My neighbour broke the lockdown directive today.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
She had 3 friends around for a garden party and the rules state quite clearly that you should not have visitors and you should only travel if essential.

The rules are very clear on this. She was non-compliant for having people around who were non resident and they were non-compliant by making a journey that was not essential. They were all non-compliant by being seated within 6 foot of each other.

As you can see there was a LOT of non compliance going on.

This presented me with a dilemma. On the one hand she is generally a good neighbour who is quiet, keeps her lawn neat and takes in our parcels when we are out. But on the other hand she is breaking the law and putting everyone at risk.

So I got on the lockdown hotline and spoke to a member of the compliance squad. They are very well organised, probably because they are part of one of the governments death squad groups.

Half an hour later and there was a van outside and 4 officers taking names and "kicking ass" as you would say. Nobody was arrested but tickets were issued and £1k fines will follow in due course. A high price for a quiet afternoon in the garden.

I am not one to blow my own trumpet but I like to think that my prompt actions have helped to stop the spread of the virus. I might even have saved their lives.

I doubt that I will get any thanks though.
She had 3 friends around for a garden party and the rules state quite clearly that you should not have visitors and you should only travel if essential.

The rules are very clear on this. She was non-compliant for having people around who were non resident and they were non-compliant by making a journey that was not essential. They were all non-compliant by being seated within 6 foot of each other.

As you can see there was a LOT of non compliance going on.

This presented me with a dilemma. On the one hand she is generally a good neighbour who is quiet, keeps her lawn neat and takes in our parcels when we are out. But on the other hand she is breaking the law and putting everyone at risk.

So I got on the lockdown hotline and spoke to a member of the compliance squad. They are very well organised, probably because they are part of one of the governments death squad groups.

Half an hour later and there was a van outside and 4 officers taking names and "kicking ass" as you would say. Nobody was arrested but tickets were issued and £1k fines will follow in due course. A high price for a quiet afternoon in the garden.

I am not one to blow my own trumpet but I like to think that my prompt actions have helped to stop the spread of the virus. I might even have saved their lives.

I doubt that I will get any thanks though.

I know that there will be a gathering today in Groomsville about ten miles out of town. Send a van over to pick them up please.

Wrexham; now Tory!!! What a wonderful place.

She had 3 friends around for a garden party and the rules state quite clearly that you should not have visitors and you should only travel if essential.

The rules are very clear on this. She was non-compliant for having people around who were non resident and they were non-compliant by making a journey that was not essential. They were all non-compliant by being seated within 6 foot of each other.

As you can see there was a LOT of non compliance going on.

This presented me with a dilemma. On the one hand she is generally a good neighbour who is quiet, keeps her lawn neat and takes in our parcels when we are out. But on the other hand she is breaking the law and putting everyone at risk.

So I got on the lockdown hotline and spoke to a member of the compliance squad. They are very well organised, probably because they are part of one of the governments death squad groups.

Half an hour later and there was a van outside and 4 officers taking names and "kicking ass" as you would say. Nobody was arrested but tickets were issued and £1k fines will follow in due course. A high price for a quiet afternoon in the garden.

I am not one to blow my own trumpet but I like to think that my prompt actions have helped to stop the spread of the virus. I might even have saved their lives.

I doubt that I will get any thanks though.

Snitches are a dying breed Tammy.

I bet you got beat up a lot on the playground Tammy.
Yanno, I noticed today when I went to the store, that there were lots of places where the houses had anywhere from 4 to 8 vehicles parked around the house. Normally, it's not like that.

Yep, people are getting together in secret nowadays. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to call the cops on them.
You should do. They are trying to kill you.
She had 3 friends around for a garden party and the rules state quite clearly that you should not have visitors and you should only travel if essential.

The rules are very clear on this. She was non-compliant for having people around who were non resident and they were non-compliant by making a journey that was not essential. They were all non-compliant by being seated within 6 foot of each other.

As you can see there was a LOT of non compliance going on.

