My Lessons Learned in 2020


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
CV19 has exposed a lot of things. Mostly failures of government and people. My list in no particular order:

Friends. I know which of them will turn on me when/if things go totally crazy in my lifetime (ie 1938 Germany).

Government. Total cluster. World is spiraling into a Great Depression because they said they feared medical support would be overwhelmed. Instead, hundreds of thousands of trained medical people have been layed off and hospitals are going broke because they are empty. And nobody is even talking about that elephant in the room.

The Left vs the Right. The Left love being controlled by the government. Anyone who doesn’t comply is a threat to society and must be dealt with with heavy handed authority. The Right says I’ll determine my levels of safety and I’m going out to eat tonight. If I kill someone it’s because they were out too.

Government, Part 2. CDC doesn’t know what CDC stands for. America was totally unprepared and 4 months later is still using tea leaves and crazy 8 balls on what to do each day.

An overwhelming majority of people I’ve seen are people I want to be around in a real crisis. At least in my community people remain polite, helpful, and cheerful. In the grocery store today I’m standing near an elderly lady when we both realized we were walking in the wrong direction’ down the aisle. So we walked backwards and had a good laugh at the end.
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A friend posted this on Facebook. The level of stupidity by the Left is mind boggling. Oh, let’s just invent a new economic system nobody’s even dreamed of yet! That’ll solve everything!

Needless to say, this is one of those friends who’ll be turning everyone in.
CV19 has exposed a lot of things. Mostly failures of government and people. My list in no particular order:

Friends. I know which of them will turn on me when/if things go totally crazy in my lifetime (ie 1938 Germany).

Government. Total cluster. World is spiraling into a Great Depression because they said they feared medical support would be overwhelmed. Instead, hundreds of thousands of trained medical people have been layed off and hospitals are going broke because they are empty. And nobody is even talking about that elephant in the room.

The Left vs the Right. The Left love being controlled by the government. Anyone who doesn’t comply is a threat to society and must be dealt with with heavy handed authority. The Right says I’ll determine my levels of safety and I’m going out to eat tonight. If I kill someone it’s because they were out too.

Government, Part 2. CDC doesn’t know what CDC stands for. America was totally unprepared and 4 months later is still using tea leaves and crazy 8 balls on what to do each day.

An overwhelming majority of people I’ve seen are people I want to be around in a real crisis. At least in my community people remain polite, helpful, and cheerful. In the grocery store today I’m standing near an elderly lady when we both realized we were walking in the wrong direction’ down the aisle. So we walked backwards and had a good laugh at the end.

YOU: Citing the failures of the blob's government yet you can't wait to vote for the blob once more.
CV19 has exposed a lot of things. Mostly failures of government and people. My list in no particular order:

Friends. I know which of them will turn on me when/if things go totally crazy in my lifetime (ie 1938 Germany).

Government. Total cluster. World is spiraling into a Great Depression because they said they feared medical support would be overwhelmed. Instead, hundreds of thousands of trained medical people have been layed off and hospitals are going broke because they are empty. And nobody is even talking about that elephant in the room.

The Left vs the Right. The Left love being controlled by the government. Anyone who doesn’t comply is a threat to society and must be dealt with with heavy handed authority. The Right says I’ll determine my levels of safety and I’m going out to eat tonight. If I kill someone it’s because they were out too.

Government, Part 2. CDC doesn’t know what CDC stands for. America was totally unprepared and 4 months later is still using tea leaves and crazy 8 balls on what to do each day.

An overwhelming majority of people I’ve seen are people I want to be around in a real crisis. At least in my community people remain polite, helpful, and cheerful. In the grocery store today I’m standing near an elderly lady when we both realized we were walking in the wrong direction’ down the aisle. So we walked backwards and had a good laugh at the end.

YOU: Citing the failures of the blob's government yet you can't wait to vote for the blob once more.

I don’t like the way Trump has handled this, the issue is, I am sure that Biden would be just as bad. That leaves me looking for someone decent to vote for and neither side has convinced me their guy is worth voting for. The main argument I hear for voting for either is, the other is worse. Bad excuse to vote for the other guy. We need another Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy, or Reagan. The last several elections we've been voting in Ringling Bros.
CV19 has exposed a lot of things. Mostly failures of government and people. My list in no particular order:

Friends. I know which of them will turn on me when/if things go totally crazy in my lifetime (ie 1938 Germany).

Government. Total cluster. World is spiraling into a Great Depression because they said they feared medical support would be overwhelmed. Instead, hundreds of thousands of trained medical people have been layed off and hospitals are going broke because they are empty. And nobody is even talking about that elephant in the room.

The Left vs the Right. The Left love being controlled by the government. Anyone who doesn’t comply is a threat to society and must be dealt with with heavy handed authority. The Right says I’ll determine my levels of safety and I’m going out to eat tonight. If I kill someone it’s because they were out too.

Government, Part 2. CDC doesn’t know what CDC stands for. America was totally unprepared and 4 months later is still using tea leaves and crazy 8 balls on what to do each day.

An overwhelming majority of people I’ve seen are people I want to be around in a real crisis. At least in my community people remain polite, helpful, and cheerful. In the grocery store today I’m standing near an elderly lady when we both realized we were walking in the wrong direction’ down the aisle. So we walked backwards and had a good laugh at the end.

YOU: Citing the failures of the blob's government yet you can't wait to vote for the blob once more.

I don’t like the way Trump has handled this, the issue is, I am sure that Biden would be just as bad. That leaves me looking for someone decent to vote for and neither side has convinced me their guy is worth voting for. The main argument I hear for voting for either is, the other is worse. Bad excuse to vote for the other guy. We need another Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy, or Reagan. The last several elections we've been voting in Ringling Bros.

It will be that way for a while I'm afraid.

The reason? The conversation has changed. It used to be about policies; now the way men vote is pretty much seen as a validation of one's manhood. Women? It isn't so much a condemnation one way or the other; yet.

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