My God, Biden Finally Did Something Right

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
We have been far too lenient dishing out student loans to people who never had a reasonable expectation of ever paying them back. This new rule should help in that regard but it should also be extended to every college in America. If you don't have a reasonable expectation of paying the money back then you don't get a student loan, even if it is regarding schools with good track records. And, many students have been getting student loans and not even using them for school, such as vacations and other things.


don't forget that now there will be negotiating drug prices with medicare.
We have been far too lenient dishing out student loans to people who never had a reasonable expectation of ever paying them back. This new rule should help in that regard but it should also be extended to every college in America. If you don't have a reasonable expectation of paying the money back then you don't get a student loan, even if it is regarding schools with good track records. And, many students have been getting student loans and not even using them for school, such as vacations and other things.

I guess the step is one in the right direction.

But the key, in my view, is to have the institutions who are making these loans take the responsibility for them if they go south. And the only way that will work is if the institutions have a right to refuse loans that they just don't think will be paid back promptly with interest.

Loaning someone $100,000 or more to get a degree in LGBTQ+ Studies just doesn't seem like a good investment, particularly if the borrower has no collateral, no other income and no co-signers. The degree if they are successful in getting it, is only good if the person seeks a job as towel-boy in an LGBTQ+ bathhouse, and I don't think that job pays too well.

don't forget that now there will be negotiating drug prices with medicare.
"negotiating" prices between the government and a private pharm company is just bogus you know. The "negotiations" are of the "take it or leave it" variety, and will result in shortages and pharmaceutical outfits concentrate their production on profitable items in their product portfolio. Further it will reduce the number of new drugs developed as the new drugs will be harder to make a profit on.
I guess the step is one in the right direction.

But the key, in my view, is to have the institutions who are making these loans take the responsibility for them if they go south. And the only way that will work is if the institutions have a right to refuse loans that they just don't think will be paid back promptly with interest.

Loaning someone $100,000 or more to get a degree in LGBTQ+ Studies just doesn't seem like a good investment, particularly if the borrower has no collateral, no other income and no co-signers. The degree if they are successful in getting it, is only good if the person seeks a job as towel-boy in an LGBTQ+ bathhouse, and I don't think that job pays too well.
Yup. Hence why I say that no student loans should be dished out unless there is a reasonable expectation that they will get paid back.
We have been far too lenient dishing out student loans to people who never had a reasonable expectation of ever paying them back. This new rule should help in that regard but it should also be extended to every college in America. If you don't have a reasonable expectation of paying the money back then you don't get a student loan, even if it is regarding schools with good track records. And, many students have been getting student loans and not even using them for school, such as vacations and other things.

Oh, I thought this would be about Biden doing the only right thing left--to resign before he is impeached and humiliated along with jail time for stealing the Foreign Aid packages blind and lying his ass off every time he opens his yammering device. :rolleyes-41:
We have been far too lenient dishing out student loans to people who never had a reasonable expectation of ever paying them back. This new rule should help in that regard but it should also be extended to every college in America. If you don't have a reasonable expectation of paying the money back then you don't get a student loan, even if it is regarding schools with good track records. And, many students have been getting student loans and not even using them for school, such as vacations and other things.

It's not difficult to do things that help.

The problem with Biden is his staff are communists, and they're hell-bent on destroying the country.
So every time he does something's usually just an announcement with strings attached.
well, then - seems socialized medicine would be the way to go.

How would socializing medicine lead to medical progress?

Would the government have been willing to spend the millions needed to combat the plague of ED that Pfizer conquered with its pharmaceutical discovery? The motivation for the investments in new medications and treatments is the possibility of huge paybacks.
How would socializing medicine lead to medical progress?

Would the government have been willing to spend the millions needed to combat the plague of ED that Pfizer conquered with its pharmaceutical discovery? The motivation for the investments in new medications and treatments is the possibility of huge paybacks.


Pharmaceutical spending per capita by country 2022 | Statista

why are the citizens in those other industrialized countries paying so much less, with the same accsess to the same drugs thru the same bigpharma companies?
The other countries DON'T have the same access at all. They have controlled "managed" care, with the emphasis on managed. Patients have to wait months or years to get an appointment to get the prescription.

Foreigners from Socialized Medicine countries often come to America, if they care about their health, to get treatment.

When Canadian Alex Trebeck had a health crisis with his pancreatic cancer, he got treated in the USA.

Ditto with Englishman Mick Jagger when he needed complicated heart surgery.

Even though both of those felllow's countries have medical systems highly touted by libs as "fair".
We are getting closer to an election. Prog internals must have them worrying. So now they are acting closer to the Democratic Party instead of Progressive Socialists on some agendas. The Prog shill deep state pundits that are now questioning some of the Prog politicians are continuing their lying ways as to show false integrity that they lost a long time ago. We have been lied to so many times many will never believe the fourth estate again as it is politicized. The other night I was changing channels after the Republican debate and for a few seconds I saw the MSNC pundits laughing with their smirks. The same ones whose propaganda have helped to impoverish, kill, destroy property, destroy lives make living much tougher in cities, and make people miserable. And there they were, just laughing and acting like the self-important elitist scum they are. They deserve retribution. And they are not first amendment as other may say. For there are people who have said much less who have had their lives destroyed.
Oh yeah, let's wait months to see the doctor and for surgeries.

Healthcare Wait Times by Country​


Healthcare wait times can vary greatly from country to country and even within countries. For example, in the United States, the average wait time for a primary care physician is roughly 20 minutes, with about 28% of patients being able to meet with a doctor within the day, while specialty care wait times can be as long as several weeks or even months
Healthcare Wait Times by Country 2023 - Wisevoter

Healthcare Wait Times by Country​


Healthcare wait times can vary greatly from country to country and even within countries. For example, in the United States, the average wait time for a primary care physician is roughly 20 minutes, with about 28% of patients being able to meet with a doctor within the day, while specialty care wait times can be as long as several weeks or even months
Healthcare Wait Times by Country 2023 - Wisevoter
In many other countries the wait time is weeks or months, including surgeries.
I see he's doing nothing to cut the cost which has outpaced inflation by more than 2x. Oh wait, this is a Dem campaign contribution cash cow paid for by students, got it.

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