My Hurricane Helene Experience...

The climate has been changing for billions of years.
You low information people buy into whatever garbage your celebrities and lying news media spoon feed you.

There was a time Earth had no Oxygen. You and your media will no doubt blame that on Pintos and Station wagons....
And MANY of you will believe it.

I know you people are stupid, I mean every normal person does, but every now and then one of you will say something that just really brings it home if ya know what I mean.
The weird thing is NOAA has a big office building in Asheville, and the University of North Carolina has one of the premier meteorology programs based at the Asheville campus.
So, ironically the chances are good that the meteorologists that totally fucked up the forecast were trained in Asheville and may even work there.

Totally fucked up what forecast?
The climate change skeptics will, sadly, finally accept the science when the flood waters are up the 4th step and the tree has crashed through the roof, that is if they are not swept away first. We all know we are running out of time, and to have a government that publicly sides with fossil fuels (and limitless funding) over what we are doing is criminal. Literally, figuratively, all of that.

Sorry you were affected, but welcome to the new normal. Yes, it's real.
It's been real forever, moron.
Low level places flood, smart guy. It's not rocket surgery.

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