias. If I were treated the way people of color are treated, I would have a very different disposition of the world. I would never even begin to pretend to know how it would feel to be treated like that, but I do feel an enormous amount of empathy for the people who do. I recognize how badly the traffic stop could have gone, and that I was given special treatment because of the way I look. I'm sure the fact that i'm a young woman, in addition to being white, helped but I think the w word is for sure the main catalyst here. and I am grateful. I'd really like to believe that these two officers would have shown any other person such leniency, but my realistic outlook tells me that they wouldn't have.
I don't know if things have gotten better or worse since the atrocious treatment of black people by police has been given more light, I am not black. I do know that as a white person, I was not held accountable for even a fraction of the things I was clearly guilty of. I was treated like an old friend and I don't think that it's fair. I think police and everyone else for that matter, should realize that we're all going through a struggle, some more so than others. That no two people are the same, and that we all matter and if there is a way to lighten someone's load when you can, you should. I don't care if police continue to cut people slack, I think that's cool, I do care if they only do it for white people. All people are created as equals, but they are definitely not treated that way.
Two things we know for sure...
You’re irresponsible and think you’re cute.

Two things we know for sure...
You’re irresponsible and think you’re cute.
Two things I know for sure...You have nothing better to do than try to discourage people from wanting to express their thoughts and that misery loves company.
If you're going to comment, please do so on the content not the title - Thanks!
I’m waiting for the Hallmark movie.
Not a very applicable comment, as I'm not in the least excusing myself or trying to garner sympathy. Again, please support your arguments if you'd like to make valid points. Thanks!
I was pulled over tonight on my way home from work. The officers were standing outside of their vehicle, watching the slow line of cars inching by on the single lane road, assumedly looking for any obvious violations. I had inspired inspection stickers so as I slowly made my way by the officers, with my window down, one of them saw this and yelled out for me to pull over. I complied, and immediately pulled over and put my vehicle in park. I did not turn it off or put on my hazards, but I did make sure to have both hands on the wheel and didn't move as the officer approached. I was nervous, but not scared. I wasn't scared even with the knowledge that not only was my inspection bad, but I had a suspended drivers license, expired registration and no insurance. I did have a fleeting moment of deep concern for the gravity of my situation and considered the fact that I could (rightfully), be arrested. I've never been arrested in my life and this wasn't even close to the worst thing I've ever done or the furthest i've pushed my luck. Anyway, I acknowledged the stickers, but pretended to be unaware of all the other stuff. I still had my license on me, fully intact and was able to hand that over along with my expired registration, expired inspection (that was actually for my old car, which i honestly didn't notice when giving to him). I at least had something to give him, but it was all invalid. He went back to his vehicle to run my info and came out a few minutes later. I had turned my car off while he was running my info, and I also put on my hazards. He walked past me, and approached the other office who was finishing up with another driver (a white woman-she drove away). I could overhear him say my license was suspended and the other officer sounded surprised. The initial officer approached and informed me of what he had just learned. I feigned shock and a bit of indignation when he said I had a suspended license, I asked him when, how, where?! He said he couldn't see that information, only that it was not due to a DUI. He then mentioned that my registration was also suspended and that my drivers license had not been updated to my new address, and I was well past the time limit on updating that. He either: didn't run my insurance info, or forgot that it was expired too because he never brought it up. He clearly felt really badly to be giving me this news. He awkwardly told me that he wasn't going to give me a ticket at all, just a warning for the stickers, but now he had no choice to not let me drive away from the scene. He must have mentioned this at least four times and said they could tow my vehicle as well, but wouldn't if someone would be able to come pick me up and dive my car. I told him I didn't think that was possible as it was 5PM and anyone that would be willing to do that for me, wouldn't be able to get to where we were within a reasonable time frame. He seemed really surprised and sad at the thought of having to tow my vehicle. He then said he'd give me a few more minutes to try to contact someone while he wrote my ticket(s). The only person I could think of was my landlord and I did call him but he didn't pick up. The officer approached again and said that he really hoped I could find someone but that he wouldn't be there much longer and while he was 'not permitting me to drive the vehicle', he couldn't stop me from it once he left and that if I wanted to risk it, it was up to me. I was clearly skeptical of this (and it was not the first time I've heard this type of offer from an officer). So he again went back to his car. My landlord then called me back and said he'd be able to pick me and would be there shortly. I informed the officer of this as he re-approached my car and he seemed really relieved. He apologetically, gave me a ticket for one violation, driving on a suspended license. He said he believed me that I wasn't aware and that he was really cutting me a break (which he was) by not ticketing me for the other offenses, easily $500+ worth of tickets and other potential consequences. He then asked what I did for a living, I told him (product manager) and he said 'wow, yeah, you know you look very...professional, and I was really surprised when that came up about your license'. Just to note, I am a fairly good looking, young, blonde, white girl and I was dressed very nicely as I was coming from work (navy dress pants and a white sweater, nothing slutty at all). Then, he again spoke on how he wasn't going to ticket me at all but really gave him no choice with the license thing. He told me to not plead guilty, take care of my inspection and registration and if i did, he'd come to court and vouch for me to get my license back. To be fair, he didn't know that I had been ticketed for suspended license less then a year before that. My landlord showed up (white man) and he knew the other officer on the scene really well (my landlord knows everyone in the town we live). The guy he brought to drive my car got in and then the two officers, my landlord and myself, stood around my landlords truck laughing and joking. The two officers again reiterated, that as long as i fix the stuff, they'll make sure I don't get in trouble. The other officer said that even if my landlord hadn't come they would have driven me home. Then my landlord and I drove away in his truck, while the officers stopped traffic for us to pull out, and his buddy followed behind us in my (illegal)car.

