My God, she is drunk on the floor on a wine rant.

The liquor fueled rants of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are dangerous because she is accusing the Trump administration of things that aren't remotely true or proven.
She claims she is young and doesn't have to be right or know what she is talking about because she can always change her mind.
She doesn't belong in Congress. She belongs on some MTV reality game show. She is a monster who has already cost her constituents good paying steady jobs all to stick it to Jeff Bezos, who doesn't need the Bronx. The Bronx needed his jobs. This moron fixed that!

She thinks the world will end in 12 years and rants about the world for her grandchildren?

My God.....

What are we dealing with? Can anyone please explain it to me?
Personally, I love AOC. Not because I agree with her positions, I don’t. I think she’s wrong on pretty much every single one. It isn’t because I think her ideals are the future. I don’t, I think she is going to get a lot of Democrats voted out of office, which is what always happens when you launch the Purity Purges. I don’t love her because I think she is personable and a gifted speaker. I don’t think that.

It is because finally she has taken the spotlight off of Georgia, and we are now blessed that there is a more clueless idiot in Congress than Hank Johnson.

I mean, you have to really stretch to find a Congressional Representative dumber than Hank Johnson. For years now Georgia has born the shame that this moron is from our beloved State. We have endured videos of Hank Johnson speaking. And they are painful to watch, like this gem from shortly after he was elected.

Yes, the moron actually asked if an Island would tip over and capsize. Now, any fifth grade geography student knows that while the Island may appear to be floating serenely on the waters, it is really rock all the way down. Unfortunately Hank Johnson did not know that.

So yes, I absolutely love AOC. Because without her we in Georgia would be shamed by having to admit we had the dumbest of all Congressmen from our State. I tip my hat to AOC, and encourage her to keep going. The Good Lord knows when Hank will open his mouth again and give her a run for the title.
Personally, I love AOC. Not because I agree with her positions, I don’t. I think she’s wrong on pretty much every single one. It isn’t because I think her ideals are the future. I don’t, I think she is going to get a lot of Democrats voted out of office, which is what always happens when you launch the Purity Purges. I don’t love her because I think she is personable and a gifted speaker. I don’t think that.

It is because finally she has taken the spotlight off of Georgia, and we are now blessed that there is a more clueless idiot in Congress than Hank Johnson.

I mean, you have to really stretch to find a Congressional Representative dumber than Hank Johnson. For years now Georgia has born the shame that this moron is from our beloved State. We have endured videos of Hank Johnson speaking. And they are painful to watch, like this gem from shortly after he was elected.

Yes, the moron actually asked if an Island would tip over and capsize. Now, any fifth grade geography student knows that while the Island may appear to be floating serenely on the waters, it is really rock all the way down. Unfortunately Hank Johnson did not know that.

So yes, I absolutely love AOC. Because without her we in Georgia would be shamed by having to admit we had the dumbest of all Congressmen from our State. I tip my hat to AOC, and encourage her to keep going. The Good Lord knows when Hank will open his mouth again and give her a run for the title.

It isn't good when our Representatives are competing for the biggest Darwin Award.
Personally, I love AOC. Not because I agree with her positions, I don’t. I think she’s wrong on pretty much every single one. It isn’t because I think her ideals are the future. I don’t, I think she is going to get a lot of Democrats voted out of office, which is what always happens when you launch the Purity Purges. I don’t love her because I think she is personable and a gifted speaker. I don’t think that.

It is because finally she has taken the spotlight off of Georgia, and we are now blessed that there is a more clueless idiot in Congress than Hank Johnson.

I mean, you have to really stretch to find a Congressional Representative dumber than Hank Johnson. For years now Georgia has born the shame that this moron is from our beloved State. We have endured videos of Hank Johnson speaking. And they are painful to watch, like this gem from shortly after he was elected.

Yes, the moron actually asked if an Island would tip over and capsize. Now, any fifth grade geography student knows that while the Island may appear to be floating serenely on the waters, it is really rock all the way down. Unfortunately Hank Johnson did not know that.

So yes, I absolutely love AOC. Because without her we in Georgia would be shamed by having to admit we had the dumbest of all Congressmen from our State. I tip my hat to AOC, and encourage her to keep going. The Good Lord knows when Hank will open his mouth again and give her a run for the title.

Kinda like Jimmy Carter and Barry.
Personally, I love AOC. Not because I agree with her positions, I don’t. I think she’s wrong on pretty much every single one. It isn’t because I think her ideals are the future. I don’t, I think she is going to get a lot of Democrats voted out of office, which is what always happens when you launch the Purity Purges. I don’t love her because I think she is personable and a gifted speaker. I don’t think that.

It is because finally she has taken the spotlight off of Georgia, and we are now blessed that there is a more clueless idiot in Congress than Hank Johnson.

I mean, you have to really stretch to find a Congressional Representative dumber than Hank Johnson. For years now Georgia has born the shame that this moron is from our beloved State. We have endured videos of Hank Johnson speaking. And they are painful to watch, like this gem from shortly after he was elected.

