My Pillow Can't Cut The Mustard

Inefficient govt at work. And you statists want to give them more power lol.
Its fucking fascinating to watch.
My Pillow is a private corporation that sells overpriced pillows.

I love them.
At the price you pay they should be nice...

They’re not that expensive.

They're not expensive, compared to the high-priced ones. I got one several years ago because I had a touch of arthritis in my neck. It went away after sleeping on one, so my wife got one too.

We're a My Pillow family. :04:

I’d buy anything from him, the sales pitch he has. Everything stops when his ad comes on.
Well good for you, life has meaning. I myself don't watch TV and have not had cable in six years.
Inefficient govt at work. And you statists want to give them more power lol.
Its fucking fascinating to watch.
My Pillow is a private corporation that sells overpriced pillows.

I love them.
At the price you pay they should be nice...

They’re not that expensive.

They're not expensive, compared to the high-priced ones. I got one several years ago because I had a touch of arthritis in my neck. It went away after sleeping on one, so my wife got one too.

We're a My Pillow family. :04:

I’d buy anything from him, the sales pitch he has. Everything stops when his ad comes on.
Well good for you, life has meaning. I myself don't watch TV and have not had cable in six years.


I get mine on satellite.
So he vowed to get the masks and, when his own facilities couldn't produce them, he went elsewhere to find them so he could deliver them?

How is that bad?
From what i gathered yesterday, they couldnt produce the proper masks but the govt paid them anyways. Paid them to outsource... Its inefficient and a colossal waste of our money.
But its what the fed gov does.. :dunno:
How can people not see this as a problem? Why is it okay for Trump to keep wasting taxpayer $$ on garbage? How much did he waste on hydroxycholoroquine?

Somebody please get Trump out of the room and into the hands of his babysitter.
The My Pillow guy couldn't produce FDA approved masks. So he is "sourcing them"
The pillow guy is a Trump donor.

"However, Lindell’s production facilities were not, and according to his spokeswoman, are still not equipped to make masks that meet FDA standards, such as the high-demand N95 respirators. That, she said, is the reason Lindell began to look elsewhere."

"“Mike was getting requests from healthcare facilities for other kinds of masks that obviously MyPillow can’t make,” she said, explaining why Lindell started his parallel operation: Procuring and selling FDA-approved masks, including the N95, to healthcare facilities."

"The administration last month awarded a mask procurement contract worth eight times the going rate to a bankrupt company with no employees and no mask-making experience. Now shadow task force coordinator Jared Kushner’s botched operations are the subject of a whistleblower complaint filed with the House Oversight Committee."

How many masks have you produced asshole? In fact how many of anything have you made or what have you ever done beside running your dumbass overly large mouth? My guess is nothing because I know assholes like you are just that, NOTHING!
So he vowed to get the masks and, when his own facilities couldn't produce them, he went elsewhere to find them so he could deliver them?

How is that bad?
From what i gathered yesterday, they couldnt produce the proper masks but the govt paid them anyways. Paid them to outsource... Its inefficient and a colossal waste of our money.
But its what the fed gov does.. :dunno:
How can people not see this as a problem? Why is it okay for Trump to keep wasting taxpayer $$ on garbage? How much did he waste on hydroxycholoroquine?

Somebody please get Trump out of the room and into the hands of his babysitter.
Why do we let the govt do this type of shit everyday?
Because partisanship is more important.
The My Pillow guy couldn't produce FDA approved masks. So he is "sourcing them"
The pillow guy is a Trump donor.

"However, Lindell’s production facilities were not, and according to his spokeswoman, are still not equipped to make masks that meet FDA standards, such as the high-demand N95 respirators. That, she said, is the reason Lindell began to look elsewhere."

"“Mike was getting requests from healthcare facilities for other kinds of masks that obviously MyPillow can’t make,” she said, explaining why Lindell started his parallel operation: Procuring and selling FDA-approved masks, including the N95, to healthcare facilities."

"The administration last month awarded a mask procurement contract worth eight times the going rate to a bankrupt company with no employees and no mask-making experience. Now shadow task force coordinator Jared Kushner’s botched operations are the subject of a whistleblower complaint filed with the House Oversight Committee."

So I guess his business and home should be burned to the ground by Antifa and he and his family dragged outside and beaten to death. And the Rainbow Coalition should get any money or assets he may have, right?
He should return all the taxpayer $$ and admit his company is incapable of making the product.
Liberals can avoid the virus by smothering themselves with MyPillow.

I really don't see a problem here.
Liberals don't buy crappy overpriced pillows from a company owned by a Trumper.

Don't be obtuse, if you can help it.
Lindell is a proud American and has a great personal story of redemption., God bless him. At least he tried, which is more than I can say for those USMB leftists who mope around the house all day, bitching about things.
I planted my veggie garden and have twelve marijuana plants growing what did you do?
Marijuana plants, that figures. Another useless, stoned American.......
I am as useless as you are smart...
And just WHAT is YOUR I.Q. again, Einstein?
I'll bet he's in a dead heat with ferns.

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