I wanted to write this all down because something occurred to me, a little bit during, but more so once I got home; That whole situation would have gone down very differently if I had been a black man. I mentioned that to my friend while recounting the story to her, and she fully agreed but then we moved on. After we hung up, I thought about it more and got really upset. I am a person that is a stickler for fairness, and the way black people are treated, especially by the police, is not fair. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have someone (in this instance a police officer) be predisposed to disliking me, or being suspicious of me. I'm so used to being able to play on the fact that I am a cute, white girl and people generally just want to help me. I'm always given the benefit of the doubt, when I often shouldn't be. I've also been really lucky in my life to receive a lot of help from a lot of people and I am eternally grateful. I am also very aware that white people are treated better than black people are, based on nothing other than the pigmentation they possess and an inherited bias. If I were treated the way people of color are treated, I would have a very different disposition of the world. I would never even begin to pretend to know how it would feel to be treated like that, but I do feel an enormous amount of empathy for the people who do. I recognize how badly the traffic stop could have gone, and that I was given special treatment because of the way I look. I'm sure the fact that i'm a young woman, in addition to being white, helped but I think the w word is for sure the main catalyst here. and I am grateful. I'd really like to believe that these two officers would have shown any other person such leniency, but my realistic outlook tells me that they wouldn't have.
I don't know if things have gotten better or worse since the atrocious treatment of black people by police has been given more light, I am not black. I do know that as a white person, I was not held accountable for even a fraction of the things I was clearly guilty of. I was treated like an old friend and I don't think that it's fair. I think police and everyone else for that matter, should realize that we're all going through a struggle, some more so than others. That no two people are the same, and that we all matter and if there is a way to lighten someone's load when you can, you should. I don't care if police continue to cut people slack, I think that's cool, I do care if they only do it for white people. All people are created as equals, but they are definitely not treated that way.
Two things we know for sure...
You’re irresponsible and think you’re cute.

Two things we know for sure...
You’re irresponsible and think you’re cute.
Two things I know for sure...You have nothing better to do than try to discourage people from wanting to express their thoughts and that misery loves company.
If you're going to comment, please do so on the content not the title - Thanks!
I’m waiting for the Hallmark movie.
Not a very applicable comment, as I'm not in the least excusing myself or trying to garner sympathy. Again, please support your arguments if you'd like to make valid points. Thanks!
You want my POV of your dissertation?
By all means...when you post something that doesn’t take an hour to read.
I was pulled over tonight on my way home from work. The officers were standing outside of their vehicle, watching the slow line of cars inching by on the single lane road, assumedly looking for any obvious violations. I had inspired inspection stickers so as I slowly made my way by the officers, with my window down, one of them saw this and yelled out for me to pull over. I complied, and immediately pulled over and put my vehicle in park. I did not turn it off or put on my hazards, but I did make sure to have both hands on the wheel and didn't move as the officer approached. I was nervous, but not scared. I wasn't scared even with the knowledge that not only was my inspection bad, but I had a suspended drivers license, expired registration and no insurance. I did have a fleeting moment of deep concern for the gravity of my situation and considered the fact that I could (rightfully), be arrested. I've never been arrested in my life and this wasn't even close to the worst thing I've ever done or the furthest i've pushed my luck. Anyway, I acknowledged the stickers, but pretended to be unaware of all the other stuff. I still had my license on me, fully intact and was able to hand that over along with my expired registration, expired inspection (that was actually for my old car, which i honestly didn't notice when giving to him). I at least had something to give him, but it was all invalid. He went back to his vehicle to run my info and came out a few minutes later. I had turned my car off while he was running my info, and I also put on my hazards. He walked past me, and approached the other office who was finishing up with another driver (a white woman-she drove away). I could overhear him say my license was suspended and the other officer sounded surprised. The initial officer approached and informed me of what he had just learned. I feigned shock and a bit of indignation when he said I had a suspended license, I asked him when, how, where?! He said he couldn't see that information, only that it was not due to a DUI. He then mentioned that my registration was also suspended and that my drivers license had not been updated to my new address, and I was well past the time limit on updating that. He either: didn't run my insurance info, or forgot that it was expired too because he never brought it up. He clearly felt really badly to be giving me this news. He awkwardly told me that he wasn't going to give me a ticket at all, just a warning for the stickers, but now he had no choice to not let me drive away from the scene. He must have mentioned this at least four times and said they could tow my vehicle as well, but wouldn't if someone would be able to come pick me up and dive my car. I told him I didn't think that was possible as it was 5PM and anyone that would be willing to do that for me, wouldn't be able to get to where we were within a reasonable time frame. He seemed really surprised and sad at the thought of having to tow my vehicle. He then said he'd give me a few more minutes to try to contact someone while he wrote my ticket(s). The only person I could think of was my landlord and I did call him but he didn't pick up. The officer approached again and said that he really hoped I could find someone but that he wouldn't be there much longer and while he was 'not permitting me to drive the vehicle', he couldn't stop me from it once he left and that if I wanted to risk it, it was up to me. I was clearly skeptical of this (and it was not the first time I've heard this type of offer from an officer). So he again went back to his car. My landlord then called me back and said he'd be able to pick me and would be there shortly. I informed the officer of this as he re-approached my car and he seemed really relieved. He apologetically, gave me a ticket for one violation, driving on a suspended license. He said he believed me that I wasn't aware and that he was really cutting me a break (which he was) by not ticketing me for the other offenses, easily $500+ worth of tickets and other potential consequences. He then asked what I did for a living, I told him (product manager) and he said 'wow, yeah, you know you look very...professional, and I was really surprised when that came up about your license'. Just to note, I am a fairly good looking, young, blonde, white girl and I was dressed very nicely as I was coming from work (navy dress pants and a white sweater, nothing slutty at all). Then, he again spoke on how he wasn't going to ticket me at all but really gave him no choice with the license thing. He told me to not plead guilty, take care of my inspection and registration and if i did, he'd come to court and vouch for me to get my license back. To be fair, he didn't know that I had been ticketed for suspended license less then a year before that. My landlord showed up (white man) and he knew the other officer on the scene really well (my landlord knows everyone in the town we live). The guy he brought to drive my car got in and then the two officers, my landlord and myself, stood around my landlords truck laughing and joking. The two officers again reiterated, that as long as i fix the stuff, they'll make sure I don't get in trouble. The other officer said that even if my landlord hadn't come they would have driven me home. Then my landlord and I drove away in his truck, while the officers stopped traffic for us to pull out, and his buddy followed behind us in my (illegal)car.