This presented me with a dilemma. On the one hand she is generally a good neighbour who is quiet, keeps her lawn neat and takes in our parcels when we are out. But on the other hand she is breaking the law and putting everyone at risk.

So I got on the lockdown hotline and spoke to a member of the compliance squad. They are very well organised, probably because they are part of one of the governments death squad groups.

Half an hour later and there was a van outside and 4 officers taking names and "kicking ass" as you would say. Nobody was arrested but tickets were issued and £1k fines will follow in due course. A high price for a quiet afternoon in the garden.

I am not one to blow my own trumpet but I like to think that my prompt actions have helped to stop the spread of the virus. I might even have saved their lives.

I doubt that I will get any thanks though.
Excellent work. The government will issue you a Brown Shirt and some jackboots for sure.
She had 3 friends around for a garden party and the rules state quite clearly that you should not have visitors and you should only travel if essential.

The rules are very clear on this. She was non-compliant for having people around who were non resident and they were non-compliant by making a journey that was not essential. They were all non-compliant by being seated within 6 foot of each other.

As you can see there was a LOT of non compliance going on.

This presented me with a dilemma. On the one hand she is generally a good neighbour who is quiet, keeps her lawn neat and takes in our parcels when we are out. But on the other hand she is breaking the law and putting everyone at risk.

So I got on the lockdown hotline and spoke to a member of the compliance squad. They are very well organised, probably because they are part of one of the governments death squad groups.

Half an hour later and there was a van outside and 4 officers taking names and "kicking ass" as you would say. Nobody was arrested but tickets were issued and £1k fines will follow in due course. A high price for a quiet afternoon in the garden.

I am not one to blow my own trumpet but I like to think that my prompt actions have helped to stop the spread of the virus. I might even have saved their lives.

I doubt that I will get any thanks though.
Excellent work. The government will issue you a Brown Shirt and some jackboots for sure.
I was just being public-spirited. You get no credit from the Lockdown Squad of the Death Panel. I did it for the love of my fellow man.
Yanno, I noticed today when I went to the store, that there were lots of places where the houses had anywhere from 4 to 8 vehicles parked around the house. Normally, it's not like that.

Yep, people are getting together in secret nowadays. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to call the cops on them.
You should do. They are trying to kill you.

No, they are NOT "trying to kill you" as you stated. They are taking chances with their own lives and safety, as none of them came to my house, nor did I go to theirs. Like I said, I've seen it happen around where I live, but I'm not gonna go full blown snitch on them.

I've also seen kids playing basketball at the school, even though playgrounds and b ball courts are supposed to be closed. And, I still didn't call the cops. Why? Because you don't know if they are all family or not, as there are people in Amarillo with large families.

I also thought the dude arrested in CO for not following the social distancing rules was stupid as well. He was in a park, 100's of feet away from others, playing t-ball with his wife and daughter. Cops came in, cuffed and stuffed the dude in front of his family. But, they let him go after about 10 min. Incidentally, none of the 3 cops participating in the arrest were wearing masks, gloves, or following social distancing rules.

She had 3 friends around for a garden party and the rules state quite clearly that you should not have visitors and you should only travel if essential.

The rules are very clear on this. She was non-compliant for having people around who were non resident and they were non-compliant by making a journey that was not essential. They were all non-compliant by being seated within 6 foot of each other.

As you can see there was a LOT of non compliance going on.

This presented me with a dilemma. On the one hand she is generally a good neighbour who is quiet, keeps her lawn neat and takes in our parcels when we are out. But on the other hand she is breaking the law and putting everyone at risk.

So I got on the lockdown hotline and spoke to a member of the compliance squad. They are very well organised, probably because they are part of one of the governments death squad groups.

Half an hour later and there was a van outside and 4 officers taking names and "kicking ass" as you would say. Nobody was arrested but tickets were issued and £1k fines will follow in due course. A high price for a quiet afternoon in the garden.

I am not one to blow my own trumpet but I like to think that my prompt actions have helped to stop the spread of the virus. I might even have saved their lives.

