My future predictions


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
1. Science and innovation
a. Humanity will 3-d print organs by 2025
b. Humanity will cure most forms of cancer by 2035
c. Humanity will be able to heal the heart after a heartattack by 2020
d. 3-d printing will be able to make stuff at home from a store of items on the internet by 2020. Shoes, tools, etc.
e. Electric cars will be 1/3rd of the market by 2025
f. battery tech will go over 800 miles on a single charge by 2022
g. Grasshopper reusable rocket tech will cut the cost of orbital missions by 20 times by 2025.
h. fusion will be successful by 2025
I. Solar will be one of the biggest energy solutions for your home by 2025
J. Graphene and other materials will make it possible to cut the weight of a car down by half by 2025.
K. Super computers will be over 1 exoflop by 2023
L. 2010s won't warm more then .08c by 2020. This will remain so until 2030...

Nations and politics
A. Democrats will win every national election for president until 2030. By this time a second Hispanic party will form to challenge it...It will be further to the left.
B. America's southwest will break off to Mexico or a separate state by 2050.
C. China will be the super power by 2025
D. China will have a moon base by 2027
E. Mexico will top 4 trillion dollars gdp by 2030. Becoming one of the top 5 most powerful countries on earth.
F. America will likely break up among racial lines into many countries by 2075
G. The republican party will be a small party making up no more then 25% of congress by 2035.
H. China, India, Mexico and eastern Asia will absorb most of America's former scientific know how.
I. The middle east will be fighting between sect even by 2100.
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Wow... color me optimistic & pessimistic

A lot to think about...:eusa_doh:

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