I wanted to write this all down because something occurred to me, a little bit during, but more so once I got home; That whole situation would have gone down very differently if I had been a black man. I mentioned that to my friend while recounting the story to her, and she fully agreed but then we moved on. After we hung up, I thought about it more and got really upset. I am a person that is a stickler for fairness, and the way black people are treated, especially by the police, is not fair. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have someone (in this instance a police officer) be predisposed to disliking me, or being suspicious of me. I'm so used to being able to play on the fact that I am a cute, white girl and people generally just want to help me. I'm always given the benefit of the doubt, when I often shouldn't be. I've also been really lucky in my life to receive a lot of help from a lot of people and I am eternally grateful. I am also very aware that white people are treated better than black people are, based on nothing other than the pigmentation they possess and an inherited bias. If I were treated the way people of color are treated, I would have a very different disposition of the world. I would never even begin to pretend to know how it would feel to be treated like that, but I do feel an enormous amount of empathy for the people who do. I recognize how badly the traffic stop could have gone, and that I was given special treatment because of the way I look. I'm sure the fact that i'm a young woman, in addition to being white, helped but I think the w word is for sure the main catalyst here. and I am grateful. I'd really like to believe that these two officers would have shown any other person such leniency, but my realistic outlook tells me that they wouldn't have.
I don't know if things have gotten better or worse since the atrocious treatment of black people by police has been given more light, I am not black. I do know that as a white person, I was not held accountable for even a fraction of the things I was clearly guilty of. I was treated like an old friend and I don't think that it's fair. I think police and everyone else for that matter, should realize that we're all going through a struggle, some more so than others. That no two people are the same, and that we all matter and if there is a way to lighten someone's load when you can, you should. I don't care if police continue to cut people slack, I think that's cool, I do care if they only do it for white people. All people are created as equals, but they are definitely not treated that way.
You’re certainly guilty of failure to use paragraphs…
I was pulled over tonight on my way home from work. The officers were standing outside of their vehicle, watching the slow line of cars inching by on the single lane road, assumedly looking for any obvious violations. I had inspired inspection stickers so as I slowly made my way by the officers, with my window down, one of them saw this and yelled out for me to pull over. I complied, and immediately pulled over and put my vehicle in park. I did not turn it off or put on my hazards, but I did make sure to have both hands on the wheel and didn't move as the officer approached. I was nervous, but not scared. I wasn't scared even with the knowledge that not only was my inspection bad, but I had a suspended drivers license, expired registration and no insurance. I did have a fleeting moment of deep concern for the gravity of my situation and considered the fact that I could (rightfully), be arrested. I've never been arrested in my life and this wasn't even close to the worst thing I've ever done or the furthest i've pushed my luck. Anyway, I acknowledged the stickers, but pretended to be unaware of all the other stuff. I still had my license on me, fully intact and was able to hand that over along with my expired registration, expired inspection (that was actually for my old car, which i honestly didn't notice when giving to him). I at least had something to give him, but it was all invalid. He went back to his vehicle to run my info and came out a few minutes later. I had turned my car off while he was running my info, and I also put on my hazards. He walked past me, and approached the other office who was finishing up with another driver (a white woman-she drove away). I could overhear him say my license was suspended and the other officer sounded surprised. The initial officer approached and informed me of what he had just learned. I feigned shock and a bit of indignation when he said I had a suspended license, I asked him when, how, where?! He said he couldn't see that information, only that it was not due to a DUI. He then mentioned that my registration was also suspended and that my drivers license had not been updated to my new address, and I was well past the time limit on updating that. He either: didn't run my insurance info, or forgot that it was expired too because he never brought it up. He clearly felt really badly to be giving me this news. He awkwardly told me that he wasn't going to give me a ticket at all, just a warning for the stickers, but now he had no choice to not let me drive away from the scene. He must have mentioned this at least four times and said they could tow my vehicle as well, but wouldn't if someone would be able to come pick me up and dive my car. I told him I didn't think that was possible as it was 5PM and anyone that would be willing to do that for me, wouldn't be able to get to where we were within a reasonable time frame. He seemed really surprised and sad at the thought of having to tow my vehicle. He then said he'd give me a few more minutes to try to contact someone while he wrote my ticket(s). The only person I could think of was my landlord and I did call him but he didn't pick up. The officer approached again and said that he really hoped I could find someone but that he wouldn't be there much longer and while he was 'not permitting me to drive the vehicle', he couldn't stop me from it once he left and that if I wanted to risk it, it was up to me. I was clearly skeptical of this (and it was not the first time I've heard this type of offer from an officer). So he again went back to his car. My landlord then called me back and said he'd be able to pick me and would be there shortly. I informed the officer of this as he re-approached my car and he seemed really relieved. He apologetically, gave me a ticket for one violation, driving on a suspended license. He said he believed me that I wasn't aware and that he was really cutting me a break (which he was) by not ticketing me for the other offenses, easily $500+ worth of tickets and other potential consequences. He then asked what I did for a living, I told him (product manager) and he said 'wow, yeah, you know you look very...professional, and I was really surprised when that came up about your license'. Just to note, I am a fairly good looking, young, blonde, white girl and I was dressed very nicely as I was coming from work (navy dress pants and a white sweater, nothing slutty at all). Then, he again spoke on how he wasn't going to ticket me at all but really gave him no choice with the license thing. He told me to not plead guilty, take care of my inspection and registration and if i did, he'd come to court and vouch for me to get my license back. To be fair, he didn't know that I had been ticketed for suspended license less then a year before that. My landlord showed up (white man) and he knew the other officer on the scene really well (my landlord knows everyone in the town we live). The guy he brought to drive my car got in and then the two officers, my landlord and myself, stood around my landlords truck laughing and joking. The two officers again reiterated, that as long as i fix the stuff, they'll make sure I don't get in trouble. The other officer said that even if my landlord hadn't come they would have driven me home. Then my landlord and I drove away in his truck, while the officers stopped traffic for us to pull out, and his buddy followed behind us in my (illegal)car.