I doubt that I will get any thanks though.
Excellent work. The government will issue you a Brown Shirt and some jackboots for sure.
I was just being public-spirited. You get no credit from the Lockdown Squad of the Death Panel. I did it for the love of my fellow man.
I'm sure after they've paid their fines, they'll be very grateful.
She had 3 friends around for a garden party and the rules state quite clearly that you should not have visitors and you should only travel if essential.

The rules are very clear on this. She was non-compliant for having people around who were non resident and they were non-compliant by making a journey that was not essential. They were all non-compliant by being seated within 6 foot of each other.

As you can see there was a LOT of non compliance going on.

This presented me with a dilemma. On the one hand she is generally a good neighbour who is quiet, keeps her lawn neat and takes in our parcels when we are out. But on the other hand she is breaking the law and putting everyone at risk.

So I got on the lockdown hotline and spoke to a member of the compliance squad. They are very well organised, probably because they are part of one of the governments death squad groups.

Half an hour later and there was a van outside and 4 officers taking names and "kicking ass" as you would say. Nobody was arrested but tickets were issued and £1k fines will follow in due course. A high price for a quiet afternoon in the garden.

I am not one to blow my own trumpet but I like to think that my prompt actions have helped to stop the spread of the virus. I might even have saved their lives.

I doubt that I will get any thanks though.
What if they set your house on fire? Is it worth it?
Went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends
A chance to share old memories and play our songs again
When I got to the garden party, they all knew my name
No one tested negative, we didn't look the same

But it's all right now, I learned my lesson well.
You see, ya can't infect everyone, so ya got to infect yourself

People came from miles around, everyone was there
Yoko brought her PPE, there was panic in the air
And over in the corner, much to my surprise
Mr. Facci hid in trumpster shoes wearing CDC disguise

But it's all right now, I learned my lesson well.
You see, ya can't infect everyone, so ya got to infect yourself

Played them all the old remedies, thought that's why they came
No one heard the music, we didn't look the same
I said hello to "quinine", it all deserves to be
When I sang a song about it , it was time to leave

But it's all right now, I learned my lesson well.
You see, ya can't infect everyone, so ya got to infect yourself

Someone opened up a closet door and out stepped Otto Warburg
Playing his part like a-ringin' Nobel and lookin' like he should
If you gotta play at garden parties, I wish you a lotta luck
But if memories were all I sang, who could give a f*ck

~S~ w/apologies to Mr Nelson
She had 3 friends around for a garden party and the rules state quite clearly that you should not have visitors and you should only travel if essential.

The rules are very clear on this. She was non-compliant for having people around who were non resident and they were non-compliant by making a journey that was not essential. They were all non-compliant by being seated within 6 foot of each other.

As you can see there was a LOT of non compliance going on.

This presented me with a dilemma. On the one hand she is generally a good neighbour who is quiet, keeps her lawn neat and takes in our parcels when we are out. But on the other hand she is breaking the law and putting everyone at risk.

So I got on the lockdown hotline and spoke to a member of the compliance squad. They are very well organised, probably because they are part of one of the governments death squad groups.

Half an hour later and there was a van outside and 4 officers taking names and "kicking ass" as you would say. Nobody was arrested but tickets were issued and £1k fines will follow in due course. A high price for a quiet afternoon in the garden.

I am not one to blow my own trumpet but I like to think that my prompt actions have helped to stop the spread of the virus. I might even have saved their lives.

I doubt that I will get any thanks though.
She had 3 friends around for a garden party and the rules state quite clearly that you should not have visitors and you should only travel if essential.

The rules are very clear on this. She was non-compliant for having people around who were non resident and they were non-compliant by making a journey that was not essential. They were all non-compliant by being seated within 6 foot of each other.

As you can see there was a LOT of non compliance going on.

This presented me with a dilemma. On the one hand she is generally a good neighbour who is quiet, keeps her lawn neat and takes in our parcels when we are out. But on the other hand she is breaking the law and putting everyone at risk.

