My new baby.....


Trust the pie.
Dec 17, 2009

Actually looks and sounds a little better than when I saw it in Nashville. There is one key that sounds a little wonky, but I don't think it's a big deal. Likely something got bumped in transit. It plays so easily. I love it.

While the guy was here I got an estimate on my Emerson Cabinet Grand for insurance purposes. He said it is Brazilian rosewood which is extinct. I thought it was mahogany because of the red color. Anyway, he valued it at $8,000 - $10,000. So my purchase so many years ago was a good one. I gave it away once, then got it back.
Congrats! Hold on to it this time!

Check to see if the hammer on the wonky note is striking all of the strings. Also, maybe call a tuner!

My old one was making my hands hurt so. This one is much easier to play.
Congrats! Hold on to it this time!

Check to see if the hammer on the wonky note is striking all of the strings. Also, maybe call a tuner!


Gonna try to hold on to them both!

I don't expect that key to be anything major at all. It doesn't sound that way with the sustain pedal off.

I'm having a hell of a time getting the tuner to come and tune my old one. I have the name of the guy who replaced a couple of strings on the baby grand for the guy who sold it to me. He actually isn't that far from here in TN. I'm going to call him. I've been waiting on the other one since July. Both of my pianos have a little squeak in the sustain pedal. Some people who don't perceive high pitches wouldn't even hear it. But I do so it has to go.

While I was gone, I kept asking myself if I could have made a mistake, is it 'tinny' sounding? But it isn't tinny sounding. The notes have a resonance that is just really pretty. I've really only heard one other piano have such a lovely resonance and that was one in a church here in western KY. I don't recall what brand it was. But it wasn't as easy to play as this one.
Congrats! Hold on to it this time!

Check to see if the hammer on the wonky note is striking all of the strings. Also, maybe call a tuner!


Gonna try to hold on to them both!

I don't expect that key to be anything major at all. It doesn't sound that way with the sustain pedal off.

I'm having a hell of a time getting the tuner to come and tune my old one. I have the name of the guy who replaced a couple of strings on the baby grand for the guy who sold it to me. He actually isn't that far from here in TN. I'm going to call him. I've been waiting on the other one since July. Both of my pianos have a little squeak in the sustain pedal. Some people who don't perceive high pitches wouldn't even hear it. But I do so it has to go.

While I was gone, I kept asking myself if I could have made a mistake, is it 'tinny' sounding? But it isn't tinny sounding. The notes have a resonance that is just really pretty. I've really only heard one other piano have such a lovely resonance and that was one in a church here in western KY. I don't recall what brand it was. But it wasn't as easy to play as this one.
Check to see if the dampers are clearing all the wonky note strings when you press sustain..or there may be a ball of dust on one or more of them between the damper and the short end...OR you could have a rust spot, likely between the damper and the short end, or maybe just underneath the damper. Rust can mess up the sound of a steel string.

What note is it?
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OK, so I put the lid down on it. I've never played one that has such a rich sound. It's incredible. Not sure if it will ever be worth more than what I paid. There is very little wrong with the cabinet. I just need to do what I did with the other one, clean it.

I am confused about the keys. At first he said they are ivory, then he said they are not. But sources say that only the ivory keys turn yellow. And these have turned yellow. You can tell with a black light which I don't have. But I looked up the Brambachs made when this one was and that source said the classic models for those years come with one piece ivory and ebony keys. Generally ivory keys are two piece. But this company made some one piece. I now have to get a black light. LOL. It won't matter, they look good. I cleaned some of the dirt off. And in coming days I have to do that for the entire piano.
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Congrats! Hold on to it this time!

Check to see if the hammer on the wonky note is striking all of the strings. Also, maybe call a tuner!


Gonna try to hold on to them both!

I don't expect that key to be anything major at all. It doesn't sound that way with the sustain pedal off.

I'm having a hell of a time getting the tuner to come and tune my old one. I have the name of the guy who replaced a couple of strings on the baby grand for the guy who sold it to me. He actually isn't that far from here in TN. I'm going to call him. I've been waiting on the other one since July. Both of my pianos have a little squeak in the sustain pedal. Some people who don't perceive high pitches wouldn't even hear it. But I do so it has to go.

While I was gone, I kept asking myself if I could have made a mistake, is it 'tinny' sounding? But it isn't tinny sounding. The notes have a resonance that is just really pretty. I've really only heard one other piano have such a lovely resonance and that was one in a church here in western KY. I don't recall what brand it was. But it wasn't as easy to play as this one.
Check to see if the dampers are clearing all the wonky strings when you press sustain..or there may be a ball of dust on one or more of them between the damper and the short end...OR you could have a rust spot, likely between the damper and the short end, or maybe just underneath the damper. Rust can mess up the sound of a steel string.

What note is it?

It is E just above middle C. Replacing a the string won't be a big issue. I think there were two missing that had to be replaced. But I can't really tell what is going on. That's how much I don't know! LOL. It is kind of dusty on the inside and I would like to clean it. I thought maybe just using a very soft paint brush to dust the inside of it with. I've done that with some other things.
By now the NSA knows that you are in possession of Brazilian rosewood.

I hope they have Wi-Fi in federal prison. :cool:
By now the NSA knows that you are in possession of Brazilian rosewood.

I hope they have Wi-Fi in federal prison. :cool:

LMAO. I'm pretty sure I'm in possession of ivory as well on the new one. I'm screwed!

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