I wanted to write this all down because something occurred to me, a little bit during, but more so once I got home; That whole situation would have gone down very differently if I had been a black man. I mentioned that to my friend while recounting the story to her, and she fully agreed but then we moved on. After we hung up, I thought about it more and got really upset. I am a person that is a stickler for fairness, and the way black people are treated, especially by the police, is not fair. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have someone (in this instance a police officer) be predisposed to disliking me, or being suspicious of me. I'm so used to being able to play on the fact that I am a cute, white girl and people generally just want to help me. I'm always given the benefit of the doubt, when I often shouldn't be. I've also been really lucky in my life to receive a lot of help from a lot of people and I am eternally grateful. I am also very aware that white people are treated better than black people are, based on nothing other than the pigmentation they possess and an inherited bias. If I were treated the way people of color are treated, I would have a very different disposition of the world. I would never even begin to pretend to know how it would feel to be treated like that, but I do feel an enormous amount of empathy for the people who do. I recognize how badly the traffic stop could have gone, and that I was given special treatment because of the way I look. I'm sure the fact that i'm a young woman, in addition to being white, helped but I think the w word is for sure the main catalyst here. and I am grateful. I'd really like to believe that these two officers would have shown any other person such leniency, but my realistic outlook tells me that they wouldn't have.
I don't know if things have gotten better or worse since the atrocious treatment of black people by police has been given more light, I am not black. I do know that as a white person, I was not held accountable for even a fraction of the things I was clearly guilty of. I was treated like an old friend and I don't think that it's fair. I think police and everyone else for that matter, should realize that we're all going through a struggle, some more so than others. That no two people are the same, and that we all matter and if there is a way to lighten someone's load when you can, you should. I don't care if police continue to cut people slack, I think that's cool, I do care if they only do it for white people. All people are created as equals, but they are definitely not treated that way.
Two things we know for sure...
You’re irresponsible and think you’re cute.

Two things we know for sure...
You’re irresponsible and think you’re cute.
Two things I know for sure...You have nothing better to do than try to discourage people from wanting to express their thoughts and that misery loves company.
If you're going to comment, please do so on the content not the title - Thanks!

We are just messing with you .welcome and thank you for the story on what happened.