So I got on the lockdown hotline and spoke to a member of the compliance squad. They are very well organised, probably because they are part of one of the governments death squad groups.

Half an hour later and there was a van outside and 4 officers taking names and "kicking ass" as you would say. Nobody was arrested but tickets were issued and £1k fines will follow in due course. A high price for a quiet afternoon in the garden.

I am not one to blow my own trumpet but I like to think that my prompt actions have helped to stop the spread of the virus. I might even have saved their lives.

I doubt that I will get any thanks though.

"Vee are so proud of your efforts in zheze trying times, zhou are a Good Little Citizen.
Zhere may be a varm and cozy government position for zhou in zee near future. Regards!"
Yanno, I noticed today when I went to the store, that there were lots of places where the houses had anywhere from 4 to 8 vehicles parked around the house. Normally, it's not like that.

Yep, people are getting together in secret nowadays. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to call the cops on them.
I think if I wanted to meet at a friends house, we would probably meet at a store parking lot, and travel back to their house in the same car. . .
Yanno, I noticed today when I went to the store, that there were lots of places where the houses had anywhere from 4 to 8 vehicles parked around the house. Normally, it's not like that.

Yep, people are getting together in secret nowadays. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to call the cops on them.
I think if I wanted to meet at a friends house, we would probably meet at a store parking lot, and travel back to their house in the same car. . .

That would be the smart course of action. But, then again, cops don't really patrol that much in my neighborhood, so they don't know what houses have lots of cars and which ones don't. Me? I've been here in the same place for 15 years now, and know when people are having others over.
She had 3 friends around for a garden party and the rules state quite clearly that you should not have visitors and you should only travel if essential.

The rules are very clear on this. She was non-compliant for having people around who were non resident and they were non-compliant by making a journey that was not essential. They were all non-compliant by being seated within 6 foot of each other.

As you can see there was a LOT of non compliance going on.

This presented me with a dilemma. On the one hand she is generally a good neighbour who is quiet, keeps her lawn neat and takes in our parcels when we are out. But on the other hand she is breaking the law and putting everyone at risk.

So I got on the lockdown hotline and spoke to a member of the compliance squad. They are very well organised, probably because they are part of one of the governments death squad groups.

Half an hour later and there was a van outside and 4 officers taking names and "kicking ass" as you would say. Nobody was arrested but tickets were issued and £1k fines will follow in due course. A high price for a quiet afternoon in the garden.

I am not one to blow my own trumpet but I like to think that my prompt actions have helped to stop the spread of the virus. I might even have saved their lives.

I doubt that I will get any thanks though.
You were NKVD in a past life, weren'tcha...........
She had 3 friends around for a garden party and the rules state quite clearly that you should not have visitors and you should only travel if essential.

The rules are very clear on this. She was non-compliant for having people around who were non resident and they were non-compliant by making a journey that was not essential. They were all non-compliant by being seated within 6 foot of each other.

As you can see there was a LOT of non compliance going on.

This presented me with a dilemma. On the one hand she is generally a good neighbour who is quiet, keeps her lawn neat and takes in our parcels when we are out. But on the other hand she is breaking the law and putting everyone at risk.

So I got on the lockdown hotline and spoke to a member of the compliance squad. They are very well organised, probably because they are part of one of the governments death squad groups.

Half an hour later and there was a van outside and 4 officers taking names and "kicking ass" as you would say. Nobody was arrested but tickets were issued and £1k fines will follow in due course. A high price for a quiet afternoon in the garden.

I am not one to blow my own trumpet but I like to think that my prompt actions have helped to stop the spread of the virus. I might even have saved their lives.

I doubt that I will get any thanks though.
Excellent work. The government will issue you a Brown Shirt and some jackboots for sure.
I was just being public-spirited. You get no credit from the Lockdown Squad of the Death Panel. I did it for the love of my fellow man.

We all know how you love your fellow men Tammy.

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