My number one reason for disappointment in Obama

You're the typical idiot repeating a lie over and over and over.

UBL was rich and didn't need or want CIA money, idiot. He used his wealth to arm his friends in Afghanistan and gained influence in that shithole, whereas the CIA funded those islamic fighters that became the Northern Alliance.

Um, UBL had the leader of the Northern Alliance killed on 10 Sep 01...does that date ring a bell? Eh idiot.

UBL sided with the Taliban, not all Afghans are with the Taliban....moron.

And the GOP didn't make a deal with the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election between Carter and Reagan. Bush was head of the CIA and that is how he got the nod for VP. And a year later why they all got caught selling guns to Iran in the Iran Contra Scandal. Reagan invented Osama Bin Ladin. Funded him. Bin Ladin helped Reagan beat the Russians.

Ha, what right wing spin. What half truths. Remember this. The Taliban offered Bin Ladin up on a platter, but Bush and Chaney and Rummy wanted to go to war. They needed Afganistan in order to go to war with Iraq. That's why they let 9-11 happen. What's 3000 civilians to GW, right? The christian man he is. :eusa_liar::cuckoo:

To Clinton

One of the few (damn few) things he's done that I give him props on.

What extending the tyrant act? That's a good thing in your opinion?

You and I have had this "discussion" before.

You can call it anything you want.

It's not a tyrant act, however.

It is measured. It is reasonable. It has plenty of valid utility. And the claims that it somehow violates the Constitution are wrong.

It is a very good thing.
Yet, when Clintoon and Reno tried to enact its provisions on a piecemeal basis back in the '90s, it was republicans who *rightly* called such overreaching police state bullshit the tyranny that it is.

But we haven't been attacked again since 911™...See how great it works? :eusa_shifty:
MEASURED. And yes, it is quite measured. And, yes, it is quite reasonable.

and what's valid about not getting a warrant is that warrants are only required under certain circumstances and what the PATRIOT Act addresses is not such a circumstance.

And any law can be abused. That is not a particularly good or compelling argument to rescind a law.

The 4th Amendment does not even pertain.

The 4th Amendment does not even pertain.

and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause

The 4th Amendment still does not apply to the topic of this discussion.

You're saying warrant less wiretapping and getting warrants only when you have PC have nothing to do with the other? Having PC no longer applies because of the tyranny act it's no longer unconstitutional you have no rights to privacy, the government can listen and eavesdrop on every conversation you have.

I am sure the founders would be OK with this. I am sure that was what they intended to happen when they created the 4TH amendment
But that doesn't preclude you answering the question, does it?
Pretty much... I see EVERYTHING he's done as president has been done so illegally. One thing isn't any different than the other.

What will do the most long-lasting damage, in your estimation. Of everything you've seen, over three years in.
Him being improperly vetted and illegally elected as president is itself, the worst thing about the kenyan. That has set a MAJOR precedent of blatantly ignoring our constitution...

[ame=]Exactly What IS a Natural Born Citizen? - YouTube[/ame]
So what's the purpose of this thread?? If we can't list the complete failures per the OP, then why even start a thread about it??
I am not disappointed in Barry and the 'boys' that he brought with him for his administration. From the moment I heard he was running, I looked at him and immediately thought, "Here's a guy that is going to clothe himself in the sheep's skin of the center and govern from the FAR left." I also LAUGHED outloud when someone tried to tell me that when Barry was elected he would end the partisan bickering in Washington. I told them then he would make it worse, and he has. He plays the politics of BLAME: The 1%, the oil companies, the Israeli's, the Republicans in Congress, and the list goes on and on.

The biggest disappointment that Barry has brought to this nation is OBAMACARE. He never wrote it. He didn't provide any input into it. Aides for Nancy, Harry and several other Democrats in Congress along with a 'few' White House staffers wrote the legislation. But he was very quick to put his name on it, NEVER knowing what it said, what it did, or what it's intent was (just like 99.9% of Congress had no clue). Single handedly, this piece of CRAP legislation has placed business in the position of NOT KNOWING what will happen in the next two years so growth and hiring is out; has potentially increased the deficit by 2 TRILLION dollars over the next 10 years; increased health insurance premiums 15% over the last two years and are scheduled to increase by another 15% in the next two years; has given businesses incentive to do away with their health plans, instead forcing their employees to jump to Obamacare; and all this despite the fact that 75% of Americans DO NOT WANT THIS THING.

And now, the Supreme Court of the United States is scheduled to gut this legislation, if not declare the whole thing unconstitutional, which will probably go down in history as the single worst piece of legislation ever written and passed by a puppet Congress.

I think the word here is DISGUST... disappointment is so... tame.
I am not disappointed in Barry and the 'boys' that he brought with him for his administration. From the moment I heard he was running, I looked at him and immediately thought, "Here's a guy that is going to clothe himself in the sheep's skin of the center and govern from the FAR left." I also LAUGHED outloud when someone tried to tell me that when Barry was elected he would end the partisan bickering in Washington. I told them then he would make it worse, and he has. He plays the politics of BLAME: The 1%, the oil companies, the Israeli's, the Republicans in Congress, and the list goes on and on.

The biggest disappointment that Barry has brought to this nation is OBAMACARE. He never wrote it. He didn't provide any input into it. Aides for Nancy, Harry and several other Democrats in Congress along with a 'few' White House staffers wrote the legislation. But he was very quick to put his name on it, NEVER knowing what it said, what it did, or what it's intent was (just like 99.9% of Congress had no clue). Single handedly, this piece of CRAP legislation has placed business in the position of NOT KNOWING what will happen in the next two years so growth and hiring is out; has potentially increased the deficit by 2 TRILLION dollars over the next 10 years; increased health insurance premiums 15% over the last two years and are scheduled to increase by another 15% in the next two years; has given businesses incentive to do away with their health plans, instead forcing their employees to jump to Obamacare; and all this despite the fact that 75% of Americans DO NOT WANT THIS THING.

And now, the Supreme Court of the United States is scheduled to gut this legislation, if not declare the whole thing unconstitutional, which will probably go down in history as the single worst piece of legislation ever written and passed by a puppet Congress.

I think the word here is DISGUST... disappointment is so... tame.

Great post.

The minute I took a look at Barry and listened to him speak the word Shyster came to mind.

I never bought his Hope and Change BS and I agree Obamacare, passed in the teeth of massive resistance from the American people, is the worst legislatioin ever written and passed by the Democratic party. Just another massive entitlement that we cannot afford to pay for.

We are on a train headed for the side of a mountain and I hope and pray that someone can stop it before we hit.

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