I was pulled over tonight on my way home from work. The officers were standing outside of their vehicle, watching the slow line of cars inching by on the single lane road, assumedly looking for any obvious violations. I had inspired inspection stickers so as I slowly made my way by the officers, with my window down, one of them saw this and yelled out for me to pull over. I complied, and immediately pulled over and put my vehicle in park. I did not turn it off or put on my hazards, but I did make sure to have both hands on the wheel and didn't move as the officer approached. I was nervous, but not scared. I wasn't scared even with the knowledge that not only was my inspection bad, but I had a suspended drivers license, expired registration and no insurance. I did have a fleeting moment of deep concern for the gravity of my situation and considered the fact that I could (rightfully), be arrested. I've never been arrested in my life and this wasn't even close to the worst thing I've ever done or the furthest i've pushed my luck. Anyway, I acknowledged the stickers, but pretended to be unaware of all the other stuff. I still had my license on me, fully intact and was able to hand that over along with my expired registration, expired inspection (that was actually for my old car, which i honestly didn't notice when giving to him). I at least had something to give him, but it was all invalid. He went back to his vehicle to run my info and came out a few minutes later. I had turned my car off while he was running my info, and I also put on my hazards. He walked past me, and approached the other office who was finishing up with another driver (a white woman-she drove away). I could overhear him say my license was suspended and the other officer sounded surprised. The initial officer approached and informed me of what he had just learned. I feigned shock and a bit of indignation when he said I had a suspended license, I asked him when, how, where?! He said he couldn't see that information, only that it was not due to a DUI. He then mentioned that my registration was also suspended and that my drivers license had not been updated to my new address, and I was well past the time limit on updating that. He either: didn't run my insurance info, or forgot that it was expired too because he never brought it up. He clearly felt really badly to be giving me this news. He awkwardly told me that he wasn't going to give me a ticket at all, just a warning for the stickers, but now he had no choice to not let me drive away from the scene. He must have mentioned this at least four times and said they could tow my vehicle as well, but wouldn't if someone would be able to come pick me up and dive my car. I told him I didn't think that was possible as it was 5PM and anyone that would be willing to do that for me, wouldn't be able to get to where we were within a reasonable time frame. He seemed really surprised and sad at the thought of having to tow my vehicle. He then said he'd give me a few more minutes to try to contact someone while he wrote my ticket(s). The only person I could think of was my landlord and I did call him but he didn't pick up. The officer approached again and said that he really hoped I could find someone but that he wouldn't be there much longer and while he was 'not permitting me to drive the vehicle', he couldn't stop me from it once he left and that if I wanted to risk it, it was up to me. I was clearly skeptical of this (and it was not the first time I've heard this type of offer from an officer). So he again went back to his car. My landlord then called me back and said he'd be able to pick me and would be there shortly. I informed the officer of this as he re-approached my car and he seemed really relieved. He apologetically, gave me a ticket for one violation, driving on a suspended license. He said he believed me that I wasn't aware and that he was really cutting me a break (which he was) by not ticketing me for the other offenses, easily $500+ worth of tickets and other potential consequences. He then asked what I did for a living, I told him (product manager) and he said 'wow, yeah, you know you look very...professional, and I was really surprised when that came up about your license'. Just to note, I am a fairly good looking, young, blonde, white girl and I was dressed very nicely as I was coming from work (navy dress pants and a white sweater, nothing slutty at all). Then, he again spoke on how he wasn't going to ticket me at all but really gave him no choice with the license thing. He told me to not plead guilty, take care of my inspection and registration and if i did, he'd come to court and vouch for me to get my license back. To be fair, he didn't know that I had been ticketed for suspended license less then a year before that. My landlord showed up (white man) and he knew the other officer on the scene really well (my landlord knows everyone in the town we live). The guy he brought to drive my car got in and then the two officers, my landlord and myself, stood around my landlords truck laughing and joking. The two officers again reiterated, that as long as i fix the stuff, they'll make sure I don't get in trouble. The other officer said that even if my landlord hadn't come they would have driven me home. Then my landlord and I drove away in his truck, while the officers stopped traffic for us to pull out, and his buddy followed behind us in my (illegal)car.

I wanted to write this all down because something occurred to me, a little bit during, but more so once I got home; That whole situation would have gone down very differently if I had been a black man. I mentioned that to my friend while recounting the story to her, and she fully agreed but then we moved on. After we hung up, I thought about it more and got really upset. I am a person that is a stickler for fairness, and the way black people are treated, especially by the police, is not fair. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have someone (in this instance a police officer) be predisposed to disliking me, or being suspicious of me. I'm so used to being able to play on the fact that I am a cute, white girl and people generally just want to help me. I'm always given the benefit of the doubt, when I often shouldn't be. I've also been really lucky in my life to receive a lot of help from a lot of people and I am eternally grateful. I am also very aware that white people are treated better than black people are, based on nothing other than the pigmentation they possess and an inherited bias. If I were treated the way people of color are treated, I would have a very different disposition of the world. I would never even begin to pretend to know how it would feel to be treated like that, but I do feel an enormous amount of empathy for the people who do. I recognize how badly the traffic stop could have gone, and that I was given special treatment because of the way I look. I'm sure the fact that i'm a young woman, in addition to being white, helped but I think the w word is for sure the main catalyst here. and I am grateful. I'd really like to believe that these two officers would have shown any other person such leniency, but my realistic outlook tells me that they wouldn't have.
I don't know if things have gotten better or worse since the atrocious treatment of black people by police has been given more light, I am not black. I do know that as a white person, I was not held accountable for even a fraction of the things I was clearly guilty of. I was treated like an old friend and I don't think that it's fair. I think police and everyone else for that matter, should realize that we're all going through a struggle, some more so than others. That no two people are the same, and that we all matter and if there is a way to lighten someone's load when you can, you should. I don't care if police continue to cut people slack, I think that's cool, I do care if they only do it for white people. All people are created as equals, but they are definitely not treated that way.
Two things we know for sure...
You’re irresponsible and think you’re cute.

