my nephew lost his life tonight

If you are a non-Believer, then, my condolences for your loss...

If you are a Believer, then, accept those condolences, and best wishes that the God of Your Understanding bring to you and your family, some modicum of comfort and peace and grace in dealing with this...
You probably shouldn't have made this thread.

Sorry for your loss.
If you try to make politics of today.... fuck you.

You might want to rethink your OP statement. Wingnuts have already tried to make politics of today (Badlands).

I didn't specify who. I sat in an airpot all day only to be turned away when I got there. My sister in law has not a partisan bone in her body. And tonight all I have is a hotel pillow bwcause she doesn't really know me.

Honestly I dont even know what to say.
So sorry to hear of your loss...

... was he one of the tornado deaths?
so sorry grandpa . my prayers are with your family especially his parents. No parent should bury a child EVER

I sat here with my wife and daughter watching coverage of this tragedy last night. We discussed how incredibly hard it must be for the families who lost so much.....we shed tears for those lost....especially the children. I'm sure that this was repeated in living rooms the world over. You are not alone.

Rough days ahead......hope you find comfort soon.
I am sorry this happened to your family, Gramps.

I am especially sorry to read that your Grandsons mother has turned you away leaving you to grieve alone.
Sorry for your lose, Gramps. You don't say, but was he killed in the tornado in OK?

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