My place was ransacked today! Which one of you did it?


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
My place was broken into today while I was at work. I wanna know which one of you right wing mother-fuckers climbed through my window and ransacked my place?

Nothing was taken, but now I gotta do housework!

God, I hate you!
My place was broken into today while I was at work. I wanna know which one of you right wing mother-fuckers climbed through my window and ransacked my place?

Nothing was taken, but now I gotta do housework!

God, I hate you!

So they left the plastic over the cardboard roof. Good. :thup:
I'm sorry to hear about your home being broken into and ransacked, Billo_Really. I hope the police capture the vandals.

- Jeri
How do you know you where broken into, traces of pixie dust on the window sill?
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Nothing was taken?

Not even the beer?

Are you sure?
Yeah, I'm sure! I ran out last night and had to get more on the way home, thank God!

I come home and the first thing I see, is my front door is open and my screen door is unlocked. At first, I thought my landlord had an un-authorized visit, but when I called them, I could tell they didn't give a shit what I was going through. So that ruled them out.

So that leaves Bush or the Jews.

What do think? Which one should I blame?
So they left the plastic over the cardboard roof. Good. :thup:
They left cardboard all over the place!

They went through all my shoebox files; all my trash bag storage containers; they even found my fathers funeral flag I had stored in an old Maxwell House can.
I'm sorry to hear about your home being broken into and ransacked, Billo_Really. I hope the police capture the vandals.

- Jeri
They left me a card.

They wouldn't even write a report.

They just gave me a log number and said if anyone wanted to know anything to call them and they'll tell ya all about it.
My place was broken into today while I was at work. I wanna know which one of you right wing mother-fuckers climbed through my window and ransacked my place?

Nothing was taken, but now I gotta do housework!

God, I hate you!

If you are serious, I am glad you were not harmed.
My place was broken into today while I w
as at work. I wanna know which one of you right wing mother-fuckers climbed through my window and ransacked my place?

Nothing was taken, but now I gotta do housework!

God, I hate you!

Bwahahaha! Right wing mother-fuckers. Billo, you're a crack up. What did you find, right wing DNA. SAY IT! SAY IT!
Billo, clean your bathroom, Son. Lawdy, how does one make a clean get-away when he comes out of the john dirtier than when he went in.
My place was broken into today while I was at work. I wanna know which one of you right wing mother-fuckers climbed through my window and ransacked my place?

Nothing was taken, but now I gotta do housework!

God, I hate you!

You're a lefty progressive. You haven't got a damned thing worth stealing you 'tard!:lol:

(sorry you got broken into, though, that sucks!)
Nothing was taken?

Not even the beer?

Are you sure?
Yeah, I'm sure! I ran out last night and had to get more on the way home, thank God!

I come home and the first thing I see, is my front door is open and my screen door is unlocked. At first, I thought my landlord had an un-authorized visit, but when I called them, I could tell they didn't give a shit what I was going through. So that ruled them out.

So that leaves Bush or the Jews.

What do think? Which one should I blame?


but it's amusingly funny how you assume that, since nothing was stolen, the perpetrator obviously couldn't have been an Obama supporter... :)
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