Two things we know for sure...
You’re irresponsible and think you’re cute.
Two things I know for sure...You have nothing better to do than try to discourage people from wanting to express their thoughts and that misery loves company.
If you're going to comment, please do so on the content not the title - Thanks!
I’m waiting for the Hallmark movie.
Not a very applicable comment, as I'm not in the least excusing myself or trying to garner sympathy. Again, please support your arguments if you'd like to make valid points. Thanks!

Ever hear of a fuckin paragraph? Or were you just programmed to spam?

Then these commie turds are apoplectic when we ridicule them
I was pulled over tonight on my way home from work. The officers were standing outside of their vehicle, watching the slow line of cars inching by on the single lane road, assumedly looking for any obvious violations. I had inspired inspection stickers so as I slowly made my way by the officers, with my window down, one of them saw this and yelled out for me to pull over. I complied, and immediately pulled over and put my vehicle in park. I did not turn it off or put on my hazards, but I did make sure to have both hands on the wheel and didn't move as the officer approached. I was nervous, but not scared. I wasn't scared even with the knowledge that not only was my inspection bad, but I had a suspended drivers license, expired registration and no insurance. I did have a fleeting moment of deep concern for the gravity of my situation and considered the fact that I could (rightfully), be arrested. I've never been arrested in my life and this wasn't even close to the worst thing I've ever done or the furthest i've pushed my luck. Anyway, I acknowledged the stickers, but pretended to be unaware of all the other stuff. I still had my license on me, fully intact and was able to hand that over along with my expired registration, expired inspection (that was actually for my old car, which i honestly didn't notice when giving to him). I at least had something to give him, but it was all invalid. He went back to his vehicle to run my info and came out a few minutes later. I had turned my car off while he was running my info, and I also put on my hazards. He walked past me, and approached the other office who was finishing up with another driver (a white woman-she drove away). I could overhear him say my license was suspended and the other officer sounded surprised. The initial officer approached and informed me of what he had just learned. I feigned shock and a bit of indignation when he said I had a suspended license, I asked him when, how, where?! He said he couldn't see that information, only that it was not due to a DUI. He then mentioned that my registration was also suspended and that my drivers license had not been updated to my new address, and I was well past the time limit on updating that. He either: didn't run my insurance info, or forgot that it was expired too because he never brought it up. He clearly felt really badly to be giving me this news. He awkwardly told me that he wasn't going to give me a ticket at all, just a warning for the stickers, but now he had no choice to not let me drive away from the scene. He must have mentioned this at least four times and said they could tow my vehicle as well, but wouldn't if someone would be able to come pick me up and dive my car. I told him I didn't think that was possible as it was 5PM and anyone that would be willing to do that for me, wouldn't be able to get to where we were within a reasonable time frame. He seemed really surprised and sad at the thought of having to tow my vehicle. He then said he'd give me a few more minutes to try to contact someone while he wrote my ticket(s). The only person I could think of was my landlord and I did call him but he didn't pick up. The officer approached again and said that he really hoped I could find someone but that he wouldn't be there much longer and while he was 'not permitting me to drive the vehicle', he couldn't stop me from it once he left and that if I wanted to risk it, it was up to me. I was clearly skeptical of this (and it was not the first time I've heard this type of offer from an officer). So he again went back to his car. My landlord then called me back and said he'd be able to pick me and would be there shortly. I informed the officer of this as he re-approached my car and he seemed really relieved. He apologetically, gave me a ticket for one violation, driving on a suspended license. He said he believed me that I wasn't aware and that he was really cutting me a break (which he was) by not ticketing me for the other offenses, easily $500+ worth of tickets and other potential consequences. He then asked what I did for a living, I told him (product manager) and he said 'wow, yeah, you know you look very...professional, and I was really surprised when that came up about your license'. Just to note, I am a fairly good looking, young, blonde, white girl and I was dressed very nicely as I was coming from work (navy dress pants and a white sweater, nothing slutty at all). Then, he again spoke on how he wasn't going to ticket me at all but really gave him no choice with the license thing. He told me to not plead guilty, take care of my inspection and registration and if i did, he'd come to court and vouch for me to get my license back. To be fair, he didn't know that I had been ticketed for suspended license less then a year before that. My landlord showed up (white man) and he knew the other officer on the scene really well (my landlord knows everyone in the town we live). The guy he brought to drive my car got in and then the two officers, my landlord and myself, stood around my landlords truck laughing and joking. The two officers again reiterated, that as long as i fix the stuff, they'll make sure I don't get in trouble. The other officer said that even if my landlord hadn't come they would have driven me home. Then my landlord and I drove away in his truck, while the officers stopped traffic for us to pull out, and his buddy followed behind us in my (illegal)car.