Yes, the moron actually asked if an Island would tip over and capsize. Now, any fifth grade geography student knows that while the Island may appear to be floating serenely on the waters, it is really rock all the way down. Unfortunately Hank Johnson did not know that.

So yes, I absolutely love AOC. Because without her we in Georgia would be shamed by having to admit we had the dumbest of all Congressmen from our State. I tip my hat to AOC, and encourage her to keep going. The Good Lord knows when Hank will open his mouth again and give her a run for the title.

Kinda like Jimmy Carter and Barry.

Jimmy Carter always has a bad reputation, but look at his record, and you see he was not a bad President by any stretch of the imagination. First, he led as he believed. He did not tell people to do as I say, but not as I do. He told the people to conserve energy, lower their heater settings, and wear a sweater. Then he did just that in the White House. He was honorable in that and many other things, that is but one example. His one glaring failure was Iran, and the Desert One Fiasco.

But we don’t hire great Military Leaders to be Presidents. If the individual in question has any military experience, it is usually as a lower ranking officer, one who barely had enough time in service to figure out what he was supposed to be doing.

The Desert One Plan was drawn up by the Pentagon. Carter approved it, certainly. But the plan was laid out by the Experts. It was a clusterfuck. Everyone wanted a piece of the action. Everyone wanted in on it. You had Air Force planes flying the troops in to meet up with Helicopters, in the desert, at night, when NVG’s were barely a thing. It was overly complicated, overly ambitious, and the resulting disaster was a result of the overly complicated plan. It was almost inevitable that plan was going to fail.

But giving Carter his due, who else but him would have stood before Three Mile Island and tell the people that the reactor was not going to explode? Any other President, and I mean any of them, might have said the words from the White House, but in front of the damned thing? The Secret Service probably had a collective heart attack when told what he was going to do.

So he had integrity, and honesty, and that is a lot more than can be said for a lot of people who have occupied that office. Wilson demanded the Congress pass a law making it illegal to reveal secrets to the public. Why? Because he did not want anyone finding out how he had allowed the Zimmerman Telegram to be transmitted to Washington by State Department cables, in violation of the Laws of War, and in direct violation of the Rules for Neutrals. All those people who were subsequently charged and convicted for violations of the Espionage Act, can thank Wilson who would not be embarrassed by his screw up. The truth shall not be known.

Up until that point, it was incumbent on the person who held the secret to keep it quiet. After that point, no one could listen to the secret without potentially violating the law. Pfui.
She is totally wasted. And a total waste.

I hope she keeps it up. This is just too delicious.

She's a short timer. Not only are the Dems planning to zone her district out... If they don't the people in her district who are pissed about the Amazon thing are organizing against her.

Jimmy Carter always has a bad reputation, but look at his record, and you see he was not a bad President by any stretch of the imagination. First, he led as he believed. He did not tell people to do as I say, but not as I do. He told the people to conserve energy, lower their heater settings, and wear a sweater. Then he did just that in the White House. He was honorable in that and many other things, that is but one example. His one glaring failure was Iran, and the Desert One Fiasco.

Did you forget the Racetrack, Taiwan and the Panama Canal? Carter was more honorable than Wilson or Obama, but he was in good company with those sanctimonious bastards.

Now this gift in her drunk rant claims "Trump" has been putting kids in cages and deliberately injecting them with drugs.

Now this gift in her drunk rant claims "Trump" has been putting kids in cages and deliberately injecting them with drugs.

If she was like totally wasted she wouldn't have any balance..Yet she has balance...Is there anyway to edit the fat fuck with the greasy hair so we can get the meat of the story?
Jimmy Carter always has a bad reputation, but look at his record, and you see he was not a bad President by any stretch of the imagination. First, he led as he believed. He did not tell people to do as I say, but not as I do. He told the people to conserve energy, lower their heater settings, and wear a sweater. Then he did just that in the White House. He was honorable in that and many other things, that is but one example. His one glaring failure was Iran, and the Desert One Fiasco.

Did you forget the Racetrack, Taiwan and the Panama Canal? Carter was more honorable than Wilson or Obama, but he was in good company with those sanctimonious bastards.

The Panama Canal is in Panama. They were never a US territory. Our claim on it was based in might makes right, which is the weakest of all justifications. Additionally, we had cut way back on upkeep, which the Canal needs constantly. If we had remained in charge, the upkeep, not to mention the upgrades, would never have happened.

By returning it, we reduced the episodes of Yankee go home, and improved relations in the region. The Panamanian Government has poured billions into the Canal in repairs, improvements, and even constructed new locks for larger ships. That benefits us a lot more than holding onto it would have. No Congress would have paid for the upgrades when even maintenance was being ignored.

He’ll look at the idiots who object to Puerto Rico getting help and money and they are American Citizens and an actual Territory. Imagine if we were going to pour hundreds of billions into the Canal, that money would never make it out of committee.

On edit. Taiwan is still a political headache. We don’t want war with China, and we are left with pretending that Taiwan is sort of an independent country, and not.

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