My plan to get rid of illegals


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
The fact is, the government told us BS for years and rolled out the red carpet for illegals. They used our tax money to lure them with health services.

The way I see it, 40 million illegals can walk out of here for the same reason they walked over here.

1) Since the international community is pulling the plug on China, now is the perfect time, we have our Chinese manufacturing moved to Mexico and other Latin countries to create a jobs boom.

2) At the same time we start cutting off the freebies here. We get the bankers to talk about "bad economy", like they always do.

3) The illegals start going to back to their own countries for the new job boom, and because America is forcing them to live on fair terms.

4) After most of the illegals leave America and say "see ya later suckers", we slam the door shut. A lot will stay here through hardships, but the ones that are willing to leave would be most of the battle.

5) We start bringing back all of our manufacturing and slap ever increasing tariffs on foreign products to get rid of debt and solve other issues.
What the people of Mexico need is a labor leader and movement. If they can earn a lot more working manual jobs here than what they'd make running a milling machine back home, well then you haven't solved the problem.
The fact is, the government told us BS for years and rolled out the red carpet for illegals. They used our tax money to lure them with health services.

The way I see it, 40 million illegals can walk out of here for the same reason they walked over here.

1) Since the international community is pulling the plug on China, now is the perfect time, we have our Chinese manufacturing moved to Mexico and other Latin countries to create a jobs boom.

2) At the same time we start cutting off the freebies here. We get the bankers to talk about "bad economy", like they always do.

3) The illegals start going to back to their own countries for the new job boom, and because America is forcing them to live on fair terms.

4) After most of the illegals leave America and say "see ya later suckers", we slam the door shut. A lot will stay here through hardships, but the ones that are willing to leave would be most of the battle.

5) We start bringing back all of our manufacturing and slap ever increasing tariffs on foreign products to get rid of debt and solve other issues.

That's all good, but we don't want to allow them to decide if or when they "want" to leave. It's not up to them. This is our country.
Many would stay anyway and become/continue their criminal activities.

Deport. All. Illegals.
The Liberal argument about not having the money, power, resources, blah, blah, blah to DEPORT Illegals is all B$. No one has to DEPRT Illegals - they will leave on their own.

WHY do illegals come here? Because they know Liberals will give them US tax payer-funded housing, food, clothing, welfare, obamaphones, drivers' licenses, safe haven for criminals, and have NO intention of EVER making them leave.

The plan to get rid of illegals in this country, already PROVEN to work, was created and initially executed (without taking any action) by Arizona.

Arizona passed it's own Illegal Immigration law and forcibly declared that UNLIKE the Federal Govt IT was going to enforce it to the full letter of the law. BEFORE THE LAW EVEN WENT INTO EFFECT, ILLEGALS WERE POURING OUT OF ARIZONA AND INTO SURROUNDING STATES WHERE THEY KNEW THEY WOULD BE 'SAFE'.

Arizona proved that the government doesn't have to do ANYTHING except ENFORCE existing Immigration laws...something Obama has REFUSED to do! In fact, Obama has violated both Constitution and Law AND has protected both criminal illegals and the cities violating Federal Law to provide them with a safe haven.

No Jobs.
No Food Stamps - Citizens only.
No Welfare - Citizens only.
No Housing for Illegals.
No Drivers Licenses for Criminals.
Declaration that All Illegals Will be Deported (which won't have to happen)
Make it clear that you WILL follow through with this, and illegals will leave and others will no longer flock here because there will be no reason to come here.

Follow that up with CHARGING Mexico - taking money away from the billions in 'foreign aid' we give them each year - if not end that foreign aid totally until Mexico seriously helps end this 'invasion'.

America does not lack the ABILITY to end illegal immigration and oust the millions of illegals out of this country, they lack the DESIRE to do so.
WHY do illegals come here? Because they know Liberals will give them US tax payer-funded housing, food, clothing, welfare, obamaphones, drivers' licenses, safe haven for criminals, and have NO intention of EVER making them leave.

If that was true- then why when the U.S. economy tanked- and jobs became scarce- why did more Illegals leave the United States to return to Mexico and Central America than came here? We had a net loss of illegal immigrants when our economy sucked- if they were just here for 'freebies'- why were they leaving?

Illegals come here because they can make a living here. Stop hiring illegals and they stop coming here.

Not complicated.
I agreed with exactly one line in your post -No Jobs. - your analysis and conclusions were stupid.

I stated Illegals break our law by coming here because they are given so much, which makes their lives better, such as jobs.

You think if the US still gave them housing, food stamps, welfare, drivers licenses, obamaphones, but no jobs they would not come here?

We have millions of our own people who get all that crap and do not WANT jobs...but if they weren't given all that other stuff I would bet many of them would get off their ass and get a job.

It's not JUST the jobs....
The fact is, the government told us BS for years and rolled out the red carpet for illegals. They used our tax money to lure them with health services.

The way I see it, 40 million illegals can walk out of here for the same reason they walked over here.

1) Since the international community is pulling the plug on China, now is the perfect time, we have our Chinese manufacturing moved to Mexico and other Latin countries to create a jobs boom.

2) At the same time we start cutting off the freebies here. We get the bankers to talk about "bad economy", like they always do.

3) The illegals start going to back to their own countries for the new job boom, and because America is forcing them to live on fair terms.

4) After most of the illegals leave America and say "see ya later suckers", we slam the door shut. A lot will stay here through hardships, but the ones that are willing to leave would be most of the battle.

5) We start bringing back all of our manufacturing and slap ever increasing tariffs on foreign products to get rid of debt and solve other issues.

MOst of what you just said is absolute jibberish.

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