I wanted to write this all down because something occurred to me, a little bit during, but more so once I got home; That whole situation would have gone down very differently if I had been a black man. I mentioned that to my friend while recounting the story to her, and she fully agreed but then we moved on. After we hung up, I thought about it more and got really upset. I am a person that is a stickler for fairness, and the way black people are treated, especially by the police, is not fair. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have someone (in this instance a police officer) be predisposed to disliking me, or being suspicious of me. I'm so used to being able to play on the fact that I am a cute, white girl and people generally just want to help me. I'm always given the benefit of the doubt, when I often shouldn't be. I've also been really lucky in my life to receive a lot of help from a lot of people and I am eternally grateful. I am also very aware that white people are treated better than black people are, based on nothing other than the pigmentation they possess and an inherited bias. If I were treated the way people of color are treated, I would have a very different disposition of the world. I would never even begin to pretend to know how it would feel to be treated like that, but I do feel an enormous amount of empathy for the people who do. I recognize how badly the traffic stop could have gone, and that I was given special treatment because of the way I look. I'm sure the fact that i'm a young woman, in addition to being white, helped but I think the w word is for sure the main catalyst here. and I am grateful. I'd really like to believe that these two officers would have shown any other person such leniency, but my realistic outlook tells me that they wouldn't have.
I don't know if things have gotten better or worse since the atrocious treatment of black people by police has been given more light, I am not black. I do know that as a white person, I was not held accountable for even a fraction of the things I was clearly guilty of. I was treated like an old friend and I don't think that it's fair. I think police and everyone else for that matter, should realize that we're all going through a struggle, some more so than others. That no two people are the same, and that we all matter and if there is a way to lighten someone's load when you can, you should. I don't care if police continue to cut people slack, I think that's cool, I do care if they only do it for white people. All people are created as equals, but they are definitely not treated that way.
I'm sorry kid, but if you are looking for reasoned, well considered discourse, you've come to the wrong place. We are infeatsed with RWNJs who will immediately discount your posts simply because you have admitted to being young and female, and a large portion of them won't or can't read anything longer than a short paragraph anyway. I agree with your post 100% BTW, and I did read all the way through. I even spotted a typo. Lol.
We are just messing with you .welcome and thank you for the story on what happened.

I'm not messing with you.

Go into the garage, close the doors. Get into a vehicle and start the engine.

Wait for the pleasant vapors and count sheep.

Less retards, less government dependency.
That's really sick and I genuinely feel sorry for you. I bet it really sucks to be the type of person that would say those kinds of things and I hope you get help with your obvious issues. Also, what kind of garbage has doors? How does one "go into the garbage"? I'm really curious now, looking forward to your reply. Thanks!
We are just messing with you .welcome and thank you for the story on what happened.

I'm not messing with you.

Go into the garage, close the doors. Get into a vehicle and start the engine.

Wait for the pleasant vapors and count sheep.

Less retards, less government dependency.
That's really sick and I genuinely feel sorry for you. I bet it really sucks to be the type of person that would say those kinds of things and I hope you get help with your obvious issues. Also, what kind of garbage has doors? How does one "go into the garbage"? I'm really curious now, looking forward to your reply. Thanks!


That was easy.

I was pulled over tonight on my way home from work. The officers were standing outside of their vehicle, watching the slow line of cars inching by on the single lane road, assumedly looking for any obvious violations. I had inspired inspection stickers so as I slowly made my way by the officers, with my window down, one of them saw this and yelled out for me to pull over. I complied, and immediately pulled over and put my vehicle in park. I did not turn it off or put on my hazards, but I did make sure to have both hands on the wheel and didn't move as the officer approached. I was nervous, but not scared. I wasn't scared even with the knowledge that not only was my inspection bad, but I had a suspended drivers license, expired registration and no insurance. I did have a fleeting moment of deep concern for the gravity of my situation and considered the fact that I could (rightfully), be arrested. I've never been arrested in my life and this wasn't even close to the worst thing I've ever done or the furthest i've pushed my luck. Anyway, I acknowledged the stickers, but pretended to be unaware of all the other stuff. I still had my license on me, fully intact and was able to hand that over along with my expired registration, expired inspection (that was actually for my old car, which i honestly didn't notice when giving to him). I at least had something to give him, but it was all invalid. He went back to his vehicle to run my info and came out a few minutes later. I had turned my car off while he was running my info, and I also put on my hazards. He walked past me, and approached the other office who was finishing up with another driver (a white woman-she drove away). I could overhear him say my license was suspended and the other officer sounded surprised. The initial officer approached and informed me of what he had just learned. I feigned shock and a bit of indignation when he said I had a suspended license, I asked him when, how, where?! He said he couldn't see that information, only that it was not due to a DUI. He then mentioned that my registration was also suspended and that my drivers license had not been updated to my new address, and I was well past the time limit on updating that. He either: didn't run my insurance info, or forgot that it was expired too because he never brought it up. He clearly felt really badly to be giving me this news. He awkwardly told me that he wasn't going to give me a ticket at all, just a warning for the stickers, but now he had no choice to not let me drive away from the scene. He must have mentioned this at least four times and said they could tow my vehicle as well, but wouldn't if someone would be able to come pick me up and dive my car. I told him I didn't think that was possible as it was 5PM and anyone that would be willing to do that for me, wouldn't be able to get to where we were within a reasonable time frame. He seemed really surprised and sad at the thought of having to tow my vehicle. He then said he'd give me a few more minutes to try to contact someone while he wrote my ticket(s). The only person I could think of was my landlord and I did call him but he didn't pick up. The officer approached again and said that he really hoped I could find someone but that he wouldn't be there much longer and while he was 'not permitting me to drive the vehicle', he couldn't stop me from it once he left and that if I wanted to risk it, it was up to me. I was clearly skeptical of this (and it was not the first time I've heard this type of offer from an officer). So he again went back to his car. My landlord then called me back and said he'd be able to pick me and would be there shortly. I informed the officer of this as he re-approached my car and he seemed really relieved. He apologetically, gave me a ticket for one violation, driving on a suspended license. He said he believed me that I wasn't aware and that he was really cutting me a break (which he was) by not ticketing me for the other offenses, easily $500+ worth of tickets and other potential consequences. He then asked what I did for a living, I told him (product manager) and he said 'wow, yeah, you know you look very...professional, and I was really surprised when that came up about your license'. Just to note, I am a fairly good looking, young, blonde, white girl and I was dressed very nicely as I was coming from work (navy dress pants and a white sweater, nothing slutty at all). Then, he again spoke on how he wasn't going to ticket me at all but really gave him no choice with the license thing. He told me to not plead guilty, take care of my inspection and registration and if i did, he'd come to court and vouch for me to get my license back. To be fair, he didn't know that I had been ticketed for suspended license less then a year before that. My landlord showed up (white man) and he knew the other officer on the scene really well (my landlord knows everyone in the town we live). The guy he brought to drive my car got in and then the two officers, my landlord and myself, stood around my landlords truck laughing and joking. The two officers again reiterated, that as long as i fix the stuff, they'll make sure I don't get in trouble. The other officer said that even if my landlord hadn't come they would have driven me home. Then my landlord and I drove away in his truck, while the officers stopped traffic for us to pull out, and his buddy followed behind us in my (illegal)car.

I wanted to write this all down because something occurred to me, a little bit during, but more so once I got home; That whole situation would have gone down very differently if I had been a black man. I mentioned that to my friend while recounting the story to her, and she fully agreed but then we moved on. After we hung up, I thought about it more and got really upset. I am a person that is a stickler for fairness, and the way black people are treated, especially by the police, is not fair. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have someone (in this instance a police officer) be predisposed to disliking me, or being suspicious of me. I'm so used to being able to play on the fact that I am a cute, white girl and people generally just want to help me. I'm always given the benefit of the doubt, when I often shouldn't be. I've also been really lucky in my life to receive a lot of help from a lot of people and I am eternally grateful. I am also very aware that white people are treated better than black people are, based on nothing other than the pigmentation they possess and an inherited bias. If I were treated the way people of color are treated, I would have a very different disposition of the world. I would never even begin to pretend to know how it would feel to be treated like that, but I do feel an enormous amount of empathy for the people who do. I recognize how badly the traffic stop could have gone, and that I was given special treatment because of the way I look. I'm sure the fact that i'm a young woman, in addition to being white, helped but I think the w word is for sure the main catalyst here. and I am grateful. I'd really like to believe that these two officers would have shown any other person such leniency, but my realistic outlook tells me that they wouldn't have.
I don't know if things have gotten better or worse since the atrocious treatment of black people by police has been given more light, I am not black. I do know that as a white person, I was not held accountable for even a fraction of the things I was clearly guilty of. I was treated like an old friend and I don't think that it's fair. I think police and everyone else for that matter, should realize that we're all going through a struggle, some more so than others. That no two people are the same, and that we all matter and if there is a way to lighten someone's load when you can, you should. I don't care if police continue to cut people slack, I think that's cool, I do care if they only do it for white people. All people are created as equals, but they are definitely not treated that way.
I'm sorry kid, but if you are looking for reasoned, well considered discourse, you've come to the wrong place. We are infeatsed with RWNJs who will immediately discount your posts simply because you have admitted to being young and female, and a large portion of them won't or can't read anything longer than a short paragraph anyway. I agree with your post 100% BTW, and I did read all the way through. I even spotted a typo. Lol.
Hey- Thank you for saying that, really means a lot. I was certainly getting the feeling that this may not be the type of forum I was looking for when I wanted to share the story. Thank you for confirming! Also, thank you for reading it, genuinely. I wrote it in notebook since I won't pay for Word lol, apologies for the format and typo (where?!)….J/K, I'm taking it down anyway, but thanks again :)
We are just messing with you .welcome and thank you for the story on what happened.

I'm not messing with you.

Go into the garage, close the doors. Get into a vehicle and start the engine.

Wait for the pleasant vapors and count sheep.

Less retards, less government dependency.
That's really sick and I genuinely feel sorry for you. I bet it really sucks to be the type of person that would say those kinds of things and I hope you get help with your obvious issues. Also, what kind of garbage has doors? How does one "go into the garbage"? I'm really curious now, looking forward to your reply. Thanks!


That was easy.

I'm guessing you're not referring to answering questions, since I'm still waiting for one...
We are just messing with you .welcome and thank you for the story on what happened.

I'm not messing with you.

Go into the garage, close the doors. Get into a vehicle and start the engine.

Wait for the pleasant vapors and count sheep.

Less retards, less government dependency.
That's really sick and I genuinely feel sorry for you. I bet it really sucks to be the type of person that would say those kinds of things and I hope you get help with your obvious issues. Also, what kind of garbage has doors? How does one "go into the garbage"? I'm really curious now, looking forward to your reply. Thanks!


That was easy.

Russian apts don't have garages and most don't own vehicles. ;)

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